973 resultados para performances


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Drawing on a model of spectator understanding of error in
performance in the literature, we document a qualitative
experiment that explores the relationships between domain
knowledge, mental models, intention and error recognition
by spectators of performances with electronic instruments.
Participants saw two performances with contrasting instruments,
with controls on their mental model and understanding
of intention. Based on data from a subsequent structured
interview, we identify themes in participants’ judgements
and understanding of performance and explanations
of their spectator experience. These reveal both elements
of similarity and difference between the two performances,
instruments and between domain knowledge groups. From
these, we suggest and discuss implications for the design of
novel performative interactions with technology


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Plastic wastes, and particularly plastic bags and sachets, are a major concern for urban and rural environment in African countries. In the last years some actions have been started for the plastic recycling like the artisanal production of paving blocks with melted plastic bags and sand, albeit with differences in production processes. Nevertheless, the environmental and economic impact of such activities is still to be confirmed. The aim of this study is to propose a methodology for assessing and comparing the environmental and energetic performances of artisanal methods, and for defining the overall quality of the produced blocks. This methodology has been shaped through the analysis of
production processes operated by artisans/small enterprises in West Africa and through physic-mechanical tests on the blocks. A questionnaire which allows an insight into the process and on the product has been developed and tested over five processes. Results show that a high input energy level is observed through all the processes, while considerable savings of energy could be achieved. Moreover, tests results confirmed the importance of the utilised plastic concerning thermal dilatation, mechanical resistance at higher temperature and cooling-shrinkage effects. In conclusion, doubts remain about the technical and environmental effectiveness of the sampled experiences, durability of the products and sustainability of this approach. Nevertheless, being the collection and recycling of plastic wastes a potential income generation activity for marginalised social groups in urban environment, a process optimisation could improve the impact of blocks production. Alternative recycling activities should also be considered.


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Application Specific Instruction Set Processor (ASIP) becomes an attractive substitute for ASIC as transistor density, logic complexity and market competition boost. Similar to ASIC, ASIP is based on customized and tailored architectures. In this way, ASIP delivers high performances with low overheads on cost and power whilst taking the advantages of high flexibility and fast time-to-market as a processor-based solution. To demonstrate this effective solution for embedded applications, this paper performs an overall investigation on ASIP's developments, challenges, trends in terms of architectures and design methodologies.


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Pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) have applications in the fields of packaging, joining, wound care, and personal care. Depending on the application of the PSA, different performance tests are carried out when new products are developed or the quality of the existing products is checked. Tack is the property of an adhesive that enables it to form instant bond on the surface under light pressure. The tack of a PSA strongly depends on the way the bond is created. Parameters such as the bonded area, contact time and the nature of tack materials all affect the tack force measured. In the development of any PSA, it is desirable to correlate the performance related properties such as tack and peel strength to the rheological behaviour. Finding these correlations would make it possible to evaluate the performance of a PSA using its rheological characteristics. In this investigation we have studied the influence of rheological behaviour of three different PSAs on their tackiness. The three different PSAs used in this study are a low molecular weight rosin ester, high molecular weight rosin ester, and dicyclopentadiene. Various rheological properties such as viscosity, phase angle, and elastic and viscous moduli are measured versus the frequency and temperature. Also the tack properties at various removal speeds and temperatures are evaluated. Analysis of the results indicates different performances of the three PSAs which could be related to their rheological properties, especially the phase angle, at different frequencies and temperatures. The PSA with high molecular weight rosin ester is more sensitive to temperature changes and showed drastic changes in tackiness from high temperature to low temperature. On the other hand, rosin ester with low molecular weight is less sensitive to temperature changes. © 2010 VSP.


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MOTIVAZIONI DI PARTENZA Gli studi sul processo di aziendalizzazione delle pubbliche amministrazioni (Hood 1991, Mussari 1994, Valotti 2000) hanno evidenziato che esse possono essere considerate aziende per tre ragioni: istituzionale, costitutiva e comportamentale (Deidda Gagliardo 2002). In particolare, gli enti locali che intendano agire come aziende dovrebbero adottare sistemi (Bertini 1990) di programmazione e controllo (D’Alessio 1992, Borgonovi 2005), funzionali ad un miglioramento delle performances economico-sociali (Anselmi 1993, Farneti 2004). Il presente lavoro è incentrato sul sub-sistema di programmazione delle amministrazioni territoriali: si focalizza l’attenzione sugli enti locali emiliano-romagnoli in quanto caratterizzati da un buon livello di aziendalizzazione (Orelli 2005). RISULTATI ATTESI L’analisi verterà sugli strumenti di programmazione utilizzati dagli enti in oggetto e sui rapporti -orizzontali e verticali (Deidda Gagliardo 2007)- intercorrenti tra gli stessi, mirando a verificarne livello e modalità di applicazione. Lo studio partirà dai risultati della ricerca “Il contributo dei sistemi di programmazione e controllo alla governance locale in Emilia-Romagna”, coordinata dal Prof. Deidda Gagliardo e condotta, rispetto all’universo di 350 enti potenziali, sul campione delle 178 amministrazioni che hanno risposto, rappresentativo di tutte le fasce dimensionali e di tutte le zone geografiche della regione. Tale ricerca, chiusa a fine 2007, ha indagato l’arco temporale 1996 - 2006. Dall’analisi dei dati ci si attende che tutti gli enti osservati adottino gli strumenti di programmazione “obbligatori”, e che l’utilizzo di quelli “facoltativi” sia circoscritto a quelli più virtuosi. La metodologia di ricerca è di tipo misto: • fase deduttiva: sono stati studiati i principali contributi teorici; • fase induttiva: è stato somministrato un questionario strutturato a risposte chiuse ai responsabili dei servizi finanziari; • fase di feedback: si procederà all’analisi critica dei risultati al fine di verificare livello e modalità di utilizzo degli strumenti di programmazione.


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Passive person detection and localization is an emerging area in UWB localization systems, whereby people are not required to carry any UWB ranging device. Based on experimental data, we propose a novel method to detect static persons in the absence of template waveforms, and to compute distances to these persons. Our method makes very little assumptions on the environment and can achieve ranging performances on the order of 50 cm, using off-the-shelf UWB devices. © 2013 IEEE.


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Cloning of observables, unlike standard cloning of states, aims at copying the information encoded in the statistics of a class of observables rather then on quantum states themselves. In such a process the emphasis is on the quantum operation (evolution plus measurement) necessary to retrieve the original information. We analyze, for qubit systems, the cloning of a class generated by two noncommuting observables, elucidating the relationship between such a process and joint measurements. This helps in establishing an optimality criterion for cloning of observables. We see that, even if the cloning machine is designed to act on the whole class generated by two noncommuting observables, the same optimal performances of a joint measurement can be attained. Finally, the connection with state dependent cloning is enlightened.


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Colloidal gas aphron dispersions (CGAs) can be described as a system of microbubbles suspended homogenously in a liquid matrix. This work examines the performance of CGAs in comparison to surfactant solutions for washing low levels of arsenic from an iron rich soil. Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) and saponin, a biodegradable surfactant, obtained from Sapindus mukorossi or soapnut fruit were used for generating CGAs and solutions for soil washing. Column washing experiments were performed in down-flow and up flow modes at a soil pH of 5 and 6 using varying concentration of SDS and soapnut solutions as well as CGAs. Soapnut CGAs removed more than 70% arsenic while SDS CGAs removed up to 55% arsenic from the soil columns in the soil pH range of 5–6. CGAs and solutions showed comparable performances in all the cases. CGAs were more economical since it contains 35% of air by volume, thereby requiring less surfactant. Micellar solubilization and low pH of soapnut facilitated arsenic desorption from soil column. FT-IR analysis of effluent suggested that soapnut solution did not interact chemically with arsenic thereby facilitating the recovery of soapnut solution by precipitating the arsenic. Damage to soil was minimal arsenic confirmed by metal dissolution from soil surface and SEM micrograph.


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Tidal turbines have been tested extensively at many scales in steady state flow. Testing medium- or full-scale devices in turbulent flow has been less thoroughly examined. The differences between turbine performances in these two different states are needed for testing method verification and numerical model validation. The work in this paper documents the performance of a 1/10 scale turbine in steady state pushing tests and tidal moored tests. The overall performance of the device appears to decrease with turbulent flow, though there is increased data scatter and therefore, reduced uncertainty. At maximum power performance, as velocity increases the mechanical power and electrical power reduction from steady to unsteady flow increases. The drive train conversion efficiency also decreases. This infers that the performance for this turbine design is affected by the presence of turbulent flow.


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The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the applicability and the effectiveness of a computationally demanding stereo matching algorithm in different lowcost and low-complexity embedded devices, by focusing on the analysis of timing and image quality performances. Various optimizations have been implemented to allow its deployment on specific hardware architectures while decreasing memory and processing time requirements: (1) reduction of color channel information and resolution for input images, (2) low-level software optimizations such as parallel computation, replacement of function calls or loop unrolling, (3) reduction of redundant data structures and internal data representation. The feasibility of a stereovision system on a low cost platform is evaluated by using standard datasets and images taken from Infra-Red (IR) cameras. Analysis of the resulting disparity map accuracy with respect to a full-size dataset is performed as well as the testing of suboptimal solutions


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The performances of four LC-MS/MS methodologies for determination of up to eight mycotoxin biomarkers in human urines were compared by involving three laboratories that analysed common urine samples spiked at two levels of each biomarker. Each laboratory received a calibration solution, spiked urines and the corresponding unspiked urine. The two spiking levels for each biomarker were chosen by considering the levels naturally occurring in human urines and the limits of quantification of the LC-MS/MS methodologies used by the participating laboratories. The results of each laboratory were evaluated for their z-score values. The percentage of satisfactory z-scores (vertical bar z vertical bar 2) were obtained for fumonisin B-1 (7/12 results), ochratoxin A (4/8 results) and alpha-zearalenol (1/8 results). The percentage of satisfactory z-scores for fumonisin B-1 and ochratoxin A increased from 42 to 83% for fumonisin B-1 and from 50 to 62% for ochratoxin A when laboratories 1 and 2 used own calibrants. Factors that could explain the different results obtained for fumonisin B-1 and ochratoxin A with provided and own calibration solutions could not be identified in this study and should be carefully investigated in future studies.


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Herein, we present the formulation and the characterization of novel adiponitrile-based electrolytes as a function of the salt structure, concentration, and temperature for supercapacitor applications using activated carbon based electrode material. To drive this study two salts were selected, namely, the tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate and the 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide. Prior to determination of their electrochemical performance, formulated electrolytes were first characterized to quantify their thermal, volumetric, and transport properties as a function of temperature and composition. Then, cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques were used to investigate their electrochemical properties as electrolyte for supercapacitor applications in comparison with those reported for the currently used model electrolyte based on the dissolution of 1 mol·dm–3 of tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate in acetonitrile. Surprisingly, excellent electrochemical performances were observed by testing adiponitrile-based electrolytes, especially those containing the 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide room-temperature molten salt. Differences observed on electrochemical performances between the selected adiponitrile electrolytes based on high-temperature (tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate) and the room-temperature (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide) molten salts are mainly driven by the salt solubility in adiponitrile, as well as by the charge and the structure of each involved species. Furthermore, in comparison with classical electrolytes, the selected adiponitrile +1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide solution exhibits almost similar specific capacitances and lower equivalent serial resistance. These results demonstrate in fact that the adiponitrile +1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide mixture can be used for the formulation of safer electrolytes presenting a very low vapor pressure even at high temperatures to design acetonitrile-free supercapacitor devices with comparable performances.


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Small mixer impeller design is not tailored for granulation because impellers are intended for a wide range of processes. The aim of this research was to evaluate the performances of several impellers to provide guidance on the selection and design for the purposes of granulation. Lactose granules were produced using wet granulation with water as a binder. A Kenwood KM070 mixer was used as a standard apparatus and five impeller designs with different shapes and surface areas were used. The efficacy of granulate formation was measured by adding an optically sensitive tracer to determine variations in active ingredient content across random samples of granules from the same size classes. It was found that impeller design influenced the homogeneity of the granules and therefore can affect final product performance. The variation in active ingredient content across granules of differing size was also investigated. The results show that small granules were more potent than larger granules.