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The topic is white collar crime in its organizational form. The research question is why otherwise law-abiding people engage in wrongful behavior within legitimate organizations and what kinds of dynamics are involved in wrongful organizational processes. This is a theoretical inquiry the method of which is to bring together relevant literature on organizational behavior regardless of the branch of science. In addition to criminological and sociolegal writings, I mostly refer to works of social psychology and organization theory. At first, I discuss the terminological multiplicity related to organizational white collar crime. In conclusion from a critical analysis of the dominant terms and definitions, I argue for the concept of organizational wrongdoing. The approach of organizational wrongdoing captures unethical, illegal and criminal organizational behavior. Thus, it is not retricted by legislative categories but ethical reasoning. The approach aims at grasping a behavioral entity, and state law crimes do not constitute an ontology of behavior. In order to understand organizational wrongdoing, the dominant criminological theories applied to white collar crime are discussed. To a surprisingly large extent, they lack a sophisticated organizational perspective and do not offer viable frameworks for building a plausible theory of organizational white collar crime. In order to fill the gap, I incorporate the social psychological dynamics of organizational behavior and present several findings on collective behavior that criminological theorization must come to terms with. ------ This publication has been first presented and accepted as a master's thesis at the Faculty of Law, University of Turku. It has been published on the series: Criminal Law and Judicial Procedure, Series B: 15, in print format. The publication was digitized in 2015 and published online.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millä tavoin viestintäteknologian kehitys, globalisaatio sekä organisaatiomuodot ovat suhteessa keskenään sekä miten ne vaikuttavat esimiestyöhön hajautuneessa organisaatiossa. Tutkimuskohteena olivat kymmenen eri asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa esimiesasemassa työskentelevää henkilöä. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisin tutkimusmenetelmin. Tutkimusaineisto hankittiin puolistrukturoitujen teemahaastattelujen sekä avoimien haastatteluiden avulla. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys rakennettiin hajautuneen organisaation määrittelyn ohella johtamisteorioista sekä organisaation viestinnän teorioista. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella hajautuneet organisaatiomuodot yleistyvät uusille toimialoille ja työaika ja –paikka käsitteet muuttuvat. Esimiestyö on sosiaalinen prosessi. Vuorovaikutteinen ja päätösvaltaa jakava esimiestyö on tehokkaan ja joustavan organisaation edellytys. Verkostoituminen on yleistynyt ja on organisaatioiden kannalta järkevämpi tapa saada tarvittava osaaminen käyttöön kuin rekrytoiminen. Tutkimuksen mukaan organisaatiot pyrkivät edesauttamaan verkostoitumista mahdollistamalla työajasta ja –paikasta riippumattoman työn tekemisen. Useimmat organisatioissa käyettävät sovellukset ja järjestelmät toimivat tietoliikenneverkon kautta tai pilvipalveluissa. Työntekijöitä kannustetaan voimakkaasti muodostamaan sekä löytämään omaa ja organisaation osaamista tukevia osaamiskeskuksia. Lisäksi tutkimus vahvistaa aiempien tutkimustulosten mukaisesti, että nykymuotoinen esimiestyö ei toimi työaikaja työpaikkarajoituksista vapautuneessa, hajautuneissa organisaatioissa. Tämän vaikutuksesta myös alaisten rooli muuttuu hajautuneissa organisaatioissa.
TIIVISTELMÄ Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto Teknistaloudellinen tiedekunta Tuotantotalouden koulutusohjelma Seppo Kuittinen Teollinen Internet uuden liiketoiminnan katalysaattorina Case CGI Diplomityö 2015 78 sivua, 33 kuvaa, 1 taulukko, 1 liite Työn tarkastajat: Professori Timo Pihkala Tutkijatohtori Marita Rautiainen Hakusanat: teollinen internet, IoT, kehittynyt analytiikka, sensorit Keywords: Industrial internet, IoT, advanced analytics, sencors Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tutkia asiakaskyselyn avulla luoko teollinen internet case yritykselle uutta ohjelmisto- tai palveluliiketoimintaa. Case yritys valitsi omasta asiakaskunnastaan 15 kohdeasiakasta, joille kysely lähetettiin. Vastauksista käy ilmi, että asiakaskunnassa on näkemys siitä, mitä teollinen internet on. Nykyisten ratkaisujen ei nähdä ratkaisevan kaikkia teollisen internetin mukanaan tuomia ongelmia. Ongelmaksi koetaan sensoridatan analysointi, jonka ei vielä katsota olevan riittävän kehittynyttä ja luotettavaa. Kyselystä voidaan päätellä, ettei mitään räjähtävää kasvua ole odotettavissa lähiaikoina. Teollinen internet tulee olemaan osa yritysten liiketoimintaa, mutta sen käyttö laajenee pikkuhiljaa.
The relationship between the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and food intolerance is not clear. We studied the cutaneous response to food antigens in 43 volunteers who were students and employees of the Faculty of Medicine of Universidade Federal Fluminense. Subjects were divided into 3 groups after evaluation for Roma II criteria for functional disease of the gastrointestinal tract: group I, 14 volunteers with IBS; group II, 15 volunteers with functional dyspepsia; group III, 14 volunteers without habitual gastrointestinal symptoms. The subjects were submitted to the skin prick test with 9 food antigen extracts, for a total of 387 skin tests (9 per volunteer). Of the 126 tests applied to group I, 24 (19.4%) were positive (a 3-mm wider papule than the negative control) and of the 135 tests applied to group II, 3 (2.3%) were positive. Of the 126 tests applied to group III, 6 (4%) were positive. The number of positive responses obtained in group I (IBS) differed significantly from the other 2 groups (P < 0.01). None of the volunteers with IBS reported intolerance to any isolated food. The higher reactivity to food antigens in group I compared to groups II and III suggests that intestinal permeability may be increased in patients with IBS.
The objective of the present investigation was to study the expression of c-erbB-2 and MIB-1 and try to associate them with morphological features of the cell such as nuclear pleomorphism, mitotic count and histological grade in a series of 70 canine mammary gland tumors, 22 of them benign and 48 malignant. Tumors were collected at the Veterinary Hospital of UFMG (Brazil) and the Veterinary Faculty of Porto University (Portugal). c-erbB-2 expression was determined according to the guidelines provided by the manufacturer of the HercepTest system and nuclear pleomorphism, mitotic count and histological grade according the Elston and Ellis grading system. The HercepTest is the FDA-approved in vitro diagnostic test marketed by Dako. It is a semi-quantitative immunohistochemical assay used to determine overexpression of HER2 protein (human epidermal growth factor receptor) in breast cancer tissue. MIB-1 expression was also evaluated in 28 malignant tumors. Seventeen (35.4%) of the malignant tumors were positive for c-erbB-2 expression, which was positively associated with nuclear pleomorphism (P < 0.0001), histological grade (P = 0.0017) and mitotic count (P < 0.05). Nuclear pleomorphism also showed a positive association with MIB-1 index (P < 0.0001). These results suggest that some of the biological and morphological characteristics of the tumor are associated in canine mammary gland tumors, as also reported for human breast cancer. It was also possible to show that the immunoexpression of c-erbB-2 can be a factor in mammary carcinogenesis. This fact opens the possibility of using anti-c-erbB-2 antibodies in the treatment of canine mammary tumors.
Serum antibodies specific for the capsular polysaccharides of Streptococcus pneumoniae provide protection against invasive pneumococcal infection. In Brazil, this vaccine has been used for people over 65 years with clinical risk to develop pneumococcal infection since 1999. We evaluated the immune response of 102 elderly subjects (75.5% females and 24.5% males) with a mean age of 71 years, and 19 young healthy adults (63.2% females and 36.8% males) with a mean age of 27 years. The elderly study group consisted of outpatients who received follow-up care in the Geriatric Department of General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. None had acute illness at the time of vaccination. Both groups were immunized with one intra-deltoid injection with 0.5 ml of a 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. The total IgG specific antibody concentrations to capsular polysaccharides 1, 3, 5, 6B, 8, and 14 were determined against pre- and 1-month post-vaccination sera. All samples were analyzed according to the second-generation pneumococcal polysaccharide ELISA protocol. We observed that the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine evoked consistent antibody increase for serotypes 1, 5, 6B, 8, and 14 (geometric mean concentration increase of 2.46 in the elderly and 2.84 in the young adults). Otherwise, we observed no increase in antibody concentration for serotype 3 in both groups.