994 resultados para vertical flux


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Laboratory and field studies have shown that the survival of salmonid fish eggs and alevins is dependent upon the supply rate or flux of dissolved oxygen through gravel beds used for spawning. Although there have been a number of studies concerned with North American species there are few data for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the brown trout (S. trutta). For this study intragravel seepage velocities and dissolved oxygen concentrations have been measured throughout the incubation period in spawning gravels utilized by brown trout (Salmo trutta). Variation in the hatching success of batches of trout and salmon (Salmo salar) can, in part, be attributed to a critical threshold of oxygen flux through the gravels.


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This thesis advances our physical understanding of the sensitivity of the hydrological cycle to global warming. Specifically, it focuses on changes in the longitudinal (zonal) variation of precipitation minus evaporation (P - E), which is predominantly controlled by planetary-scale stationary eddies. By studying idealized general circulation model (GCM) experiments with zonally varying boundary conditions, this thesis examines the mechanisms controlling the strength of stationary-eddy circulations and their role in the hydrological cycle. The overarching goal of this research is to understand the cause of changes in regional P - E with global warming. An understanding of such changes can be useful for impact studies focusing on water availability, ecosystem management, and flood risk.

Based on a moisture-budget analysis of ERA-Interim data, we establish an approximation for zonally anomalous P - E in terms of surface moisture content and stationary-eddy vertical motion in the lower troposphere. Part of the success of this approximation comes from our finding that transient-eddy moisture fluxes partially cancel the effect of stationary-eddy moisture advection, allowing divergent circulations to dominate the moisture budget. The lower-tropospheric vertical motion is related to horizontal motion in stationary eddies by Sverdrup and Ekman balance. These moisture- and vorticity-budget balances also hold in idealized and comprehensive GCM simulations across a range of climates.

By examining climate changes in the idealized and comprehensive GCM simulations, we are able to show the utility of the vertical motion P - E approximation for splitting changes in zonally anomalous P - E into thermodynamic and dynamic components. Shifts in divergent stationary-eddy circulations dominate changes in zonally anomalous P - E. This limits the local utility of the "wet gets wetter, dry gets drier” idea, where existing P - E patterns are amplified with warming by the increase in atmospheric moisture content, with atmospheric circulations held fixed. The increase in atmospheric moisture content manifests instead in an increase in the amplitude of the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle as measured by the zonal variance of P - E. However, dynamic changes, particularly the slowdown of divergent stationary-eddy circulations, limit the strengthening of the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle. In certain idealized cases, dynamic changes are even strong enough to reverse the tendency towards "wet gets wetter, dry gets drier” with warming.

Motivated by the importance of stationary-eddy vertical velocities in the moisture budget analysis, we examine controls on the amplitude of stationary eddies across a wide range of climates in an idealized GCM with simple topographic and ocean-heating zonal asymmetries. An analysis of the thermodynamic equation in the vicinity of topographic forcing reveals the importance of on-slope surface winds, the midlatitude isentropic slope, and latent heating in setting the amplitude of stationary waves. The response of stationary eddies to climate change is determined primarily by the strength of zonal surface winds hitting the mountain. The sensitivity of stationary-eddies to this surface forcing increases with climate change as the slope of midlatitude isentropes decreases. However, latent heating also plays an important role in damping the stationary-eddy response, and this damping becomes stronger with warming as the atmospheric moisture content increases. We find that the response of tropical overturning circulations forced by ocean heat-flux convergence is described by changes in the vertical structure of moist static energy and deep convection. This is used to derive simple scalings for the Walker circulation strength that capture the monotonic decrease with warming found in our idealized simulations.

Through the work of this thesis, the advances made in understanding the amplitude of stationary-waves in a changing climate can be directly applied to better understand and predict changes in the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle.


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In the first section of this thesis, two-dimensional properties of the human eye movement control system were studied. The vertical - horizontal interaction was investigated by using a two-dimensional target motion consisting of a sinusoid in one of the directions vertical or horizontal, and low-pass filtered Gaussian random motion of variable bandwidth (and hence information content) in the orthogonal direction. It was found that the random motion reduced the efficiency of the sinusoidal tracking. However, the sinusoidal tracking was only slightly dependent on the bandwidth of the random motion. Thus the system should be thought of as consisting of two independent channels with a small amount of mutual cross-talk.

These target motions were then rotated to discover whether or not the system is capable of recognizing the two-component nature of the target motion. That is, the sinusoid was presented along an oblique line (neither vertical nor horizontal) with the random motion orthogonal to it. The system did not simply track the vertical and horizontal components of motion, but rotated its frame of reference so that its two tracking channels coincided with the directions of the two target motion components. This recognition occurred even when the two orthogonal motions were both random, but with different bandwidths.

In the second section, time delays, prediction and power spectra were examined. Time delays were calculated in response to various periodic signals, various bandwidths of narrow-band Gaussian random motions and sinusoids. It was demonstrated that prediction occurred only when the target motion was periodic, and only if the harmonic content was such that the signal was sufficiently narrow-band. It appears as if general periodic motions are split into predictive and non-predictive components.

For unpredictable motions, the relationship between the time delay and the average speed of the retinal image was linear. Based on this I proposed a model explaining the time delays for both random and periodic motions. My experiments did not prove that the system is sampled data, or that it is continuous. However, the model can be interpreted as representative of a sample data system whose sample interval is a function of the target motion.

It was shown that increasing the bandwidth of the low-pass filtered Gaussian random motion resulted in an increase of the eye movement bandwidth. Some properties of the eyeball-muscle dynamics and the extraocular muscle "active state tension" were derived.


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A eficácia da quimioprofilaxia da transmissão vertical do HIV tem contribuído para minimizar o numero de crianças infectadas pelo vírus. No entanto é essencial para essa finalidade o uso correto do protocolo pela mãe. Mas onde estão as falhas desse processo? Porque ainda há crianças sendo desnecessariamente expostas ao vírus HIV? Foi objetivo desse estudo conhecer as concepções sobre gravidez, HIV/AIDS e transmissão vertical de gestantes e mães soropositivas. A partir disso, fornecer subsídios para o aperfeiçoamento da prevenção da transmissão vertical. Partiu-se da hipótese de que aspectos sociais, culturais e econômicos das mulheres podem estar envolvidos na adesão ou não da prevenção da transmissão vertical da AIDS. Quatorze mulheres soropositivas, sendo onze com filhos já nascidos e três gestantes, deram seus depoimentos através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas orientadas por roteiro. Os Fatores sócio culturais das mulheres não foram investigados de forma direta, mas foi possível registrar através das falas uma possível associação destes com a quimioprofilaxia da transmissão vertical do HIV. Ainda que de forma incompleta todas realizaram a quimioprofilaxia, com exceção de uma mulher que teve o diagnostico somente após o parto. Através da análise dos depoimentos foi possível identificar que as mulheres que possuíam nível sócio cultural mais elevado demonstraram maior domínio quanto à importância do tratamento, embora a principal motivação para a realização do tratamento tenha sido a não contaminação de seus filhos. Foram descritos alguns determinantes envolvidos na adesão das mulheres ao tratamento, dentre eles; o conhecimento acerca do tratamento e aspectos ligados aos serviços de saúde. Algumas falhas no pré-natal foram apontadas como ponto negativo neste processo. Dentre os resultados encontrados ocasionalmente foi ressaltado a forma que os companheiros reagiram à doença. E a constatação de que a grande maioria das mulheres ao não reconhecerem sua posição de risco para a infecção pelo HIV, descobrem-se soropositivas somente no pré-natal.


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Como uma medida sintética do grau de fragmentação da produção, muitos estudos recentes tem se empenhado em coletar evidências da especialização vertical para as economias desenvolvidas, mas pouca atenção tem sido aplicada às economias em desenvolvimento e, em particular, para o Brasil. A contribuição chave desta dissertação é prover estimativas comparáveis da especialização vertical refletidas no conteúdo importado das exportações do Brasil. Com base nas matrizes de insumo-produto (MIP) do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) de 1990 a 1996 e nas mais recentes 2000 e 2005, foi estimado que o conteúdo importado das exportações brasileiras é em média 10,4% de 1990 a 1996 e 15% para 2000 e 2005. Estimativas do conteúdo importado desagregadas por atividades também foram obtidas para os anos 1990, 1995, 2000 e 2005.