968 resultados para postural sway


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El presente trabajo parte de un Programa "Espalda Sana" que aborda los problemas de columna que padecen las personas, y que desde el 2013 presenta un desafío desde la dimensión preventiva en el marco de la construcción de Escuelas Saludables en el Uruguay


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There has been a significant increase in the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and the costs associated with these are predicted to increase as the popularity of computer use increases at home, school and work. Risk factors have been identified in the adult population but little is known about the risk factors for children and youth. Research has demonstrated that they are not immune to this risk and that they are self reporting the same pain as adults. The purpose of the study was to examine children’s postures while working at computer workstations under two conditions. One was at an ergonomically adjusted children’s workstation while the second was at an average adult workstation. A Polhemus Fastrak™ system was used to record the children’s postures and joint and segment angles were quantified. Results of the study showed that children reported more discomfort and effort at the adult workstation. Segment and joint angles showed significant differences through the upper limb at the adult workstation. Of significance was the strategy of shoulder abduction and flexion that the children used in order to place their hand on the mouse. Ulnar deviation was also greater at the adult workstation as was neck extension. All of these factors have been identified in the literature as increasing the risk for injury. A comparison of the children’s posture while playing at the children’s workstation verses the adult workstation, showed that the postural angles assumed by the children at an adult workstation exceeded the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) recommendations. Further investigation is needed to increase our knowledge of MSD in children as their potential for long term damage has yet to be determined.


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Several determinants of fear of falling (FoF) and low balance confidence overlap with the consequences/complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). FoF is strongly associated with low balance confidence, and balance confidence mediates the relationship between FoF and balance and physical function. The purpose of this thesis was two-fold: (1) to examine the prevalence, severity and determinants of FoF in older adults (aged≥65) with DM, and (2) to evaluate the validity of the short version of the Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale (ABC-6) and its association with balance and postural control in older adults with DM. Three separate studies were conducted of older adults with DM (DM-group) and without DM (noDM-group). Study I revealed that although FoF prevalence adjusted for age and sex was not different between-groups, the DM-group had 8.8% fewer participants in the low and 8.4% more in the high Falls-Efficacy Scale International categories when compared to the noDM-group. Higher FoF severity in the DM-group was associated with poor physical performance, being female, fall history and clinical depressive symptoms. Study II provided evidence of convergent, discriminant and concurrent validity of the ABC-6 for use in older adults with DM with and without diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Notably, the ABC-6 was more sensitive in detecting subtle differences in balance confidence between the DM-group and noDM-group when compared to the original ABC scale (ABC-16), and can be administered in less time. Study III explored balance confidence (ABC-6) and its association with balance and postural control in older adults with DM. Subtle differences in axial segmental control (i.e., lower trunk roll velocity and higher head-trunk correlations) while walking and lower balance confidence were apparent in the DM-group, even in the absence of DPN, when compared to the noDM-group. Balance confidence partially explained the variance in head-trunk stiffening between-groups, and consequently low balance confidence in older adults with DM may contribute to the dependence on postural control strategies that are normally only utilized in high-risk situations. Findings from this thesis will help to guide the development of protocols for screening and intervention recommendations of patient education and targeted rehabilitation programs for older adults with DM.


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People with foot problems need special healthcare: foot care. Customized insoles can provide this care. They are inserts that are placed in the shoes. They correct biomechanical and postural inaccuracies in foot. Insole production contains four phases: foot image scanning, image validation, insole design and insole manufacturing. Currently, image scanning and validation is separated in location and time, i.e. podiatrists take images and insole designers validate them at different location and at different time. A cloud-based solution, the CloudSME one-stop shop simulation platform, enables remote access to image validation and insole design service deployed and running on the Cloud. The remote access allows podiatrists validating scanned image while the patient is in their offices. The simulation platform also supports remote design of customized insoles.


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This dissertation examines the various ways in which Canadian historical researchers confronted the “Canada question,” namely the challenge of defining the basis of a unified national community. In doing so, it follows the scholarship and activities of a network of historians and intellectuals centred on the Canadian Historical Review, a quarterly publication founded in 1920. This study examines their scholarship with the aim of identifying not only the various solutions they posed to the problem, but also the philosophical undercurrents that informed their reasoning in the process. It also traces the rise of a rival network in the Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, a French-language historical publication founded in 1947 that by its very existence posed a significant challenge to the definition of the nation at the core of the Canadian Historical Review. This dissertation argues that the network bound together by the Review was engaged in a hegemonic project, one that sought to present a particular definition of Canada through a historical narrative that rested upon a liberal logic. Yet the greatest sustained challenge they faced in this endeavour emerged from Francophone historical scholars, who, although proposing vastly different Canadas to those imagined at the Canadian Historical Review, came under the sway of a number of liberal currents of thought as well. A detailed summary of the key traits of these liberal Canadas is found in the conclusion.


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El Psicodrama, creado por Jacob Levy Moreno, es un método de abordaje del individuo, la familia, los grupos y la comunidad, que tuvo sus orígenes en el teatro, la sociología y la psicología. Desde su trabajo con niños y grupos marginales, su creador va gestando su teoría y su técnica. Se desarrolla en diferentes ámbitos: clínica, psicoterapia, pedagogía y comunidad. El cuerpo, el juego, el espacio y el tiempo confluyen de una manera poética y contribuyen a la libertad creadora y a la tan añorada espontaneidad. El Psicodrama se desarrolla en ese espacio transicional, que no siendo ni interno, ni externo, se transforma en ese espacio pluripotencial de infinitas posibilidades creadoras.


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El presente trabajo parte de un Programa "Espalda Sana" que aborda los problemas de columna que padecen las personas, y que desde el 2013 presenta un desafío desde la dimensión preventiva en el marco de la construcción de Escuelas Saludables en el Uruguay


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La frontière entre le politique et l'intellectualisme militant est, d'ordinaire, ténue. Tout univers politico-constitutionnel est ainsi susceptible de faire les frais d'un martèlement doctrinal qui, à maints égards, relève davantage du construit que du donné. Résultante directe d'une construction parfois intéressée, le récit identitaire, à force de répétition, s'installera confortablement sur les sièges de l'imaginaire populaire. Il accèdera, au fil du temps, au statut de mythe pur et simple. Ce dernier, politiquement parlant, revêt de puissants effets aphrodisiaques. La présente thèse doctorale s'intéresse plus particulièrement aux mythes créés, depuis 1982, par un segment de la doctrine québécoise : en matière de droits linguistiques, objet principal de notre étude, Charte canadienne des droits et libertés et Cour suprême, toutes deux liguées contre le Québec, combineront leurs efforts afin d'assurer le recul du fait français dans la Belle Province. Quant aux francophones hors Québec, ceux-ci, depuis l'effritement du concept de nation canadienne-française, sont dorénavant exclus de l'équation, expurgés de l'échiquier constitutionnel. En fait, l'adoption d'un nationalisme méthodologique comme nouvelle orthodoxie politique et doctrinale rend ardue, en plusieurs sens, la conciliation de leur existence avec les paradigmes et épistémologie maintenant consacrés. Ainsi, et selon la logique du tiers exclu, une victoire francophone hors Québec signifiera, du fait d'une prétendue symétrie interprétative, un gain pour la communauté anglo-québécoise. Cette thèse vise à discuter de la teneur de diverses allégories établies et, le cas échéant, à reconsidérer la portée réelle de la Charte canadienne en matière linguistique. Il sera alors démontré que plusieurs lieux communs formulés par les milieux intellectuels québécois échouent au moins partiellement, le test de l'analyse factuelle. Celui-ci certifiera de l'exclusion, par la doxa, de toute décision judiciaire ou autre vérité empirique ne pouvant cadrer à même les paramètres, voire les prismes, de l'orthodoxie suggérée.