993 resultados para patient presentations
Detailed mark scheme for group presentations, can be used to highlight the various aspects of the content and processes associated with a presentation which need to be addressed
Quick in class exercise to familiarise students with key points in presentation. timing is tight, but possible to run four groups with four minute presentation, one minute feedback on each slot, and five minute wash up. Associated coursework specification and mark scheme included, but also located at This item will be online at: http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/4201/ slides specify two scenarios
slides plus mark scheme and link to group work videos
Looking at good examples of public presentations
This video offers advice about problems that might be encountered when running a presentation that was developed in Turning Point 4.0 on a computer with version 4.2 installed. NOTE: With the upgrade to version 4.3, Turning Point now automatically fixes these issues when you load an older presentation. Hurrah!
A short lecture on presentation skills in an academic environment
Slides on presentations on the following topics: 1.1 Virtuality 1.2 New Business Models 1.3 Privacy and Personal Security see http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/10709/ for detailed briefs
Slides on presentations on the following topics: 2.1 Privacy and Security Legal overview, 2.2 Creative Commons open source, open movements 2.3 Crime online, Cyber security 2.4 Freedom of Speech and Defamation
Topics Include: 3.1 Cyber-Hate and Online Bullying 3.2 Sustainablilty; 3.3 Green IT - solutions and benefits 3.4 Open and Linked Data
A set of four different student presentations - Groups P, Q, R and S
How to create a PDF from Prezi
Accordion animation