987 resultados para quantum chemistry


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The experimental implementation of a quantum algorithm requires the decomposition of unitary operators. Here we treat unitary-operator decomposition as an optimization problem, and use a genetic algorithm-a global-optimization method inspired by nature's evolutionary process-for operator decomposition. We apply this method to NMR quantum information processing, and find a probabilistic way of performing universal quantum computation using global hard pulses. We also demonstrate the efficient creation of the singlet state (a special type of Bell state) directly from thermal equilibrium, using an optimum sequence of pulses. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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The experimental implementation of a quantum algorithm requires the decomposition of unitary operators. Here we treat unitary-operator decomposition as an optimization problem, and use a genetic algorithm-a global-optimization method inspired by nature's evolutionary process-for operator decomposition. We apply this method to NMR quantum information processing, and find a probabilistic way of performing universal quantum computation using global hard pulses. We also demonstrate the efficient creation of the singlet state (a special type of Bell state) directly from thermal equilibrium, using an optimum sequence of pulses.


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We compute a certain class of corrections to (specific) screening lengths in strongly coupled non-abelian plasmas using the AdS/CFT correspondence. In this holographic framework, these corrections arise from various higher curvature interactions modifying the leading Einstein gravity action. The changes in the screening lengths are perturbative in inverse powers of the `t Hooft coupling or of the number of colors, as can be made precise in the context where the dual gauge theory is superconformal. We also compare the results of these holographic calculations to lattice results for the analogous screening lengths in QCD. In particular, we apply these results within the program of making quantitative comparisons between the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma and holographic descriptions of conformal field theory. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tin sulphide (SnS) quantum dots of size ranging from 2.4 to 14.4 nm are prepared by chemical precipitation method in aqueous media. Growth of the SnS particles is monitored by controlling the deposition time. Both XRD and SAED patterns confirm that the particles possess orthorhombic structure. The uncapped SnS particles showed secondary phases like Sn2S3 and SnS2 which is visible in the SAED pattern. From the electrochemical characterization. HOMO-LUMO levels of both TiO2 and SnS are determined and the band alignment is found to be favorable for electron transfer from SnS to TiO2. Moreover, the HOMO-LUMO levels varied for different particle sizes. Solar cell is fabricated by sensitizing porous TiO2 thin film with SnS QDs. Cell structure is characterized with and without buffer layer between FTO and TiO2. Without the buffer layer, cell showed an open circuit voltage (V-oc) of 504 mV and short circuit current density (J(sc)) of 2.3 mA/cm(2) under AM1.5 condition. The low fill factor of this structure (15%) is seen to be increased drastically to 51%, on the incorporation of the buffer layer. The cell characteristics are analyzed using two different size quantum dots. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In submitted research; nanocrystalline powders having elements Ni0.5Cu0.25Zn0.25Fe2 xInxO4 with varied amounts of indium ( x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4) were grown-up by modified citrate to nitrate alchemy. The realism of single phase cubic spinel creation of the synthesized ferrite samples was studied by the DTA-TGA, XRD, SEM, EDX, FT-IR, VSM and dielectric measurements. SEM was applied to inspect the morphological variations and EDX was used to determine the compositional mass ratios. The studies on the dielectric constant (epsilon'), dielectric loss (epsilon `'), loss tangent (tan delta), ac conductivity (sigma(ac)), resistive and reactive parts of the impedance analysis (Z' and Z `') at room temperature were also carried out. The saturation magnetizations (Ms) were determined using the vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). Ms. decreased with the increase In3+ doping content, as Fe3+ of 5(mu B) ions are replaced by In3+ of 5 mu(B) ions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Four dinuclear bis(mu-Cl) bridged copper(II) complexes, Cu-2(mu-Cl)(2)(L-X)(2)](ClO4)(2) (L-X = N,N-bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-yl)-methyl]benzylamine with X = H(1), OMe(2), Me(3) and Cl(4)), have been synthesized and characterized by the single crystal X-ray diffraction method. In these complexes, each copper(II) center is penta-coordinated with square-pyramidal geometry. In addition to the tridentate L-X ligand, a chloride ion occupies the last position of the square plane. This chloride ion is also bonded to the neighboring Cu(II) site in its axial position forming an SP-I dinuclear Cu(II) unit that exhibits small intramolecular ferromagnetic interactions and supported by DFT calculations. The complexes 1-3 exhibit methylmonooxygenase (pMMO) behaviour and oxidise 4-tert-butylcatechol (4-TBCH2) with molecular oxygen in MeOH or MeCN to 4-tert-butyl-benzoquinone (4-TBQ), 5-methoxy-4-tert-butyl-benzoquinone (5-MeO-4-TBQ) as the major products along with 6,6'-Bu-t-biphenyl-3,4,3',4'-tetraol and others as minor products. These are further confirmed by ESI- and FAB-mass analyses. A tentative catalytic cycle has been framed based on the mass spectral analysis of the products and DFT calculations on individual intermediates that are energetically feasible.


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Assessment of chemistry of groundwater infiltrated by pit-toilet leachate and contaminant removal by vadose zone form the focus of this study. The study area is Mulbagal Town in Karnataka State, India. Groundwater level measurements and estimation of unsaturated permeability indicated that the leachate recharged the groundwater inside the town at the rate of 1 m/day. The average nitrate concentration of groundwater inside the town (148 mg/L) was three times larger than the permissible limit (45 mg/L), while the average nitrate concentration of groundwater outside the town (30 mg/L) was below the permissible limit. The groundwater inside the town exhibited E. coli contamination, while groundwater outside the town was free of pathogen contamination. Infiltration of alkalis (Na+, K+) and strong acids (Cl-, SO4 (2-)) caused the mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type (60 %) and Na-Cl type (28 %) facies to predominate groundwater inside the town, while, Ca-HCO3 (35 %), mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type (35 %) and mixed Ca-Na-HCO3 type (28 %) facies predominated groundwater outside/periphery of town. Reductions in E. coli and nitrate concentrations with vadose zone thickness indicated its participation in contaminant removal. A 4-m thickness of unsaturated sand + soft, disintegrated weathered rock deposit facilitates the removal of 1 log of E. coli pathogen. The anoxic conditions prevailing in the deeper layers of the vadose zone (> 19 m thickness) favor denitrification resulting in lower nitrate concentrations (28-96 mg/L) in deeper water tables (located at depths of -29 to -39 m).


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We have demonstrated that cadmium deoxycholate (1), a Cd-salt, provides a convenient and inexpensive route to high quality CdSe nanocrystals with photoluminescence (PL) in the blue to red region of the visible spectrum, with reproducible quantum yields as high as similar to 47%. Owing to the high thermal stability of the bile acid based cadmium precursor (decomposition point: 332 degrees C), it was possible to achieve high injection and growth temperatures (similar to 300 degrees C) for the nanocrystals, which was essential for obtaining larger CdSe nanocrystals emitting in the red region (625-650 nm) with a sharp full width at half maximum (FWHM) (23 nm) and multiple (6-7) excitonic absorption features. The as-prepared CdSe nanocrystals synthesized from cadmium deoxycholate represent a series of highly efficient emitters with pure colours and controllable sizes, shapes and structures.


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Two-dimensional (2D) sheets are currently in the spotlight of nanotechnology owing to high-performance device fabrication possibilities. Building a free-standing quantum sheet with controlled morphology is challenging when large planar geometry and ultranarrow thickness are simultaneously concerned. Coalescence of nanowires into large single-crystalline sheet is a promising approach leading to large, molecularly thick 2D sheets with controlled planar morphology. Here we report on a bottom-up approach to fabricate high-quality ultrathin 2D single crystalline sheets with well-defined rectangular morphology via collective coalescence of PbS nanowires. The ultrathin sheets are strictly rectangular with 1.8 nm thickness, 200-250 nm width, and 3-20 mu m length. The sheets show high electrical conductivity at room and cryogenic temperatures upon device fabrication. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that a single row of delocalized orbitals of a nanowire is gradually converted into several parallel conduction channels upon sheet formation, which enable superior in-plane carrier conduction.


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We report on a comprehensive analysis of the renormalization of noncommutative phi(4) scalar field theories on the Groenewold-Moyal plane. These scalar field theories are twisted Poincare invariant. Our main results are that these scalar field theories are renormalizable, free of UV/IR mixing, possess the same fixed points and beta-functions for the couplings as their commutative counterparts. We also argue that similar results hold true for any generic noncommutative field theory with polynomial interactions and involving only pure matter fields. A secondary aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive review of different approaches for the computation of the noncommutative S-matrix: noncommutative interaction picture and noncommutative Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann formalism. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.064014


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Following up the work of 1] on deformed algebras, we present a class of Poincare invariant quantum field theories with particles having deformed internal symmetries. The twisted quantum fields discussed in this work satisfy commutation relations different from the usual bosonic/fermionic commutation relations. Such twisted fields by construction are nonlocal in nature. Despite this nonlocality we show that it is possible to construct interaction Hamiltonians which satisfy cluster decomposition principle and are Lorentz invariant. We further illustrate these ideas by considering global SU(N) symmetries. Specifically we show that twisted internal symmetries can provide a natural-framework for the discussion of the marginal deformations (beta-deformations) of the N = 4 SUSY theories.


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Geochemical studies are performed to examine the impact of leachate infiltration from on-site sewage disposal systems on the groundwater chemistry in Mulbagal town, Kolar District, Karnataka State, India. The leachate infiltration imposed nitrate concentrations ranging from 4 mg/L to 388 mg/L in the groundwater samples; it was observed that 79% of the samples exhibited nitrate concentrations in excess of drinking water permissible limit (45 mg/L). The average (of 43 measurements) E. coli levels in the groundwater samples corresponded to 189 MPN/100 mL and 55% of the samples tested exhibit pathogen contamination. Results also showed that the groundwater in the study area is characterized by acidic pH, large calcium + magnesium ion and Na/Cl ratios of < unity causing majority of the ground water samples to classify as Ca-Mg-Cl type and Na-Cl type. Saturation index (SI) computation using Visual MINTEQ program showed that the groundwater samples are under-saturated with respect to calcite. The theoretical SI values (of calcite) however suggested that the groundwater samples ought to be over-saturated with calcite. Under-saturation of the groundwater samples with calcite is attributed to increased dissolution of the mineral in the acidic environment of the groundwater.


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The Neoarchean layered anorthositic complex at Sittampundi in southern India is known for its chromitite layers that are mostly associated with anorthosite (An(90-100)). The chromitites contain FeAl-rich chromites concentrated in layers between amphibole-rich layers with a dominant mineralogy of amphibole-spinel-plagiocase+/-sapphirine. The chromite-rich layers contain only amphibole and plagioclase. Mineral compositions illustrated by X-ray composition maps and profiles show subtle chemical differences. The chrome spinels are of refractory grade with Cr2O3 and Al2O3 contents varying between 34-40 wt.% and 23-28 wt.%. The chromite compositions are noticeably different from those in layered igneous intrusions of the Bushveld-Stillwater type. The existence of original highly calcic plagioclase, FeAl-rich chromite, and magmatic amphibole is consistent with derivation from a parental magma of hydrous tholeiitic composition that was most likely generated in a supra-subduction zone arc setting. In terms of mineralogy and field relations, the Sittampundi chromitites are remarkably similar to anorthosite-hosted chromitites in the Neoarchean Fiskensset anorthositic complex, Greenland. We propose that the Sittampundi chromitites formed by partial melting of unusually aluminous harzburgite in a hydrated mantle wedge above a subduction zone. This melting process produced hydrous, aluminous basalt, which fractionated at depth to give rise to a variety of high-alumina basalt compositions from which the anorthositic complex with its cumulate chromite-rich and amphibole-rich layers formed within the magma chamber of a supra-subduction zone arc. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.