966 resultados para radiação UVB


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The teaching of modern and contemporary Physics subjects in high school is indispensable and it was already justified by several researchers. Among the subjects which must be taught, there is, for instance, Bohr atomics model. However, as it was noticed in literature review, many didactic materials do not deal with this model adequately, since that they do not take into account Bohr ideas, which involved Planck studies on black-body radiation, Einsten theory for photoelectric effect, Rutherford experiences and atomics model and the empiric results upon the spectrums of chemical elements emission. From that, it is extremely important teaching through approaches which potentialize the learning of the model proposed by Niels Bohr. On the other hand, teachers from high schools cannot have clearness about which approaches can be applied for teaching the mentioned model. Thus, it is presented some possibilities for teaching Bohr atomics model, with examples and justifications for the use of each one. Special treatment was attributed to the teaching from Science History and Philosophy, from the reading of scientific diffusion and original scientific texts, from analogies, from comic strips and from computer simulations.


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This paper consists in the evaluation of the exposure rate to ionizing radiation to which professionals working in surgical procedures which require radiological examinations are subjected. Were initially performed real-time readings of exposure rate within four distinct operating rooms during the execution of four surgical procedures that made use of fluoroscopy equipment (including three orthopedic surgeries, one in the shoulder, one in the arm, another for deployment of metal pin in the leg region, and a fourth for vascular procedure); in these surgeries were used ionization chamber detector and an electrometer. In order to check the values achieved, was made a re-evaluation of the distribution of the rate of exposure to radiation, from the surgical procedures, now with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). For this, thirty TLDs were distributed in the operating rooms, arranged in points of interest as occupation by professionals. The TLDs were prepared for thirty consecutive days, after which they were removed and replaced with new dosimeters not exposed yet. The dosimeters were subjected to reading of the rate of exposure; this procedure was repeated for four months without interruption. The quantification of the results sought primarily to convert the rate of exposure for equivalent dose rate, both in measurements with ionization chamber as in measurements with TLDs, in order to highlight the presence of the biological effect of ionizing radiation for comparisons within scientific context. Then, the results were plotted to establish the relationship between the values of equivalent dose and the distance to the central axis of the x -ray source, confirming the inverse square law for distance. Finally, the values were associated with the maximum limit recommended by the legislation for occupationally exposed individuals. The methodology for the analysis and quantification of the data in this work aims at implementing a work plan that meets ...


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This graduation work done study of polyamide 6.6/composite carbon fibres, since its processing, characterization of the main properties. Besides the influence of temperature, UV radiation, salt spray and moisture on the mechanical and viscoelastic behavior. To achieve this goal, the first composite was processed from the heat compression molding using known variables of the process and using the empirical method to find the best value for other parameters. The method processing molding was chosen because it common in composites processing in order to evaluate the influence of crystallinity of the properties that influence the mechanical and viscoelastic behavior laminates. From the obtained laminate specimens were evaluated in weathering, such as: in hygrothermal chamber, UV, salt spray and thermal shock. In another step, the effect produced by these constraints were evaluated by optical microscopy, ultrasound, dynamic mechanical analysis and vibration tests. This project was conducted at the Department of Technology and Materials of UNESP in Guaratingueta, where all the equipment and techniques for the implementation of this project met available. After the tests proved the applicability of the composite polyamide 6.6/carbon fibers in aeronautical applications with resistance the main climatic influences