986 resultados para service industries


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Abstract Objectives: In Germany since 2007 patients with advanced life-limiting diseases are eligible for Specialized Outpatient Palliative Care (SOPC). To provide this service, SOPC teams have been established as a new facility in the health care system. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of one of the first SOPC teams based at the Munich University Hospital. Methods: All patients treated by the SOPC team and their primary caregivers were eligible for this prospective nonrandomized study. The main topics of the surveys before and after involvement of the SOPC team were: for patients, the assessment of symptom burden (Minimal Documentation System for Palliative Medicine, MIDOS), satisfaction with quality of palliative care (Palliative Outcome Scale, POS), and quality of life (McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire, MQOL); for caregivers, burden of care (Häusliche Pflegeskala, home care scale, HPS), anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS), and quality of life (Quality of Life in Life-Threatening Illness-Family Carer Version, QOLLTI-F). Results: Of 100 patients treated between April and November 2011, 60 were included in the study (median age 67.5 years, 55% male, 87% oncological diseases). In 23 of 60 patients, only caregivers could be interviewed. The median interval between the first and second interview was 2.5 weeks. Quality of life increased significantly in patients (p<0.05) and caregivers (p<0.001), as did the patients' perception of quality of palliative care (POS, p<0.001), while the caregivers' psychological distress and burden of care significantly decreased (HADS, p<0.001; HPS, p<0.001). Conclusions: The involvement of an SOPC team leads to a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients and caregivers and can lower the burden of home care for the caregivers of severely ill patients.


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Introduction The population of elderly persons is increasing andnegative outcomes due to polymedication are frequent. Discrepanciesin information about medication are frequent when older persons aretransitioning from hospital to home, increasing the risk of hospitalreadmission. The aims of this study were a) to determine discrepanciesin medical regimen indicated in two official discharge documents(DS = discharge summary, DP=discharge prescription); b) to characterizethe pharmacotherapy prescribed in older patients dischargedfrom a geriatric service.Materials & Methods Elderly patients (N=230) discharged from thegeriatric service (CHUV, Lausanne) over a 6-month period (January toJune 2009) were selected. Community pharmacists compared DS andDP to identify discrepancies including (a) drugs' name; (b) schedule ofadministration, dosage, frequency, prn prescription, treatment durationand galenic formulation. Beers' criteria were applied to identifypotentially inappropriate drugs and a descriptive analysis of drug costs,prescription profiles and generics were also performed.Results On average, patients were 82 ± 7 years old and stayed23.0 ± 11.6 days in the geriatric service. The delay between the datesof patient's discharge with the DP and the sending of the DS to hisgeneral physician averaged 14.0 ± 7.5 days (range 1-55). The DPhad an average of 10.0 ± 3.3 drugs (range 2-19). 77% of patients hadat least one discrepancy. A drug was missing on the DS in 57.8% ofpatients and 19.6% had a missing prn prescription. Among the 2312drugs prescribed, 3% belonged to Beers' list. They were prescribed to61 patients (26.5%), with 6 patients cumulating two Beers' potentiallyinappropriate drugs in their treatment. Analgesics (85% of thepatients), anticoagulants (80%), mineral supplements (77%), laxatives(52%) and antihypertensives (46%) were the drug classes most frequentlyprescribed. Mean costs of treatment as per DP was160.4 ± 179.4 Euros. Generic prescription represented more than 5%of the costs for 3 therapeutic classes (cholesterol-lowering agents(64%), antihypertensives (50%) and antidepressants (47%)).Discussion & Conclusion The high discrepancy rate between medicationlisted in the DP and the DS highlights a need for safetyimprovement. Potential benefits are expected from reinforced pharmacist-physician collaboration in transition from hospital to primarycare. In addition, even though Beers' criteria are questionable, thedrugs prescribed in this already fragile population, and the potentialopportunities of economical optimizations, are advocating thedevelopment and the scientific evaluation of a structured advancedcollaborative pharmacy practice service. This foresees improvedeffectiveness, safety and efficiency in the medication management ofelderly persons.


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Softcatalà is a non-profit associationcreated more than 10 years ago to fightthe marginalisation of the Catalan languagein information and communicationtechnologies. It has led the localisationof many applications and thecreation of a website which allows itsusers to translate texts between Spanishand Catalan using an external closed-sourcetranslation engine. Recently,the closed-source translation back-endhas been replaced by a free/open-sourcesolution completely managed by Softcatalà: the Apertium machine translationplatform and the ScaleMT web serviceframework. Thanks to the opennessof the new solution, it is possibleto take advantage of the huge amount ofusers of the Softcatalà translation serviceto improve it, using a series ofmethods presented in this paper. In addition,a study of the translations requestedby the users has been carriedout, and it shows that the translationback-end change has not affected theusage patterns.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on analysoida ja kehittää palvelulupauskonseptia toimitusketjuun perustuen Halton Oy:ssä. Työ toteutettiin, koska asiakaslähtöinen liiketoimintatapa on voimakkaasti valtaamassa alaa tuote- ja tuotantopainotteiselta toimintatavalta. Tuotteiden erinomaisuus koetaan markkinoilla yhä useammin itsestään selvyytenä. Prosessien tehokas hallitseminen ja asiakkaan kokeman lisäarvon muodostaminen ovat muodostuneet ratkaisevimmaksi kilpailuedun luojaksi. Toimitusketjun hallinnalla ja sähköisellä kaupankäynnillä on tärkeä rooli tämän kilpailuedun muodostumisessa.Diplomityö käsittelee uuden palvelulupauskonseptin tarjoamia etuja Halton Oy:lle. Työssä pureudutaan toimitusketjun ja sähköisen kaupankäynnin integraatiomahdollisuuksiin. Tarkoituksena on selvittää parhaat mahdolliset kriteerit Haltonin palvelulupauskonseptilleja luoda menetelmät yrityksen materiaalivirtojen sekä uuden konseptin analysoinnille ja kehittämiselle jatkossa.


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Sähköisen kaupankäynnin kasvun myötä, itsenäisten yritysten tietojärjestelmien integraation tarve on moninkertaistunut viime vuosien aikana. Yritykset ovat huomanneet, että tilaus-toimitusketjun automatisointiin tähtäävällä kokonaisvaltaisella integraatio-ratkaisulla on mahdollista päästä kattaviin kustannussäästöihin sekä tulojen kasvuun. Pääsääntöisesti yritykset kuitenkin etenevät hitaammin, integroimalla aluksi pienempiä liiketoiminnan tietojärjestelmien toimintoja. Positiivisten kokemusten perusteella yritykset ovat valmiitalaajentamaan sähköisen kaupankäynnin automatisointia myös muissa toiminnoissa. Tässä työssä keskitytään tarkastelemaan eri lähestymistapojayritystenvälisen integraation toteuttamiseen, sekä analysoimaan eri keinojen liiketoiminnallisia ja teknisiä vaikutuksia. Työ on tehty yhteistyössä UPM-KymmeneWood Oy:n kanssa, jonka tavoitteena oli saada perusteelliset tiedot yrityksenvälisestä integraatiosta ja syventää tietoja sekä integraatio-palveluita tarjoavien kolmansien osapuolten toimintatavoista että heidän tarjoamista palveluista ja niiden käyttökelpoisuudesta puutuoteteollisuudessa toimivassa yrityksessä. Käytännön osuudessa on tarkemmin esitelty integraatio-palveluita tarjoavien operaattoreiden kanssa käytyjen palaverien sekä heidän toimittamien materiaalien perusteella tehdyn tutkimustyön tuloksia, sisältäen yksityiskohtaiset kuvaukset yritystenvälisen integraation mahdollistavista palveluista.


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Globaalin talouden rakenteet muuttuvat jatkuvasti. Yritykset toimivat kansainvälisillä markkinoilla aiempaa enemmän. Tuotannon lisäämiseksi monet yritykset ovat ulkoistaneet tuotteidensa tuki- ja ylläpitotoiminnot halvan työvoiman maihin. Yritykset voivat tällöin keskittää toimintansa ydinosamiseensa. Vapautuneita resursseja voidaan käyttää yrityksen sisäisessä tuotekehityksessä ja panostaa seuraavan sukupolven tuotteiden ja teknologioiden kehittämiseen. Diplomityö esittelee Globaalisti hajautetun toimitusmallin Internet-palveluntarjoajalle jossa tuotteiden tuki- ja ylläpito on ulkoistettu Intiaan. Teoriaosassa esitellään erilaisia toimitusmalleja ja keskitytään erityisesti hajautettuun toimitusmalliin. Tämän lisäksi luetellaan valintakriteerejä joilla voidaan arvioida projektin soveltuvuutta ulkoistettavaksi sekä esitellään mahdollisuuksia ja uhkia jotka sisältyvät globaaliin ulkoistusprosessiin. Käytäntöosassa esitellään globaali palvelun toimittamisprosessi joka on kehitetty Internet-palveluntarjoajan tarpeisiin.


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Background To analyse the extent and profile of outpatient regular dispensation of antipsychotics, both in combination and monotherapy, in the Barcelona Health Region (Spain), focusing on the use of clozapine and long-acting injections (LAI). Methods Antipsychotic drugs dispensed for people older than 18 and processed by the Catalan Health Service during 2007 were retrospectively reviewed. First and second generation antipsychotic drugs (FGA and SGA) from the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification (ATC) code N05A (except lithium) were included. A patient selection algorithm was designed to identify prescriptions regularly dispensed. Variables included were age, gender, antipsychotic type, route of administration and number of packages dispensed. Results A total of 117,811 patients were given any antipsychotic, of whom 71,004 regularly received such drugs. Among the latter, 9,855 (13.9%) corresponded to an antipsychotic combination, 47,386 (66.7%) to monotherapy and 13,763 (19.4%) to unspecified combinations. Of the patients given antipsychotics in association, 58% were men. Olanzapine (37.1%) and oral risperidone (36.4%) were the most common dispensations. Analysis of the patients dispensed two antipsychotics (57.8%) revealed 198 different combinations, the most frequent being the association of FGA and SGA (62.0%). Clozapine was dispensed to 2.3% of patients. Of those who were receiving antipsychotics in combination, 6.6% were given clozapine, being clozapine plus amisulpride the most frequent association (22.8%). A total of 3.800 patients (5.4%) were given LAI antipsychotics, and 2.662 of these (70.1%) were in combination. Risperidone was the most widely used LAI. Conclusions The scant evidence available regarding the efficacy of combining different antipsychotics contrasts with the high number and variety of combinations prescribed to outpatients, as well as with the limited use of clozapine. Background To analyse the extent and profile of outpatient regular dispensation of antipsychotics, both in combination and monotherapy, in the Barcelona Health Region (Spain), focusing on the use of clozapine and long-acting injections (LAI). Methods Antipsychotic drugs dispensed for people older than 18 and processed by the Catalan Health Service during 2007 were retrospectively reviewed. First and second generation antipsychotic drugs (FGA and SGA) from the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification (ATC) code N05A (except lithium) were included. A patient selection algorithm was designed to identify prescriptions regularly dispensed. Variables included were age, gender, antipsychotic type, route of administration and number of packages dispensed. Results A total of 117,811 patients were given any antipsychotic, of whom 71,004 regularly received such drugs. Among the latter, 9,855 (13.9%) corresponded to an antipsychotic combination, 47,386 (66.7%) to monotherapy and 13,763 (19.4%) to unspecified combinations. Of the patients given antipsychotics in association, 58% were men. Olanzapine (37.1%) and oral risperidone (36.4%) were the most common dispensations. Analysis of the patients dispensed two antipsychotics (57.8%) revealed 198 different combinations, the most frequent being the association of FGA and SGA (62.0%). Clozapine was dispensed to 2.3% of patients. Of those who were receiving antipsychotics in combination, 6.6% were given clozapine, being clozapine plus amisulpride the most frequent association (22.8%). A total of 3.800 patients (5.4%) were given LAI antipsychotics, and 2.662 of these (70.1%) were in combination. Risperidone was the most widely used LAI. Conclusions The scant evidence available regarding the efficacy of combining different antipsychotics contrasts with the high number and variety of combinations prescribed to outpatients, as well as with the limited use of clozapine.


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