993 resultados para práticas clínicas


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a atividade in vitro da cefalosporina de quarta geração, cefpiroma em comparação com ceftazidima, ceftriaxona, cefotaxima e imipenem em um estudo multicêntrico envolvendo nove hospitais de seis cidades em quatro estados. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 804 amostras clínicas isoladas em pacientes internados em unidades de terapia intensiva ou unidades de oncohematologia. As amostras foram coletadas no período de junho a novembro de 1995, isto é, antes da cefpiroma estar disponível comercialmente no Brasil, e testadas através do método de microdiluição em placas conforme descrito pelo National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Todas as amostras resistentes à cefpiroma foram retestadas utilizando-se o E-test. RESULTADOS: Contra as amostras de enterobactérias (n= 344), a cefpiroma apresentou atividade de 2 a 32 vezes superior àquela apresentada pelas cefalosporinas de terceira geração (CTGs) e semelhante àquela apresentada pelo imipenem. As porcentagens de enterobactérias sensíveis foram: 88% para a cefpiroma, 69% para as CTGs e 96% para o imipenem. O espectro de ação da cefpiroma foi maior ou igual ao do imipenem contra as espécies Citrobacter freundii, E. aerogenes, Morganella morganii e Serratia marcescens. Contra Acinetobacter sp. (n=77), a cefpiroma foi ligeiramente mais ativa que a ceftazidima, porém as porcentagens de resistência foram muito altas para esses compostos (84% e 88% respectivamente). As atividades da cefpiroma, ceftazidima e imipenem foram semelhantes contra Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n=128), com MIC50/porcentagem de sensibilidade de 8/59%, 8/62% e 4/62% respectivamente. Contra bactérias aeróbias gram-positivas, a cefpiroma foi de 4 a 16 vezes mais ativa que as CTGs. Contra S. epidermidis e outras espécies de estafilococos coagulase-negativos a cefpiroma foi ligeiramente superior ao imipenem, porém, contra as outras espécies de bactérias gram-positivas avaliadas, o imipenem apresentou atividade um pouco superior. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados desse estudo sugerem que, no Brasil, a cefpiroma apresenta espectro de ação superior ao das CTGs contra bactérias gram-negativas (Enterobacteriaceae e não-fermentadares) e gram-positivas e semelhante ao do imipenem contra algumas espécies de enterobactérias e contra P. aeruginosa.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o conhecimento popular e as práticas cotidianas em saúde bucal de usuários de serviços públicos de saúde. MÉTODOS: A população estudada foi selecionada a partir de uma amostra estratificada de usuários que procuraram atendimento nas unidades sanitárias da zona urbana de Santa Maria, RS. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada e organizados em conjuntos de categorias descritivas, permitindo sua distribuição em tabela de freqüência. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que predominam usuários entre 21 e 40 anos de idade, do sexo feminino e com padrão socioeconômico baixo. A busca pela saúde e o controle das doenças bucais são atribuídos à responsabilidade individual de realizar a higiene bucal e procurar tratamento dentário. A presença e os benefícios do flúor no creme dental e na água de beber não foram reconhecidos pela população estudada. CONCLUSÕES: Os programas de saúde devem considerar os aspectos relativos ao conhecimento e as práticas em saúde bucal, para viabilizar o processo de capacitação da população e promover a responsabilização coletiva da promoção da saúde em todos os níveis da sociedade.


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As mudanças na prática de saúde do enfermeiro em programas emergentes como o Programa Saúde da Família nos levaram a estudar os processos comunicacionais que se colocam a esta prática. Mediante estudo de revisão bibliográfica de janeiro de 1994 até dezembro de 2004, investigamos 26 artigos de periódicos nacionais e internacionais, quatro dissertações, três teses e quatro livros nas bases de dados da BIREME (LILACS e SCIELO-Br) a partir dos unitermos comunicação, Programa Saúde da Família e enfermagem. Foram identificadas 373 citações com comunicação e enfermagem, 12 citações usando programa saúde da família e comunicação (LILACS) e 18 citações com comunicação e enfermagem e zero citações com programa saúde da família e comunicação (SCIELO-Br). Para analisar as publicações, buscamos agrupá-las em quatro tendências acerca da relação comunicação e práticas na enfermagem: comunicação nas equipes do PSF, comunicação na prática profissional do enfermeiro, comunicação como instrumento de liderança do enfermeiro, comunicação no contexto do ensino da enfermagem. O estudo permitiu observar que, apesar do modelo hegemônico nas práticas de saúde ser o unilinear, já é nítido um movimento no sentido de uma prática comunicacional mais dialógica que aparece como um desafio na prática do enfermeiro no PSF.


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Visando a refletir sobre diferentes formas de pensar e fazer dos psicólogos que atuam na Educação Municipal, participamos da Comissão de E-ducação do CRP-06/subsede de Assis e entrevistamos psicólogas aí envolvidas. Verificamos que suas ações - condicionadas ao modelo político-ideológico ado-tado pela gestão municipal e pela formação acadêmica recebida - caracterizam-se por práticas tradicionais e/ou compartilhadas por outros profissionais, que não vêm contribuindo para a reversão do quadro de produção do fracasso escolar. Assim, consideramos urgente a revisão dos aspectos relativos à formação dos psicólogos, às práticas atualmente implementadas e ao engajamento dos órgãos dessa classe para a consolidação de uma psicologia mais comprometida com a cidadania.


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This paper is a qualitative ethnographic study that aims to present reflections on negotiation events in teletandem interactions, a synchronous telecollaborative context of language learning, within the scope of the interaction strategies adopted by participants to achieve comprehensibility. The project Teletandem Brasil: foreign languages for all (Telles, 2006) matches up native or proficient speakers of a foreign language with Brazilian undergraduate students to learn each other's language, by communicating synchronically with application softwares like Skype, Oovoo or MSN. on this paper, based on the interpretive perspective of Hermeneutics, we analyze excerpts of teletandem interactions of partnerships established between students of a Brazilian university and American universities. The excerpts presented here have been taken from different moments of the research studies conducted at the teletandem laboratories of UNESP Assis and Sao Jose do Rio Preto and are part of the database of the works of Santos (2008) and Garcia (2010). In this article, in the data analysis, we highlight the focus on form and on lexicon as characteristics of the interactions and analyze how the negotiations happen in this learning context mediated by technology. Among results we may highlight the prevailing of external feedback as a trigger to negotiation moves, the occurrence of adjustment processes between participants to get adapted to each other's interaction behavior, as well as the evolution of this behavior as interactants get familiarized with the computer-mediated communication context, under the shape of changes in the participants choices regarding negotiation of meaning along their interaction experience.


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The renal involvement in patients with multiple myeloma has been described as a sign of poor prognosis. The influence of renal insufficiency in the clinical patterns and in the prognosis of patients with multiple myeloma was studied retrospectively in 45 patients. Patients with renal insufficiency, at first visit, more often presented weight loss, proteinuria, hypercalcemia. The means of uricemia, ESR, were higher and the hematocritic mean was lower in patients with renal insufficiency. There was no difference in edema, arterial hypertension, fractures and bone pain. The reversibility of renal insufficiency occurred in 47% of the cases, which happened more often in the first months of the follow up. The creatinine mean was lower in patients with reversible renal insufficiency. The median survival was: patients with renal insufficiency: 11 months; patients with normal renal function: 50 months. Among patients with renal insufficiency those with recuperation of renal function showed a higher median survival (24 months) than those with irreversible renal insufficiency (1 month). The renal involvement then is frequent and often reversible. Patients with impaired renal function showed a worse prognosis; normalization of the renal function was associated with a better outcome.


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Introduction: Children with Moebius syndrome may present paralysis of cranial nerves III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII, compromising motor and sensorial functions. Hands and feet defects (syndactyly, equinovarus and arthrogryposis) are frequently associated. These manifestations can be attributed to the use of misoprostol during pregnancy to induce abortion. Study design: Clinical prospective. Aim: To evaluate the main clinical manifestations, hearing acuity and possible etiologic factors in children with Moebius syndrome. Material and method: The children were submitted to clinical, otolaryngological and hearing acuity assessment. Hearing acuity was evaluated through behavioral tests, pure tone audiometry, tympanometry and auditory brainstem response (ABR). We investigated possible etiologic factors. Results: Three boys and two girls were evaluated. The main manifestations were: facial paralysis, paralysis of masseter muscle, defects in dental occlusion, retraction of tympanic membrane, equinovarus, oblique palpebral fissure and tongue atrophy. Conductive hearing loss was detected in three children and sensorineural hearing loss in one child. The use of misoprostol during pregnancy was reported by four mothers. Conclusions: The children with Moebius syndrome evaluated in the present study manifested palsies of various cranial nerves, especially V, VII and XII nerves, responsible for motor and sensorial alterations. Inadequate eustachian tube function associated to conductive hearing loss was frequent. The use of misoprostol during pregnancy was reported by the mothers and it was considered a possible etiologic factor.


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Chronic hypertrophic pododermatitis cases in six horses of different breeds, aging 14 months to 19 years are described. The lesion begun with a infiltrative tissue in the frog and sole regions of the hoof, characterized by a fast and disorganized growth, with a papillary aspect, white colored in the roots and dark on the extremity, with a necrotic secretion and an extremely fetid odor. Microscopically, an exuberant epidermic proliferative tissue was observed, intermingled with little connective tissue. The horses were divided into two treatment groups. In the first group, including three young mares and a foal, showing lesions in only one limb, a surgical resection of the invasive mass was performed, followed by cauterization of the remaining edges and subsequent daily local application of antiseptic substances. In three of these horses, recurrence of the initial lesion occurred, with fast growth of hyperplasic tissue, affecting almost all the frog and half of the sole. Two horses developed contraction deformities of the hoof. In the second group, one male and one female, each with lesions in two limbs, after surgical debridement of the tissue, the animals received daily applications of picric acid 5%, associated to local use of oxitetracyclin. Although one of these cases required a second surgical intervention for removal of the mass, the horses showed after a period of two to three months total absence of the infiltrative tissue. The use of local picric acid 5% and oxitetracyclin associated to previous surgical debridement showed to be more efficient than the use of antiseptic substances in the treatment of chronic hypertrophic pododermatitis.


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During temporal bone development and formation it is noted the presence of a foramen in the medial portion of the external auditory canal (foramen of Huschke). This foramen is normally present until the age of 4 or 5 years old, but in some people it persists throughout life. The persistence of this foramen and its clinical implications related to the temporomandibular joint, ear and nearby structures has been reported by many authors. Therefore, it is important that dentists, otorhinolaryngologists, speech pathologist and physiotherapists have a wide knowledge about the consequences of the presence and persistence of the foramen of Huschke.


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This paper presents the results of a research where the phenomenon of indiscipline was problematized approaching its possible relationship with the production of gender identities, in and through school. By means of interviews and direct observation, in classes of the 8 th grade of a school was carried out a study about the (male and female) teachers' attitudes towards what they consider their pupils' indiscipline (which are teenagers, about 13 / 14 years old). At the same time it was made an analysis about the practices of school punishment, threreby a listing of the punishments imposed to desobedient students' behavior. This listing came out from consultation to the book of disciplinary records of the students. So it was possible to bring about, among others, some important aspects of this process: a) the coherence (or incoherence) between what teachers consider indiscipline and their actual practices and attitudes towards students' behavior; b) The diferences and analogies among (male and female) teachers'practices and attitudes c) The different ways in which teachers deal with the manifestations of gender and sexuality of the (male and female) students, at the same time associate them to the practices of insubordination and indiscipline; d) the production of identities, distinctions and inequalities of gender and sexuality, thru school practices.


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Introduction: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one of the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) of greatest incidence and prevalence worldwide, and it is presently considered to be a pre-neoplastic lesion. Human Papillomavirus infection has totaled 23.4% of the sexually transmitted diseases reported to the Department of Health, and it is currently the most common in our country. Many patients are asymptomatic carriers. Methods: Twenty patients who had been previously treated for HPV due to genital lesions were referred for the conduction of anuscopy and colposcopy of the perianal region. Results: Males (80%) prevailed over females (20%). Of the total number of patients, only 2 showed lesions as examined by anuscopy (10%). However, 3 other patients showed lesions by means of colposcopy, thus increasing to 5 (25%) the total number of asymptomatic patients who presented perianal lesions. Of the total number of patients with lesions, 4 were males and 1 was a female. Conclusion: The presence of perianal lesions was observed in 10% of the patients with genital lesions by means of simple anal inspection. This figure increased to 25% when anal colposcopy was associated, thus showing the importance of conducting such examination on all patients with increased risk factors for HPV infection in the anal region.


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Our goal is to investigate the reasons behind the presence of clientelist-type practices among the popular classes in Brazil, highlighting the decade of the 1990s. Our proposal gives salience to factors regarding the phenomenon's socio-political conjuncture, thereby taking us beyond explanations that rely exclusively on historical-cultural aspects or that sustain an economic bias. We use bibliographic and journalistic sources, from which we develop our own interpretation of the period. Thus, we observe that clientelist practices are encouraged to manifest themselves at the level of national political organization particularly within the federal sphere yet are also reflected at state and municipal levels, due to the coalition of political forces created through the implantation of a neoliberal project in Brazil. The latter has joined modern Brazilian social democracy and old regional oligarchies situated primarily within the PFL, PP, PTB and certain sectors of the PMDB, whose representatives are known for their attachment to patrimonialist and paternalistic practices. The inclusion of the latter in the conservative pact that has promoted neo-liberal political reform has thus meant awarding new value to such practices. Herein lies partial explanation for the vigor with which practices such as fisiologismo, apadrinhamento, abuse of state machinery, buying and selling of votes and clientelism have manifested themselves on the national scene over the course of the 1990s.