991 resultados para post-consumer
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is a multifunctional housekeeping protein reported to be a target of several covalent modifications in many organisms. In a previous study we showed that enterohemorragic (EHEC) and enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli strains secrete GAPDH and that this protein binds to human plasminogen and fibrinogen. Here we report that GAPDH of these pathogens is ADP-ribosylated either in the cytoplasm or in the extracellular medium. GAPDH catalyzes its own modification which involves Cys149 at the active site. ADP-ribosylation of extracellular GAPDH may play important role in the interaction with the host as it has been proposed in other pathogens.
OBJECTIVE: This pilot experimental study tested the feasibility and intended effect of an educational intervention for parents to help them assist their adolescent child with chronic illness (CI) in becoming autonomous. METHODS: A two-phase pre-post pilot intervention study targeting parents of adolescents with CI was conducted. Parents were allocated to group 1 and 2 and received the four-module intervention consecutively. Intended effect was measured through online questionnaires for parents and adolescents before, at 2 months after, and at 4-6 months after the intervention. Feasibility was assessed through an evaluation questionnaire for parents. RESULTS: The most useful considered modules concerned the future of the adolescent and parents and social life. The most valued aspect was to exchange with other parents going through similar problems and receiving a new outlook on their relationship with their child. For parents, improvement trends appeared for shared management, parent protection, and self-efficacy, and worsening trends appeared for coping skills, parental perception of child vulnerability, and parental stress. For adolescents, improvement trends appeared for self-efficacy and parental bonding and worsening trends appeared for shared management and coping skills. CONCLUSION: Parents could benefit from peer-to-peer support and education as they support the needed autonomy development of their child. Future studies should test an online platform for parents to find peer support at all times and places.
A nyone traveling to the United States from countries other than New Zealand will be surprised by the prevalence of health-related advertisements on television, including ads for drugs. Typically, these TV ads follow a pattern: an ad for a burger at only 99 cents, followed by one for a proton-pump inhibitor, then an ad on healthy home-cooked food delivered directly to your home and an ad for a home-based abdominal workout DVD, followed by an ad for a lipid-lowering drug. There are, however, nuances. After 8 pm, the visitor might encounter an ad for the "little blue pill." This sequence sometimes includes an ad featuring antihistamines for allergic rhinitis in spring and one promoting antidepressants in the winter. Such direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) of prescription drugs is usual business in the United States and New Zealand but is prohibited in the rest of the world. Why? Because DTCA for prescribing drugs has pros and cons (discussed elsewhere,1-3 including in JGIM4) that are balanced differently in different countries. Constitutional factors-such as the First Amendment protections on speech, including commercial speech, in the United States5 -as well as patient and population safety considerations, which all differ across countries, modulate reactions to DTCA. Additionally, lack of robust data on the impact of DTCA on prescription drug use adds to the confusion. Evidence, though limited, suggests that DTCA increases drug sales. However, whether the increase in sales corrects existing underuse or encourages over/misuse is not clear.
Hemos investigado los patrones de los movimientos postcría de la codorniz común (Coturnix coturnix) en la península ibérica con el fin de describir su fenología de paso migratorio y algunas características fisiológicas de los individuos. Esta información es necesaria para un ajuste óptimo de los períodos de caza. Hemos trabajado a partir de dos conjuntos de datos: a) capturas efectuadas en una zona que no es de cría (Garraf) de agosto a octubre en 2009 y 2010; b) recuperaciones, posteriores a la presunta época de cría, de individuos anillados en Europa y recapturados en España durante el período 1933-2005. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los movimientos postcría en Garraf están formados por dos oleadas: una primera, que se produce sobre el 10 VIII, formada principalmente por jóvenes del año inactivos sexualmente que no son fisiológicamente migrantes; y una segunda, mucho más intensa, que se produce sobre el 17 IX, formada principalmente por migrantes jóvenes del año inactivos sexualmente. La época de caza en España tiene lugar principalmente durante la primera oleada, preservando el paso de los migrantes provenientes de España y de otros países europeos. La información de los movimientos postcría en otras regiones españolas y en otros países europeos en los que la codorniz común es una especie cinegética popular, permitiría mejorar el ajuste entre el período de caza y la migración, proporcionando recomendaciones de gestión cinegética más precisas para esta especie.