989 resultados para reentry wake


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Modern concepts for the treatment of myocardial diseases focus on novel cell therapeutic strategies involving stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (SCMs). However, functional integration of SCMs requires similar electrophysiological properties as primary cardiomyocytes (PCMs) and the ability to establish intercellular connections with host myocytes in order to contribute to the electrical and mechanical activity of the heart. The aim of this project was to investigate the properties of cardiac conduction in a co-culture approach using SCMs and PCMs in cultured cell strands. Murine embryonic SCMs were pooled with fetal ventricular cells and seeded in predefined proportions on microelectrode arrays to form patterned strands of mixed cells. Conduction velocity (CV) was measured during steady state pacing. SCM excitability was estimated from action potentials measured in single cells using the patch clamp technique. Experiments were complemented with computer simulations of conduction using a detailed model of cellular architecture in mixed cell strands. CV was significantly lower in strands composed purely of SCMs (5.5 ± 1.5 cm/s, n = 11) as compared to PCMs (34.9 ± 2.9 cm/s, n = 21) at similar refractoriness (100% SCMs: 122 ± 25 ms, n = 9; 100% PCMs: 139 ± 67 ms, n = 14). In mixed strands combining both cell types, CV was higher than in pure SCMs strands, but always lower than in 100% PCM strands. Computer simulations demonstrated that both intercellular coupling and electrical excitability limit CV. These data provide evidence that in cultures of murine ventricular cardiomyocytes, SCMs cannot restore CV to control levels resulting in slow conduction, which may lead to reentry circuits and arrhythmias.


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During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, synchronous synaptic activity in the thalamocortical network generates predominantly low-frequency oscillations (<4 Hz) that are modulated by inhibitory inputs from the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN). Whether TRN cells integrate sleep-wake signals from subcortical circuits remains unclear. We found that GABA neurons from the lateral hypothalamus (LHGABA) exert a strong inhibitory control over TRN GABA neurons (TRNGABA). We found that optogenetic activation of this circuit recapitulated state-dependent changes of TRN neuron activity in behaving mice and induced rapid arousal during NREM, but not REM, sleep. During deep anesthesia, activation of this circuit induced sustained cortical arousal. In contrast, optogenetic silencing of LHGABA-TRNGABA transmission increased the duration of NREM sleep and amplitude of delta (1-4 Hz) oscillations. Collectively, these results demonstrate that TRN cells integrate subcortical arousal inputs selectively during NREM sleep and may participate in sleep intensity.


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The biological safety profession has historically functioned within an environment based on recommended practices rather than regulations, so summary data on compliance or noncompliance with recommended practices is largely absent from the professional literature. The absence of safety performance outcome data is unfortunate since the concept of biosafety containment is based on a combination of facility based controls and workplace practices, and persistent failures in either type of controls could ultimately result in injury or death. In addition, the number of laboratories requiring biosafety containment is likely to grow significantly in the coming years in the wake of the terrorist events of 2001. In this study, the outcomes of 768 biosafety level 2 (BSL-2) safety surveys were analyzed for commonalities and trends. Items of non-compliance noted were classified as facility related or practice related. The most frequent item of noncompliance encountered was the failure to re-certify biosafety cabinetry. Not surprisingly, the preponderance of the other frequent items of non-compliance encountered were practice related, such as general housekeeping orderly, changes in compliance levels, as well as establish trends in the elements of items of non-compliance during the sequential survey period. The findings described in this study are significant because, for the first time, the outcomes of compliance with recommended biosafety practices can be characterized and thus used as the basis for focused interventions. Since biosafety is heavily reliant on adherence to specific safety practices, the ability to focus interventions on objectively identified practice-related items of non-compliance can assist in the reduction of worker risk in this area experiencing tremendous growth. The information described is also of heighten importance given the number of workplaces expected to involve potentially infectious agents in the coming years. ^


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Obesity and physical inactivity are modifiable risk factors that are associated with several health issues; they are major factors in up to 30% of major cancers. Elevated levels of circulating insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) have been associated with high body composition measurements and high cancer risk; exogenous estrogen use is associated with low circulating IGF-I levels and high cancer risk. The relationship between physical activity and circulating IGF levels is complex and findings of previous studies of their relationship remain inconsistent; however, these studies included vague definitions of physical activity. In this study, we used cross-sectional data from the Women's Health Initiative to determine the relationship between specific measures of physical activity (e.g., intensity, duration, and frequency) and circulating IGF-I levels, accounting for exogenous estrogen use and body composition. These data were collected from women enrolled at Women's Health Initiative clinical centers at Baylor College of Medicine and Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that circulating IGF-I and IGF-binding protein (BP) 3 levels were positively associated with frequency, duration, and intensity of physical activity. Circulating IGF-I levels and the molar IGF-I:IGF-BP3 ratio were significantly associated with frequency of walking, whereas circulating IGF-BP3 levels were significantly associated with strenuous physical activity, suggesting that different aspects of physical activity and their effects on fitness affect members of the IGF family differently. The results from our study support the recommendation of a regular exercise routine, particularly that of strenuous intensity, for postmenopausal women as a means to prevention of cancer.^


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Germ cell development is a highly coordinated process driven, in part, by regulatory mechanisms that control gene expression. Not only transcription, but also translation, is under regulatory control to direct proper germ cell development. In this dissertation, I have focused on two regulators of germ cell development. One is the homeobox protein RHOX10, which has the potential to be both a transcriptional and translational regulator in mouse male germ cell development. The other is the RNA-binding protein, Hermes, which functions as a translational regulator in Xenopus laevis female germ cell development. ^ Rhox10 is a member of reproductive homeobox gene X-(linked (Rhox) gene cluster, of which expression is developmentally regulated in developing mouse testes. To identify the cell types and developmental stages in which Rhox10 might function, I characterized its temporal and spatial expression pattern in mouse embryonic, neonatal, and adult tissues. Among other things, this analysis revealed that both the level and the subcellular localization of RHOX10 are regulated during germ cell development. To understand the role of Rhox10 in germ cell development, I generated transgenic mice expressing an artificial microRNA (miRNA) targeting Rhox10. While this artificial miRNA robustly downregulated RHOX10 protein expression in vitro, it did not significantly reduce RHOX10 expression in vivo. So I next elected to knockdown RHOX10 levels in spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), which I found highly express both Rhox10 mRNA and RHOX10 protein. Using a recently developed in vitro culture system for SSCs combined with a short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) approach, I strongly depleted RHOX10 expression in SSCs. These RHOX10-depleted cells exhibited a defect in the ability to form stem cell clusters in vitro. Expression profiling analysis revealed many genes regulated by Rhox10, including many meiotic genes, which could be downstream of Rhox10 in a molecular pathway that controls SSC differentiation. ^ RNA recognition motif (RRM) containing protein, Hermes is localized in germ plasm, where dormant mRNAs are also located, of Xenopus oocytes, which implicates its role in translational regulator. To understand the function of Hermes in oocyte meiosis, I used a morpholino oligonucleotide (MO) based knockdown approach. Microinjection of Hermes MO into fully grown oocytes, which are arrested in meiotic prophase, caused acceleration of oocytes reentry into meiosis (i.e., maturation) upon progesterone induction. Using a candidate approach, I identified at least three targets of Hermes: Ringo/Spy, Xcat2, and Mos. Ringo/Spy and Mos are known to have functions in oocyte maturation, while Ringo/Spy, Xcat2 mRNA are localized in the germ plasm of oocytes, which drives germ cell specification after fertilization. This led me to propose that Hermes functions in both oocyte maturation and germ cell development through its ability to regulate 3 crucial target mRNAs. ^


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La justicia penal adolescente es un sistema de administración judicial que extiende los derechos y garantías del debido proceso a los adolescentes a quienes se acuse de haber participado en la comisión de una infracción a la ley penal. Se podría decir que las finalidades de la justicia penal juvenil, por orden de importancia son: Administrar justicia de forma democrática. Fomentando la responsabilización del adolescente que ha cometido una infracción penal; promoviendo su integración social y favoreciendo la participación de la comunidad en el proceso de reinserción social, mediante la oferta de servicios y programas para el cumplimiento de medidas socio-educativas. Cabe preguntarse ¿Las instituciones correccionales son coadyuvantes en la reinserción de los jóvenes en conflicto con la ley de tal modo que no vuelvan a confrontar con el orden jurídico vigente cuando egresen? La respuesta es muy compleja porque si bien desde la situación de las instituciones el aislamiento que sufre el joven no les da defensas para poder cambiar sus circunstancias de vida a la hora de reingresar a la sociedad y esto lleva a una alta probabilidad de volver a delinquir. Sin embargo las Ciencias Sociales plantean otras alternativa para logran la inserción de los jóvenes, una de ellas, se inclina a la estimulación de la resiliencia. Esta implica: sobreponerse a las dificultades y tener éxito a pesar de estar expuestos a situaciones de alto riesgo; mantener la competencia bajo presión, esto significa adaptarse con éxito y recuperarse de un trauma ajustándose de forma exitosa a los acontecimientos negativos de la vida.


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Reentry of Hole 462A during Leg 89 resulted in the penetration of a further 140 m of basalt sheet-flows similar to those found during Leg 61 at the same site. Twelve volcanic units (45 to 56) were recognized, comprising a series of rapidly extruded, interlayered aphyric and poorly clinopyroxene-plagioclase-olivine phyric, nonvesicular basalts. All exhibit variable, mild hydration and oxidation, relative to fresh oceanic basalts, produced under reducing, low-CO2-activity conditions within the zeolite facies. Secondary assemblages are dominated by smectites, zeolites, and pyrite, produced by low-temperature reaction with poorly oxygenated seawater. No systematic mineralogical or chemical changes are observed with depth, although thin quenched units and more massive hypocrystalline units exhibit slightly different alteration parageneses. Chemically, the basalts are olivine- and quartz-normative tholeiites, characterized by low incompatible-element abundances, similar to mildly enriched MORB (approaching T-type), with moderate, chrondite-normalized, large-ionlithophile- element depletion patterns and generally lower or near-chrondritic ratios for many low-distribution-coefficient (KD) element pairs. In general, relative to cyclic MORB chemical variation, they are uniform throughout, although 3 chemical megagroups and 22 subgroups are recognized. It is considered that the megagroups represent separate low-pressure-fractionated systems (olivine + Plagioclase ± clinopyroxene), whereas minor variations within them (subgroups) indicate magma mixing and generation of near-steady-state conditions. Overall, relatively minor fractionation coupled with magma mixing produced a series of compositionally uniform lavas. Parental melts were produced by similar degrees of partial melting, although the source may have varied slightly in LIL-element content.