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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
As Eriocaulaceae brasileiras encontram-se distribuídas principalmente nos campos rupestres que se estendem de Minas Gerais à Bahia, na Cadeia do Espinhaço. Paepalanthus Mart. é o maior gênero da família e apresenta cerca de 450 espécies, sendo que Paepalanthus sect. Diphyomene Ruhl. possui cerca de 20 espécies que já pertenceram a diversas categorias taxonômicas. Com o objetivo de correlacionar a anatomia e a taxonomia desta seção, além de levantar caracteres diagnósticos para suas espécies, foi estudada a anatomia de folhas, brácteas e escapos. Folhas e brácteas de Paepalanthus sect. Diphyomene apresentam diferenças na forma e no espessamento das células epidérmicas; no espessamento do mesofilo; na disposição dos feixes vasculares; presença ou ausência de hipoderme; diferente forma e composição de parede das células da extensão de bainha do feixe vascular; forma e constituição da margem e presença ou ausência de parênquima aqüífero na face adaxial. No escapo, foram observadas diferenças quanto ao número e contorno de costelas e extensão da medula. Assim, a proposta de divisão de P. sect. Diphyomene em duas categorias é corroborada. São caracteres diagnósticos para as espécies: presença de parênquima aquífero na face adaxial e ausência de extensão de bainha do feixe vascular em folhas de Paepalanthus urbanianus; presença de feixes vasculares distribuídos em ordem decrescente de tamanho em direção à margem em folhas e brácteas e contorno triangular do escapo em P. flaccidus, presença de nove costelas em escapos de P. acanthophyllus e dez em P. macer. Foi elaborada uma chave de identificação das espécies de Paepalanthus sect. Diphyomene com base nas características anatômicas levantadas
After the isolation of Helicobacter pylori from an injury at the stomach mucosa by Marshall and Wareen, work that was recognized with the Nobel Prize of Medicine or Physiology in 2005, many other works showed the relationship between the presence of H. pylori and diseases at the digestive system, such as gastritis, gastric, duodenal and peptic ulcer, and stomach cancer. The 13C-Urea Breath Test - 13C-UBT is a non-invasive diagnostic method that utilizes the breath of a patient to determine the presence of H. pylori through stable isotopes. This work aimed to find an ideal 13C-UBT Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectroscopy cut-off value (a threshold between positive and negative) to diagnose H. pylori infection at Brazilian population. Patients were selected at the UNESP-Botucatu Clinical Hospital Endoscopy Section. With these results it was possible to indicate that the best cut-off value is between 2.5 to 6 ‰ of Delta Over Baseline (DOB)
Ce travail vise à etudier le genre lettre de lecteur publiés dans deux magazines. La lettre de lecteur est un texte publié dans une section spécifique du jornal et du magazine à travers lequel les lecteures dialoguent avec les éditeures du magazine et avec les autres lecteures, généralement ayant comme thème les textes du maganize publié dans les éditions précédentes. Pour Bakhtine (1997, p.302), “ nous apprenons à mouler notre discours aux formes du genre ». En reliant les genres de discours à l’activité sociale, à l’interaction, Bakhtine affirme que c’est la situation sociale e les participants immédiats qui déterminent la forme e le style de l’énoncé. Compte tenu de la nécessaire présence des genres de discours dans des actvités langagières des sujets, justifie l’importance de l’étude des genres dans les diverses pratiques sociales. À partir des questions soulevées par Circle de Bakthine, en particulier ceux par rapport à genre de discours, ce travail a pour but discuter, dans une perspective dialogique bakhtinienne, les différentes destinataires des magazines Veja et Nova Escola conduirait à des changements du genre lettre de lecteur, principalement en ce qui concerne les aspects stylistiques. Ainsi, nous avons l’intention de discuter le genre lettre de lecteur e de sa ralation à la sphère de l’activité journalistique dans le but de réfléchir sur la stabilité et l’instabilité du genre. Le corpus se compose des lettres de lecteurs tirés de quatre éditions des magazines Veja et Nova Escola, a été diffusé en 2011. La recherche montre qu’il y a une instabilité dans le genre lettre de lecteur dans la sphère journalistique, affecté par d’autres genres comme genres de la sphère pédagogique, didactiques et de instruction. Les lettres aussi dialoguent avec le genre confessionnel et de confidence
O principal objetivo desta monografia é estudar a economia e seu respectivo grau de crescimento e desenvolvimento de quarenta e dois municípios localizados nas Regiões Administrativas de Campinas e Central do Estado de São Paulo. Tal análise nos remete ao século XIX com a montagem do complexo cafeeiro, além de promover a ocupação do território paulista e prover o capital para a indústria nascente, criou toda a infraestrutura (ferrovias, comunicação, bancos) que resultou na elevada concentração industrial no Estado de São Paulo até a década de 70. O segundo capítulo consiste na descrição das duas regiões administrativas (Campinas e Central), em que serão analisadas as principais variáveis econômicas como população, Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), emprego, produção agrícola e industrial, etc. A terceira etapa deste trabalho consiste na caracterização econômico-social de cada um dos quarenta e dois municípios subdivididos em suas respectivas regiões de governo. Na última seção é feita a análise do mercado de trabalho formal no período entre os anos de 2007 e 2009 observando os efeitos da crise sobre os municípios
The translation project of some short stories of the book Piccoli equivoci senza importanza, written by the Italian writer Antonio Tabucchi, was performed during the academic years. This thesis target is to analyze grammatical and stylistic issues of the short stories; to achieve this goal, parts of the original texts and their respective translations were used. The grammar section approaches important aspects as idioms, false cognates and different verb regencies between Portuguese and Italian. The stylistic part focuses on Tabucchi´s choices regarding the narrator, focalization, types of speech and interior monologues in his texts; these options characterize the Italian writer´s style and make his stories plots intense. As a conclusion it can be noticed that this work is relevant to give a forward step in the Italian literature studies field, because it contributes to an important author style study and provides the analysis of which choices compound the text and the effects they cause
The Itararé Group is the record of one of the most significant glaciation events of the Gondwana. Of neocarboniferous-eopermian age, this unit has facies associations interpreted as resulted from shallow marine settings with glacial and deglacial water influence. The role of glaciers on the tectonic-sedimentary processes of the Itararé Group is striking, as typical facies such as diamictites, tilites, shales and rhythmites with dropstones are generated, besides the existence of glacially striated and polished surfaces. This work had as main goal to contribute to the geological knowledge of the Itararé Group in the central eastern portion of São Paulo State, using as basis outcrops from Itu, Salto and Porto Feliz, and also pertinent bibliographic data and well profiles located in the surrounding areas. About the stratigraphic framework, genetic association and paleogeography of these deposits, this work concludes that the area studied comprises the basal section of the Itararé Group. The stacking of the facies recognized during the field work begins with the striated and polished surfaces of the basement, described in Salto, superposed by tilites and diamictites with glacial movement features. Over these are the turbidites from Itu, associated with the glacier retreat. The outcrops of Porto Feliz are at the top of this succession, with deposits generated by flows with lateral and vertical variations, sometimes with prevalence of tractive conditions, and sometimes with sediments transported largely by suspension. Paleocurrent measurements show main flow directions towards NW, the same as glacial striae, suggesting the influence of reworking of sediments by the meltwater during deglacial periods
The computed tomography, devised by Godfrey Hounsfield and Allan Cormack, is in its fourth decade of the clinical use and has presented to be a very useful tool in the diagnosis of several pathologies. For this reason, its use is increasing each day, due to technological progress since its creation. Due to be more and more utilized, the equipment must be in good operating conditions, because it is subject to variance and wearing, damage the quality of diagnosis. To evaluate whether the performance of the scanner remains constant along the time and the dose received by the patient is within the desired limits, periodic tests of quality control must be performed. For this subject, the regulation 453 (June 01, 1998) was created, which determines the need of the implementation of a program for quality assurance (PGQ), where, in addition to the tests of quality control, are established the necessary measurements for the proper functioning of the equipment, generating a trustworthy diagnosis, reducing the dose for the patient and the costs. In this document, are presented tests of quality control carried out in hospitals of the city of Sao Paulo carried out together with the Technical Section of Applications by Imaging Diagnostic (STADI) of the Institute of Electrotechnics and Energy of the University of São Paulo (IEE/USP)