982 resultados para self-transformation


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We explore the application of pseudo time marching schemes, involving either deterministic integration or stochastic filtering, to solve the inverse problem of parameter identification of large dimensional structural systems from partial and noisy measurements of strictly static response. Solutions of such non-linear inverse problems could provide useful local stiffness variations and do not have to confront modeling uncertainties in damping, an important, yet inadequately understood, aspect in dynamic system identification problems. The usual method of least-square solution is through a regularized Gauss-Newton method (GNM) whose results are known to be sensitively dependent on the regularization parameter and data noise intensity. Finite time,recursive integration of the pseudo-dynamical GNM (PD-GNM) update equation addresses the major numerical difficulty associated with the near-zero singular values of the linearized operator and gives results that are not sensitive to the time step of integration. Therefore, we also propose a pseudo-dynamic stochastic filtering approach for the same problem using a parsimonious representation of states and specifically solve the linearized filtering equations through a pseudo-dynamic ensemble Kalman filter (PD-EnKF). For multiple sets of measurements involving various load cases, we expedite the speed of thePD-EnKF by proposing an inner iteration within every time step. Results using the pseudo-dynamic strategy obtained through PD-EnKF and recursive integration are compared with those from the conventional GNM, which prove that the PD-EnKF is the best performer showing little sensitivity to process noise covariance and yielding reconstructions with less artifacts even when the ensemble size is small.


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We explore the application of pseudo time marching schemes, involving either deterministic integration or stochastic filtering, to solve the inverse problem of parameter identification of large dimensional structural systems from partial and noisy measurements of strictly static response. Solutions of such non-linear inverse problems could provide useful local stiffness variations and do not have to confront modeling uncertainties in damping, an important, yet inadequately understood, aspect in dynamic system identification problems. The usual method of least-square solution is through a regularized Gauss-Newton method (GNM) whose results are known to be sensitively dependent on the regularization parameter and data noise intensity. Finite time, recursive integration of the pseudo-dynamical GNM (PD-GNM) update equation addresses the major numerical difficulty associated with the near-zero singular values of the linearized operator and gives results that are not sensitive to the time step of integration. Therefore, we also propose a pseudo-dynamic stochastic filtering approach for the same problem using a parsimonious representation of states and specifically solve the linearized filtering equations through apseudo-dynamic ensemble Kalman filter (PD-EnKF). For multiple sets ofmeasurements involving various load cases, we expedite the speed of the PD-EnKF by proposing an inner iteration within every time step. Results using the pseudo-dynamic strategy obtained through PD-EnKF and recursive integration are compared with those from the conventional GNM, which prove that the PD-EnKF is the best performer showing little sensitivity to process noise covariance and yielding reconstructions with less artifacts even when the ensemble size is small. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Extended self-similarity (ESS), a procedure that remarkably extends the range of scaling for structure functions in Navier-Stokes turbulence and thus allows improved determination of intermittency exponents, has never been fully explained. We show that ESS applies to Burgers turbulence at high Reynolds numbers and we give the theoretical explanation of the numerically observed improved scaling at both the IR and UV end, in total a gain of about three quarters of a decade: there is a reduction of subdominant contributions to scaling when going from the standard structure function representation to the ESS representation. We conjecture that a similar situation holds for three-dimensional incompressible turbulence and suggest ways of capturing subdominant contributions to scaling.


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In sub-humid South India, recent studies have shown that black soil areas (Vertisols and vertic Intergrades), located on flat valley bottoms, have been rejuvenated through the incision of streambeds, inducing changes in the pedoclimate and soil transformation. Joint pedological, geochemical and geophysical investigations were performed in order to better understand the ongoing processes and their contribution to the chemistry of local rivers. The seasonal rainfall causes cycles of oxidation and reduction in a perched watertable at the base of the black soil, while the reduced solutions are exported through a loamy sand network. This framework favours a ferrolysis process, which causes low base saturation and protonation of clay, leading to the weathering of 2:1 then 1:1 clay minerals. Maximum weathering conditions occur at the very end of the wet season, just before disappearance of the perched watertable. Therefore, the by-products of soil transformation are partially drained off and calcareous nodules, then further downslope, amorphous silica precipitate upon soil dehydration. The ferrolysed area is fringing the drainage system indicating that its development has been induced by the streambed incision. The distribution of C-14 ages of CaCO3 nodules suggests that the ferrolysis process started during the late Holocene, only about 2 kyr B.P. at the studied site and about 5 kyr B.P. at the watershed outlet. The results of this study are applied to an assessment of the physical erosion rate (4.8x10(-3) m/kyr) since the recent reactivation of the erosion process. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we have investigated the instability of the self-similar flow behind the boundary of a collapsing cavity. The similarity solutions for the flow into a cavity in a fluid obeying a gas law p = Kργ, K = constant and 7 ≥ γ > 1 has been solved by Hunter, who finds that for the same value of γ there are two self-similar flows, one with accelerating cavity boundary and other with constant velocity cavity boundary. We find here that the first of these two flows is unstable. We arrive at this result only by studying the propagation of disturbances in the neighbourhood of the singular point.


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The particle size and crystallite size of anatase increase markedly in the region of the crystal structure transformation. The unit cell of anatase seems to expand prior to the transformation to rutile. This expansion has been attributed to a displacive transformation of the type defined by Buerger. Smaller particle size and larger surface area seem to favour the transformation. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase prepared by the hydrolysis of titanium sulphate have been studied at different temperatures and are found to be considerably different from the kinetics of the transformation of pure anatase. The transformation becomes immeasurably slow below ∼695 ± 10°C compared to ∼610°C for pure anatase. An induction period is observed in the transformation of anatase obtained from sulphate hydrolysis and the duration decreases with increase in temperature. The activation energy is ∼120 kcal/mole, a value higher than that for the pure anatase-rutile transformation. The results have been interpreted in terms of the relative rates of nucleation and propagation processes. The activation energy for the nucleation process seems to be much larger than for the propagation process. The kinetics of the transformation of anatase samples doped with different amounts of sulphate ion impurity have also been studied and the transformation is found to be progressively decelerated with increase in the impurity concentration. The energy of activation for the transformation appears to increase progressively with increase in impurity concentration.


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A series of 2′-5′-oligoguanylic acids are prepared by reacting G(cyclic)p with takadiastase T1 ribonuclease and separating the products chromatographically. The 3′-5′-oligoguanylic acids are obtained by separating the products of alkaline degradation of 3′-5′-poly(G). The optical rotatory dispersion and hypochromism of both 2′-5′- and 3′-5′-oligoguanylic acids are studied at two different pH. The optical rotatory dispersion spectrum of 2′-5′-GpG is significantly different from that of 3′-5′-GpG. The magnitude of rotation of the long-wavelength peak of 2′-5′-GpG is larger than that of 3′-5′-GpG. This finding contradicts the explanation that the extra stability and more intense circular dichroism band of other 3′-5′-dinucleoside monophosphates is due to H-bond formation between 2′-OH and either the base or the phosphate oxygen. The end phosphate group has a marked effect on the spectrum of GpG between 230 and 250 mμ. In addition the optical rotatory dispersion spectra of 2′-5′ exhibit strong pH, temperature, and solvent dependence between 230 and 250 mμ. ΔH and AS for order ⇌ disorder transition is estimated to be 9.7 kcal/mole and 35.2 eu, respectively. The optical rotatory dispersion spectra of guanine-rich oligoribonucleotides, GpGpC, GpGpU, GpGpGpC, and GpGpGpU are compared to the calculated optical rotatory dispersion from the semiempirical expression of Cantor and Tinoco, using measured optical rotatory dispersion of dimers. Contrary to previous studies, agreement is found not at all satisfactory. However, optical rotatory dispersion of 3′-5′-GpGpGpC and GpGpGpU can be estimated from the semiempirical expression, if a next-nearest interaction parameter is introduced empirically. Such interaction parameter can be calculated from the measured properties of trinucleotide sequences like GpGpG, GpGpC, and GpGpU, assuming that only the nearest-neighbor interaction is important. The optical rotatory dispersion of single-stranded poly(G) is also predicted. The importance of syn-anti equilibrium and next-nearest-neighbor interaction in oligoguanylic acids is suggested as a probable explanation.


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In this study, we report a novel approach for glucose-triggered anticancer drug delivery from the self-assembly of neutral poly(vinyln alcohol) (PVA) and chitosan. In the present study, we have fabricated multilayer thin film of PVA-borate and chitosan on colloidal particle (MF particle) and monitored the layer-by-layer growth using Zetapotential measurements. Formation of multilayer membrane on MF particle has been further characterized with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Subsequently,disintegration of multilayer thin film and microcapsules was observed in presence of glucose. We investigated the disassembly of PVA-borate and chitosan self-assembly under CLSM and atomic force microscopy. These results suggest that this multilayer thin film is very efficient for encapsulation and release of DOX molecules above certain concentration of glucose (25 mM). This glucose-sensitive self-assembly is relevant for the application of anticancer therapeutic drug delivery.


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Brookite, the orthorhombic modification of titanium dioxide, transforms to the tetragonal modification, rutile, on heating. The kinetics and energetics of the transformation have been studied. Below 715±10°C, the rate of transformation is extremely slow. There appears to be little or no induction time. The kinetic data can be fitted reasonably well by the first-order equation. The energy of activation is about 60 kcal/mole and the frequency factor is of the order of 1013 h-1. The entropy of activation from Eyring's theory is about -18 cal/mole deg. at 800°C. The heat of this transformation is -100±75 cal/mole. The kinetic results may be explained qualitatively in terms of various analogies but more clearly by the application of the order-disorder theory to diffusionless transformation in solids. It has been shown that the ratio of propagation rate constant to the nucleation rate constant is small and that there is little or negligible phase aggregation.


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By observing mergers of compact objects, future gravity wave experiments would measure the luminosity distance to a large number of sources to a high precision but not their redshifts. Given the directional sensitivity of an experiment, a fraction of such sources (gold plated) can be identified optically as single objects in the direction of the source. We show that if an approximate distance-redshift relation is known then it is possible to statistically resolve those sources that have multiple galaxies in the beam. We study the feasibility of using gold plated sources to iteratively resolve the unresolved sources, obtain the self-calibrated best possible distance-redshift relation and provide an analytical expression for the accuracy achievable. We derive the lower limit on the total number of sources that is needed to achieve this accuracy through self-calibration. We show that this limit depends exponentially on the beam width and give estimates for various experimental parameters representative of future gravitational wave experiments DECIGO and BBO.


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Based on the Aristotelian criterion referred to as 'abductio', Peirce suggests a method of hypothetical inference, which operates in a different way than the deductive and inductive methods. “Abduction is nothing but guessing” (Peirce, 7.219). This principle is of extreme value for the study of our understanding of mathematical self-similarity in both of its typical presentations: relative or absolute. For the first case, abduction incarnates the quantitative/qualitative relationships of a self-similar object or process; for the second case, abduction makes understandable the statistical treatment of self-similarity, 'guessing' the continuity of geometric features to the infinity through the use of a systematic stereotype (for instance, the assumption that the general shape of the Sierpiński triangle continuates identically into its particular shapes). The metaphor coined by Peirce, of an exact map containig itself the same exact map (a map of itself), is not only the most important precedent of Mandelbrot’s problem of measuring the boundaries of a continuous irregular surface with a logarithmic ruler, but also still being a useful abstraction for the conceptualisation of relative and absolute self-similarity, and its mechanisms of implementation. It is useful, also, for explaining some of the most basic geometric ontologies as mental constructions: in the notion of infinite convergence of points in the corners of a triangle, or the intuition for defining two parallel straight lines as two lines in a plane that 'never' intersect.


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Ultrathin films at fluid interfaces are important not only from a fundamental point of view as 2D complex fluids but have also become increasingly relevant in the development of novel functional materials. There has been an explosion in the synthesis work in this area over the last decade, giving rise to many exotic nanostructures at fluid interfaces. However, the factors controlling particle nucleation, growth and self-assembly at interfaces are poorly understood on a quantitative level. We will outline some of the recent attempts in this direction. Some of the selected investigations examining the macroscopic mechanical properties of molecular and particulate films at fluid interfaces will be reviewed. We conclude with a discussion of the electronic properties of these films that have potential technological and biological applications.


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Five new thiosulfate based inorganic-organic hybrid open-framework compounds have been synthesized employing mild reaction conditions. Of the five compounds, [Na-2(H2O)(8)][Cd(C10H8N2)( S2O3)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O, I and [Cd-2(C10H8N2)(2)(HS2O3)(2)(S2O3)(2)][(C10H9N2)(2)(C10H8N2)(2)]center dot 8H(2)O, II have one-dimensional (1D) structures and [Cd(C10H8N2)(H2O)(2)(S2O3)]center dot 2H(2)O, III, [Cd-2(C10H8N2)(3)(S2O3)(2)], IV and [Cd-2(C10H8N2)(2.5)(S2O3)(2)], V have three- dimensional (3D) structures. The 1D structures are somewhat related, formed by the bonding between tetrahedral Cd centers (CdN2S2) and 4,4'-bipyridine (bpy) units. The inter-chain spaces are occupied by the hanging thiosulfate units in both the cases along with Na(H2O)(6) chains in I and free bpy units in II. The three 3D structures have one-dimensional cadmium thiosulfate chains linked by bpy units. Interpenetration has been observed in all the 3D structures. The 3D structures appear to be related and can be derived from fgs net. Transformation studies on the 1D compound, [Na-2(H2O)(8)][Cd(C10H8N2)(S2O3)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O, I, indicated a facile formation of [Cd(C10H8N2)(H2O)(2)(S2O3)]center dot 2H(2)O, III. Prolonged heating of I gave rise to a 3D cadmium sulfate phase, [Cd-2(C10H8N2)(2)(H2O)(3)(SO4)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O, VI. Compound VI has one-dimensional cadmium sulfate chains formed by six-membered rings connected by bpy units to form a 3D structure, which appears to resemble the topological arrangement of III. Transformation studies of III indicates the formation of IV and V, and at a higher temperature a new 3D cadmium sulfate, [Cd(C10H8N2)(SO4)], VII. Compound VII has a 4 x 4 grid cadmium sulfate layers pillared by bpy units. All the compounds were characterized by PXRD, TGA, IR and UV-visible studies. Preliminary studies on the possible use of the 3D compounds (III-VII) in heterogeneous cyanosilylation of imines appear to be promising.


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Estimates of natural frequencies corresponding to axisymmetric modes of flexural vibration of polar orthotropic annular plates have been obtained for various combinations of clamped, simply supported and free edge conditions. A coordinate transformation in the radial direction has been used to obtain effective solutions by the classical Rayleigh-Ritz method. The analysis with this transformation has been found to be advantageous in computations, particularly for large hole sizes, over direct analysis. Numerical results have been obtained for various values of hole sizes and rigidity ratio. The eigenvalue parameter has been found to vary more or less linearly with the rigidity ratio. A comparison with the results for isotropic plates has brought out some interesting features.