987 resultados para searching


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There is widespread recognition that goal recognition strategies, in the context of structural analysis and cognitive (user) models, represent a major field of contemporary research into discourse understanding. This thesis reports a goal interpretation paradigm that embraces both a novel goal structure formalism and strategic knowledge. The goal interpretation processes involve the identification of goal primitives and the construction of goal states. The mechanisms developed for goal interpretation rely on explicit goal recognition (selection) and confirmation of feasibility. A goal state contains all the information required by the planner. By constructing a goal state, the chance of failure in planning is greatly reduced and the efficiency of the planning system is vastly improved. These mechanisms are not limited to inference. Other mechanisms are reported include goal structure processing, goal primitives identification and searching strategies, extended heuristic classification method and a new conceptual graph operation (i.e. SPLIT).


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This paper consists of two parts. The focus of Part I is the symbol of the mountain and its metaphoric use in art history and in the mythology of many cultures. Part II links an examination of twentieth century contemporary artists and relevant issues, the mythology and historical references covered in Part I and the paintings that make up the body of the thesis. The study is concerned with the role of the symbol and the form of its interpretation in the expression of ideas and images that are relevant to it. These themes have been developed in order to place the paintings in a context of continuity and establish iconographic links with the past. One particular site has been chosen through which to examine the symbolic associations between the mountain and the metaphoric quest. The metaphor of pilgrimage to the site and of searching for a lost unity is implicit in this process. The realisation reached at the summit confirms the significance of this journey. Each painting is discussed and linked with the themes that are relevant to it, linking the research recorded in Part I with the execution of the paintings, aiming at a synthesis of theory and practice.


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The blue glass is always the hardest to find. On the beach you catch the waves bringing back the glass from forgotten tossed bottles, frosted green, clear, or mottled pale brown. But the blue glass - that's the real thing. I search for days without finding any. Sometimes there are slivers; other days, small chunks. Like a beachcomber, I comb the sands for it. I take the glass home and make some into jewellery and touchstones for people to hang on to; pour essential oils on others so the scents waft heavenward and meld together with the glass to form a bond. Words are like that. They can fuse with each other and ignite, or just quietly combine, On sunny days, I take my books with me to the beach. I toss words back and forth in my mind, like churning waves. I cobble them together, A phrase here. A sentence there. The water. The sun. The sand. The glass. The words. The paper. The Connection. I find myself enveloped in it all. The glass is from bottles tossed into the surf by unthinking people - picnickers, vacationers, those who don't have to return here and live with the remnants of their actions. Over time, the broken glass is ground and moulded by the action of the waves; the sharp edges are softened and etched by the sand and water, The sea glass is washed up on shore and picked up by beachcombers. Some recycle it for other uses like me; others just keep it as a reminder of a day at the beach. The words I sift through as I sit on the sand are measured in the sea glass. I pick each word up and look through it to see how much light shines through. What use do 1 have for it? A poem? An essay? A fragment of a sentence, for something to be said in the future? I watch the sun rest uneasily on its bed of water and slide slowly, farther down. I know the hot summer is coming to a close and I am loath to let go of the closeness I feel with nature. I live to find the blue glass, and sometimes it just happens. My search for Indian migrant women was like my quest for the blue glass. It was not an easy task. It became a process of rummaging through other people's lives, searching for fragments and relics. Eventually I was able to fit pieces together to form a mosaic of their lives in that other time, that other place. And also in this present time, in this place they now call home, Australia.


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Evidence exists to suggest that in Australia many environmental issues remain unresolved even though the community has apparently become more environmentally aware. Although universities have undertaken responsibility to educate future environmental professionals to address this concern, there are numerous tensions underpinning professional environmental education. This folio explores my perceptions of these tensions and their effect on my professional practice as an academic. I refer to this as the relationships among theories and practices experienced in my work. Four perspectives are taken in this research as I appraise professional environmental education. This Dissertation (Vol. 1) focuses on views informing my professional environmental education, inclusive of my own reflexivity. From interviews with students, academics, professionals and environmentalists, and other sources of information, I consider various tensions arising from what I regard as dehumanising social and political forces. The conventional elite and authoritative roles for universities and professionals dominate most participants' understanding of professional activities. Professional practices often endorse these conventions. Juxtaposed to this authoritative view of professional education, and prescribing a different interpretation for professional practice, is my theoretical position informed by criticality and a need to challenge the status quo. I suggest that Leopold's The Land Ethic is an exemplar of criticality and a suitable basis for examining professional environmental education. The Land Ethic is used as a foundation to my thesis because it encapsulates suitable arguments to examine ideologies supportive of my understanding of professional environmental education. My thesis investigates the nature of participants' (including my own) understanding of their land ethic or land ethics suggesting that interpretations of 'place' provide an emotional and ethical appreciation of the land. I suggest that 'place', as a culturally derived construct, is central to the concept of a land ethic or land ethics, and a characteristic of an environmental ethic or ethics. To incorporate these different perspectives into professional environmental education perhaps land could be viewed, not just as a 'client' as in Schön's (1983) reflective contract, but expanded so that professionals form ethical partnerships with the land, which implies a greater equity between roles and responsibilities. This perspective challenges elite interpretations of the roles for environmental professionals by asking them to be advocates for their land, and to work with the land. Searching for my own land ethic or land ethics has promoted a discourse that encompasses a language of possibility and opportunity. This language of possibility and opportunity stands in contrast to the constraining language of reproduction that has promoted stasis. My reflexivity, a holistic and ecological view that in this thesis is an expression of my searching for a land ethic or land ethics, has encouraged me to develop critical and ethical questions to challenge my professional environmental education practice. As such the process of theorising about my theory and practice has been personally transformative as it encourages my development as a 'critical person'. Elective 1 (Vol. 2 ) reviews public information promoting a selected range of Australian environmental courses. Analysis demonstrates environmental courses are mainly technocratic, promoting technical-scientific and vocational perspectives. This orientation, I consider, is aligned to an emerging corporate agenda as universities attempt to be more accountable to the government within a competitive market dominated by economic interests. Elective 2 (Vol. 2 ) considers the providers of professional environmental education where I explore a diversity of tensions undermining current academic life found in many Australian universities. I suggest that corporatisation and vocationalisation dominate university culture to such an extent that any examination of professional environmental education is prejudiced. Professional environmental education appears to be biased toward maintaining the status quo. My conclusion is that professional environmental education does not promote graduates as 'critical persons' (Barnett 1997), and this may affect graduates' understandings of the purpose and aspirations of environmental professionalism. I suggest that elite and technical understandings of professionalism may affect the professionals' ability to implement environmental policy. Australia has an admirable record of developing environmental policy. However, public concern about a lack of resolution for many environmental issues suggests that professionals may be struggling to successfully implement policy in any meaningful way. Such challenges for environmental professionals may be a result of a professional environmental education that does not engage graduates within ideas that professional practice may require community participation and collaboration as key themes. Elective 3 (Vol. 2) is a case study investigating the development of conservation policies by the Ballarat community. The case demonstrates how the dominant social paradigm informs community views about environmental issues emphasising a technical emphasis and hierarchical arrangements of power and authority between local government and the community. The community view appears to be that environmental action should be mainly individualistic and behaviourist, which I suggest may have resulted from a technical framework for environmental knowledge. The community view of environmental issues resonates with the dominant view promoted by professional environmental education in most universities. In conclusion, my thesis is a representation of my challenges to critically engage in possible relationships among theories, practices and circumstances in my workplace, with a view to addressing what I perceive as a 'gap' between my own theory and practice. The motivation for this critical examination is to question the purpose of my professional environmental education practice in relation to the challenges of my emergent environmental ideology. The difficulty of promoting my critical theorising in a traditional small science faculty, within a corporate university, with my scientific background, is acknowledged. Nevertheless, based on my own experiences, I recommend that academics involved in professional environmental education should be encouraged to explore relationships between their own theories and practices in their own professional settings. I suggest that the search for a land ethic or land ethics, and one's 'place' in the 'land', can be an effective platform for this process.


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In this paper, we investigate whether government investment crowds out or crowds in private investment for Fiji over the period 1950–2001. We begin by searching endogenously for break points in the data series using the Zivot and Andrews [J. Business Economic Stat. 10 (1992) 251–270] test. Upon finding that 1975 is the statistically significant break date, we divide the sample into two. Using the error correction mechanism test, we find that government and private investments are cointegrated over the period 1950–1975, but not for the period 1976–2001. We also find that in the former period government investment has crowded in private investment, while in the latter period the relationship between government and private investments has been statistically weak.


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In 'The Letter S' Paul Carter overlays a number of parallel journeys. A group of actors meet with a young playwright to work on a his new play: theirs is an artistic journey. The playwright's father wrote a radio play which they listen to: it is Memory As Desire about the journey in search of the inland sea, and the mutual incomprehension of indigenous and European cultures. His new play is based on the Odyssey and in particular the relationship between father and son: the son searching for the lost father. Just as the search for the inland sea is ill-fated, so to the cast of actors conclude that their search for a new theatre is futile. The indigenous people had no letter 'S', leading to misunderstanding. The explorers failed to listen to the land. The characters in the version of the Odyssey are washed away in a sea of sibilants. This is a work packed full of ideas, puns, and concrete poetry propelled by desire and loss, but also hope.


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The World Wide Web has had an impact on many areas of teaching and learning. Mathematics teaching however has only recently begun to utilise and develop this educational resource. This paper outlines a research program, which aims to uncover the extent the Internet, in particular the World Wide Web, is being used for High School mathematics education. The program includes searching out discernible Web-based teaching strategies and examining their impact on mathematics teaching and learning attitudes and achievements. Of particular interest is the extent to which deployment of the Web in mathematics teaching might increase student interest in mathematics. The first step in this
process is to develop a preliminary typology of mathematical elements on the Web. The nature of these elements, their categorisation and their possible roles in the teaching and learning of mathematics are discussed.


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Multi-databases mining is an urgent task. This thesis solves 4 key problems in multi-databases mining: Application-independent database classification - Local instance analysis model - Useful pattern discovery - Pattern synthesis.


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In this thesis, the author designed three sets of preference based ranking algorithms for information retrieval and provided the corresponsive applications for the algorithms. The main goal is to retrieve recommended, high similar and valuable ranking results to users.


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We developed a new content routing based on the virtual backbone structure, which groups wireless nodes and contents into a virtual architecture. Our approach is scalable, works with local information, and does not rely on address information. The naming system uses flat naming to identify nodes and contents, and organizes these identifiers together. Backbone nodes can be selected automatically or predefined to direct their associated normal nodes in a local area. The normal nodes are guided by the backbone nodes to full fill the searching and routing processes. With a virtual structure, the searching performance can be improved by using the DHT technique.

Experiments using ns2 simulator demonstrate that this virtual backbone routing architecture has the following significances: workable without being aware address in a mobile situation; scalable with the size of network; efficient in terms of the reduced hop counts and short end-to-end delay, and also resistant to the dead-end problem.


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The thesis investigates various machine learning approaches to reducing data dimensionality, and studies the impact of asymmetric data on learning in image retrieval. Efficient algorithms are proposed to reduce the data dimensionality. Integration strategies for one-class classification are designed to address asymmetric data issue and improve retrieval effectiveness.


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In this article we discuss the concept of Discontinuous Innovation (DI) and how it differs from incremental (or steady-state) innovation. We propose a model to conceptualise the different aspects of DI and discuss the complex nature of the DI process through an investigation of previous literature, and propose a sequence of articles roughly following the key components as described in the conceptual model, beginning with aspects of ‘search’. We then describe an on-going multi-national action research program established to investigate DI through the development of learning networks of firms in several European nations and Australia. The research progress to date is outlined and initial results of analysis on both quantitative and qualitative data collected thus far is used to explore how companies go about searching for clues or ideas about potential discontinuous innovations, which may either create competitive advantage for, or threaten the survival of the business. Key outcomes of the research to date include the identification of the most common search strategies within the participating companies and some descriptive analysis on just how these strategies are implemented in targeted firms. Finally we describe the proposed future research program and the two papers to follow completing the planned three part series on Discontinuous Innovation.


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One reason for semi-supervised clustering fail to deliver satisfactory performance in document clustering is that the transformed optimization problem could have many candidate solutions, but existing methods provide no mechanism to select a suitable one from all those candidates. This paper alleviates this problem by posing the same task as a soft-constrained optimization problem, and introduces the salient degree measure as an information guide to control the searching of an optimal solution. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in the improvement of the performance, especially when the amount of priori domain knowledge is limited.


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Optimizing broadcasting process in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is considered as a main challenge due to many problems, such as Broadcast Storm problem and high complexity in finding the optimal tree resulting in an NP-hard problem. Straight forward techniques like simple flooding give rise to Broadcast Storm problem with a high probability. In this work, genetic algorithm (GA) that searches over a population that represents a distinguishable ‘structure’ is adopted innovatively to suit MANETs. The novelty of the GA technique adopted here to provide the means to tackle this MANET problem lies mainly on the proposed method of searching for a structure of a suitable spanning tree that can be optimized, in order to meet the performance indices related to the broadcasting problem. In other words, the proposed genetic model (GM) evolves with the structure of random trees (individuals) ‘genetically’ generated using rules that are devised specifically to capture MANET behaviour in order to arrive at a minimal spanning tree that satisfies certain fitness function. Also, the model has the ability to give different solutions depending on the main factors specified such as, ‘time’ (or speed) in certain situations and ‘reachability’ in certain others.


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Most of the embedded systems that detect gases today are for specific types and indicate the levels of the gas present with their standard sensors. We introduce here an adaptable system that can detect and distinguish the type of gas in a volatile environment such as searching for Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). This is achieved with a small device mounted on a mobile robot through the use of an algorithm that is an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The input layer to the ANN is an array of environmental and gas sensors. The small device, comprising of a multilayer circuit board with sensors in a rugged lightweight case, mounts on the mobile robot and communicates the gaseous data to the robot.

The ANN is implemented in the hardware of a FPGA with the control of the ANN being achieved through the configurable processor and memory. Calibration and testing of the device involves the training of device and the ANN with specific target gases. The Accuracy of the device is validated through lab testing against high-end gas test instruments with known concentrations of gases.