993 resultados para single-state oxygen


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We report an electrochemical gating approach with [similar]100% efficiency to tune the conductance of single-molecule 4,4′-bipyridine junctions using scanning-tunnelling-microscopy break junction technique. Density functional theory calculation suggests that electrochemical gating aligns molecular frontier orbitals relative to the electrode Fermi-level, switching the molecule from an off resonance state to “partial” resonance.


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Pyroxenes constitute an important component in mafic igneous and metamorphic rocks. They often possess a prismatic habit, and their long axis, the crystallographic c axis, helps define a lineation in a textured rock. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) serves as a fabric indicator in igneous and metamorphic rocks. If a rock’s AMS is carried by pyroxenes, it can be related to their crystallographic preferred orientation and degree of alignment. This requires knowing the intrinsic AMS of pyroxene single crystals. This study provides a comprehensive low-field and high-field AMS investigation of chemically diverse orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene crystals in relation to crystal structure, chemical composition, oxidation state of Fe, and the possible presence of ferromagnetic inclusions. The paramagnetic anisotropy, extracted from high-field data, shows clear relationships to crystallographic directions and Fe concentration both in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. In the diopside-augite series, the intermediate susceptibility is parallel to b, and the maximum is at 45° to the c axis. In aegirine, the intermediate axis remains parallel to b, while the maximum susceptibility is parallel to c. The AMS of spodumene depends on Fe concentration. In enstatite, the maximum susceptibility aligns with c and the minimum with b, and in the case of hypersthene, the maximum susceptibility is normal to the exsolution lamellae. Magnetite inclusions within augite possess a ferromagnetic anisotropy with consistent orientation of the principal susceptibilities, which dominates the low-field anisotropy. These results provide better understanding of magnetic anisotropy in pyroxenes and form a solid basis for interpretation of magnetic fabrics in pyroxene-bearing rocks.


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A technological development is described through which the stable carbon-, oxygen-, and nonexchangeable hydrogen-isotopic ratios (δ13C,δ18O,δ2H) are determined on a single carbohydrate (cellulose) sample with precision equivalent to conventional techniques (δ13 C 0.15‰,δ18O 0.30‰,δ2H 3.0‰). This triple-isotope approach offers significant new research opportunities, most notably in physiology and medicine, isotope biogeochem- istry, forensic science, and palaeoclimatology, when isotopic analysis of a common sample is desirable or when sample material is limited.


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The preparations, X-ray structures, and magnetic characterizations are presented for two new pentadecanuclear cluster compounds:  [NiII{NiII(MeOH)3}8(μ-CN)30{MV(CN)3}6]·xMeOH·yH2O (MV = MoV (1) with x = 17, y = 1; MV = WV (2) with x = 15, y = 0). Both compounds crystallize in the monoclinic space group C2/c, with cell dimensions of a = 28.4957(18) Å, b = 19.2583(10) Å, c = 32.4279(17) Å, β = 113.155(6)°, and Z = 4 for 1 and a = 28.5278(16) Å, b = 19.2008(18) Å, c = 32.4072(17) Å, β = 113.727(6)°, and Z = 4 for 2. The structures of 1 and 2 consist of neutral cluster complexes comprising 15 metal ions, 9 NiII and 6 MV, all linked by μ-cyano ligands. Magnetic susceptibilities and magnetization measurements of compounds 1 and 2 in the crystalline and dissolved state indicate that these clusters have a S = 12 ground state, originating from intracluster ferromagnetic exchange interactions between the μ-cyano-bridged metal ions of the type NiII−NC−MV. Indeed, these data show clearly that the cluster molecules stay intact in solution. Ac magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that the cluster compounds exhibit magnetic susceptibility relaxation phenomena at low temperatures since, with nonzero dc fields, χ‘ ‘M has a nonzero value that is frequency dependent. However, there appears no out-of-phase (χ‘ ‘M) signal in zero dc field down to 1.8 K, which excludes the expected signature for a single molecule magnet. This finding is confirmed with the small uniaxial magnetic anisotropy value for D of 0.015 cm-1, deduced from the high-field, high-frequency EPR measurement, which distinctly reveals a positive sign in D. Obviously, the overall magnetic anisotropy of the compounds is too low, and this may be a consequence of a small single ion magnetic anisotropy combined with the highly symmetric arrangement of the metal ions in the cluster molecule.


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The rearrangement of methyl 2-(methylthio)benzenesulfonate (1) to the zwitterionic 2-(dimethyl-sulfonium)benzenesulfonate (2) is known to proceed in solution by intermolecular Me transfers. The same rearrangement has been observed to occur in crystalline 1, but the crystal structure shows that the molecular packing is not conducive to intermolecular Me transfer. The reaction has been carried out with mixed crystals composed of 1 and deuteriomethylated (D6)-l. By fast-atom-bombardment mass spectroscopy, it has been shown that the product consists of a 1:2:1 mixture of the non-, tri-, and hexadeuterated species, the mixture expected, if the solid-state reaction proceeds by intermolecular Me transfers. From this result, together with the slower rates of conversion in the single crystal compared with the melt, it can be concluded that the reaction must occur not topochemically but rather at defects such as microcavities, surfaces, and other irregularities in the ordered crystal arrangement.


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This study aimed at evaluating a peak oxygen uptake test as a simple diagnostic tool to assess growth-hormone deficiency (GHD) in adults. Based on the findings of multiple growth hormone (GH) samplings after the exercise, a single GH sample taken 15 min postexercise revealed high accuracy in the diagnosis of GHD in the present study. A standardized peak oxygen uptake test may, therefore, provide an accurate alternative to more invasive tests of GHD.


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated gastric carcinomas (GC) represent a distinct and well-recognized subtype of gastric cancer with a prevalence of around 10% of all GC. In contrast, EBV has not been reported to play a major role in esophageal adenocarcinomas (EAC) and adenocarcinomas of the gastro-esophageal junction (GEJ). We report our experiences on EBV in collections of gastro-esophageal adenocarcinomas from two surgical centers and discuss the current state of research in this field. Tumor samples from 465 primary resected gastro-esophageal adenocarcinomas (118 EAC, 73 GEJ, and 274 GC) were investigated. Presence of EBV was determined by EBV-encoded small RNAs (EBER) in situ hybridization. Results were correlated with pathologic parameters (UICC pTNM category, Her2 status, tumor grading) and survival. EBER positivity was observed in 14 cases. None of the EAC were positive for EBER. In contrast, we observed EBER positivity in 2/73 adenocarcinomas of the GEJ (2.7%) and 12/274 GC (4.4%). These were of intestinal type (seven cases) or unclassifiable (six cases), while only one case was of diffuse type according to the Lauren classification. No association between EBV and pT, pN, or tumor grading was found, neither was there a correlation with clinical outcome. None of the EBER positive cases were Her2 positive. In conclusion, EBV does not seem to play a role in the carcinogenesis of EAC. Moreover, adenocarcinomas of the GEJ show lower rates of EBV positivity compared to GC. Our data only partially correlate with previous reports from the literature. This highlights the need for further research on this distinct entity. Recent reports, however, have identified specific epigenetic and genetic alterations in EBV-associated GC, which might lead to a distinct treatment approach for this specific subtype of GC in the future.


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Oxygen diffusion plays an important role in grain growth and densification during the sintering of alumina ceramics and governs high-temperature processes such as creep. The atomistic mechanism for oxygen diffusion in alumina is, however, still debated; atomistic calculations not being able to match experimentally determined activation energies for oxygen vacancy diffusion. These calculations are, however, usually performed for perfectly pure crystals, whereas virtually every experimental alumina sample contains a significant fraction of impurity/dopants ions. In this study, we use atomistic defect cluster and nudged elastic band (NEB) calculations to model the effect of Mg impurities/dopants on defect binding energies and migration barriers. We find that oxygen vacancies can form energetically favorable clusters with Mg, which reduces the number of mobile species and leads to an additional 1.5 eV energy barrier for the detachment of a single vacancy from Mg. The migration barriers of diffusive jumps change such that an enhanced concentration of oxygen vacancies is expected around Mg ions. Mg impurities were also found to cause destabilization of certain vacancy configurations as well as enhanced vacancy–vacancy interaction.


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Background Several indicators of heightened vulnerability to psychosis and relevant stressors have been identified. However, it has rarely been studied prospectively to what extent these vulnerability factors are in fact more frequently present in individuals with an at-risk mental state for psychosis. Moreover, it remains unknown whether any of these contribute to the prediction of psychosis onset in at-risk mental state individuals. Methods There were 28 healthy controls, 86 first-episode psychosis patients and 127 at-risk mental state individuals recruited within the Basel “Früherkennung von Psychosen” project. Relative frequencies of selected vulnerability factors for psychosis were compared between healthy controls, psychosis patients, those at-risk mental state individuals with subsequent psychosis onset (n = 31) and those without subsequent psychosis onset (n = 55). Survival analyses were applied to determine associations between time to transition to psychosis and vulnerability factors in all 127 at-risk mental state individuals. Results The vulnerability factors/indicators such as “difficulties during school education or vocational training”, “difficulties during employment”, “being single”, “difficulties with intimate relationships” and “being burdened with specific stressful situations” were more commonly found in the at-risk mental state and first-episode psychosis group than in healthy controls. Conclusions At-risk mental state and first-episode psychosis individuals more frequently present with vulnerability factors. Individual vulnerability factors appear, however, not to be predictive for an onset of psychosis.


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Keywords High-pressure fluids · Whiteschists · U–Pb dating · Oxygen isotopes · Ion microprobe · Metasomatism Introduction The subduction of crustal material to mantle depths and its chemical modification during burial and exhumation contribute to element recycling in the mantle and the formation of new crust through arc magmatism. Crustal rocks that Abstract The Dora-Maira whiteschists derive from metasomatically altered granites that experienced ultrahighpressure metamorphism at ~750 °C and 40 kbar during the Alpine orogeny. In order to investigate the P–T–time– fluid evolution of the whiteschists, we obtained U–Pb ages from zircon and monazite and combined those with trace element composition and oxygen isotopes of the accessory minerals and coexisting garnet. Zircon cores are the only remnants of the granitic protolith and still preserve a Permian age, magmatic trace element compositions and δ18O of ~10 ‰. Thermodynamic modelling of Si-rich and Si-poor whiteschist compositions shows that there are two main fluid pulses during prograde subduction between 20 and 40 kbar. In Si-poor samples, the breakdown of chlorite to garnet + fluid occurs at ~22 kbar. A first zircon rim directly overgrowing the cores has inclusions of prograde phlogopite and HREE-enriched patterns indicating zircon growth at the onset of garnet formation. A second main fluid pulse is documented close to peak metamorphic conditions in both Si-rich and Si-poor whiteschist when talc + kyanite react to garnet + coesite + fluid. A second metamorphic overgrowth on zircon with HREE depletion was observed in the Si-poor whiteschists, whereas a single metamorphic overgrowth capturing phengite and talc inclusions was observed in the Si-rich whiteschists. Garnet rims, zircon rims and monazite are in chemical and isotopic equilibrium for oxygen, demonstrating that they all formed at peak metamorphism at 35 Ma as constrained by the age of monazite (34.7 ± 0.4 Ma) and zircon rims (35.1 ± 0.8 Ma). The prograde zircon rim in Si-poor whiteschists has an age that is within error indistinguishable from the age of peak metamorphic conditions, consistent with a minimum rate of subduction of 2 cm/year for the Dora-Maira unit. Oxygen isotope values for zircon rims, monazite and garnet are equal within error at 6.4 ± 0.4 ‰, which is in line with closed-system equilibrium fractionation during prograde to peak temperatures. The resulting equilibrium Δ18Ozircon-monazite at 700 ± 20 °C is 0.1 ± 0.7 ‰. The in situ oxygen isotope data argue against an externally derived input of fluids into the whiteschists. Instead, fluidassisted zircon and monazite recrystallisation can be linked to internal dehydration reactions during prograde subduction. We propose that the major metasomatic event affecting the granite protolith was related to hydrothermal seafloor alteration post-dating Jurassic rifting, well before the onset of Alpine subduction.


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The DNA breakage effect of the anticancer agent 3,6-diaziridinyl-2,5-bis(carboethoxyamino)-1,4-benzoquinone (AZQ, NSC-182986) on bacteriophage PM2 DNA was investigated using agarose gel electrophoresis. AZQ caused both single-stranded and double-stranded breaks after reduction with NaBH(,4), but it was not active in the native state. At 120 (mu)M, it degraded 50% of the closed circular form I DNA into 40% form II DNA (single-stranded break) and 10% form III DNA (double-stranded break). It produced a dose-response breakage between 1 (mu)M and 320 (mu)M. The DNA breakage exhibited a marked pH dependency. At 320 (mu)M, AZQ degraded 80% and 60% of form I DNA at pH 4 and 10 respectively, but none between pH 6 to 8. The DNA breakage at physiologic pH was greatly enhanced when 10 (mu)M cupric sulfate was included in the incubation mixture. The DNA strand scission was inhibited by catalase, glutathione, KI, histidine, Tiron, and DABCO. These results suggest that the DNA breakage may be caused by active oxygen metabolites including hydroxyl free radical. The bifunctional cross-linking activity of reduced AZQ on isolated calf thymus DNA was investigated by ethidium fluorescence assay. The cross-linking activity exhibited a similar pH dependency; highest in acidic and alkaline pH, inactive under neutral conditions. Using the alkaline elution method, we found that AZQ induced DNA single-stranded breaks in Chinese hamster ovary cells treated with 50 (mu)M of AZQ for 2 hr. The single-stranded break frequencies in rad equivalents were 17 with 50 (mu)M and 140 with 100 (mu)M of AZQ. In comparison, DNA cross-links appeared in cells treated with only 1 to 25 (mu)M of AZQ for 2 hr. The cross-linking frequencies in rad equivalents were 39 and 90 for 1 and 5 (mu)M of AZQ, respectively. Both DNA-DNA and DNa-protein cross-links were induced by AZQ in CHO cells as revealed by the proteinas K digestion assay. DNA cross-links increased within the first 4 hr of incubation in drug-free medium and slightly decreased by 12 hr, and most of the cross-links disappeared after cells were allowed to recovered for 24 hr.^ By electrochemical analysis, we found that AZQ was more readily reduced at acidic pH. However, incubation of AZQ with NaBH(,4) at pH 7.8 or 10, but not at 4, produced superoxide anion. The opening of the aziridinyl rings of AZQ at pH 4 was faster in the presence of NaBH(,4) than in its absence; no ring-opening was detected at pH 7.8 regardless of the inclusion of NaBH(,4). . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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Morphine is the most common clinical choice in the management of severe pain. Although the molecular mechanisms of morphine have already been characterized, the cerebral circuits by which it attenuates the sensation of pain have not yet been studied in humans. The objective of this two-arm (morphine versus placebo), between-subjects study was to examine whether morphine affects pain via pain-related cortical circuits, but also via reward regions that relate to the motivational state, as well as prefrontal regions that relate to vigilance as a result of morphine's sedative effects. Cortical activity was measured by the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). ^ The novelty of this study is at three levels: (i) to develop a methodology that will assess the average BOLD signal across subjects for the pain, reward, and vigilance cortical systems; (ii) to examine whether the reward and/or sedative effects of morphine are contributing factors to cortical regions associated with the motivational state and vigilance; and (iii) to propose a neuroanatomical model related to the opioid-sensitive effects of reward and sedation as a function of cortical activity related to pain in an effort to assess future analgesics. ^ Consistent with our hypotheses, our findings showed that the decrease in total pain-related volume activated between the post- and the pre-treatment morphine group was about 78%, while the post-treatment placebo group displayed only a 5% decrease when compared to pre-treatment levels of activation. The volume increase in reward regions was 451% in the post-treatment compared to the pre-treatment morphine condition. Finally, the volumetric decrease in vigilance regions was 63% in the posttreatment compared to the pre-treatment morphine condition. ^ These findings imply that changes in the blood flow of the reward and vigilance regions may be contributing factors in producing the analgesic effect under morphine administration. Future studies need to replicate this study in a higher resolution fMRI environment and to assess the proposed neuroanatomical model in patient populations. The necessity of pain research is apparent, since pain cuts across different diseases especially chronic ones, and thus, is recognized as a vital public health developing area. ^


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The United States health care system faces significant challenges, particularly with problems of the uninsured and with the rising costs of care. These problems lead many to study and discuss strategies for reforming the health care system. Four different plans for ideal health care reform, set forth by notable scholars or organizations, are explained herein. Then, states within the United States are examined in terms of their recent efforts at health care reform. Those states proposing significant changes to their health care systems are analyzed—namely, Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont. The strategies used in these three states are compared to the strategies laid out by the experts in order to determine which strategies are the most popular in current health care reform efforts among the states studied here. These strategies are totaled to find which organization's plan for ideal reform seems to be the most popular. The strategies of managed competition are shown to be the most popular strategies among these three state health care reforms, while the strategies of the single-payer plan discussed herein were the least popular. All three states seem to utilize strategies that build upon their previous health care system, rather than implementing strategies that completely replace the previous system. ^


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Critically ill and injured patients require pain relief and sedation to reduce the body's stress response and to facilitate painful diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Presently, the level of sedation and analgesia is guided by the use of clinical scores which can be unreliable. There is therefore, a need for an objective measure of sedation and analgesia. The Bispectral Index (BIS) and Patient State Index (PSI) were recently introduced into clinical practice as objective measures of the depth of analgesia and sedation. ^ Aim. To compare the different measures of sedation and analgesia (BIS and PSI) to the standard and commonly used modified Ramsay Score (MRS) and determine if the monitors can be used interchangeably. ^ Methods. MRS, BIS and PSI values were obtained in 50 postoperative cardiac surgery patients requiring analgesia and sedation from June to December 2004. The MRS, BIS and PSI values were assessed hourly for up to 6-h by a single observer. ^ The relationship between BIS and PSI values were explored using scatter plots and correlation between MRS, BIS and PSI was determined using Spearman's correlation coefficient. Intra-class correlation (ICC) was used to determine the inter-rater reliability of MRS, BIS and PSI. Kappa statistics was used to further evaluate the agreement between BIS and PSI at light, moderate and deep levels of sedation. ^ Results. There was a positive correlation between BIS and PSI values (Rho = 0.731, p<0.001). Intra-class correlation between BIS and PSI was 0.58, MRS and BIS 0.43 and MRS and PSI 0.27. Using Kappa statistics, agreement between MRS and BIS was 0.35 (95% CI: 0.27–0.43) and for MRS and PSI was 0.21 (95% CI: 0.15–0.28). The kappa statistic for BIS and PSI was 0.45 (95% CI: 0.37–0.52). Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves constructed to detect undersedation indicated an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.91 (95% CI = 0.87 to 0.94) for the BIS and 0.84 (95% CI = 0.79 to 0.88) for the PSI. For detection of oversedation, AUC for the BIS was 0.89 (95% CI = 0.84 to 0.92) and 0.80 (95% CI = 0.75 to 0.85) for the PSI. ^ Conclusions. There is a statistically significant positive correlation between the BIS and PSI but poor correlation and poor test agreement between the MRS and BIS as well as MRS and PSI. Both the BIS and PSI demonstrated a high level of prediction for undersedation and oversedation; however, the BIS and PSI can not be considered interchangeable monitors of sedation. ^


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Cool tropical sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are reported for warm Paleogene greenhouse climates based on the d18O of planktonic foraminiferal tests. These results are difficult to reconcile with models of greenhouse gas-forced climate. It has been suggested that this "cool tropics paradox" arises from postdepositional alteration of foraminiferal calcite, yielding erroneously high d18O values. Recrystallization of foraminiferal tests is cryptic and difficult to quantify, and the compilation of robust d18O records from moderately altered material remains challenging. Scanning electron microscopy of planktonic foraminiferal chamber-wall cross sections reveals that the basal area of muricae, pustular outgrowths on the chamber walls of species belonging to the genus Morozovella, contain no mural pores and may be less susceptible to postdepositional alteration. We analyzed the d18O in muricae bases of morozovellids from the central Pacific (Ocean Drilling Program Site 865) by ion microprobe using 10 ?m pits with an analytical reproducibility of ±0.34 per mil (2 standard deviations). In situ measurements of d18O in these domains yield consistently lower values than those published for conventional multispecimen analyses. Assuming that the original d18O is largely preserved in the basal areas of muricae, this new d18O record indicates Early Paleogene (~49-56 Ma) tropical SSTs in the central Pacific were 4°-8°C higher than inferred from the previously published d18O record and that SSTs reached at least ~33°C during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum. This study demonstrates the utility of ion microprobe analysis for generating more reliable paleoclimate records from moderately altered foraminiferal tests preserved in deep-sea sediments.