972 resultados para yellow passion fruit crop
Geo-ecological transect studies in the pastures of the upper catchment of the HuangHe (99 degrees 30'-100 degrees 00'E/35 degrees 30'-35 degrees 40'N'; 3,000-4,000 in a.s.l., Qinghai province, China) revealed evidence that pastures replace forests. Plot-based vegetation records and fenced grazing exclosure experiments enabled the identification of grazing indicator plants for the first time. The mapping of vegetation patterns of pastures with isolated juniper and Spruce forests raise questions as to the origin of the grasslands, which arc widely classified as "natural" at present. Soil investigations and charcoal fragments of Juniperus (8,153 +/- 63 uncal BP) and Picea (6,665 +/- 59 uncal BP) provide evidence of the wider presence of forests. As temperatures and rainfall records undoubtedly represent a forest climate, it is assumed that the present pastures have replaced forests. Circumstantial evidence arising from investigations into the environmental history of the Holocene effectively substantiates this theory.
Frutos do maracuja-doce de dez procedencias foram avaliados quanto a severidade da antracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.) e quanto a perda de materia fresca em dois ambientes de armazenamento: camara fria ( 5 ºC e UR de 90%) e em ambiente de sala ( 23 +-1 ºC e UR de 65+- 5%). Plantas provenientes de frutos colhidos em estado nativo ou adquiridos nos mercados da Central de Abastecimento de São Paulo - CEAGESP, procedencias A, B, e C; Vicosa-MG, procedencia D; Tome-Acu-PA, procedencia E, Itacoatiara-AM, procedencia F, Ouro Preto d'Oeste-RO, procedencia G; Domingos Martins-ES, procedencia H; Pontes e Lacerda-MT, procedencia I; e Rondonopolis-MT, procedencia J foram estabelecidas no Distrito Federal. Apos as primeiras colheitas, a melhor planta de cada procedencia, selecionada pela maior taxa de vingamento, coloracao de casca, tamanho do fruto e menor espessura da casca, foi multiplicada por estaquia. Frutos de tres plantas de cada procedencia, obtidos por polinizacao natural, forma colhidos de vez e mantidos em caixas-padrao de papelao. As avalacoes forma efetuadas no dia da colheita (tempo zero), aos 3, 6, 9 e 12 dias apos, determinado-se o percentual de perda de materia fresca e a severidade da antracnose ( % da superficie do fruto ocupada por lesoes) e incidencia (% de frutos atacados) de outras doencas, aos 12 dias de armazenamento. As procedencias com menores indices de antracnose foram a I e a G, seguidas pela D e J. Os frutos armazenados em camaras fria foram menos afetados pela doenca. As procedencias G e A foram as que, ao final dos doze dias de armazenamento, perderam menos materia fresca sendo as perdas respectivamente de 16,68% e 17,86% em ambiente de sala e de 7,71% e 6,61% em camara fria. Considerando-se a media de todas as procedencias aos 12 dias de armazenamento, a menor perda de materia fresca ( 9, 78%) ocorre em camara fria, contra 22, 06% em ambiente de sala. As procedencias A, E, F, G e J perde menos materia fresca em ambiente natural que as demais.
ABSTRACT: The cassava market within Distrito Federal (DF) presents potencial for expansion, for that reason, it is fundamental that the propagative material for planting (stem cuttings) presents genetic traits that confer high productivity to the crop, resistance against the main diseases and plagues and culinary qualities that fulfill the demands of the consumer market. In order to select varieties which combine the before mentioned interesting caracteristics for the producers and consumers of DF, we carried out experiments to evaluate table cassava type varieties at Núcleo Rural Jardim, DF (year 1999/2000), at an experimental area of Embrapa Cerrados located in the Municipy of Planaltina, DF (year 1999/2000), at Núcleo Rural Ponte Alta, DF (year 2002/2003) and at Brazlândia, DF (year 2003/2004). Among the evaluated varieties, if the parameters productivity, time necessary for cooking and colour of the pulp (which, in the case of DF, must be cream-colour or yellow due to market demands) are collectively considered, the variety Japonesinha / IAC 576-70 / BGMC 753 stands out as it combines high productivity of roots, moderate resistance to bacterial blight, good culinary quality (time necessary for cooking inferior to thirty minutes) and pulp of cream colour. Conclusively, this variety can be recommended to be cultivated at DF.
R. Zwiggelaar, 'A review of spectral properties of plants and their potential use for crop/weed discrimination in row-crops', Crop Protection 17 (3), 189-206 (1998)
'Politics, Passion, Prejudice: Alice Childress's Wedding Band: A Love/Hate Story in Black and White'
Cashman, N. (2009). 'Politics, Passion, Prejudice: Alice Childress's Wedding Band: A Love/Hate Story in Black and White', Journal of American Studies, 43, 3, pp. 407?423 Sponsorship: APRS
Sorghum is the fifth most important cereal worldwide and is a major source of agricultural residues in tropical regions. Bioconversion of whole sorghum crop residues comprising stalks, leaves, peduncles and panicles to ethanol has great potential for improving ethanol yield per sorghum crop cultivated, and for sustainable biofuel production. Effective pretreatment of sorghum lignocellulosic biomass is central to the efficiency of subsequent fermentation to ethanol. Previous studies have focused on bioconversion of sorghum stalks and/or leaves only to bioethanol, but the current study is the first report dealing with whole crop residues. We specifically focused on the impact of Nigerian sorghum cultivation location and cultivar type on the potential ethanol yield from whole sorghum crop residues. Efficient bioconversion of whole sorghum residues to ethanol provides a sustainable route for utilisation of crop residues thereby providing a non-food feedstock for industrial scale bioethanol production.