970 resultados para ultrasonic-vocalizations


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BACKGROUND: Estimation of respiratory deadspace is often based on the CO2 expirogram, however presence of the CO2 sensor increases equipment deadspace, which in turn influences breathing pattern and calculation of lung volume. In addition, it is necessary to correct for the delay between the sensor and flow signals. We propose a new method for estimation of effective deadspace using the molar mass (MM) signal from an ultrasonic flowmeter device, which does not require delay correction. We hypothesize that this estimation is correlated with that calculated from the CO2 signal using the Fowler method. METHODS: Breath-by-breath CO2, MM and flow measurements were made in a group of 77 term-born healthy infants. Fowler deadspace (Vd,Fowler) was calculated after correcting for the flow-dependent delay in the CO2 signal. Deadspace estimated from the MM signal (Vd,MM) was defined as the volume passing through the flowhead between start of expiration and the 10% rise point in MM. RESULTS: Correlation (r = 0.456, P < 0.0001) was found between Vd,MM and Vd,Fowler averaged over all measurements, with a mean difference of -1.4% (95% CI -4.1 to 1.3%). Vd,MM ranged from 6.6 to 11.4 ml between subjects, while Vd,Fowler ranged from 5.9 to 12.0 ml. Mean intra-measurement CV over 5-10 breaths was 7.8 +/- 5.6% for Vd,MM and 7.8 +/- 3.7% for Vd,Fowler. Mean intra-subject CV was 6.0 +/- 4.5% for Vd,MM and 8.3 +/- 5.9% for Vd,Fowler. Correcting for the CO2 signal delay resulted in a 12% difference (P = 0.022) in Vd,Fowler. Vd,MM could be obtained more frequently than Vd,Fowler in infants with CLD, with a high variability. CONCLUSIONS: Use of the MM signal provides a feasible estimate of Fowler deadspace without introducing additional equipment deadspace. The simple calculation without need for delay correction makes individual adjustment for deadspace in FRC measurements possible. This is especially important given the relative large range of deadspace seen in this homogeneous group of infants.


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A laboratory study was performed to assess the influence of beveling the margins of cavities and the effects on marginal adaptation of the application of ultrasound during setting and initial light curing. After minimal access cavities had been prepared with an 80 microm diamond bur, 80 box-only Class II cavities were prepared mesially and distally in 40 extracted human molars using four different oscillating diamond coated instruments: (A) a U-shaped PCS insert as the non-beveled control (EMS), (B) Bevelshape (Intensiv), (C) SonicSys (KaVo) and (D) SuperPrep (KaVo). In groups B-D, the time taken for additional bevel finishing was measured. The cavities were filled with a hybrid composite material in three increments. Ultrasound was also applied to one cavity per tooth before and during initial light curing (10 seconds). The specimens were subjected to thermomechanical stress in a computer-controlled masticator device. Marginal quality was assessed by scanning electron microscopy and the results were compared statistically. The additional time required for finishing was B > D > C (p < or = 0.05). In all groups, thermomechanical loading resulted in a decrease in marginal quality. Beveling resulted in higher values for "continuous" margins compared with that of the unbeveled controls. The latter showed better marginal quality at the axial walls when ultrasound was used. Beveling seems essential for good marginal adaptation but requires more preparation time. The use of ultrasonic vibrations may improve the marginal quality of unbeveled fillings and warrants further investigation.


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INTRODUCTION: Vasopressin has been shown to increase blood pressure in catecholamine-resistant septic shock. The aim of this study was to measure the effects of low-dose vasopressin on regional (hepato-splanchnic and renal) and microcirculatory (liver, pancreas, and kidney) blood flow in septic shock. METHODS: Thirty-two pigs were anesthetized, mechanically ventilated, and randomly assigned to one of four groups (n = 8 in each). Group S (sepsis) and group SV (sepsis/vasopressin) were exposed to fecal peritonitis. Group C and group V were non-septic controls. After 240 minutes, both septic groups were resuscitated with intravenous fluids. After 300 minutes, groups V and SV received intravenous vasopressin 0.06 IU/kg per hour. Regional blood flow was measured in the hepatic and renal arteries, the portal vein, and the celiac trunk by means of ultrasonic transit time flowmetry. Microcirculatory blood flow was measured in the liver, kidney, and pancreas by means of laser Doppler flowmetry. RESULTS: In septic shock, vasopressin markedly decreased blood flow in the portal vein, by 58% after 1 hour and by 45% after 3 hours (p < 0.01), whereas flow remained virtually unchanged in the hepatic artery and increased in the celiac trunk. Microcirculatory blood flow decreased in the pancreas by 45% (p < 0.01) and in the kidney by 16% (p < 0.01) but remained unchanged in the liver. CONCLUSION: Vasopressin caused marked redistribution of splanchnic regional and microcirculatory blood flow, including a significant decrease in portal, pancreatic, and renal blood flows, whereas hepatic artery flow remained virtually unchanged. This study also showed that increased urine output does not necessarily reflect increased renal blood flow.


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Nitrous oxide fluxes were measured at the Lägeren CarboEurope IP flux site over the multi-species mixed forest dominated by European beech and Norway spruce. Measurements were carried out during a four-week period in October–November 2005 during leaf senescence. Fluxes were measured with a standard ultrasonic anemometer in combination with a quantum cascade laser absorption spectrometer that measured N2O, CO2, and H2O mixing ratios simultaneously at 5 Hz time resolution. To distinguish insignificant fluxes from significant ones it is proposed to use a new approach based on the significance of the correlation coefficient between vertical wind speed and mixing ratio fluctuations. This procedure eliminated roughly 56% of our half-hourly fluxes. Based on the remaining, quality checked N2O fluxes we quantified the mean efflux at 0.8±0.4 μmol m−2 h−1 (mean ± standard error). Most of the contribution to the N2O flux occurred during a 6.5-h period starting 4.5 h before each precipitation event. No relation with precipitation amount could be found. Visibility data representing fog density and duration at the site indicate that wetting of the canopy may have as strong an effect on N2O effluxes as does below-ground microbial activity. It is speculated that above-ground N2O production from the senescing leaves at high moisture (fog, drizzle, onset of precipitation event) may be responsible for part of the measured flux.


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In most Asian subjects with postural proteinuria, ultrasonic imaging and Doppler flow scanning disclose entrapment of the left renal vein in the fork between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery. Little information is available on the possible occurrence of left venal rein entrapment in European subjects with postural proteinuria. Renal ultrasound with Doppler flow imaging was therefore performed on 24 Italian or Swiss patients with postural proteinuria (14 girls and ten boys, aged between 5.2 years and 16 years). Signs of aorto-mesenteric left renal vein entrapment were noted in 18 of the 24 subjects. In conclusion, aorto-mesenteric left renal vein entrapment is common also among European subjects with postural proteinuria.


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Sensor networks have been an active research area in the past decade due to the variety of their applications. Many research studies have been conducted to solve the problems underlying the middleware services of sensor networks, such as self-deployment, self-localization, and synchronization. With the provided middleware services, sensor networks have grown into a mature technology to be used as a detection and surveillance paradigm for many real-world applications. The individual sensors are small in size. Thus, they can be deployed in areas with limited space to make unobstructed measurements in locations where the traditional centralized systems would have trouble to reach. However, there are a few physical limitations to sensor networks, which can prevent sensors from performing at their maximum potential. Individual sensors have limited power supply, the wireless band can get very cluttered when multiple sensors try to transmit at the same time. Furthermore, the individual sensors have limited communication range, so the network may not have a 1-hop communication topology and routing can be a problem in many cases. Carefully designed algorithms can alleviate the physical limitations of sensor networks, and allow them to be utilized to their full potential. Graphical models are an intuitive choice for designing sensor network algorithms. This thesis focuses on a classic application in sensor networks, detecting and tracking of targets. It develops feasible inference techniques for sensor networks using statistical graphical model inference, binary sensor detection, events isolation and dynamic clustering. The main strategy is to use only binary data for rough global inferences, and then dynamically form small scale clusters around the target for detailed computations. This framework is then extended to network topology manipulation, so that the framework developed can be applied to tracking in different network topology settings. Finally the system was tested in both simulation and real-world environments. The simulations were performed on various network topologies, from regularly distributed networks to randomly distributed networks. The results show that the algorithm performs well in randomly distributed networks, and hence requires minimum deployment effort. The experiments were carried out in both corridor and open space settings. A in-home falling detection system was simulated with real-world settings, it was setup with 30 bumblebee radars and 30 ultrasonic sensors driven by TI EZ430-RF2500 boards scanning a typical 800 sqft apartment. Bumblebee radars are calibrated to detect the falling of human body, and the two-tier tracking algorithm is used on the ultrasonic sensors to track the location of the elderly people.


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BACKGROUND: Peri-implantitis is a frequent finding in patients with dental implants. The present study compared two non-surgical mechanical debridement methods of peri-implantitis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-seven subjects (mean age 61.5; S.D+/-12.4), with one implant each, demonstrating peri-implantitis were randomized, and those treated either with titanium hand-instruments or with an ultrasonic device were enrolled. Data were obtained before treatment, and at 1, 3, and 6 months. Parametric and non-parametric statistics were used. RESULTS: Thirty-one subjects completed the study. The mean bone loss at implants in both groups was 1.5 mm (SD +/-1.2 mm). No group differences for plaque or gingival indices were found at any time point. Baseline and 6-month mean probing pocket depths (PPD) at implants were 5.1 and 4.9 mm (p=0.30) in both groups. Plaque scores at treated implants decreased from 73% to 53% (p<0.01). Bleeding scores also decreased (p<0.01), with no group differences. No differences in the total bacterial counts were found over time. Higher total bacterial counts were found immediately after treatment (p<0.01) and at 1 week for ultrasonic-treated implants (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: No group differences were found in the treatment outcomes. While plaque and bleeding scores improved, no effects on PPD were identified.


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A novel class of phospholipase-resisting phosphatidylcholine analogs, in which the C-2 ester group or both C-1 and C-2 ester groups have been replaced by carbamyloxy functions (-NH-C-O-), have been synthesized. These lipids were not degraded by phospholipase A2 while complete hydrolysis occurred with phospholipase C. Ultrasonic irradiation of the aqueous dispersions of the phospholipids in the presence as well as in the absence of cholesterol resulted in the formation of closed bilayer structures as evidenced by negative staining electron microscopy and also by their ability to entrap [14C]glucose. The leakage rates of glucose at 37°C from liposomes of these compounds have also been measured. Liposomes consisting of 1,2-dipentadecanylcarbamyloxy-sn-glycero- 3-phosphorylcholine were found to be more leaky (2.1 %/h) as compared to the liposomes of 1-palmitoyl-2-pentadecanylcarbamyloxy-sn -glycero-3-phosphoryl- choline (O.5%/h). Moreover, inclusion of cholesterol (33 mol%) into the bilayers of the former phospholipid had no effect on the leakage rate (2.4%/h) while it effectively reduced permeability of the latter (O.22%/h). These phosphatidylcholines are useful for studying the possible role of phospholipases in the capture and lysis of liposomes in vivo.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the agreement of blood pressure measurements and hypertension scores obtained by use of 3 indirect arterial blood pressure measurement devices in hospitalized dogs. Design-Diagnostic test evaluation. ANIMALS: 29 client-owned dogs. PROCEDURES: 5 to 7 consecutive blood pressure readings were obtained from each dog on each of 3 occasions with a Doppler ultrasonic flow detector, a standard oscillometric device (STO), and a high-definition oscillometric device (HDO). RESULTS: When the individual sets of 5 to 7 readings were evaluated, the coefficient of variation for systolic arterial blood pressure (SAP) exceeded 20% for 0% (Doppler), 11 % (STO), and 28% (HDO) of the sets of readings. After readings that exceeded a 20% coefficient of variation were discarded, repeatability was within 25 (Doppler), 37 (STO), and 39 (HDO) mm Hg for SAP. Correlation of mean values among the devices was between 0.47 and 0.63. Compared with Doppler readings, STO underestimated and HDO overestimated SAP. Limits of agreement between mean readings of any 2 devices were wide. With the hypertension scale used to score SAP, the intraclass correlation of scores was 0.48. Linear-weighted inter-rater reliability between scores was 0.40 (Doppler vs STO), 0.38 (Doppler vs HDO), and 0.29 (STO vs HDO). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of this study suggested that no meaningful clinical comparison can be made between blood pressure readings obtained from the same dog with different indirect blood pressure measurement devices.