974 resultados para stabi-lity of flows


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Recent radar studies of field-perpendicular flows in the auroral ionosphere, in conjunction with observations of the interplanetary medium immediately upstream of the Earth's bow shock, have revealed direct control of dayside convection by the Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The ionospheric flows begin to respond to both northward and southward turnings of the IMF impinging upon the magnetopause after a delay of only a few minutes in the early afternoon sector, rising to about 15 minutes nearer dawn and dusk. In both the polar cap and the auroral oval, the subsequent rise and decay times are of order 5–10 minutes. We conclude there is very little convection “flywheel” effect in the dayside polar ionosphere and that only newly-opened flux tubes impart significant momentum to the ionosphere, in a relatively narrow region immediately poleward of the cusp. These findings concerning the effects of quasi-steady reconnection have important implications for any ionospheric signatures of transient reconnection which should be considerably shorter-lived than thought hitherto. In order to demonstrate the difficulty of uniquely identifying a Flux Transfer Event (FTE) in ground-based magnetometer data, we present observations of an impulsive signature, identical with that expected for an FTE if data from only one station is studied, following an observed magnetopause compression when the IMF was purely northward. We also report new radar observations of a viscous-like interaction, consistent with an origin on the flanks of the magnetotail and contributing an estimated 15–30kV to the total cross-cap potential during quiet periods.


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Calculations using a numerical model of the convection dominated high latitude ionosphere are compared with observations made by EISCAT as part of the UK-POLAR Special Programme. The data used were for 24–25 October 1984, which was characterized by an unusually steady IMF, with Bz < 0 and By > 0; in the calculations it was assumed that a steady IMF implies steady convection conditions. Using the electric field models of Heppner and Maynard (1983) appropriate to By > 0 and precipitation data taken from Spiroet al. (1982), we calculated the velocities and electron densities appropriate to the EISCAT observations. Many of the general features of the velocity data were reproduced by the model. In particular, the phasing of the change from eastward to westward flow in the vicinity of the Harang discontinuity, flows near the dayside throat and a region of slow flow at higher latitudes near dusk were well reproduced. In the afternoon sector modelled velocity values were significantly less than those observed. Electron density calculations showed good agreement with EISCAT observations near the F-peak, but compared poorly with observations near 211 km. In both cases, the greatest disagreement occurred in the early part of the observations, where the convection pattern was poorly known and showed some evidence of long term temporal change. Possible causes for the disagreement between observations and calculations are discussed and shown to raise interesting and, as yet, unresolved questions concerning the interpretation of the data. For the data set used, the late afternoon dip in electron density observed near the F-peak and interpreted as the signature of the mid-latitude trough is well reproduced by the calculations. Calculations indicate that it does not arise from long residence times of plasma on the nightside, but is the signature of a gap between two major ionization sources, viz. photoionization and particle precipitation.


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The time scale of the response of the high-latitude dayside ionospheric flow to changes in the North-South component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has been investigated by examining the time delays between corresponding sudden changes. Approximately 40 h of simultaneous IMF and ionospheric flow data have been examined, obtained by the AMPTE-UKS and -IRM spacecraft and the EISCAT “Polar” experiment, respectively, in which 20 corresponding sudden changes have been identified. Ten of these changes were associated with southward turnings of the IMF, and 10 with northward turnings. It has been found that the corresponding flow changes occurred simultaneously over the whole of the “Polar” field-of-view, extending more than 2° in invariant latitude, and that the ionospheric response delay following northward turnings is the same as that following southward turnings, though the form of the response is different in the two cases. The shortest response time, 5.5 ± 3.2 min, is found in the early- to mid-afternoon sector, increasing to 9.5 ± 3.0 min in the mid-morning sector, and to 9.5 ± 3.1 min near to dusk. These times represent the delays in the appearance of perturbed flows in the “Polar” field-of-view following the arrival of IMF changes at the subsolar magnetopause. Overall, the results agree very well with those derived by Etemadi et al. (1988, Planet. Space Sci.36, 471) from a general cross-correlation analysis of the IMF Bz and “Polar” beam-swinging vector flow data.


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Data recorded by the POLAR experiment run on the EISCAT radar during the international GISMOS campaign of 3–5 June 1987 are studied in detail. The polar-cap boundary, as denned by an almost shear East-West convection reversal, was observed to jump southward across the EISCAT field of view in two steps at 02:00 and 03:00 Magnetic Local Time and subsequently to contract back between 04:00 and 07:00 M.L.T. An annulus of enhanced ion temperature and non-thermal plasma was observed immediately equatorward of the contracting boundary due to the lag in the response of the neutral-wind pattern to the change in ion flows. The ion flow at the boundary is shown to be relatively smooth at 15 s resolution and directed northward, with velocities which exceed that of the boundary itself. The effect of velocity shears on the beamswinging technique used to derive the ion flows is analyzed in detail and it is shown that, for certain orientations of the cap boundary, spurious flows into the cap can be generated. However, these are much smaller than the observed flows into the polar cap and cannot explain the potential difference across the observed segment of the cap boundary (extending over 2 h of M.L.T.) which is roughly 7 kV. Similarly, an observed slowing of the zonal flow near the boundary cannot be explained as an error introduced by the use of the beamswinging technique. The results could be interpreted as being due to reconnection occurring on the dawn flank of the magnetopause (mapping to the polar cap at 04:30 06:30 M.L.T.). However, they are more consistent with recent observations of slow anti-sunward flow of closed field lines on the flanks of the geomagnetic tail, which appears to be generated by some form of “viscous” coupling to the magnetosheath plasma.


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The effects of flux transfer events (FTE) on the dayside auroral ionosphere are studied, using a simple twin-vortex model of induced ionospheric plasma flow. It is shown that the predicted and observed velocities of these flows are sufficient to drive nonthermal plasma in the F region, not only within the newly opened flux tube of the FTE, but also on the closed, or "old" open, field lines around it. In fact, with the expected poleward neutral wind, the plasma is more highly nonthermal on the flanks of, but outside, the open flux tube: EISCAT observations indicate that plasma is indeed driven into nonthermal distributions in these regions. The nonthermal plasma is thereby subject to additional upforce due to the resulting ion temperature anisotropy and transient expansion due to Joule heating and also to ion accelerations associated with the FTE field aligned current system. Any upflows produced on closed field lines in the vicinity of the FTE are effectively bunched-up in the "wake" of the FTE. Observations from the AMPTE-UKS satellite at the magnetopause reveal ion upflows of energy ∼100 eV flowing out from the ionosphere on closed field lines which are only found in the wake of the FTE. Such flows are also only found shortly after two, out of all the FTEs observed by AMPTE-UKS. The outflow from the ionosphere is two orders of magnitude greater than predicted for the "classical" polar wind. It is shown that such ionospheric ion flows are only expected in association with FTEs on the magnetopause which are well removed from the sub-solar point-either towards dusk or, as in the UKS example discussed here, towards dawn. It is suggested that such ionospheric ions will only be observed if the center of the FTE open flux tube passes very close to the satellite. Consequently, we conclude the ion upflows presented here are probably driven by the second of two possible source FTEs and are observed at the satellite with a lag after the FTE which is less than their time-of-flight.


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A global, time-dependent, three-dimensional, coupled ionosphere-thermosphere model is used to predict the spatial distribution of non-thermal plasma in the F-layer. It is shown that, even for steady-state conditions with Kp as low as 3, the difference between the ion and neutral velocities often exceeds the neutral thermal speed by a factor, D', which can be as large as 4. Theoretically, highly non-Maxwellian, and probably toroidal, ion velocity distributions are expected when D' exceeds about 1.5. The lack of response of the neutral winds to sunward ion drifts in the dawn sector of the auroral oval cause this to be the region most likely to contain toroidal distributions. The maximum in D' is found in the throat region of the convection pattern, where the strong neutral winds of the afternoon sector meet the eastward ion flows of the morning sector. These predictions are of interest, not only to radar scientists searching for non-thermal ionospheric plasma, but also as one possible explanation of the initial heating and upward flows of ions in the cleft ion fountain and nightside auroral oval, both of which are a major source of plasma for the magnetosphere.


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Ion flows from the ionosphere into the magnetosphere fall into two main categories: cold (<1eV), “classical” polar wind and heated (>1eV), suprathermal ion outflows. A wealth of new understanding of these outflows has resulted from the Dynamics Explorer Mission. This review describes both the confirmation of the predicted classical polar wind as well as the revelation of a great variety of low-energy suprathermal outflows: the cleft ion fountain, the nightside auroral fountaion (X-events, toroids and field-aligned flows) and polar cap outflows. The main emphasis is placed on flows at energies below about 50eV, observed by the Retarding Ion Mass Spectrometer (RIMS) on board the Dynamics Explorer 1 satellite; limited comparisons are made with results from other instruments which sample different energy ranges.


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A new dayside source of O+ ions for the polar magnetosphere is described, and a statistical survey presented of upward flows of O+ ions using 2 years of data from the retarding ion mass spectrometer (RIMS) experiment on board DE 1, at geocentric distances below 3 RE and invariant latitudes above 40°. The flows are classified according to their spin angle distributions. It is believed that the spacecraft potential near perigee is generally less than +2 V, in which case the entire O+ population at energies below about 60 eV is sampled. Examples are given of field-aligned flow and of transversely accelerated “core” O+ ions; in the latter events a large fraction of the total O+ ion population has been transversely accelerated, and in some extreme cases all the observed ions (of all ion species) have been accelerated, and no residual cold population is observed (“toroidal” distributions). However, by far the most common type of O+ upflow seen by DE RIMS lies near the dayside polar cap boundary (particularly in the prenoon sector) and displays an asymmetric spin angle distribution. In such events the ions carry an upward heat flux, and strong upflow of all species is present (H+, He+, O+, O++, and N+ have all been observed with energies up to about 30 eV, but with the majority of ions below about 2 eV); hence, these have been termed upwelling ion events. The upwelling ions are embedded in larger regions of classical light ion polar wind and are persistently found under the following conditions: at geocentric distances greater than 1.4 RE; at all Kp in summer, but only at high Kp in winter. Low-energy conical ions (<30 eV) are only found near the equatorial edge of the events, the latitude of which moves equatorward with increasing Kp and is highly correlated with the location of field-aligned currents. The RIMS data are fully consistent with a “mass spectrometer effect,” whereby light ions and the more energetic O+ ions flow into the lobes and mantle and hence the far-tail plasma sheet, but lower-energy O+ is swept across the polar cap by the convection electric field, potentially acting as a source for the nightside auroral acceleration regions. The occurrence probability of upwelling ion events, as compared to those of low-altitude transversely accelerated core ions and of field-aligned flow, suggests this could be the dominant mechanism for supplying the nightside auroral acceleration region, and subsequently the ring current and near-earth plasma sheet, with ionospheric O+ ions. It is shown that the total rate of O+ outflow in upwelling ion events (greater than 10^25 s^{−1}) is sufficient for the region near the dayside polar cap boundary to be an important ionospheric heavy ion source.


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The retarding ion mass spectrometer on the Dynamics Explorer 1 spacecraft has generated a unique data set which documents, among other things, the occurrence of non-Maxwellian superthermal features in the auroral topside ionosphere distribution functions. In this paper, we provide a representative sampling of the observed features and their spatial morphology as observed at altitudes in the range from a few thousand kilometers to a few earth radii. At lower altitudes, these features appear at auroral latitudes separating regions of polar cap and subauroral light ion polar wind. The most common signature is the appearance of an upgoing energetic tail having conical lobes representing significant ion heat and number flux in all species, including O+. Transverse ion heating below the observation point at several thousand kilometers is clearly associated with O+ outflows. In some events observed, transverse acceleration apparently involves nearly the entire thermal plasma, the distribution function becomes highly anisotropic with T⊥ > T∥, and may actually develop a minimum at zero velocity, i.e., become a torus having as its axis the local magnetic field direction. At higher altitudes, the localized dayside source region appears as a field aligned flow which is dispersed tailward across the polar cap according to parallel velocity by antisunward convective flow, so that upflowing low energy O+ ions appear well within the polar cap region. While this flow can appear beamlike in a given location, the energy dispersion observed implies a very broad energy distribution at the source, extending from a few tenths of an eV to in excess of 50 eV. On the nightside, upgoing ion beams are found to be latitudinally bounded by regions of ion conics whose half angles increase with increasing separation from the beam region, indicating low altitude transverse acceleration in immediate proximity to, and below, the parallel acceleration region. These observations reveal a clear distinction between classical polar wind ion outflow and O+ enhanced superthermal flows, and confirm the importance of low altitude transverse acceleration in ionospheric plasma transport, as suggested by previous observations.


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A 24 h period of observations by the EISCAT radar and other ground-based instrumentation is used to study the role of plasma convection in determining the morphology of the high-latitude F-region during winter. It is suggested that, in the afternoon sector of the polar convection pattern, rapid zonal (westward) flows caused low F-region electron densities due to an extension of the mid-latitude trough far into the sunlit hemisphere. Low densities on the dawn side prior to 0600 UT may also have been due to a trough-like feature. Although the generation mechanism is unclear, the trough may be the fossil remnant of a substorm. Around midnight, high F-region densities were seen, probably due to plasma flow emerging from the cap through soft particle precipitation in the auroral oval. Two substorms occurred at times when the radar was south of the auroral oval. Both caused enhanced convection speeds, a swing to equatorward flow, enhanced E-region densities and a depleted F-region. The first was seen as a Westward Travelling Surge, and the swing to purely southward flow which followed the surge front did not return to westward flows until 80–110 min later. The Harang discontinuity was observed co-rotating eastwards between the substorms, 65 ± 30 min before the separatrix between the dawn and dusk convection cells.


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Flows of thermal atomic oxygen (O+) ions are deduced from topside ionospheric plasma density profiles. The mean flux within most of the polar cap is of the order of 10^12 m^{−2} s^{−1}, a figure which is consistent with both theoretical and experimental estimates of the light ion polar wind at greater altitudes. Larger flows (up to 6 × 10^12 m^{−2} s^{−1}) are observed near the poleward edge of the night-side statistical auroral oval, a feature not reproduced in the light ion flux. The implication is one of a low altitude acceleration mechanism, acting upon the O+ ions at these latitudes and at heights above that at which the fluxes are observed. Such a process would enable ions to escape from the ionosphere because they do not exchange charge with neutral hydrogen. The observations are in general agreement with energetic O+ ions as previously observed in various parts of the magnetosphere.


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Flow in geophysical fluids is commonly summarized by coherent streams, for example conveyor belt flows in extratropical cyclones or jet streaks in the upper troposphere. Typically, parcel trajectories are calculated from the flow field and subjective thresholds are used to distinguish coherent streams of interest. This methodology contribution develops a more objective approach to distinguish coherent airstreams within extratropical cyclones. Agglomerative clustering is applied to trajectories along with a method to identify the optimal number of cluster classes. The methodology is applied to trajectories associated with the low-level jets of a well-studied extratropical cyclone. For computational efficiency, a constraint that trajectories must pass through these jet regions is applied prior to clustering; the partitioning into different airstreams is then performed by the agglomerative clustering. It is demonstrated that the methodology can identify the salient flow structures of cyclones: the warm and cold conveyor belts. A test focusing on the airstreams terminating at the tip of the bent-back front further demonstrates the success of the method in that it can distinguish fine-scale flow structure such as descending sting jet airstreams.


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The ther mohaline exchange between the Atlantic and the Souther n Ocean is analyzed, using a dataset based on WOCE hydrographic data. It is shown that the salt and heat transports brought about by the South Atlantic subtropical gyre play an essential role in the Atlantic heat and salt budgets. It is found that on average the exported North Atlantic Deep W ater (NADW) is fresher than the retur n flows (basically composed of ther mocline and inter mediate water), indicating that the overtur ning circulation (OC) exports freshwater from the Atlantic. The sensitivity of the OC to interbasin fluxes of heat and salt is studied in a 2 D model, representing the Atlantic between 60 8 N and 30 8 S. The model is forced by mixed boundar y conditions at the sur face, and by realistic fluxes of heat and salt at its 30 8 S boundar y. The model circulation tur ns out to be ver y sensitive to net buoyancy fluxes through the sur face. Both net sur face cooling and net sur face saltening are sources of potential energy and impact positively on the circulation strength. The vertical distributions of the lateral fluxes tend to stabilize the stratification, and, as they extract potential energy from the system, tend to weaken the flow . These results imply that a change in the composition of the NADW retur n transports, whether by a change in the ratio ther mocline/inter mediate water , o r by a change in their ther mohaline characteristics, might influence the Atlantic OC considerably . It is also shown that the circulation is much more sensitive to changes in the shape of the lateral buoyancy flux than to changes in the shape of the sur face buoyancy flux, as the latter does not explicitly impact on the potential energy of the system. It is concluded that interocean fluxes of heat and salt are important for the strength and operation of the Atlantic ther mohaline circulation, and should be correctly represented in models that are used for climate sensitivity studies.


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Concrete Gown for Immaterial Flows was a sculptural installation and performance commissioned by the Hayward Gallery as part of the Mirrorcity exhibition (14 October 2014 - 4 January 2015). In an age of increasingly abstract power, ideology is disavowed as a twentieth century relic. We are instead told we are governed by pragmatic decisions based on charts and figures. Responding to this notion, Concrete Gown for Immaterial Flows is comprised of a concrete materialisation of abstract financial charts. It forms a stage upon which a series of live music performances take place. Musicians were commissioned to produce new interpretations of Nathan Alterman's "Morning Song", an old Zionist love song to the state, promising to clothe it in concrete and cement. Thus, the immateriality of financial transactions is made physical and given the monumental language it lacks in a patriotic offering for our times.