997 resultados para structured parallel computations


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As a newly invented parallel kinematic machine (PKM), Exechon has attracted intensive attention from both academic and industrial fields due to its conceptual high performance. Nevertheless, the dynamic behaviors of Exechon PKM have not been thoroughly investigated because of its structural and kinematic complexities. To identify the dynamic characteristics of Exechon PKM, an elastodynamic model is proposed with the substructure synthesis technique in this paper. The Exechon PKM is divided into a moving platform subsystem, a fixed base subsystem and three limb subsystems according to its structural features. Differential equations of motion for the limb subsystem are derived through finite element (FE) formulations by modeling the complex limb structure as a spatial beam with corresponding geometric cross sections. Meanwhile, revolute, universal, and spherical joints are simplified into virtual lumped springs associated with equivalent stiffnesses and mass at their geometric centers. Differential equations of motion for the moving platform are derived with Newton's second law after treating the platform as a rigid body due to its comparatively high rigidity. After introducing the deformation compatibility conditions between the platform and the limbs, governing differential equations of motion for Exechon PKM are derived. The solution to characteristic equations leads to natural frequencies and corresponding modal shapes of the PKM at any typical configuration. In order to predict the dynamic behaviors in a quick manner, an algorithm is proposed to numerically compute the distributions of natural frequencies throughout the workspace. Simulation results reveal that the lower natural frequencies are strongly position-dependent and distributed axial-symmetrically due to the structure symmetry of the limbs. At the last stage, a parametric analysis is carried out to identify the effects of structural, dimensional, and stiffness parameters on the system's dynamic characteristics with the purpose of providing useful information for optimal design and performance improvement of the Exechon PKM. The elastodynamic modeling methodology and dynamic analysis procedure can be well extended to other overconstrained PKMs with minor modifications.


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Regulations on the exploitation of populations of commercially important fish species and the ensuing consumer interest in sustainable products have increased the need to accurately identify the population of origin of fish and fish products. Although genomics-based tools have proven highly useful, there are relatively few examples in marine fish displaying accurate origin assignment. We synthesize data for 156 single-nucleotide polymorphisms typed in 1039 herring, Clupea harengus L., spanning the Northeast Atlantic to develop a tool that allows assignment of individual herring to their regional origin. We show the method's suitability to address specific biological questions, as well as management applications. We analyse temporally replicated collections from two areas, the Skagerrak (n = 81, 84, 66) and the western Baltic (n = 52, 52). Both areas harbour heavily fished mixed-origin stocks, complicating management issues. We report novel genetic evidence that herring from the Baltic Sea contribute to catches in the North Sea, and find support that western Baltic feeding aggregations mainly constitute herring from the western Baltic with contributions from the Eastern Baltic. Our study describes a general approach and outlines a database allowing individual assignment and traceability of herring across a large part of its East Atlantic distribution.


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The ability to carry out a neurological examination and make an appropriate differential diagnosis is one of the mainstays of our final Bachelor of Medicine (MB) exam; however, with the introduction of objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) it has become impossible to arrange for adequate numbers of suitable real patients to participate in the exam.

It is vital that newly qualified doctors can perform a basic neurological examination, interpret the physical signs and formulate a differential diagnosis.

It is vital that newly qualified doctors can perform a basic neurological examination

Since 2010 we have introduced an objective structured video examination (OSVE) of a neurological examination of a real patient as part of our final MB OSCE exam. The students view clips of parts of the examination process. They answer questions on the signs that are demonstrated and formulate a differential diagnosis.

This type of station is logistically a lot easier to organise than a large number of real patients at different examination sites. The featured patients have clearly demonstrated signs and, as every student sees the same patient, are perfectly standardised. It is highly acceptable to examiners and performed well as an assessment tool. There are, however, certain drawbacks in that we are not examining the student's examination technique or their interaction with the patient. Also, certain signs, in particular the assessment of muscle tone and power, are more difficult for a student to estimate in this situation


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Routine molecular diagnostics modalities are unable to confidently detect low frequency mutations (<5-15%) that may indicate response to targeted therapies. We confirm the presence of a low frequency NRAS mutation in a rectal cancer patient using massively parallel sequencing when previous Sanger sequencing results proved negative and Q-PCR testing inconclusive. There is increasing evidence that these low frequency mutations may confer resistance to anti-EGFR therapy. In view of negative/inconclusive Sanger sequencing and Q-PCR results for NRAS mutations in a KRAS wt rectal case, the diagnostic biopsy and 4 distinct subpopulations of cells in the resection specimen after conventional chemo/radiotherapy were massively parallel sequenced using the Ion Torrent PGM. DNA was derived from FFPE rectal cancer tissue and amplicons produced using the Cancer Hotspot Panel V2 and sequenced using semiconductor technology. NRAS mutations were observed at varying frequencies in the patient biopsy (12.2%) and all four subpopulations of cells in the resection with an average frequency of 7.3% (lowest 2.6%). The results of the NGS also provided the mutational status of 49 other genes that may have prognostic or predictive value, including KRAS and PIK3CA. NGS technology has been postulated in diagnostics because of its capability to generate results in large panels of clinically meaningful genes in a cost-effective manner. This case illustrates another potential advantage of this technology: its use for detecting low frequency mutations that may influence therapeutic decisions in cancer treatment.


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This article will analyze the interplay between capital movements and trade
in services as structured in World Trade Organization (WTO) law, and it will
assess the implications of the capital account liberalization for the freedom of
WTO Members to pursue their economic policies. Although the movement
of capital is largely confined to the domain of international financial or monetary
policy, it is regulated by WTO law due to its role in the process of
financial services liberalization, which generally requires liberalized capital
flows. From a legal perspective, the interplay between capital movements
and trade in services requires striking a delicate balance between the right
of market access and the parallel right of economic stability. Indeed, a liberalized
regime for capital movements could pose serious stability problems
during times of crisis. For this reason, it is necessary that Members are able
to derogate from their obligations and adopt emergency measures.
Regulating the movement of capital in the General Agreement on Trade in
Services (GATS) requires stretching the regulatory oversight of WTO law
over different aspects of international economic policy. Indeed, capital movements are a fundamental component of the balance of payments and have a
major role in shaping monetary, fiscal, and financial policies. This article will
analyze how the discipline provided by the GATS on capital movements will
affect not only trade in services, but also the Members’ policy space on
monetary and fiscal policy. The article will conclude that while the GATS offers enough policy space for the maintenance of financial stability, it does
not fully take into consideration the need of Members to control capital
movements in order to conduct monetary policies.


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This case study deals with the role of time series analysis in sociology, and its relationship with the wider literature and methodology of comparative case study research. Time series analysis is now well-represented in top-ranked sociology journals, often in the form of ‘pooled time series’ research designs. These studies typically pool multiple countries together into a pooled time series cross-section panel, in order to provide a larger sample for more robust and comprehensive analysis. This approach is well suited to exploring trans-national phenomena, and for elaborating useful macro-level theories specific to social structures, national policies, and long-term historical processes. It is less suited however, to understanding how these global social processes work in different countries. As such, the complexities of individual countries - which often display very different or contradictory dynamics than those suggested in pooled studies – are subsumed. Meanwhile, a robust literature on comparative case-based methods exists in the social sciences, where researchers focus on differences between cases, and the complex ways in which they co-evolve or diverge over time. A good example of this is the inequality literature, where although panel studies suggest a general trend of rising inequality driven by the weakening power of labour, marketisation of welfare, and the rising power of capital, some countries have still managed to remain resilient. This case study takes a closer look at what can be learned by applying the insights of case-based comparative research to the method of time series analysis. Taking international income inequality as its point of departure, it argues that we have much to learn about the viability of different combinations of policy options by examining how they work in different countries over time. By taking representative cases from different welfare systems (liberal, social democratic, corporatist, or antipodean), we can better sharpen our theories of how policies can be more specifically engineered to offset rising inequality. This involves a fundamental realignment of the strategy of time series analysis, grounding it instead in a qualitative appreciation of the historical context of cases, as a basis for comparing effects between different countries.


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Petaflop architectures are currently being utilized efficiently to perform large scale computations in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Collisions. We solve the Schr\"odinger or Dirac equation for the appropriate collision problem using the R-matrix or R-matrix with pseudo-states approach. We briefly outline the parallel methodology used and implemented for the current suite of Breit-Pauli and DARC codes. In this report, various examples are shown from our theoretical results compared with experimental results obtained from Synchrotron Radiation facilities where the Cray architecture at HLRS is playing an integral part in our computational projects.


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Nowadays, the realization of the Virtual Factory (VF) is the strategic goal of many manufacturing enterprises for the coming years. The industrial scenario is characterized by the dynamics of innovations increment and the product life cycle became shorter. Furthermore products and the corresponding manufacturing processes get more and more complex. Therefore, companies need new methods for the planning of manufacturing systems.
To date, the efforts have focused on the creation of an integrated environment to design and manage the manufacturing process of a new product. The future goal is to integrate Virtual Reality (VR) tools into the Product Lifecycle Management of the manufacturing industries.
In order to realize this goal the authors have conducted a study to perform VF simulation steps for a supplier of Industrial Automation Systems and have provided a structured approach focusing on interaction between simulation software and VR hardware tools in order to simulate both robotic and
manual work cells.
The first results of the study in progress have been carried out in the VR Laboratory of the Competence Regional Centre for the qualification of the Transportation Systems that has been founded by Campania Region.


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Energy consumption is an important concern in modern multicore processors. The energy consumed by a multicore processor during the execution of an application can be minimized by tuning the hardware state utilizing knobs such as frequency, voltage etc. The existing theoretical work on energy minimization using Global DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling), despite being thorough, ignores the time and the energy consumed by the CPU on memory accesses and the dynamic energy consumed by the idle cores. This article presents an analytical energy-performance model for parallel workloads that accounts for the time and the energy consumed by the CPU chip on memory accesses in addition to the time and energy consumed by the CPU on CPU instructions. In addition, the model we present also accounts for the dynamic energy consumed by the idle cores. The existing work on global DVFS for parallel workloads shows that using a single frequency for the entire duration of a parallel application is not energy optimal and that varying the frequency according to the changes in the parallelism of the workload can save energy. We present an analytical framework around our energy-performance model to predict the operating frequencies (that depend upon the amount of parallelism) for global DVFS that minimize the overall CPU energy consumption. We show how the optimal frequencies in our model differ from the optimal frequencies in a model that does not account for memory accesses. We further show how the memory intensity of an application affects the optimal frequencies.


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À semelhança do que aconteceu em muitas instituições públicas, as universidades têm enfrentado pressões crescentes para mudar, tendo de repensar as suas formas de governança e de gestão, dando mais ênfase à implementação de sistemas de gestão do desempenho (SGD). Apesar de existirem vários estudos sobre o desempenho, estes têm ignorado o uso dado à informação recolhida. Além disso, e apesar de terem ocorrido várias reformas na governança destas instituições, existem ainda poucos estudos que relacionam a governança e o desempenho. Assim, esta pesquisa visa explorar a forma como as universidades medem, reportam e gerem o desempenho e como as estruturas de governança se relacionam com estas práticas. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, um estudo comparativo entre universidades britânicas e portuguesas foi realizado. Os dados foram recolhidos através da utilização de uma metodologia qualitativa, sendo os métodos utilizados a análise documental e entrevistas semi-estruturadas a membros dos órgãos de governo e gestão de cada instituição. A análise dos dados mostrou a inexistência de um sistema completamente integrado de gestão de desempenho (SGD) em ambas as instituições, essencialmente devido à falta de práticas de gestão de desempenho. De facto, apesar de alguns dos entrevistados terem reportado o "uso positivo" de dados sobre o desempenho, alguns relataram o "não uso" desses dados, principalmente em relação ao desempenho individual, e outros o "mau uso" dessa informação, tendo sido reportadas práticas de gaming e deturpação dos resultados. Como forma de ultrapassar alguns destes problemas, verificou-se a co-existência de duas estruturas de governança: uma 'formal', da qual fazem parte todos os órgão de governo, com um valor mais 'simbólico'; e uma estrutura 'paralela', constituída por órgãos mais ágeis, que gerem a universidade no dia a dia. Verificou-se terem sido vários os fatores a afetarem, negativa e positivamente, os SGD em ambas as instituições, tendo sido rotulados de "inibidores" e "determinantes", respetivamente. A pesquisa mostrou que, apesar de as estruturas de governança serem importantes para a implementação e funcionamento de um SGD, há outros fatores que precisam de ser levados em consideração, nomeadamente, o nível de comunicação e o nível de envolvimento dos atores no processo. Estes dois fatores são considerados relevantes para a integração bem sucedida de práticas de medição, reporte e gestão de desempenho. Esta integração, juntamente com outras mudanças que ocorreram em termos de governança, contribuirá certamente para que se passe de um sistema em que se governa o desempenho para um sistema em que se governa para o desempenho.


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A prestação de cuidados familiares, centrada nos desafios colocados ao cuidador principal, particularmente no âmbito das condições demenciais, tem vindo a assumir-se desde a década de 1980 como um tema fulcral no contexto das famílias envelhecidas e da pesquisa gerontológica. Neste contexto, um leque diversificado de intervenções têm sido desenvolvidas para apoiar os cuidadores familiares de pessoas com demência. Estas intervenções têm evidenciado algumas limitações, nomeadamente: a unidade de intervenção é a pessoa com demência ou o cuidador principal, não considerando a família como unidade; a fragmentação do apoio, em que serviços sociais, de saúde, educacionais e de suporte funcionam como estruturas paralelas e independentes; e as abordagens são geralmente centradas na doença, negligenciando os recursos e competências dos participantes (fatores salutogénicos). Neste estudo procedeu-se ao desenho, implementação e avaliação de um programa integrado, para pessoas com demência e suas famílias, baseado numa abordagem colaborativa e de capacitação: proFamílias-demência. Este programa tem três componentes: (a) sessões psicoeducativas para os familiares da pessoa com demência, num formato de grupo de discussão multifamílias; (b) sessões de ocupação significativa para as pessoas com demência; e (c) serviço de referência pós-intervenção para garantir a continuidade de apoio. O proFamílias-demência envolveu cinco famílias (seis participantes). A avaliação indica que os aspetos estruturais e funcionais são adequados. Em termos de impacto a médio prazo (três meses), as famílias referem que o programa permitiu a consciencialização da importância do autocuidado, melhor gestão emocional e mais união familiar. Neste estudo também se analisou a influência da prestação de cuidados a um familiar com demência no desenvolvimento do cuidador idoso. Adotou-se a abordagem da integridade familiar (King & Wynne, 2004) como quadro conceptual e o instrumento de recolha de dados foi a entrevista semiestruturada recomendada nesta abordagem. A amostra envolve 26 cuidadores familiares idosos (mais de 64 anos) que nas suas casas cuidam de um familiar com demência. Os principais resultados sugerem que a prestação de cuidados a um familiar com demência influencia a construção da integridade familiar em termos: (a) concretização de projetos de vida; (b) frequência de contactos com a família; (c) possibilidade de reciprocidade do cuidador; e (d) resolução de conflitos familiares. No entanto, os resultados reforçam que a forma como o cuidador percebe, vivencia e interpreta a prestação de cuidados é fundamental na construção da integridade familiar. Em geral, a investigação desenvolvida nesta tese permitiu: (a) desenvolver linhas orientadoras para a implementação de programas de apoio psicoeducativo junto de pessoas com demência e suas famílias; e (b) contribuir para o desenvolvimento de modelos teóricos sobre os processos de desenvolvimento individual de cuidadores idosos. Estudos futuros envolvendo amostras mais alargadas e combinando a utilização de metodologias qualitativas e quantitativas são necessários. A avaliação dos custos e ganhos económicos decorrentes destes programas também se revela primordial.