995 resultados para road pavement deflection


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Abstract - An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has many applications in a variety of fields. Detection and tracking of a specific road in UAV videos play an important role in automatic UAV navigation, traffic monitoring, and ground–vehicle tracking, and also is very helpful for constructing road networks for modeling and simulation. In this paper, an efficient road detection and tracking framework in UAV videos is proposed. In particular, a graph-cut–based detection approach is given to accurately extract a specified road region during the initialization stage and in the middle of tracking process, and a fast homography-based road-tracking scheme is developed to automatically track road areas. The high efficiency of our framework is attributed to two aspects: the road detection is performed only when it is necessary and most work in locating the road is rapidly done via very fast homography-based tracking. Experiments are conducted on UAV videos of real road scenes we captured and downloaded from the Internet. The promising results indicate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, with the precision of 98.4% and processing 34 frames per second for 1046 x 595 videos on average.


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Road-killed animals are easy and inexpensive to survey, and may provide information about species distributions, abundances, and mortality rates. As with any sampling method, however, we need to explore methodological biases in such data. First, how does an animal's behavior (e.g., use of the center vs. periphery of the road) influence its vulnerability to vehicular traffic? Second, how rapidly do post-mortem processes (scavenging by other animals, destruction or displacement by subsequent vehicles) change the numbers and locations of roadkills? Our surveys of anurans on a highway in tropical Australia show that different anuran species are distributed in different ways across the width of the road, and that locations of live versus dead animals sometimes differ within a species. Experimental trials show that location on the road affects the probability of being hit by a vehicle, with anurans in the middle of the road begin hit 35% more often than anurans on the edges; thus, center-using species are more likely to be hit than edge-using taxa. The magnitude of post-mortem displacement and destruction by subsequent vehicles depended on anuran species and body size. The mean parallel displacement distance was 122.7 cm, and carcasses of thin-skinned species exhibited greater post-mortem destruction. Scavenging raptors removed 73% of carcasses, most within a few hours of sunrise. Removal rates were biased with respect to size and species. Overall, our studies suggest that investigators should carefully evaluate potential biases before using roadkill counts to estimate underlying animal abundances or mortality rates.


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Objectives To establish the association between the patient's perception of fault for the crash and 12-month outcomes after non-fatal road traffic injury.Setting Two adult major trauma centres, one regional trauma centre and one metropolitan trauma centre in Victoria, Australia.Participants 2605 adult, orthopaedic trauma patients covered by the state's no-fault third party insurer for road traffic injury, injured between September 2010 and February 2014.Outcome measures EQ-5D-3L, return to work and functional recovery (Glasgow Outcome Scale—Extended score of upper good recovery) at 12 months postinjury.Results After adjusting for key confounders, the adjusted relative risk (ARR) of a functional recovery (0.57, 95% CI 0.46 to 0.69) and return to work (0.92, 95% CI 0.86 to 0.99) were lower for the not at fault compared to the at fault group. The ARR of reporting problems on EQ-5D items was 1.20–1.35 times higher in the not at fault group. Conclusions Patients who were not at fault, or denied being at fault despite a police report of fault, experienced poorer outcomes than the at fault group. Attributing fault to others was associated with poorer outcomes. Interventions to improve coping, or to resolve negative feelings from the crash, could facilitate better outcomes in the future.


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Real road vehicle tests are time consuming, laborious, and costly, and involve several safety concerns. Road vehicle motion simulators (RVMS) could assist with vehicle testing, and eliminate or reduce the difficulties traditionally associated with conducting vehicle tests. However, such simulators must exhibit a high level of fidelity and accuracy in order to provide realistic and reliable outcomes. In this paper, we review existing RVMS and discuss each of the major RVMS subsystems related to the research and development of vehicle dynamics. The possibility of utilising motion simulators to conduct ride and handling test scenarios is also investigated.


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Marine Corps Capt. Erik Quist ’99 had fought in two wars. Now he fights again as he recovers from severe wounds suffered in Afghanistan.


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Este estudo adota a perspectiva experiencial, trazendo a noção de consumo hedônico e de experiência de consumo para o âmbito do marketing e do comportamento do consumidor. Partese do pressuposto de que entender o consumo exige ir além do processo de decisão de compra e admitir que aquilo que os consumidores fazem e a forma como utilizam os bens adquiridos também influencia seus comportamentos. Mas, acima de tudo, exige a visão do consumidor como um indivíduo emocionalmente envolvido com o consumo, processo pelo qual estímulos sensoriais, a imaginação e aspectos emotivos são procurados e apreciados. A investigação teve por objetivo compreender a experiência dos consumidores em situações de uso e consumo dos produtos através da análise dos elementos que a compõem: o contexto, os estímulos sensoriais, os processos cognitivos, as respostas afetivas, as atividades e o processo de avaliação do produto e da experiência em si. A categoria de produtos escolhida foi a de veículos fora-de-estrada, em função do potencial multiuso e da possibilidade de proporcionar desde simples viagens a grandes aventuras. Para atingir os objetivos propostos foi utilizada a Técnica de Elicitação Fotográfica (PET), que permitiu à pesquisadora se aproximar da experiência real vivenciada pelos consumidores através das imagens visuais que os mesmos foram solicitados a trazer para as entrevistas. Os resultados encontrados apontam não apenas para a riqueza e o profundo entendimento a respeito dos consumidores possibilitado pela análise de suas experiências, mas também o quanto a estimulação visual pode ser uma grande aliada dos pesquisadores quando o objetivo da investigação é entender comportamentos de consumo, a relação das pessoas com seus objetos de desejo, as relações sociais que são possibilitadas através das posses e como as experiências em si (e não apenas as características funcionais dos produto) contribuem para a expressão da identidade, auto-conceito e estilo de vida dos consumidores.


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Esta dissertação apresenta uma avaliação da eficiência de um recapeamento constituído por mistura de asfalto-borracha (processo via-úmida), no retardamento de reflexão de trincas, através da técnica de ensaios acelerados. Para a realização do estudo foi construído um pavimento experimental com camada final de terraplenagem de argila arenosa de comportamento laterítico (50 cm), base de brita graduada (30 cm), camada de concreto asfáltico trincado (4 cm) e camada de recapeamento em asfalto-borracha (5 cm). O simulador de tráfego DAER/UFRGS aplicou aproximadamente 513.000 ciclos de carga de eixo de 100 kN. Ao longo do experimento o desempenho do pavimento foi acompanhado, com ênfase no surgimento de trincas. A evolução da condição estrutural do pavimento foi monitorada através das medidas de deflexões e dados de instrumentação (tensões e deformações). O registro da evolução da condição funcional do pavimento foi feito através do levantamento de afundamento de trilha de roda, e macro e micro textura. Com a finalidade de comparar o desempenho do recapeamento em asfalto-borracha com os de outros recapeamentos convencionais previamente ensaiados, desenvolveu-se um procedimento para correção de temperaturas. Constatou-se que o emprego de asfalto-borracha retardou em cinco vezes o surgimento de trincas. Assim, o nível de severidade do trincamento igual a 100 cm/m2 ocorreu no recapeamento em asfalto-borracha após 340.000 solicitações (100 kN), enquanto no recapeamento em asfalto convencional tal nível de severidade foi registrado com somente 66.000 solicitações da mesma carga de eixo. Globalmente, o recapeamento em asfalto-borracha conferiu ao pavimento melhores condições funcionais e estruturais, se comparado com um recapeamento convencional da mesma espessura, executado sobre um pavimento com níveis de degradação similares.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infections have been little studied in wild and/or domestic animals, which may represent an important indicator of the presence of the pathogen in nature. Road-killed wild animals have been used for surveillance of vectors of zoonotic pathogens and may offer new opportunities for eco-epidemiological studies of paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM). The presence of P. brasiliensis infection was evaluated by Nested-PCR in tissue samples collected from 19 road-killed animals; 3 Cavia aperea (guinea pig), 5 Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating-fox), 1 Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo), 1 Dasypus septemcinctus (seven-banded armadillo), 2 Didelphis albiventris (white-eared opossum), 1 Eira barbara (tayra), 2 Gallictis vittata (grison), 2 Procyon cancrivorus (raccoon) and 2 Sphiggurus spinosus (porcupine). Specific P. brasiliensis amplicons were detected in (a) several organs of the two armadillos and one guinea pig, (b) the lung and liver of the porcupine, and (c) the lungs of raccoons and grisons. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals from endemic areas might be more common than initially postulated. Molecular techniques can be used for detecting new hosts and mapping 'hot spot' areas of PCM.


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The deflection of a massive photon by an external gravitational field is energy-dependent. Interesting enough, any massive quantum particle, no matter what its spin is, undergoes dispersive deflection in external gravitational fields. Exploiting the dispersive deflection of the quantized massive electromagnetic radiation by the gravitational field of the Sun, we find an upper bound for the photon mass.


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The cross-section for the scattering of a photon by the Sun's gravitational field, treated as an external field, is computed in the framework of R + R-2 gravity. Using this result, we found that for a photon just grazing the Sun's surface the deflection is 1.75 which is exactly the same as that given by Einstein's theory. An explanation for this pseudo-paradox is provided.