1000 resultados para perdas na colheita


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An interdisciplinary study was conducted to evaluate the effects of drying and storage time on changes in the quality of natural and fully washed coffees beans dried out in the yard and mechanically dried at a temperature of 60/40°C in air dryer machine. The coffee beans (Coffea arabica L.) harvested in cherries were processed by dry and wet methods, being subjected to pre-drying yard, followed by drying yard in the sun with air heated of 60/40°C until it reached the water content of 11% (wb). After reached the thermal equilibrium with the environment, the beans were packed in jute bag with a capacity of five kilograms and stored in uncontrolled environment during the period of one year, and removing material from each treatment every three months. To characterize the effect of drying and storage time on the coffee quality different methodologies was evaluated. It was observed less drying time for the fully washed coffee 60/40°C, and thus less energy consumed in the drying process until the point of storage, for the natural coffee there was significant effect of time on the chemical quality, biochemical and sensory; fully washed coffee proved to be more tolerant to drying than natural coffee, regardless of drying method, showing a better drink quality and less variation in chemical composition and biochemistry.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aimed to evaluate the hydrothermal effect on conservation of two jabuticaba fruits, Myrciaria jabuticaba Vell. Berg. Fruits were subjected to thermal treatment by 10 min at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ºC and wrapped into expanded polystyrene trays, stored at 9 ºC and 85-90% RH, being evaluated every 5 d. Shelf life, weight loss, respiratory rate, soluble solids, titrable acidity, texture, C vitamin, pH, total and soluble pectin and polypheno loxidase activity were evaluated. Lower shelf life was observed for control treatment (31 d) and largest was found at 15, 20 and 25 ºC (45 d). A sligthly delay was observed in the breathing pick at 15, 20 and 25 ºC at 25 d and not in the 20 d as observed in the other treatments. Soluble solids increased with storage time for all of temperature treatment, but at 15, 20 and 25 ºC increase was smaller. Texture an C vitamin were higher in fruits stored at 25 ºC. Soluble pectin was smaller at the end of storage period, at temperatures of 20 and 25 ºC. Polyphenoloxidase activity decreased along 30 d regardless storage temperature. Treatments at 20 and 25 ºC were the most effective for mainteining posthaverst quality of the jabuticaba fruits.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of gamma radiation associated with modified atmosphere on postharvest quality of guavas ‘Pedro Sato’. It was used guavas from the region of Vista Alegre do Alto/São Paulo/Brazil. After harvest, the fruits were immediately transported to the Fruit and Vegetables Laboratory from the Agroindustrial Management and Technology Department, Agronomic Sciences College - UNESP - Botucatu / SP, where they were kept at 10 ° C and 90-95% RH in cold storage, for 28 days. It was used the randomized design, with factorial scheme 5 x 5, three repetitions. The first factor consisted of the following effects: control 1 (without package or irradiation), control 2 (polystyrene package/PS + package low density polyethylene/LDPE and without irradiation), treatment 1 (PS + LDPE and 0.2 kGy ), treatment 2 (PS + LDPE and 0.6 kGy) and treatment 3 (PS + LDPE and 1.0 kGy). The second factor consisted of the evaluation periods: 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The analyses were: firmness, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), maturity index, pH, respiration rate. Concluded that high doses of irradiation promoted a negative effect on physical-chemical characteristics of guava ‘Pedro Sato’, verifying that only the lowest dose associated with modified atmosphere provided fruits with higher quality and acceptability, due to higher maturation rate and soluble solids obtained. Regarding the days of analysis, there were no positive effect of the treatments during storage, where only the early days promoted better values for the variables studied.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the sediment production in the initial part of the Pardo River Basin - Botucatu/SP from 1994 to 1999, using the mathematical hydrological model SWAT. It was used topographic maps and satellite data manipulated in GIS using the software SPRING 5.1.6. The simulation of sediment production was generated with the aid of an interface between the hydrological model SWAT 2009 with ArcView ®, version 9.3. The maps of Soil, Land Use and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were generated in the GIS-SPRING 5.1.6 and exported to ArcSWAT 2009. The tabular data related to the parameters of soil and meteorological parameters were entered directly to the SWAT. The model allowed to estimate the sediment production. A sediment average production rate of 33.866 ton ha-1 over the six years of study was computed in the point of discharge of the basin.


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The land use conservation planning requires knowledge of the soil characteristics, natural susceptibility to erosion and the soil loss limit. In this context, the objectives of this study were to perform a detailed soil survey of Ribeirão das Perobas watershed, located in Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, São Paulo State and to determine and map the erodibility and soil loss tolerance of the soil classes found in the survey. The following techniques were used to perform the detailed soil survey: photopedology, field sampling, physical analysis, chemical analysis, and morphological description of the soil samples and profiles. The erodibility was determined by the methods described by Denardin (1990) and Mannigel et al. (2002), and the determination of soil loss tolerance followed the methodology of Mannigel et al. (2002). The results of erodibility determined by the methodology of Denardin (1990) were not discrepant and they did not distinguish soils that are known to have different susceptibility to erosion., w\Whereas, using the methodology of Mannigel et al. (2002), very high or very low erodibility values were observed in soils with extreme contents of sand silt or clay. The most influent variable to the soil loss tolerance results was the correction factor for the textural gradient of clay between soil horizons.


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This study aimed the avocado ‘Hass’ conservation with the use of radiation. We performed two experiments: Experiment I – fruits irradiated with different doses of cobalt-60 gamma irradiation(0,0; 0,2; 0,4; 0,6 e 1,0 kGy); Experiment II – fruit irradiated by electron accelerator in different doses (0,0; 0,48; 0,8; 1,12 e 1,45 MeV), both maintained at room temperature of 21±1 °C and at relative humidity of 79±5 %. Antioxidant capacity, total phenolic compounds, fresh weight loss, and respiration rate evaluation were performed every three days for 12 days. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replicates per treatment. For statistical analysis, the Tukey test at 5% probability was employed. Under the conditions in which the experiments were performed, the results showed that the gamma radiation use retained the fruits for 12 days, regardless the doses applied. The radiation by electron accelerator use also promote the fruits preservation, regardless the doses employed.


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The objective was to evaluate the influence of different irradiation doses in post-harvest characteristics of pitaya organic species Hylocereus undatus grown in the municipality of Itajobi - SP. The experiment was conducted at the Fruit and Vegetable Department of Agribusiness Management and Technology - FCA / UNESP - Botucatu - SP from December 2008 to January 2009. The radiation process was conducted at the Institute for Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN) located in Sao Paulo. The design was randomized blocks with six treatments and three replications. The fruits were harvested on the third day after onset of color, selected, cleaned, packed in polystyrene trays covered with PVC film, pre - cooled (8 ° C for 24 hours) and subjected to different doses of gamma irradiation (0.0; 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 kGy of cobalt-60) and subsequently stored in cold temperature of 8 degrees C, with relative humidity of about 85 ± 5%. The fruits were evaluated at twenty days after irradiation for pH, soluble solids (SS), Titratable Acidity (TA), ratio (SS / TA) and percentage loss of mass (weight). Data were subjected to analysis of variance and means compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. There were no statistically significant differences (p <0.05) for pH (4.82), soluble solids (11.33) Titratable acidity (0.12) and ratio (79.42) compared to non-irradiated fruit. Regarding the percentage of loss of mass (weight), the highest among the patients treated irradiated with 0.8 kGy (12.12%), whereas for treatment at a dose of 0.0 kGy (irradiated) showed a lower loss weight (11.59%), a result that differs significantly (P <0.05) from the remaining doses of irradiation. The loss of mass (weight) of fruit irradiated with other doses was not statistically significant (P> 0.05).


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In the postharvest management, the fruits can be exposed to injuries that depreciated the quality and the shelf life. Thus, it was evaluated the modified atmosphere effects on guavas var. Paluma subjected to different mechanical damages. Once harvested, the fruits were selected, sanitized and submitted to the treatments T1 (control) - without injuries or packaging in bags of low density polyethylene (LDPE); T2 - without injuries + LDPE bags; T3 - damage by fall of 1 m + LDPE bags; T4 - damage by compression of 9 N + LDPE bags; T5 - damage by fall of 1 m + damage by compression of 9 N + LDPE bags and T6 - damage by fall of 1 m + damage by compression of 9 N without LDPE bags. The treatments were kept in cold storage at 10 ± 1 o C and 94 ± 2% de R.H. The analysis of CO2/ethylene production, enzymatic activity, total and soluble pectins, pulp firmness, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), reducing sugars and ascorbic acid were performed every 10 days of refrigeration, and an additional day outside cold storage (22 ± 1o C and 75 ± 3% R.H.) for 30 days. Guavas packed in LDPE bags, not subject to mechanical damage, presented the best quality standards. The fruits suffered only one kind of damage, when packaged, presented satisfactory pattern compared to the fruits without package and not exposed to any mechanical damages. Applying the two kinds of damages, the LDPE packaging was not adequate to decrease the metabolic rate of these fruits, making them unfit for marketing.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of gamma radiation on fruit quality and conservation of mana cubiu through its enzymatic characteristics, with 20 days of storage and 5 taken every 4 days. The fruits selected were subjected to different doses of gamma radiation Co60 (0.0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6 and 0.8 kGy) packaged in trays of expanded polyethylene then covered with stretchable PVC film associated with refrigerated stored at 10 ± 3°C e 85 ± 5% de UR and evaluated in six periods (0, 4, 8, 12, 16 e 20 days). The variables evaluated were: enzymatic activity of pectin (PME), polygalacturonase (PG), polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD). For PG there was no interaction between dose and storage on the day 16 the highest value to 640.10 UE min-1 g-1 and 0.8 kGy dose showed the lowest with 376.37 10 UE min-1 g-1. PME now get in 16 days and 0.8 kGy dose the highest values of the experiment, to 290.74 UE min-1 g-1. In POF, the day 16 presented the value of 0.26 min-1 g-1 of dry mass-1. In 20 days the fruits of all treatments provided the highest values of POD during the experiment. The results showed that different doses of gamma radiation does not interfere with the activity of the enzymes determined in this experiment.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Over the past two years, Brazil has been facing a major water crisis in its history and the state of Sao Paulo is the one that has been going through worst difficulties. In this scenario, all water users should do everything possible so that the consumption of water resources is carried out in a sustainable manner. In this context, the companies responsible for the public water supply must increase the efficiency of water resource management. It is indispensable combating losses in the public supply system. When there is a non-visible leak in a pipe, the wastewater volume can be high, but in this case, the water returns to nature and continues to participate in the hydrological cycle. The economic loss corresponds to the value added to the product water, which includes the intrinsic costs of exploration, processing and distribution. This damage results in a reduced availability of financial resources of sanitation companies to invest in environmentally friendly solutions. This study aimed to diagnose the water distribution system in the city of Guaratinguetá (SP), held by the Companhia de Serviços de Água, Esgoto e Resíduos de Guaratinguetá (SAEG), to propose measures to combat water loss. Among the proposed measures, there is the monitoring of losses, planning for replacement of old pipes and company awareness as a whole in relation to combat water losses


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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A proposta deste trabalho consistiu em compartilhar um serviço de pronto-atendimento psicológico às pessoas que vivenciam uma perda significativa, seja por morte de uma pessoa de vinculação importante, como a de um familiar ou amigo, óbito de um paciente ou perda da saúde quando do adoecimento e/ou hospitalização, entre outros, e discutiu os resultados de tal serviço. O enfoque metodológico baseou-se na análise do processo de estruturação e implantação de um serviço dessa especificidade em um hospital público universitário, onde os autores desenvolvem a assistência aos que vivenciam esses processos de perda. Os resultados apontaram a importância da oferta desse serviço, que foi demandado tanto por aqueles que vivenciam o luto pela perda de saúde ou pela morte de uma pessoa significativa como por profissionais de educação e saúde.