973 resultados para volatile halogenated organic compounds


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N-metallo ketene imines are attractive for the preparation of a wide range of organic compounds. Our research group has been engaged in the preparation and application of the N-metallo imines (SKIs). In this frame we have studied the uncatalyzed reaction of SKIs with isocyanates to give the corresponding malonamides with good yields. It has been demonstrated that the use of SKIs, instead of simple lithium anion of nitriles, is essential for the success of the reaction. A possible explanation assumes that this new reaction proceeds via a silatropism. In the course of our studies, reported in this thesis, the synthesis and the reactivity of N-silyl ketene imines in the preparation of 2,2-diaryl-3,4- dihydroxy- alcanonitrile in an uncatalyzed adol-type reaction has been performed. Our conception has been to use a chiral aldehyde to introduce asymmetric induction at the β-position and at the α-quaternary stereogenic center in the new forming diols. To achieve this goal, we used diarylacetonitrile as the substrate to form the corresponding N-trimethylsylilketene-imines to be reacted with (S)–lactic aldehyde with different protecting groups on the hydroxyl functionality. A number of 2,2-diaryl-3,4-dihydroxy-pentanenitrile were prepared with good to excellent stereo-control and satisfactory yields. Extension of this protocol to other metallo-ketene imines was performed. Accordingly, the preparation of tin ketene imines was attempted in analogy of the corresponding silyl ketene imine. The reaction of tin ketene imines with aldehydes was tested as a new tool for the synthesis of beta-hydroxynitriles starting from carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and/or ketones). Dialkyl(aryl)silyl nitriles and dialkyl(aryl)tin nitriles presents different reactivity. Finally, N-aluminium-ketene imines, as nucleophilic partner in the opening reaction of epoxides were studied. Preliminary positive results foster us to continue our studies in enlightening the scope and the limitations of this new reaction.


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The pulsed jet Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy have been applied to several molecular complexes involving H2O, freons, methane, carboxylic acids, and rare gas. The obtained results showcase the suitability of this technique for studying the intermolecular interactions. The rotational spectra of three water adducts of halogenated organic molecules, i.e. chlorotrifluoroethylene, isoflurane and alfa,alfa,alfa,-trifluoroanisole, have been investigated. It has been found that, the halogenation of the partner molecules definitely changes the way in which water will link to the partner molecule. Quadrupole hyperfine structures and/or the tunneling splittings have been observed in the rotational spectra of difluoromethane-dichloromethane, chlorotrifluorometane-fluoromethane, difluoromethane-formaldehyde and trifluoromethane-benzene. These features have been useful to describe their intermolecular interactions (weak hydrogen bonds or halogen bonds), and to size the potential energy surfaces of their internal motions. The rotational spectrum of pyridine-methane pointed out that methane prefers to locate above the ring and link to pyridine through a C-H•••π weak hydrogen bond, rather than the C-H•••n interaction. This behavior, typical of complexes of pyridine with rare gases, suggests classifying CH4, in relation to its ability to form molecular complexes with aromatic molecules, as a pseudo rare gas. The conformational equilibria of three bi-molecules of carboxylic acids, acrylic acid-trifluoroacetic acid, difluoroacetic acid-formic acid and acrylic acid-fluoroacetic acid have been studied. The increase of the hydrogen bond length upon H→D isotopic substitution (Ubbelohde effect) has been deduced from the elongation of the carboxylic carbons C•••C distance. The van der Waals complex tetrahydrofuran-krypton shows that the systematic doubling of the rotational lines has been attributed to the residual pseudo-rotation of tetrahydrofuran in the complex, based on the values of the Coriolis coupling constants, and on the type (mu_b) of the interstate transitions.


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Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit befaßt sich mit der Adsorption von H2O2 auf nicht-wachsendem Eis. Die Experimente wurden in einem zylindrischen Strömungsreaktor mit massenspektrometrischer Detektion (Elektronenstoß und chemische Ionisation) ausgeführt. Die Daten einer zuvor bereits am Max Planck-Institut für Chemie (Mainz) von Dr. N. Pouvesle ausgeführten Laborstudie zur Adsorption von H2O2 auf Eis bei 203 bis 233 K wurden im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit durch Coadsorptionsexperimente mit Ameisensäure und Verwendung unterschiedlicher Ionisationsmodi validiert. Zusätzlich wurde eine Korrelation der Langmuir-Konstanten und der Kondensationsenthalpie für H2O2 und andere Moleküle durchgeführt, welche die Ergebnisse der MPI-Studie ebenfalls stützt. Die Ergebnisse belegen, daß die Aufnahme von H2O2 in Eiswolken um bis zu 3 Größenordnungen höher ist als bisher angenommen. Anhand dieser Erkenntnisse wurde die atmosphärische Relevanz der Adsorption von H2O2 auf Eis in der oberen Troposphäre neu bewertet. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit widmet sich der Aufnahme verschiedener organischer Verbindungen (Ethanol, 1-Butanol, Ameisensäure, Trifluoressigsäure) und HCl auf Eis während dieses wächst. Der hierfür erstmals in Betrieb genommene Eiswachstumsreaktor wurde zunächst durch Messung der Adsorptionsisotherme von Ethanol und Butanol und Berechnung der Adsorptionsenthalpien aus experimentellen Daten evaluiert. Im Anschluß wurden die Ergebnisse der Wachstumsexperimente der oben aufgeführten Verbindungen vorgestellt, wobei jedoch nur Trifluoressigsäure und HCl eine erhöhte Aufnahme zeigen. Der Aufnahmekoeffizient g_trapp von HCl wurde bei Temperaturen zwischen 194,3 und 228 K und HCl-Gasphasenkonzentrationen von 6,4x10^9 bis 2,2x10^11 cm^-3 gemessen und war unter den untersuchten Bedingungen proportional zu Eiswachstumsgeschwindigkeit x und antikorreliert zum Bedeckungsgrad theta und der Eistemperatur T. Der vom wachsenden Eis aufgenommene Fluß von HCl-Molekülen war positiv mit x und negativ mit T korreliert, während theta keinen Einfluß hatte. Anhand der erzielten Resultate wurde eine Parametrisierung für g_trapp entwickelt, mit der die Aufnahme künftig in Abhängigkeit von x, T und [HCl]_gas leicht berechnet werden kann, beispielsweise in globalen Modellsimulation der troposphärischen Chemie. Abschließend wurden die Ergebnisse mit einem von Kärcher et al. (2009) entwickelten semiempirischen Modell verglichen und für die offenen Parameter des Modells wurden aus den experimentellen Daten ebenfalls Parametrisierungen entwickelt.


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In der marinen Grenzschicht beeinflussen reaktive Iodspezies wie z.B. I2 sowie aliphatische Amine eine Vielzahl atmosphärischer Prozesse, vor allem bei der Partikelneubildung spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle. Allerdings stellt die Quantifizierung dieser Verbindungen im Spurenbereich immer noch eine große analytische Herausforderung dar. rnAus diesem Grund wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit das GTRAP-AMS (Gaseous compound trapping in artificially generated particles – aerosol mass spectrometry) entwickelt, um gasförmiges I2 und aliphatische Amine zu bestimmen. Hierbei wird ein Flugzeit-Aerosolmassenspektrometer (ToF-AMS), das ursprünglich für die on-line Charakterisierung von Aerosolen entwickelt wurde, mit einer GTRAP-Einheit gekoppelt. Im Fall von I2 werden mit Hilfe eines pneumatischen Zerstäubers a-Cyclodextrin/NH4Br-Partikel erzeugt, die mit dem gasförmigen I2 innerhalb der GTRAP-Einheit eine Einschlussverbindung bilden und dieses dadurch selektiv in die Partikelphase aufnehmen. Für die on-line Bestimmung gasförmiger aliphatischer Amine dagegen wurde Phosphorsäure als partikulärer Reaktionspartner eingesetzt. Nach Optimierung des GTRAP-AMS Systems wurde sowohl für I2 als auch für die aliphatischen Amine eine Nachweisgrenze im sub-ppb-Bereich für eine Zeitauflösung zwischen 1 und 30 min erhalten. Als erstes wurde das GTRAP-AMS System zur Charakterisierung von Permanentdenudern eingesetzt, um deren I2-Aufnahmefähigkeit und Wiederverwendbarkeit im Vergleich zu den herkömmlichen einmal verwendbaren a-Cyclodextrin Denudern zu testen.rnIm Anschluss daran wurde das GTRAP-AMS für die Bestimmung zeitlich aufgelöster I2- Emissionsraten ausgewählter Makroalgen unter dem Einfluss von Ozon eingesetzt. Die Kenntnis der Emissionsraten iodhaltiger Verbindungen der wichtigsten weltweit vorkommenden Makroalgen ist für die Modellierung der Iodchemie in der marinen Grenzschicht von besonderer Bedeutung. Die Resultate zeigen, dass verschiedene Makroalgen sowohl unterschiedliche zeitlich aufgelöste I2-Emissionsprofile als auch Gesamtemissionsraten liefern. Im Vergleich zu den iodorganischen Verbindungen ist die Gesamtemissionsrate an I2 allerdings eine bis zwei Größenordnungen größer. Dies und die deutlich kürzere atmosphärische Lebensdauer von I2 im Vergleich zu den iodorganischen Verbindungen führen dazu, dass I2 die dominierende iodhaltige Verbindung für die Bildung reaktiver Iodatome in der marinen Grenzschicht ist. rnDa über dem tropischen Atlantischen Ozean bislang jedoch nur ein geringer Anteil der IO-Konzentration durch die Oxidation von iodorganischen Verbindungen erklärt werden kann, wurden weitere Quellen für I2 erforscht. Deshalb wurden Kammerexperimente mit Mikrolagen durchgeführt, um deren Einfluss auf die I2-Freisetzung in die Atmosphäre zu untersuchen. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Anwesenheit von Mikroalgen (z.B. Coscinodiscus Wailesii) im Meerwasser zu einer erhöhten Freisetzung von I2 aus dem Meerwasser in die Atmosphäre führen kann. rnDes Weiteren wurden auch Versuche zu abiotischen Bildungswegen von I2 durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Atmosphärensimulationsexperimente haben gezeigt, dass partikuläre Iodoxide durch organische Verbindungen zu I2 reduziert werden können, welches im Anschluss von der Partikelphase in die Gasphase übergehen kann und dort wieder für Gasphasenprozesse zur Verfügung steht.rn


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The investigation of phylogenetic diversity and functionality of complex microbial communities in relation to changes in the environmental conditions represents a major challenge of microbial ecology research. Nowadays, particular attention is paid to microbial communities occurring at environmental sites contaminated by recalcitrant and toxic organic compounds. Extended research has evidenced that such communities evolve some metabolic abilities leading to the partial degradation or complete mineralization of the contaminants. Determination of such biodegradation potential can be the starting point for the development of cost effective biotechnological processes for the bioremediation of contaminated matrices. This work showed how metagenomics-based microbial ecology investigations supported the choice or the development of three different bioremediation strategies. First, PCR-DGGE and PCR-cloning approaches served the molecular characterization of microbial communities enriched through sequential development stages of an aerobic cometabolic process for the treatment of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons inside an immobilized-biomass packed bed bioreactor (PBR). In this case the analyses revealed homogeneous growth and structure of immobilized communities throughout the PBR and the occurrence of dominant microbial phylotypes of the genera Rhodococcus, Comamonas and Acidovorax, which probably drive the biodegradation process. The same molecular approaches were employed to characterize sludge microbial communities selected and enriched during the treatment of municipal wastewater coupled with the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Known PHA-accumulating microorganisms identified were affiliated with the genera Zooglea, Acidovorax and Hydrogenophaga. Finally, the molecular investigation concerned communities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated soil subjected to rhizoremediation with willow roots or fertilization-based treatments. The metabolic ability to biodegrade naphthalene, as a representative model for PAH, was assessed by means of stable isotope probing in combination with high-throughput sequencing analysis. The phylogenetic diversity of microbial populations able to derive carbon from naphthalene was evaluated as a function of the type of treatment.


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The complete basis set methods CBS-4, CBS-QB3, and CBS-APNO, and the Gaussian methods G2 and G3 were used to calculate the gas phase energy differences between six different carboxylic acids and their respective anions. Two different continuum methods, SM5.42R and CPCM, were used to calculate the free energy differences of solvation for the acids and their anions. Relative pKa values were calculated for each acid using one of the acids as a reference point. The CBS-QB3 and CBS-APNO gas phase calculations, combined with the CPCM/HF/6-31+G(d)//HF/6-31G(d) or CPCM/HF/6-31+G(d)//HF/6-31+G(d) continuum solvation calculations on the lowest energy gas phase conformer, and with the conformationally averaged values, give results accurate to ½ pKa unit. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Aerosols are known to have important effects on climate, the atmosphere, and human health. The extent of those effects is unknown and largely depend on the interaction of aerosols with water in the atmosphere. Ambient aerosols are complex mixtures of both inorganic and organic compounds. The cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activities, hygroscopic behavior and particle morphology of a monocarboxylic amino acid (leucine) and a dicarboxylic amino acid (glutamic acid) were investigated. Activation diameters at various supersaturation conditions were experimentally determined and compared with Köhler theoretical values. The theory accounts for both surface tension and the limited solubility of organic compounds. It was discovered that glutamic acid aerosols readily took on water both when relative humidity was less than 100% and when the supersaturation condition was reached, while leucine did not show any water activation at those conditions. Moreover, the study also suggests that Köhler theory describes CCN activity of organic compounds well when only surface tension of the compound is taken into account and complete solubility is assumed. Single parameter ¿ was also computed using both CCN data and hygroscopic growth factor (GF). The results of ¿ range from 0.17 to 0.53 using CCN data and 0.09 to 0.2 using GFs. Finally, the study suggests that during the water-evaporation/particle-nucleation process, crystallization from solution droplets takes place at different locations: for glutamic acid at the particles¿ center and leucine at the particles¿ boundary.


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Erosion of dentine causes mineral dissolution, while the organic compounds remain at the surface. Therefore, a determination of tissue loss is complicated. Established quantitative methods for the evaluation of enamel have also been used for dentine, but the suitability of these techniques in this field has not been systematically determined. Therefore, this study aimed to compare longitudinal microradiography (LMR), contacting (cPM) and non-contacting profilometry (ncPM), and analysis of dissolved calcium (Ca analysis) in the erosion solution. Results are discussed in the light of the histology of dentine erosion. Erosion was performed with 0.05 M citric acid (pH 2.5) for 30, 60, 90 or 120 min, and erosive loss was determined by each method. LMR, cPM and ncPM were performed before and after collagenase digestion of the demineralised organic surface layer, with an emphasis on moisture control. Scanning electron microscopy was performed on randomly selected specimens. All measurements were converted into micrometres. Profilometry was not suitable to adequately quantify mineral loss prior to collagenase digestion. After 120 min of erosion, values of 5.4 +/- 1.9 microm (ncPM) and 27.8 +/- 4.6 microm (cPM) were determined. Ca analysis revealed a mineral loss of 55.4 +/- 11.5 microm. The values for profilometry after matrix digestion were 43.0 +/- 5.5 microm (ncPM) and 46.9 +/- 6.2 (cPM). Relative and proportional biases were detected for all method comparisons. The mineral loss values were below the detection limit for LMR. The study revealed gross differences between methods, particularly when demineralised organic surface tissue was present. These results indicate that the choice of method is critical and depends on the parameter under study.


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The use of coal for fuel in place of oil and natural gas has been increasing in the United States. Typically, users store their reserves of coal outdoors in large piles and rainfall on the coal creates runoffs which may contain materials hazardous to the environment and the public's health. To study this hazard, rainfall on model coal piles was simulated, using deionized water and four coals of varying sulfur content. The simulated surface runoffs were collected during 9 rainfall simulations spaced 15 days apart. The runoffs were analyzed for 13 standard water quality parameters, extracted with organic solvents and then analyzed with capillary column GC/MS, and the extracts were tested for mutagenicity with the Ames Salmonella microsomal assay and for clastogenicity with Chinese hamster ovary cells.^ The runoffs from the high-sulfur coals and the lignite exhibited extremes of pH (acidity), specific conductance, chemical oxygen demand, and total suspended solids; the low-sulfur coal runoffs did not exhibit these extremes. Without treatment, effluents from these high-sulfur coals and lignite would not comply with federal water quality guidelines.^ Most extracts of the simulated surface runoffs contained at least 10 organic compounds including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, their methyl and ethyl homologs, olefins, paraffins, and some terpenes. The concentrations of these compounds were generally less than 50 (mu)g/l in most extracts.^ Some of the extracts were weakly mutagenic and affected both a DNA-repair proficient and deficient Salmonella strain. The addition of S9 decreased the effect significantly. Extracts of runoffs from the low-sulfur coal were not mutagenic.^ All extracts were clastogenic. Extracts of runoffs from the high-sulfur coals were both clastogenic and cytotoxic; those from the low-sulfur coal and the lignite were less clastogenic and not cytotoxic. Clastogenicity occurred with and without S9 activation. Chromosomal lesions included gaps, breaks and exchanges. These data suggest a relationship between the sulfur content of a coal, its mutagenicity and also its clastogenicity.^ The runoffs from actual coal piles should be investigated for possible genotoxic effects in view of the data presented in this study.^


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The eighteenth annual biochemical engineering symposium was held during April 22–23, 1988 at the YMCA of the Rockies conference center in Estes Park, Colorado, under the sponsorship of the University of Colorado. Previous symposia in this series have been hosted by Kansas State University (1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 12th, 16th), University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2nd, 4th), Iowa State University (6th, 7th, l0th, 13th, 17th), University of Missouri–Columbia (8th, 14th), and Colorado State University (11th, 15th). Next year's symposium is scheduled to be held at the University of Missouri-Columbia. The symposia are devoted to talks by students about their ongoing research. Because final publication usually takes place elsewhere, the papers included in the proceedings are brief, and often cover work in progress. ContentsApplications of mass spectrometers in biochemical engineeringJohn P. McDonald, Ayush Gupta, and Lourdes Taladriz, Kansas State University Enzymatic hydrolysis of corn gluten proteinsJulie Hardwick; Iowa State University Improved Acetone-Butanol Fermentation AnalysisZ. Buday; Colorado State University On-Line State Identification for Batch FermentationD. A. Gee and W. F. Ramirez; University of Colorado Role of Spargers in Air-Lift ReactorsPeter U. Sohn and Rakesh K. Bajpai; University of Missouri–Columbia The Interaction of Microcarriers and Turbulence within an Airlift FermenterG. Travis Jones; Kansas State University Oxygen Diffusion in the Inter-Fiber Gel/Cell Matrix of NMR-Compatible Hollow Fiber Bio-ReactorsS. L. Hanson, B. E. Dale, and R. J. Gillies; Colorado State University Characterization of Ca-alginate Gel Beads FormationHorngtwu Su, Rakesh K. Bajpai, and George W. Preckshot; University of Missouri–Columbia Metabolic Effects of Chloramphenicol Resistance in the Recombinant Host/Vector System: E. coli RRl [pBR329]William E. Bentley, Dana C. Andersen, Dhinakar S. Kompala, and Robert H. Davis; University of Colorado Genetic Engineering of Beta-Galactosidase to Aid in Fermentation Product Recovery by Polyelectrolyte PrecipitationD. E. Parker, C. E. Glatz, J. Zhao, C. F. Ford, S. M. Gendel, and M. A. Rougvie; Iowa State University Biodegradation of Organic Compounds in SoilLourdes Taladriz, L. E. Erickson, and L. T. Fan; Kansas State University Effect of Dilution, pH and Nutrient Composition on the Biodegradation of Metalworking FluidsAyush Gupta, L. E. Erickson, and L. T. Fan; Kansas State University Dissolved Hydrogen Correlation with Redox Potential in Acetone-Butanol FermentationXiangdong Zhou; Colorado State University Modeling of Ensiling Fermentation of Sweet SorghumA. K. Hilaly; Colorado State University


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Mesozooplankton is collected by vertical tows within the Black sea water body mass layer in the NE Aegean, using a WP-2 200 µm net equipped with a large non-filtering cod-end (10 l). Macrozooplankton organisms are removed using a 2000 µm net. A few unsorted animals (approximately 100) are placed inside several glass beaker of 250 ml filled with GF/F or 0.2 µm Nucleopore filtered seawater and with a 100 µm net placed 1 cm above the beaker bottom. Beakers are then placed in an incubator at natural light and maintaining the in situ temperature. After 1 hour pellets are separated from animals and placed in separated flasks and preserved with formalin. Pellets are counted and measured using an inverted microscope. Animals are scanned and counted using an image analysis system. Carbon- Specific faecal pellet production is calculated from a) faecal pellet production, b) individual carbon: Animals are scanned and their body area is measured using an image analysis system. Body volume is then calculated as an ellipsoid using the major and minor axis of an ellipse of same area as the body. Individual carbon is calculated from a carbon- total body volume of organisms (relationship obtained for the Mediterranean Sea by Alcaraz et al. (2003) divided by the total number of individuals scanned and c) faecal pellet carbon: Faecal pellet length and width is measured using an inverted microscope. Faecal pellet volume is calculated from length and width assuming cylindrical shape. Conversion of faecal pellet volume to carbon is done using values obtained in the Mediterranean from: a) faecal pellet density 1,29 g cm**3 (or pg µm**3) from Komar et al. (1981); b) faecal pellet DW/WW=0,23 from Elder and Fowler (1977) and c) faecal pellet C%DW=25,5 Marty et al. (1994).


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New data are reported on the major- and trace-component compositions of acidic and weakly acidic low-concentration wetland waters and other water types. Special attention was given to dissolved organic compounds: fulvic and humic acids, bitumens, and hydrocarbons. The first comprehensive data are presented for organic trace components in the wetland waters of western Siberia: alkanes, pentacyclic terpenoids, steranes, alkylbenzenes, naphthalenes, phenanthrenes, tetraarenes, etc.


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Stable isotopes of sedimentary nitrogen and organic carbon are widely used as proxy variables for biogeochemical parameters and processes in the water column. In order to investigate alterations of the primary isotopic signal by sedimentary diagenetic processes, we determined concentrations and isotopic compositions of inorganic nitrogen (IN), organic nitrogen (ON), total nitrogen (TN), and total organic carbon (TOC) on one short core recovered from sediments of the eastern subtropical Atlantic, between the Canary Islands and the Moroccan coast. Changes with depth in concentration and isotopic composition of the different fractions were related to early diagenetic conditions indicated by pore water concentrations of oxygen, nitrate, and ammonium. Additionally, the nature of the organic matter was investigated by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and microscopic analysis. A decrease in ON during aerobic organic matter degradation is accompanied by an increase of the 15N/14N ratio. Changes in the isotopic composition of ON can be described by Rayleigh fractionation kinetics which are probably related to microbial metabolism. The influence of IN depleted in 15N on the bulk sedimentary (TN) isotope signal increases due to organic matter degradation, compensating partly the isotopic changes in ON. In anoxic sediments, fixation of ammonium between clay lattices results in a decrease of stable nitrogen isotope ratio of IN and TN. Changes in the carbon isotopic composition of TOC have to be explained by Rayleigh fractionation in combination with different remineralization kinetics of organic compounds with different isotopic composition. We have found no evidence for preferential preservation of terrestrial organic carbon. Instead, both TOC and refractory organic carbon are dominated by marine organic matter. Refractory organic carbon is depleted in 13C compared to TOC.