982 resultados para protamine sulphate
In the treatment of copper ores by hydro-electro-metallurgical methods, not only is copper deposited, but other metals are also dissolved. In practice it has been found* that iron, under certain conditions, causes the copper to deposit on the cathode as a nonadherent precipitate and also that the iron in solution causes a great decrease in current efficiency, especially when the electrolysis is conducted by operating with a higher current density at the cathode than at the anode. The present investigation deals with the effects of the two valences of iron on the current efficiency and endeavors to determine whether or not there is a ratio of the two at which point the efficiency becomes zero or approaches it.
Careful examination of the literature available shows that the electrodeposition of manganese from various aqueous solutions has not been attempted to any great extent. The best method for the electrodeposition of pure manganese consists in the electrolysis of a solution containing manganous and ammonium sulphates.
The purpose of this thesis is to elucidate this phenomena of frother incompatibility, and to offer an explanation based upon several divergent lines of investigation. The research was limited to four common frothing agents, namely, pine oil, n-amyl alcohol, sodium oleate, and sodium lauryl sulphate (Dreft).
The object of this research was to produce a workable electrolytic cell for the continuous deposition of manganese from aqueous sulphate solutions and determine the critical factors in its operation.
BACKGROUND: Diabetic patients with transmetatarsal amputation (TMA) for chronic forefoot ulceration or necrosis are at high risk for postoperative skin breakdown and subsequent amputation. Locally applied antibiotics may reduce the revision rate and improve the outcome. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a retrospective comparative study, 60 diabetic patients (65 feet) with forefoot ulceration or necrosis were treated with TMA by three surgeons in three hospitals. In the "beads group'' (46 patients, 49 feet) TMA was combined with local application of bioabsorbable, tobramycin impregnated calcium sulphate beads (OsteoSet-T beads, Wright Medical, Memphis, TN) as a single-stage procedure. The remaining 16 patients had transmetatarsal amputation without beads at the surgeon's discretion and acted as a control group. For all patients, time to healing, length of hospital stay, number of revisions for wound breakdown and conversions to a higher-level amputation were retrospectively reviewed. Of the 60 patients 17 had died and three were lost to followup, leaving 40 patients available for latest followup at 29 months. The Foot ; Ankle Outcome Score, Foot Function index, SF-36, and Comorbidity score were recorded. RESULTS: The revision rate for wound breakdown after TMA was 8.2% (4/49) in the beads group, and 25% (4/16) in the control group (p<0.05). At latest followup, 27% (13/49) in the beads group, and 25% (4/16) in the control group had to be converted to transtibial amputation. Patients in the beads group scored worse for activities of daily living in the FAOS and SF-36 (p < 0.05), and demonstrated more health problems in the Comorbidity scores (not significant), indicating sicker individuals in the beads group. CONCLUSION: Bioabsorbable calcium sulphate antibiotic beads may be a useful addition for TMA for patients with non-healing diabetic ulcerations of the forefoot. The single-stage procedure could have a significant impact on the management of diabetic forefoot ulcerations by preventing additional hospital stays, improving the patient's quality of life and minimizing cost.
Specific delivery to tumors and efficient cellular uptake of nucleic acids remain major challenges for gene-targeted cancer therapies. Here we report the use of a designed ankyrin repeat protein (DARPin) specific for the epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) as a carrier for small interfering RNA (siRNA) complementary to the bcl-2 mRNA. For charge complexation of the siRNA, the DARPin was fused to a truncated human protamine-1 sequence. To increase the cell binding affinity and the amount of siRNA delivered into cells, DARPin dimers were generated and used as fusion proteins with protamine. All proteins expressed well in Escherichia coli in soluble form, yet, to remove tightly bound bacterial nucleic acids, they were purified under denaturing conditions by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography, followed by refolding. The fusion proteins were capable of complexing four to five siRNA molecules per protamine, and fully retained the binding specificity for EpCAM as shown on MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells. In contrast to unspecific LipofectAMINE transfection, down-regulation of antiapoptotic bcl-2 using fusion protein complexed siRNA was strictly dependent on EpCAM binding and internalization. Inhibition of bcl-2 expression facilitated tumor cell apoptosis as shown by increased sensitivity to the anticancer agent doxorubicin.
Accumulating evidence indicates that agrin, a heparan sulphate proteoglycan of the extracellular matrix, plays a role in the organization and maintenance of the blood-brain barrier. This evidence is based on the differential effects of agrin isoforms on the expression and distribution of the water channel protein, aquaporin-4 (AQP4), on the swelling capacity of cultured astrocytes of neonatal mice and on freeze-fracture data revealing an agrin-dependent clustering of orthogonal arrays of particles (OAPs), the structural equivalent of AQP4. Here, we show that the OAP density in agrin-null mice is dramatically decreased in comparison with wild-types, by using quantitative freeze-fracture analysis of astrocytic membranes. In contrast, anti-AQP4 immunohistochemistry has revealed that the immunoreactivity of the superficial astrocytic endfeet of the agrin-null mouse is comparable with that in wild-type mice. Moreover, in vitro, wild-type and agrin-null astrocytes cultured from mouse embryos at embryonic day 19.5 differ neither in AQP4 immunoreactivity, nor in OAP density in freeze-fracture replicas. Analyses of brain tissue samples and cultured astrocytes by reverse transcription with the polymerase chain reaction have not demonstrated any difference in the level of AQP4 mRNA between wild-type astrocytes and astrocytes from agrin-null mice. Furthermore, we have been unable to detect any difference in the swelling capacity between wild-type and agrin-null astrocytes. These results clearly demonstrate, for the first time, that agrin plays a pivotal role for the clustering of OAPs in the endfoot membranes of astrocytes, whereas the mere presence of AQP4 is not sufficient for OAP clustering.
In addition to self reports and questionnaires, biomarkers are of relevance in the diagnosis of and therapy for alcohol use disorders. Traditional biomarkers such as gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase or mean corpuscular volume are indirect biomarkers and are subject to the influence of age, gender and non-alcohol related diseases, among others. Direct metabolites of ethanol such as Ethyl glucuronide (EtG), ethyl sulphate (EtS) and phosphatidylethanol (PEth) are direct metabolites of ethanol, that are positive after intake of ethyl alcohol. They represent useful diagnostic tools for identifying alcohol use even more accurately than traditional biomarkers. Each of these drinking indicators remains positive in serum and urine for a characteristic time spectrum after the cessation of ethanol intake - EtG and EtS in urine up to 7 days, EtG in hair for months after ethanol has left the body. Applications include clinical routine use, emergency room settings, proof of abstinence in alcohol rehabilitation programmes, driving under influence offenders, workplace testing, assessment of alcohol intake in the context of liver transplantation and foetal alcohol syndrome. Due to their properties, they open up new perspectives for prevention, interdisciplinary cooperation, diagnosis of and therapy for alcohol-related problems.
Alcohol and tobacco related disorders are the two leading and most expensive causes of illness in central Europe. In addition to self reports and questionnaires, biomarkers are of relevance in diagnosis and therapy of alcohol use disorders.Traditional biomarkers such as gamma glutamyl transpeptidase or mean corpuscualr volume are indirect biomarkers and are subject to influence of age, gender and non alcohol related diseases, among others.Direct ethanol metabolites such as ethyl glucuronide (EtG), ethyl sulphate (EtS) and phosphatidylethanol (PEth) are direct metabolites of ethanol, that are positive after intake of ethyl alcohol. They represent useful diagnostic tools for identifying alcohol use even more accurately than traditional biomarkers. Each of these drinking indicators remains positive in serum and urine for a characteristic time spectrum after the cessation of ethanol intake-EtG and EtS in urine up to 7 days, EtG in hair for months after ethanol has left the body. Applications include clinical routine use, emergency room settings, proof of abstinence in alcohol rehabilitation programs, driving under influence offenders, workplace testing, assessment of alcohol intake in the context of liver transplantation and fetal alcohol syndrome.
AIM: Sclerotherapy is the targeted chemical ablation of varicose veins by intravenous injection of a liquid or foamed sclerosing drug. The treated veins may be intradermal, subcutaneous, and/or transfascial as well as superficial and deep in venous malformations. The aim of this guideline is to give evidence-based recommendations for liquid and foam sclerotherapy. METHODS: This guideline was drafted on behalf of 23 European Phlebological Societies during a Guideline Conference on 7-10 May 2012 in Mainz. The conference was organized by the German Society of Phlebology. These guidelines review the present state of knowledge as reflected in published medical literature. The regulatory situation of sclerosant drugs differs from country to country but this has not been considered in this document. The recommendations of this guideline are graded according to the American College of Chest Physicians Task Force recommendations on Grading Strength of Recommendations and Quality of Evidence in Clinical Guidelines. RESULTS: This guideline focuses on the two sclerosing drugs which are licensed in the majority of the European countries, polidocanol and sodium tetradecyl sulphate. Other sclerosants are not discussed in detail. The guideline gives recommendations concerning indications, contraindications, side-effects, concentrations, volumes, technique and efficacy of liquid and foam sclerotherapy of varicose veins and venous malformations.
The Effingen Member is a low-permeability rock unit of Oxfordian age (ca. 160 Ma) that occurs across northern Switzerland. It comprises sandy calcareous marls and (argillaceous) limestones. This report describes the hydrogeochemistry, mineralogy and supporting physical properties of the Effingen Member in three boreholes in the Jura-Südfuss area: Oftringen, Gösgen and Küttigen, where it is 220–240 m thick. The top of the Effingen Member is at 420, 66 and 32 m depths at the three sites. Core materials are available from Oftringen and Gösgen, whereas information from Küttigen is limited to cuttings, in-situ hydrogeological testing and geophysical logging. Hydrogeological boundaries of the Effingen Member vary between locations. Ground-water flows were identified during drilling at the top (Geissberg Member), but not at the base, of the Effingen Member at Oftringen, at the base (Hauptrogenstein Formation) of the Effingen Member at Gösgen, and in a limestone layer (Gerstenhübel unit) within the Effingen Member at Küttigen. The marls and limestones of the Effingen Member have carbonate contents of 46–91 wt.-% and clay-mineral contents of 5–37 wt.-%. Pyrite contents are up to 1.6 wt.-%, but no sulphate minerals were detected by routine analyses. Clay minerals are predominantly mixed-layer illite-smectite, illite and kaolinite, with sporadic traces of chlorite and smectite. Veins filled with calcite ± celestite occur through the Effingen Member at Oftringen but not at Gösgen or Küttigen. They formed at 50–70 ºC from externally derived fluids, probably of Miocene age. Water contents are 0.7–4.2 wt.-%, corresponding to a water-loss porosity range of 1.9–10.8 vol.-%. Specific surface areas, measured by the BET method, are 2–30 m2/g, correlating with clay-mineral contents. Water activity has been measured and yielded surprisingly low values down to 0.8. These cannot be explained by pore-water salinity alone and include other effects, such as changes in the fabric due to stress release or partial saturation. Observed variations in measurements are not fully understood. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable cation populations have been studied by the Ni-en method. CEC, derived from the consumption of the index cation Ni, is 9–99 meq/kgrock at a solid:liquid ratio of 1, correlating with the clay-mineral content. Cation concentrations in Ni-en extract solutions are in the order Na+≥Ca2+>Mg2+>K+>Sr2+. However, the analytical results from the Ni-en extractions have additional contributions from cations originating from pore water and from mineral dissolution reactions that occurred during extraction, and it was not possible to reliably quantify these contributions. Therefore, in-situ cation populations and selectivity coefficients could not be derived. A suite of methods have been used for characterising the chemical compositions of pore waters in the Effingen Member. Advective displacement was used on one sample from each Oftringen and Gösgen and is the only method that produces results that approach complete hydrochemical compositions. Aqueous extraction was used on core samples from these two boreholes and gives data only for Cl- and, in some cases, Br-. Out-diffusion was used on core samples from Oftringen and similarly gives data for Cl- and Br- only. For both aqueous extraction and out-diffusion, reaction of the experimental water with rock affected concentrations of cations, SO42 and alkalinity in experimental solutions. Another method, centrifugation, failed to extract pore water. Stable isotope ratios (δ18O and δ2H) of pore waters in core samples from Oftringen were analysed by the diffusive exchange method and helium contents of pore water in Oftringen samples were extracted for mass spectrometric analysis by quantitative outgassing of preserved core samples. Several lines of evidence indicate that drillcore samples might not have been fully saturated when opened and subsampled in the laboratory. These include comparisons of water-loss porosities with physical porosities, water-activity measurements, and high contents of dissolved gas as inferred from ground-water samples. There is no clear proof of partial saturation and it is unclear whether this might represent in-situ conditions or is due to exsolution of gas due to the pressure release since drilling. Partial saturation would have no impact on the recalculation of pore-water compositions from aqueous extraction experiments using water-loss porosity data. The largest uncertainty in the pore-water Cl- concentrations recalculated from aqueous extraction and out-diffusion experiments is the magnitude of the anion-accessible fraction of water-loss porosity. General experience of clay-mineral rich formations suggests that the anion-accessible porosity fraction is very often about 0.5 and generally in a range of 0.3 to 0.6 and tends to be inversely correlated with clay-mineral contents. Comparisons of the Cl- concentration in pore water obtained by advective displacement with that recalculated from aqueous extraction of an adjacent core sample suggests a fraction of 0.27 for an Oftringen sample, whereas the same procedure for a Gösgen sample suggests a value of 0.64. The former value for anion-accessible porosity fraction is presumed to be unrepresentative given the local mineralogical heterogeneity at that depth. Through-diffusion experiments with HTO and 36Cl- suggest that the anion-accessible porosity fraction in the Effingen Member at Oftringen and Gösgen is around 0.5. This value is proposed as a typical average for rocks of the Effingen Member, bearing in mind that it varies on a local scale in response to the heterogeneity of lithology and pore-space architecture. The substantial uncertainties associated with the approaches to estimating anion-accessible porosity propagate into the calculated values of in-situ pore-water Cl- concentrations. On the basis of aqueous extraction experiments, and using an anion-accessible porosity fraction of 0.5, Cl- concentrations in the Effingen Member at Oftringen reach a maximum of about 14 g/L in the centre. Cl- decreases upwards and downwards from that, forming a curved depth profile. Cl- contents in the Effingen Member at Gösgen increase with depth from about 3.5 g/L to about 14 g/L at the base of the cored profile (which corresponds to the centre of the formation). Out-diffusion experiments were carried out on four samples from Oftringen, distributed through the Effingen Member. Recalculated Cl- concentrations are similar to those from aqueous extraction for 3 out of the 4 samples, and somewhat lower for one sample. Concentrations of other components, i.e. Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+, SO42- and HCO3- cannot be obtained from the aqueous extraction and out-diffusion experimental data because of mineral dissolution and cation exchange reactions during the experiments. Pore-water pH also is not constrained by those extraction experiments. The only experimental approach to obtain complete pore-water compositions for samples from Oftringen and Gösgen is advective displacement of pore water. The sample from Oftringen used for this experiment is from 445 m depth in the upper part of the Effingen Member and gave eluate with 16.5 g/L Cl- whereas aqueous extraction from a nearby sample indicated about 9 g/L Cl-. The sample from Gösgen used for advective displacement is from 123 m depth in the centre of the Effingen Member sequence and gave eluate with about 9 g/L Cl- whereas aqueous extraction gave 11.5 g/L Cl-. In both cases the pore waters have Na-(Ca)-Cl compositions and SO42- concentrations of about 1.1 g/L. The Gösgen sample has a Br/Cl ratio similar to that of sea water, whereas this ratio is lower for the Oftringen sample. Taking account of uncertainties in the applied experimental approaches, it is reasonable to place an upper limit of ca. 20 g/L on Cl- concentration for pore water in the Effingen Member in this area. There are major discrepancies between pore-water SO42- concentrations inferred from aqueous extraction or out-diffusion experiments and those obtained from advective displacement in both the Oftringen and Gösgen cases. A general conclusion is that all or at least part of the discrepancies are attributable to perturbation of the sulphur system and enhancement of SO42- by sulphate mineral dissolution and possibly minor pyrite oxidation during aqueous extraction and out-diffusion. Therefore, data for SO42- calculated from those pore-water sampling methods are considered not to be representative of in-situ conditions. A reference pore-water composition was defined for the Effingen Member in the Jura Südfuss area. It represents the probable upper limits of Cl- contents and corresponding anion and cation concentrations that are reasonably constrained by experimental data. Except for Cl- and possibly Na+ concentrations, this composition is poorly constrained especially with respect to SO42- and Ca2+ concentrations, and pH and alkalinity. Stable isotope compositions, δ18O and δ2H, of pore waters in the Effingen Member at Oftringen plot to the right of the meteoric water line, suggesting that 18O has been enriched by water-rock exchange, which indicates that the pore waters have a long residence time. A long residence time of pore water is supported by the level of dissolved 4He that has accumulated in pore water of the Effingen Member at Oftringen. This is comparable with, or slightly higher than, the amounts of 4He in the Opalinus Clay at Benken. Ground waters were sampled from flowing zones intersected by boreholes at the three locations. The general interpretation is that pore waters and ground-water solutes may have similar origins in Mesozoic and Cenozoic brackish-marine formations waters, but ground-water solutes have been diluted rather more than pore waters by ingress of Tertiary and Quaternary meteoric waters. The available hydrochemical data for pore waters from the Effingen Member at these three locations in the Jura-Südfuss area suggest that the geochemical system evolved slowly over geological periods of time, in which diffusion was an important mechanism of solute transport. The irregularity of Cl- and δ18O profiles and spatial variability of advective ground-water flows in the Malm-Dogger system suggests that palaeohydrogeological and hydrochemical responses to changing tectonic and surface environmental conditions were complex.
Both historical and idealized climate model experiments are performed with a variety of Earth system models of intermediate complexity (EMICs) as part of a community contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report. Historical simulations start at 850 CE and continue through to 2005. The standard simulations include changes in forcing from solar luminosity, Earth's orbital configuration, CO2, additional greenhouse gases, land use, and sulphate and volcanic aerosols. In spite of very different modelled pre-industrial global surface air temperatures, overall 20th century trends in surface air temperature and carbon uptake are reasonably well simulated when compared to observed trends. Land carbon fluxes show much more variation between models than ocean carbon fluxes, and recent land fluxes appear to be slightly underestimated. It is possible that recent modelled climate trends or climate–carbon feedbacks are overestimated resulting in too much land carbon loss or that carbon uptake due to CO2 and/or nitrogen fertilization is underestimated. Several one thousand year long, idealized, 2 × and 4 × CO2 experiments are used to quantify standard model characteristics, including transient and equilibrium climate sensitivities, and climate–carbon feedbacks. The values from EMICs generally fall within the range given by general circulation models. Seven additional historical simulations, each including a single specified forcing, are used to assess the contributions of different climate forcings to the overall climate and carbon cycle response. The response of surface air temperature is the linear sum of the individual forcings, while the carbon cycle response shows a non-linear interaction between land-use change and CO2 forcings for some models. Finally, the preindustrial portions of the last millennium simulations are used to assess historical model carbon-climate feedbacks. Given the specified forcing, there is a tendency for the EMICs to underestimate the drop in surface air temperature and CO2 between the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age estimated from palaeoclimate reconstructions. This in turn could be a result of unforced variability within the climate system, uncertainty in the reconstructions of temperature and CO2, errors in the reconstructions of forcing used to drive the models, or the incomplete representation of certain processes within the models. Given the forcing datasets used in this study, the models calculate significant land-use emissions over the pre-industrial period. This implies that land-use emissions might need to be taken into account, when making estimates of climate–carbon feedbacks from palaeoclimate reconstructions.
When drilling ice cores deeper than ∼100 m, drill liquid is required to maintain ice-core quality and to limit borehole closure. Due to high-pressure air bubbles in the ice, the ice core can crack during drilling and core retrieval, typically at 600–1200 m depth in Greenland. Ice from this 'brittle zone' can be contaminated by drill liquid as it seeps through cracks into the core. Continuous flow analysis (CFA) systems are routinely used to analyse ice for chemical impurities, so the detection of drill liquid is important for validating accurate measurements and avoiding potential instrument damage. An optical detector was constructed to identify drill liquid in CFA tubing by ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy at a wavelength of 290 nm. The set-up was successfully field-tested in the frame of the NEEM ice-core drilling project in Greenland. A total of 27 cases of drill liquid contamination were identified during the analysis of 175 m of brittle zone ice. The analyses most strongly affected by drill liquid contamination include insoluble dust particles, electrolytic conductivity, ammonium, hydrogen peroxide and sulphate. This method may also be applied to other types of drill liquid used at other drill sites.
A variety of human cancers overexpress the HER-2/neu proto-oncogene. Among patients with breast and ovarian cancers this HER-2/ neu overexpression indicates an unfavorable prognosis, with a shorter overall survival duration and a lower response rate to chemotherapeutic agents. Downregulation of HER-2/neu gene expression in cancer cells through attenuation of HER-2/neu promoter activity is, therefore, an attractive strategy for reversing the transformation phenotype and thus the chemoresistance induced by HER-2/neu overexpression. ^ A viral transcriptional regulator, the adenovirus type 5 E1A (early region 1A) that can repress the HER-2/neu promoter, had been identified in the laboratory of Dr. Mien-Chie Hung. Following the identification of the E1A gene, a series of studies revealed that repression of HER-2/neu by the E1A gene which can act therapeutically as a tumor suppressor gene for HER-2/ neu-overexpressing cancers. ^ The results of these preclinical studies became the basis for a phase I trial for E1A gene therapy among patients with HER-2/neu-overexpressing breast and ovarian cancer. In this dissertation, three primary questions concerned with new implications of E1A gene therapy are addressed: First, could E1A gene therapy be incorporated with conventional chemotherapy? Second, could the E1A gene be delivered systemically to exert an anti-tumor effect? And third, what is the activity of the E1A gene in low-HER-2/neu-expressing cancer cells? ^ With regard to the first question, the studies reported in this dissertation have shown that the sensitivity of HER-2/neu-overexpressing breast and ovarian cancer to paclitaxel is in fact enhanced by the downregulation of HER-2/neu overexpression by E1A. With regard to the second question, studies have shown that the E1A gene can exert anti-tumor activity by i.v. injection of the E1A gene complexed with the novel cationic liposome/protamine sulfate/DNA type I (LPDI). And with regard to the third question, the studies of low-HER-2/ neu-expressing breast and ovarian cancers reported here have shown that the E1A gene does in fact suppress metastatic capability. It did not, however, suppress the tumorigenicity. ^ Three conclusions can be drawn from the experimental findings reported in this dissertation. Combining paclitaxel with E1A gene therapy may expand the implications of the gene therapy in the future phase II clinical trial. Anti-tumor activity at a distant site may be achieved with the i.v. injection of the E1A gene. Lastly when administered therapeutically the anti-metastatic effect of the E1A gene in low-HER-2/neu-expressing breast cancer cells may prevent metastasis in primary breast cancer. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^
The feasibility of establishment of continuously proliferating growth factor-dependent human B lymphocytes was investigated. Normal B lymphocytes prepared from peripheral venous blood were stimulated with a variety of known polyclonal B cell activators, in the continuous presence of various cytokine preparations. Continuously proliferating growth factor-dependent B cell populations were obtained from cultures activated with either insoluble anti-IgM ((mu)-chain specific), soluble anti-IgM, heat-killed Staphylococcus aureus Cowen I (SAC), or dextran sulphate (DxS), in the continuous presence of exogenously added growth factor preparations containing either IL-1, IL-2 and BCGF, or BCGF alone. Although growth factor-dependent B cell lines were obtained via all three methods of activation, the correlation of mode of activation and growth factor preparation proved to be critical. B cell lines could not be established with anti-(mu) activation in the presence of only BCGF; however, B cell lines were successfully obtained with SAC or DxS activation from those cultures continuously replenished with only BCGF. These cultured B lymphocyte populations were routinely maintained in logarithmic-phase growth in the presence of exogenously added growth factor, and exhibited a population doubling time of approximately 36 hours. They were shown to specifically absorb BCGF, suggesting the presence of membrane receptors for it. Also, these cultured B cells have been utilized for the development of a microassay for the assessment of a M(,r) 12,000-14,000 B cell growth factor activity that is accurate, sensitive, and precise. The pronounced sensitivity of this bioassay beyond that of the conventional peripheral blood B cell assay has aided in the purification to homogeneity of natural product extracellular BCGF (EC-BCGF), and in the determination of the nucleotide sequence for a gene coding for a protein exhibiting BCGF activity. Additionally, these B cell lines specifically absorb, and proliferate in the presence of, an affinity-purified M(,r) 60,000 trypsin-sensitive intracellular protein derived from freshly isolated human T lymphocytes, providing evidence for a putative intracellular precursor of EC-BCGF, or a novel high molecular weight BCGF species. ^