1000 resultados para revistas


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The aim of this study was to determine the benefits of a psy-chological treatment in women victims of mistreatments in psychological health and in the immune system. The participants in this study were 60 women users of the Equality Area of the City Council of Malaga. We set two groups of women up in relation of whether the women attended or not to the given therapy. Psychological variables (self-esteem, depression and anxiety) and levels of Inmunoglobulin A were evaluated before and after the treatment. The results showed differences between all the vari-ables before and after the treatment, with better valuation after the treat-ment. These differences were not shown in women that did not assist to the therapeutic sessions, and even, the values of depression and immu-noglobulin A levels were worse. We found also differences in the values of these variables when the two groups were compared. Women that re-ceived the treatment showed fewer indicators of psychological alterations and higher levels of immunoglobulin A than the women that did not assist to the sessions; in the pre-treatment these differences were not shown. This study enhances the significance of the psychological treatment for psychological and physic health in women victims of


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This study aims to analyze the adjustment of women, victims of intimate partner violence, by applying the Prochaska and Di Clemente Stages of Change Model. An interpretative qualitative study was made in 35 domestic violence victims women detected in primary care, women who recognized their relationship as abusive (perceived maltreatment). This is a multicentric study, with participation of six health centers of Malaga city. Biographical Narration technique by audio-recorded and transcribed interview was used; about this, thematic analysis adjustment to Transtheoretic Model phases was applied. ATLAS-TI 5.0 program was used for codification. Precontemplative, maintenance and ending stages were more represented while action phases were poorly mentioned. Main phases characteristics were: "blindness" and inexplicability in precontemplative stage; pros / cons analysis in contemplative phase; making decisions difficulty in action phases; suffering and going ahead purpose in maintenance stage, and determination and analysis capacity in the ending stage. Keys for intervention according to the phase of the process were offered.


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Internet it is a powerful interactive communication channel with world scope, through which can be multiplied the visibility of the research of the professionals whose scientific production has a difficult diffusion by the conventionals media. It is presented an analysis of the scientific publications observed in the web in order to understand the different communication processes accomplished by the superior corps of environmental health technical of the Andalusian Health Service. Using the nominal relationship of the professionals, we used Google ‘search engine’ for all scientific publications located in the internet; we were made different bibliometric indicators as of the recovered records and was analyzed the time evolution of the scientific production, documental categories, geografic distribution, language, coauthors and institutional collaboration. It was identified a growing trend in the productivity of the publications in the last decade, mainly through communications to congresses (70.4%) and journals articles (16.9%). The publications mainly are located in spanish journals, that they are indexed on national and international databases. In all the Andalusian provinces was identified some published scientific communication. The indicator of coauthors is very high (95.77%) although the institutional participation is limited mainly to the primary attention districts, occupational centers of each professional (85.21%). The scientific publication patterns visualized in the web represent an important contribution for the knowledge of the characteristics of the environmental health professionals of the Andalusian health service, what provides avaluable information for the support of the information systems in public health.


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This paper provide an overview of the surveillance environmental efforts and risk management for the public health linked to the register of a disease outbreak related to an episode of toxic potentially and harmful microalgae, identified during the summer of 2010 in a recreational beach of a touristic municipality in the coast of Málaga (Spain). Phytoplankton analyses showed the presence of different species producers of marine biotoxins, dominating Ostreopsis cf. ovata in the followed immediately days to the communication of 39 clinical cases of people that required health cares. The risks of the toxins produced by microalgae must be taken into account in the health networks surveillance for recreational waters. This study suggests the possibility to review the actions of the public health services from Public Administration, to the light of the increasing information on episodic harmful algal blooms.


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The aims of this study were to ascertain the perception that health professionals (doctors, nurses and nursing assistants) have about their preparation for the care of terminally ill patients and to determine their knowledge about palliative care legislation. This cross sectional study was performed at a hospital in Granada (Spain); we administered an ad hoc questionnaire. The results indicated that although most of the staff had worked with terminally ill patients, only half believed that they have been trained to care for them. A significant proportion stated that they did not know about the current palliative care legislation. Most professionals would question the withdrawal of therapies for the maintenance of life; most of them are also unaware of the mechanism for reporting on the completion of a Living Will, as well as a Plan for Palliative Care in Andalusia (Spain).


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Objective: To outline the treatment by patches of microcurrent at home of patients with disabling knee osteoarthritis to perform their activities of daily life and work. Material and methods: We selected 80 patients in the surgical waiting list for total knee arthroplasty. 40 of whom received active patch and 40 inactive. All were given exercise protocol knee. The variables analyzed were: pain (VAS), joint balance, muscular balance and quality of life (SF-12). Patients were reviewed after two months of treatment. Variables were analyzed with SPSS 17.0 statistical program. Results: Statistically significant results were obtained (p <0.05) for decrease in mean pain according to VAS scale. No significant differences for other variables were found. Conclusions: Microcurrent therapy could be an alternative in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis pain, with no differences with the traditional treatment.


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We examined the information of legionellosis surveillance system in the municipality of Cordoba (Spain) as a preventive resource for environmental health management and describes the public health implications of sporadic cases investigations. A multidisciplinary team analyzed information on surveillance of water sites potentially contaminated by Legionella and clinical data of the patients classified like community case; mapping patient's home address using geographic information systems (GIS). Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 was identified in 31 sporadic cases. 53 suspected sources, mainly cooling towers have been investigated. In no event is managed to locate infection source even if poorly maintained systems, structural deficiencies and operational failures were apparent. The use of GIS allowed us to identify two geographic areas where cases are concentrated within one radius of less than 500 meters. The finding of two suspected urban advised to reorient the preventive strategy in public health


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Next Generation Access Networks (NGAN) are the new step forward to deliver broadband services and to facilitate the integration of different technologies. It is plausible to assume that, from a technological standpoint, the Future Internet will be composed of long-range high-speed optical networks; a number of wireless networks at the edge; and, in between, several access technologies, among which, the Passive Optical Networks (xPON) are very likely to succeed, due to their simplicity, low-cost, and increased bandwidth. Among the different PON technologies, the Ethernet-PON (EPON) is the most promising alternative to satisfy operator and user needs, due to its cost, flexibility and interoperability with other technologies. One of the most interesting challenges in such technologies relates to the scheduling and allocation of resources in the upstream (shared) channel. The aim of this research project is to study and evaluate current contributions and propose new efficient solutions to address the resource allocation issues in Next Generation EPON (NG-EPON). Key issues in this context are future end-user needs, integrated quality of service (QoS) support and optimized service provisioning for real time and elastic flows. This project will unveil research opportunities, issue recommendations and propose novel mechanisms associated with the convergence within heterogeneous access networks and will thus serve as a basis for long-term research projects in this direction. The project has served as a platform for the generation of new concepts and solutions that were published in national and international conferences, scientific journals and also in book chapter. We expect some more research publications in addition to the ones mentioned to be generated in a few months.


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Introduction: Our goal was to know the web contents and examine the technical information pest control services available to users through their webpages. Method: A total of 70 webpages from biocides services in the province of Málaga (Spain) were analyzed. We used 15 evaluation indicators grouped into 5 parameters relating to data of the service provider; information’s reliability and services; accuracy of content and writing style; technical resources and interaction with the users. As test instruments were used sectoral legislation, official records of products and deliveries, standards and technical guides. Results: Companies showed a remarkable degree of awareness with the implementation and use of new technologies. Aspects negative that they can have an impact on the confidence of users, relating to the reliability of the information and deficiencies associated with the description of the services portfolio and credentials of the companies were identified. The integration and use of collaborative platforms 2.0 was poorly developed and squandered. Discussion: It is possible to improve the trust of users intervening in those aspects that affect the reliability of the information provided on the web.


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Este estudo teve como objetivos: 1. Identificar as atividades de lazer disponíveis no hospital e as realizadas pelos idosos; 2. Relacionar a internação com a participação nas atividades de lazer; 3. Avaliar os fatores que motivam e impedem a participação nestas atividades. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva/exploratória, com 100 idosos hospitalizados. As atividades disponíveis foram: televisão e revistas. A maioria dos sujeitos (99%) afirmou participar de atividades de lazer, destacando-se a conversa e a visita de familiares/amigos. A participação em outras atividades diminui com as comorbidades e aumenta com a internação. O lazer foi motivado pelas características pessoais dos idosos, redução dos efeitos da hospitalização e benefícios à saúde. A sua limitação associou-se aos aspectos intrínsecos aos idosos e ao contexto institucional.


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O presente trabalho tem como objectivo demonstrar a importância da normalização contabilística para a análise da informação financeira, tendo em conta o meio envolvente em que, hoje, as empresas encontram-se inseridas. As mudanças que ocorreram na economia global levou a que as empresas passassem a adoptar novas formas de elaborar o reporte financeiro como forma de acompanhar essa evolução. A harmonização contabilística, surge neste contexto, como forma de reduzir as diferenças existentes no relato financeiro dos vários países. Nesse sentido o trabalho abordará as várias iniciativas que tem sido feitas em favor da harmonização/normalização contabilística e a sua relevância no contexto internacional e nacional bem como o caso de Cabo Verde, que recentemente aderiu ao processo da normalização. O caso prático baseia-se na transposição das demonstrações financeiras para o novo normativo em vigor e também na análise destas. A metodologia utilizada no trabalho baseia-se na revisão bibliográfica em livros, revistas, pela consulta de sites na Internet e legislação. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the importance of the accounting standard for the analysis of financial information, taking into account the environment in which, today, the companies are incorporated. The changes that occurred in the global economy have led companies to introduce new ways of preparing the financial reporting as a way to monitor these developments. The accounting harmonization, it is in this context as a way of reducing the differences existing in the financial reporting of the several countries. In this sense the work will address a variety of initiatives that have been made in favor of harmonization / normalization accounting and its relevance in the international and national context as well as the case of Cape Verde, who recently joined the process of standardization. The practical case is based in on the translation of financial statements for the new rules enforced and also in their analysis. The follows methodology used in the process is based on the literature review in books, magazines, by consulting Web sites and legislation


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A dinâmica de desenvolvimento de Cabo Verde vem sendo uma constante, com ganhos significativos para o país, como atestam a recente adesão à Organização Mundial do Comércio, a graduação a País de Rendimento Médio e a Parceria Especial com a União Europeia. No dia 23 de Julho de 2008, Cabo Verde tornou-se no 153º Estado membro da Organização Mundial do Comércio, sendo que nesta conquista foi o primeiro país Africano e o terceiro País Menos Avançado a conseguir este importante marco via negocial. As vantagens advenientes desta adesão são muitas, sendo de destacar a maior confiança dos investidores no país ao propiciar-se a expansão do mercado e a realização de negócios num ambiente mais seguro e estável, e ainda a possibilidade de melhoria da qualidade de prestação de serviços, uma vez que tudo passou a ser norteado por padrões e regras do comércio internacional. Este trabalho foi elaborado com base em pesquisa bibliográfica e exploratória necessária à construção de um referencial teórico sobre o assunto em questão, tendo como base artigos, livros, revistas e consultas em websites. Finalizando, para avaliação, apresentamos uma componente prática com base num questionário aplicado ao tecido empresarial, com perguntas abertas e de múltipla escolha, onde os inquiridos puderam fazer a sua apreciação relativa ao processo de adesão, e às expectativas advenientes. Os resultados obtidos no final do trabalho mostraram de forma clara e inequívoca a necessidade de Cabo Verde se reorganizar, reforçar o sector privado e a competitividade das empresas, através de, designadamente: melhoria do ambiente fiscal das empresas, fomento e apoio às pequenas e médias empresas. Outrossim, há que dar seguimento as reformas no sector comercial, capacitando e formando quadros nacionais uma vez que estes desempenham um papel essencial no crescimento económico do país e permitem dar maior previsibilidade aos investidores, sendo este último um dos pilares decisivos no requisito do investimento externo. The dynamics of the development of Cape Verde is becoming a constant, with significant gains to the country, as attests the recent adhesion to the World Trade Organization, the graduation to Country of Medium Revenue, as well as the Special Partnership with the European Union. On July 23, 2008, Cape Verde became the 153rd State member of the World Trade Organization, and in this conquest it was the first African country and the third Less Advanced Country to get this mark through negotiable way. The advantages proceeding from this adhesion are many, highlighting the investors' largest trust in the country when propitiating the expansion of the market and the accomplishment of business in a safer and stable atmosphere, and still the possibility of improvement of the quality of installment of services, once everything started being guided by patterns and rules of the international trade. This work was elaborated based on bibliographical and exploratory researches necessary to the construction of the theoretical referential about the subject in question, based on articles, books, magazines and website researches. Concluding, for evaluation, we presented a practical component based on a questionnaire applied to the managerial stuff, with open and multiple choice questions, where the inquired could make his appreciation related to the adhesion process, and the proceeding expectations. The results obtained at the end of the work, showed in a clear way the need of Cape Verde to organize, to reinforce the private sector and the competitiveness of the companies, through, namely: the improvement of the fiscal atmosphere of the companies, fomentation and support of the small and medium companies. Meanwhile, it is important to continue the reforms in the commercial sector, qualifying and forming national staff once they play an essential part in the economic growth of the country and allow giving a larger previsibility to the investors, being this last one, one of the decisive pillars in the requirement of the external investment.


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O trabalho que ora se apresenta é do carácter científico e visa a obtenção do diploma de Bacharelato do Curso em Educação Física realizado na Universidade, nos anos lectivos de 2003/04 a 2005/06. Este trabalho tem como temática central – A Importância da Actividade Física para a Saúde na Adolescência com a faixa etária entre 12 a 18 anos, por isso, delimitado a um campo específico que é o estudo do caso acima indicado. Deste modo, pretende-se atingir três grandes objectivos: 1º. Investigar a importância da AF na formação e desenvolvimento da adolescência e jovens nesta faixa etária e o seu impacto na melhoria dos seus estilos de vida e por conseguinte os seus níveis de desempenho motor. 2º. Contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento profissional dos profissionais da área e dos docentes da EF, melhorar a sua prática no seio da comunidade educativa e um maior envolvimento dos agentes responsáveis pela formação dos adolescentes e jovens. 3º. Facilitar a aquisição e aprofundamento de conhecimentos teóricos fundamentais, não apenas para a cultura geral da AF, mas ainda no sentido de ajudar os adolescentes a se tornarem, eles próprios, informados, autónomos, conscientes e agentes interventores em relação a Actividade Física que é um universo muito vasto. Ainda, a escolha deste tema deve-se ao facto de que, diariamente surgem informações na TV, Revistas, Jornais, Internet, etc. Que pessoas de diferentes faixa etária entre os quais os adolescentes, são vítimas de acidentes cardiovasculares (AVC), que na sua maioria é provocada pela inactividade física e a obesidade (excesso de gorduras), esses factos se consumam com a ajuda de novas tecnologias que por sua vez proporcionam mais «facilidades», diminuindo assim alguns esforço manual que outrora era feito e até mesmo a nível de gasto de energia. Tais como; ir ao trabalho de carro, não ter a necessidade de transportar a água em latas visto que a maioria das casas já dispõe de água na rede, não ter a necessidade de se levantar do sofá para mudar o canal de televisão, etc.