969 resultados para time-resolved Kerr rotation


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(Ca2+)-sensitive processes at cell membranes involved in contraction, secretion, and neurotransmitter release are activated in situ or in vitro by Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]) 10-100 times higher than [Ca2+] measured during stimulation in intact cells. This paradox might be explained if the local [Ca2+] at the cell membrane is very different from that in the rest of the cell. Soluble Ca2+ indicators, which indicate spatially averaged cytoplasmic [Ca2+], cannot resolve these localized, near-membrane [Ca2+] signals. FFP18, the newest Ca2+ indicator designed to selectively monitor near-membrane [Ca2+], has a lower Ca2+ affinity and is more water soluble than previously used membrane-associating Ca2+ indicators. Images of the intracellular distribution of FFP18 show that >65% is located on or near the plasma membrane. [Ca2+] transients recorded using FFP18 during membrane depolarization-induced Ca2+ influx show that near-membrane [Ca2+] rises faster and reaches micromolar levels at early times when the cytoplasmic [Ca2+], recorded using fura-2, has risen to only a few hundred nanomolar. High-speed series of digital images of [Ca2+] show that near-membrane [Ca2+], reported by FFP18, rises within 20 msec, peaks at 50-100 msec, and then declines. [Ca2+] reported by fura-2 rose slowly and continuously throughout the time images were acquired. The existence of these large, rapid increases in [Ca2+] directly beneath the surface membrane may explain how numerous (Ca2+)-sensitive membrane processes are activated at times when bulk cytoplasmic [Ca2+] changes are too small to activate them.


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We report studies of energy transfer from the 800-nm absorbing pigment (B800) to the 850-nm absorbing pigment (B850) of the LH2 peripheral antenna complex and from LH2 to the core antenna complex (LH1) in Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides. The B800 to B850 process was studied in membranes from a LH2-reaction center (no LH1) mutant of Rb. sphaeroides and the LH2 to LH1 transfer was studied in both the wild-type species and in LH2 mutants with blue-shifted B850. The measurements were performed by using approximately 100-fs pulses to probe the formation of acceptor excitations in a two-color pump-probe measurement. Our experiments reveal a B800 to B850 transfer time of approximately 0.7 ps at 296 K and energy transfer from LH2 to LH1 is characterized by a time constant of approximately 3 ps at 296 K and approximately 5 ps at 77 K. In the blue-shifted B850 mutants, the transfer time from B850 to LH1 becomes gradually longer with increasing blue-shift of the B850 band as a result of the decreasing spectral overlap between the antennae. The results have been used to produce a model for the association between the ring-like structures that are characteristic of both the LH2 and LH1 antennae.


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Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa dos dados. Objetivou-se analisar a percepção da equipe de enfermagem sobre as condições geradoras de absenteísmo e suas implicações na assistência nas unidades de Urgência e Emergência (UE) das cinco distritais de saúde no município de Ribeirão Preto/SP. Os sujeitos foram profissionais da equipe de enfermagem (enfermeiro, auxiliar e técnico de enfermagem) que atuam nestas unidades. Foram selecionados 2 profissionais de cada categoria, a partir dos critérios de inclusão do estudo, sem considerar sexo, faixa etária e tempo de trabalho no serviço, totalizando 30 participantes. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas, conduzidas a partir de um roteiro norteador composto pelas variáveis (Processo de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (RH); Condição de Trabalho em Equipe e Qualidade do Cuidado Prestado) abordadas no estudo. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. Após análise dos dados, as categorias encontradas foram: TEMA 1 - Gerenciamento, organização e enfrentamento para a operacionalização do trabalho de enfermagem (Subtema 1 - Operacionalização da escala de trabalho frente ao desafio do quantitativo da equipe de enfermagem na unidade de UE; Subtema 2 - Reorganização do trabalho e a perspectiva dos trabalhadores frente à mudança para as 30h/semanais e a terceirização do serviço; Subtema 3 - Tempo de permanência do profissional no serviço; Subtema 4 - Comunicação como ferramenta para desenvolver o trabalho em equipe e gerenciar conflitos); TEMA 2 - Condições impostas ao trabalhador e sua influência no desenvolvimento do trabalho (Subtema 1 - Plano de carreira e salário como estimulantes para desenvolvimento do trabalho; Subtema 2 - Vínculo empregatício: vantagens e desvantagens; Subtema 3 - Educação permanente e sua importância para desenvolvimento do trabalho; Subtema 4 - Influência da estrutura física, materiais e equipamentos no cuidado) e TEMA 3 - Avaliação do serviço e da assistência prestada. No que diz respeito ao quantitativo de enfermagem disposto nas unidades, todos os entrevistados relatam que é um quantitativo razoável e que, em alguns momentos, se sentem sobrecarregados quando ocorrem ausências não previstas. Ao se tratar da terceirização das unidades estatutárias, relata-se que não houve comunicação prévia do evento e é visível a insegurança e frustração por parte dos entrevistados. Ressalta-se que a unidade terceirizada não sofreu mudanças em sua rotina. A rotatividade é presente nestas unidades de UE, sendo maior em determinada unidade e ocorre por inúmeros motivos, dentre eles, aposentadoria, transferência para Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS), conflitos na equipe e/ou com pacientes, dentre outros. Todos os entrevistados sugerem que a comunicação é fundamental para o desenvolvimento do trabalho em equipe e é através dela que os conflitos possam vir a ser resolvidos. Neste momento, percebe-se, a partir das falas, que a comunicação é diferente entre as unidades e, portanto, existem níveis diferentes de conflitos entre as unidades. O município não possui um plano de carreira efetivo, portanto os entrevistados demonstram desmotivação para buscar novos conhecimentos. Quanto ao salário, estes têm a visão de que é razoável, sendo considerado elevado em relação às demais instituições de saúde do município, porém, defasado em relação à categoria profissional. Os profissionais terceirizados relatam uma certa insatisfação por trabalhar da mesma forma que os estatutários, recebendo um menor salário e sem os mesmos benefícios, o que nos leva à categoria vínculo empregatício, onde a estabilidade é abordada com visões positivas e negativas. Ao se tratar da visão negativa, os entrevistados sugerem que muitos colegas não sabem lidar com esse benefício, se ausentando do trabalho ou trabalhando de uma forma não adequada, prejudicando a rotina do serviço. No que tange à educação permanente, temos a diferença mais gritante do estudo, visto que os entrevistados estatutários relatam que não possuem a disponibilização, através da prefeitura, de cursos de atualização, capacitação e constante aprendizado enquanto que os terceirizados relatam atualizações constantes e apoio por parte da instituição com a qual eles estão vinculados. É unânime que todos os entrevistados consideram que a estrutura física, materiais e equipamentos interferem diretamente no cuidado. Ao serem questionados em relação à avaliação do cuidado prestado, eles o consideram bom, podendo ser melhor caso fossem disponibilizadas condições de trabalho mais adequadas. Considera-se o estudo como um possível instrumento de avaliação dos serviços prestados em unidade de UE, bem como das condições de trabalho fornecidas ao trabalhador e sua satisfação profissional


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Aims. We present a detailed study of the two Sun-like stars KIC 7985370 and KIC 7765135, to determine their activity level, spot distribution, and differential rotation. Both stars were previously discovered by us to be young stars and were observed by the NASA Kepler mission. Methods. The fundamental stellar parameters (vsini, spectral type, T_eff, log g, and [Fe/H]) were derived from optical spectroscopy by comparison with both standard-star and synthetic spectra. The spectra of the targets allowed us to study the chromospheric activity based on the emission in the core of hydrogen Hα and Ca ii infrared triplet (IRT) lines, which was revealed by the subtraction of inactive templates. The high-precision Kepler photometric data spanning over 229 days were then fitted with a robust spot model. Model selection and parameter estimation were performed in a Bayesian manner, using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Results. We find that both stars are Sun-like (of G1.5 V spectral type) and have an age of about 100–200 Myr, based on their lithium content and kinematics. Their youth is confirmed by their high level of chromospheric activity, which is comparable to that displayed by the early G-type stars in the Pleiades cluster. The Balmer decrement and flux ratio of their Ca ii-IRT lines suggest that the formation of the core of these lines occurs mainly in optically thick regions that are analogous to solar plages. The spot model applied to the Kepler photometry requires at least seven persistent spots in the case of KIC 7985370 and nine spots in the case of KIC 7765135 to provide a satisfactory fit to the data. The assumption of the longevity of the star spots, whose area is allowed to evolve with time, is at the heart of our spot-modelling approach. On both stars, the surface differential rotation is Sun-like, with the high-latitude spots rotating slower than the low-latitude ones. We found, for both stars, a rather high value of the equator-to-pole differential rotation (dΩ ≈ 0.18 rad d^-1), which disagrees with the predictions of some mean-field models of differential rotation for rapidly rotating stars. Our results agree instead with previous works on solar-type stars and other models that predict a higher latitudinal shear, increasing with equatorial angular velocity, that can vary during the magnetic cycle.


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We present the first far-IR observations of the solar-type stars δ Pav, HR 8501, 51 Peg and ζ^2 Ret, taken within the context of the DUNES Herschel open time key programme (OTKP). This project uses the PACS and SPIRE instruments with the objective of studying infrared excesses due to exo-Kuiper belts around nearby solar-type stars. The observed 100 μm fluxes from δ Pav, HR 8501, and 51 Peg agree with the predicted photospheric fluxes, excluding debris disks brighter than L_dust/L_* ~ 5 x 10^-7 (1σ level) around those stars. A flattened, disk-like structure with a semi-major axis of ~100 AU in size is detected around ζ2 Ret. The resolved structure suggests the presence of an eccentric dust ring, which we interpret as an exo-Kuiper belt with L_dust/L_* ≈ 10^-5.


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We study the timing and spectral properties of the low-magnetic field, transient magnetar SWIFT J1822.3−1606 as it approached quiescence. We coherently phase-connect the observations over a time-span of ∼500 d since the discovery of SWIFT J1822.3−1606 following the Swift-Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) trigger on 2011 July 14, and carried out a detailed pulse phase spectroscopy along the outburst decay. We follow the spectral evolution of different pulse phase intervals and find a phase and energy-variable spectral feature, which we interpret as proton cyclotron resonant scattering of soft photon from currents circulating in a strong (≳1014 G) small-scale component of the magnetic field near the neutron star surface, superimposed to the much weaker (∼3 × 1013 G) magnetic field. We discuss also the implications of the pulse-resolved spectral analysis for the emission regions on the surface of the cooling magnetar.


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The aim of this thesis is to present numerical investigations of the polarisation mode dispersion (PMD) effect. Outstanding issues on the side of the numerical implementations of PMD are resolved and the proposed methods are further optimized for computational efficiency and physical accuracy. Methods for the mitigation of the PMD effect are taken into account and simulations of transmission system with added PMD are presented. The basic outline of the work focusing on PMD can be divided as follows. At first the widely-used coarse-step method for simulating the PMD phenomenon as well as a method derived from the Manakov-PMD equation are implemented and investigated separately through the distribution of a state of polarisation on the Poincaré sphere, and the evolution of the dispersion of a signal. Next these two methods are statistically examined and compared to well-known analytical models of the probability distribution function (PDF) and the autocorrelation function (ACF) of the PMD phenomenon. Important optimisations are achieved, for each of the aforementioned implementations in the computational level. In addition the ACF of the coarse-step method is considered separately, based on the result which indicates that the numerically produced ACF, exaggerates the value of the correlation between different frequencies. Moreover the mitigation of the PMD phenomenon is considered, in the form of numerically implementing Low-PMD spun fibres. Finally, all the above are combined in simulations that demonstrate the impact of the PMD on the quality factor (Q=factor) of different transmission systems. For this a numerical solver based on the coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation is created which is otherwise tested against the most important transmission impairments in the early chapters of this thesis.


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A new surface analysis technique has been developed which has a number of benefits compared to conventional Low Energy Ion Scattering Spectrometry (LEISS). A major potential advantage arising from the absence of charge exchange complications is the possibility of quantification. The instrumentation that has been developed also offers the possibility of unique studies concerning the interaction between low energy ions and atoms and solid surfaces. From these studies it may also be possible, in principle, to generate sensitivity factors to quantify LEISS data. The instrumentation, which is referred to as a Time-of-Flight Fast Atom Scattering Spectrometer has been developed to investigate these conjecture in practice. The development, involved a number of modifications to an existing instrument, and allowed samples to be bombarded with a monoenergetic pulsed beam of either atoms or ions, and provided the capability to analyse the spectra of scattered atoms and ions separately. Further to this a system was designed and constructed to allow incident, exit and azimuthal angles of the particle beam to be varied independently. The key development was that of a pulsed, and mass filtered atom source; which was developed by a cyclic process of design, modelling and experimentation. Although it was possible to demonstrate the unique capabilities of the instrument, problems relating to surface contamination prevented the measurement of the neutralisation probabilities. However, these problems appear to be technical rather than scientific in nature, and could be readily resolved given the appropriate resources. Experimental spectra obtained from a number of samples demonstrate some fundamental differences between the scattered ion and neutral spectra. For practical non-ordered surfaces the ToF spectra are more complex than their LEISS counterparts. This is particularly true for helium scattering where it appears, in the absence of detailed computer simulation, that quantitative analysis is limited to ordered surfaces. Despite this limitation the ToFFASS instrument opens the way for quantitative analysis of the 'true' surface region to a wider range of surface materials.