982 resultados para parasitoid-host interaction
The apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is unusual in being able to infect almost any cell from almost any warm-blooded animal it encounters. This extraordinary host-range contrasts with its far more particular cousins such as the various species of the malaria parasite Plasmodium where each species of parasite has a single genus or even species of host that it can infect. Genetic and genomic studies have revealed a key role for a number of gene families in how Toxoplasma invades a host cell, modulates gene expression of that cell and successfully evades the resulting immune response. In this review, I will explore the hypothesis that a combination of sexual recombination and expansion of host range may be the major driving forces in the evolution of some of these gene families and the specific genes they encompass. These ideas stem from results and thoughts published by several labs in the last few years but especially recent papers on the role of different forms of rhoptry proteins in the relative virulence of F1 Toxoplasma progeny in a particular host species (mice).
Although the predilection for Toxoplasma gondii to form cysts in the nervous system and skeletal and heart muscles has been described for more than fifty years, skeletal muscle cells (SkMCs) have not been explored as a host cell type to study the Toxoplasma-host cell interaction and investigate the intracellular development of the parasite. Morphological aspects of the initial events in the Toxoplasma-SkMC interaction were analysed and suggest that there are different processes of protozoan adhesion and invasion and of the subsequent fate of the parasite inside the parasitophorous vacuole (PV). Using scanning electron microscopy,Toxoplasma tachyzoites from the mouse-virulent RH strain were found to be attached to SkMCs by the anterior or posterior region of the body, with or without expansion of the SkMC membrane. This suggests that different types of parasite internalization occurred. Asynchronous multiplication and differentiation of T. gondii were observed. Importantly, intracellular parasites were seen to display high amounts of amylopectin granules in their cytoplasm, indicating that tachyzoites of the RH strain were able to differentiate spontaneously into bradyzoites in SkMCs. This stage conversion occurred in approximately 3% of the PVs. This is particularly intriguing as tachyzoites of virulent Toxoplasma strains are not thought to be prone to cyst formation. We discuss whether biological differences in host cells are crucial to Toxoplasma stage conversion and suggest that important questions concerning the host cell type and its relevance in Toxoplasma differentiation are still unanswered.
Background. We describe the diversity of two kinds of mycobacteria isolates, environmental mycobacteria and Mycobacterium bovis collected from wild boar, fallow deer, red deer and cattle in Doñana National Park (DNP, Spain), analyzing their association with temporal, spatial and environmental factors. Results. High diversity of environmental mycobacteria species and M. bovis typing patterns (TPs) were found. When assessing the factors underlying the presence of the most common types of both environmental mycobacteria and M. bovis TPs in DNP, we evidenced (i) host species differences in the occurrence, (ii) spatial structuration and (iii) differences in the degree of spatial association of specific types between host species. Co-infection of a single host by two M. bovis TPs occurred in all three wild ungulate species. In wild boar and red deer, isolation of one group of mycobacteria occurred more frequently in individuals not infected by the other group. While only three TPs were detected in wildlife between 1998 and 2003, up to 8 different ones were found during 2006-2007. The opposite was observed in cattle. Belonging to an M. bovis-infected social group was a significant risk factor for mycobacterial infection in red deer and wild boar, but not for fallow deer. M. bovis TPs were usually found closer to water marshland than MOTT. Conclusions. The diversity of mycobacteria described herein is indicative of multiple introduction events and a complex multi-host and multi-pathogen epidemiology in DNP. Significant changes in the mycobacterial isolate community may have taken place, even in a short time period (1998 to 2007). Aspects of host social organization should be taken into account in wildlife epidemiology. Wildlife in DNP is frequently exposed to different species of non-tuberculous, environmental mycobacteria, which could interact with the immune response to pathogenic mycobacteria, although the effects are unknown. This research highlights the suitability of molecular typing for surveys at small spatial and temporal scales.
Toxoplasmosis and ascaridiasis evoke polar Th-1 and Th-2 host immune responses, respectively. A study to investigate the specific cytokine profile production by in vitro cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from individuals living under precarious sanitary conditions in a highly endemic area for the parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Ascaris lumbricoides was conducted. High levels of both IFN-³ (Th-1) and IL-13 (Th-2) were observed in groups of co-infected individuals presenting toxoplasmic ocular lesions. Significantly lower IL-10 and TGF-² levels were produced by co-infected individuals in comparison with groups of individuals not infected with A. lumbricoides and either positive or negative for T. gondii living under good sanitary conditions (control groups). The possible influence of co-parasitism on the clinical presentation of ocular toxoplasmosis is discussed.
Type II topoisomerases (Topo II) are unique enzymes that change the DNA topology by catalyzing the passage of two double-strands across each other by using the energy from ATP hydrolysis. In vitro, human Topo II relaxes positive supercoiled DNA around 10-fold faster than negative supercoiled DNA. By using atomic force microscopy (AFM) we found that human Topo II binds preferentially to DNA cross-overs. Around 50% of the DNA crossings, where Topo II was bound to, presented an angle in the range of 80-90°, suggesting a favored binding geometry in the chiral discrimination by Topo II. Our studies with AFM also helped us visualize the dynamics of the unknotting action of Topo II in knotted molecules.
Paracoccidioidomycosis presents a variety of clinical manifestations and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis can reach many tissues, most importantly the lungs. The ability of the pathogen to interact with host surface structures is essential to its virulence. The interaction between P. brasiliensis and epithelial cells has been studied, with particular emphasis on the induction of apoptosis. To investigate the expression of different apoptosis-inducing pathways in human A549 cells, we infected these cells with P. brasiliensis Pb18SP (subcultured) and 18R (recently isolated from cell culture and showing a high adhesion pattern) samples in vitro. The expressions of Bcl-2, Bak and caspase 3 were analysed by flow cytometry and DNA fragmentation using the TUNEL technique. Apoptosis of human A549 cells was induced by P. brasiliensis in a sample and time-dependent manner. Using an in vitro model, our data demonstrates that caspase 3, Bak, Bcl-2 and DNA fragmentation mediate P. brasiliensis-induced apoptosis in A549 cells. The overall mechanism is a complex process, which may involve several signal transduction pathways. These findings could partially explain the efficient behaviour of this fungus in promoting tissue infection and/or blood dissemination.
The primary culture of intestinal epithelial cells from domestic cats is an efficient cellular model to study the enteric cycle of Toxoplasma gondii in a definitive host. The parasite-host cell ratio can be pointed out as a decisive factor that determines the intracellular fate of bradyzoites forms. The development of the syncytial-like forms of T. gondii was observed using the 1:20 bradyzoite-host cell ratio, resulting in similar forms described in in vivo systems. This alternative study potentially opens up the field for investigation into the molecular aspects of this interaction. This can contribute to the development of new strategies for intervention of a main route by which toxoplasmosis spreads.
During a five-year period, 932 clinical isolates from cancer patients treated in a Brazilian reference centre were identified as corynebacteria; 86% of the cultures came from patients who had been clinically and microbiologically classified as infected and 77.1% of these patients had been hospitalised (71.1% from surgical wards). The adult solid tumour was the most common underlying malignant disease (66.7%). The univariate and multivariate analyses showed that hospitalised patients had a six-fold greater risk (OR = 5.5, 95% CI = 1.15-26.30 p = 0.033) related to 30-day mortality. The predominant species were Corynebacterium amycolatum (44.7%), Corynebacterium minutissimum (18.3%) and Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum (8.5%). The upper urinary tracts, surgical wounds, lower respiratory tracts, ulcerated tumours and indwelling venous catheters were the most frequent sources of C. amycolatum strains. Corynebacterium jeikeium infection occurred primarily in neutropenic patients who have used venous catheters, while infection caused by C. amycolatum and other species emerged mainly in patients with solid tumours.
Abstract : This thesis investigates the pathogenicity and biology of Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and other obligate intracellular bacteria related to chlamydiae. All these Chlamydia-like organisms replicate in amoebae. Some evolved to resist to macrophages and represent possible new agents of respiratory tract infection. Using serological and molecular approaches, we showed that Parachlamydia acanthameobae likely plays a role as an etiological agent of pneumonia [1,2]. We also showed that Parachlamydia was able to enter and survive within pneumocytes and lung fibroblasts [3]. Moreover, we developed an animal model of lung infection in mice, which fulfilled the third and fourth Koch postulate [4]. Given the likely role of Parachlamydia in pneumonia, we studied its antibiotic susceptibility. We showed that Chlamydia-related organisms were resistant to quinolones, mainly due to mutations in the QRDR of gyrA [5]. To have tools to investigate the role of other Chlamydia-related bacteria in pneumonia, we developed immunofluorescence assays and assessed the rate of serological cross-reactivity between all these Chlamydia-related bacteria [6]. We also developed new diagnostic specific PCRs [2,7] and sequenced additional genes that are useful for both taxonomic and diagnostic purposes [8]. Then, we applied these serological and molecular approaches to patients with and without respiratory tract infections. This led to the identification of a possible role of Protochlamydia naegleriophila [7] and of Waddlia chondrophila in pneumonia [1]. A significant part of the thesis also investigated interactions of Parachlamydia with macrophages [9] and the host range of Chlamydia-related bacteria [10]. In conclusion, there are growing body of evidence supporting the role of Chlamydia-like organisms as agents of pneumonia. Further studies are needed to precise their pathogenic role in this setting. The diagnostic tools developed during this thesis will be useful to investigate the role of these strict intracellular bacteria in other diseases in both humans and animals [11,12]. Résumé : Le but de cette thèse est de déterminer le rôle pathogène de Parachlamydia et des bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia ainsi que d'étudier leur biologie. Parachlamydia acanthamoebae est une bactérie intracellulaire apparentée aux Chlamydia, et qui est résistante non seulement aux amibes mais aussi aux macrophages. Par une approche sérologique et moléculaire, nous avons montré que les bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia jouent probablement un rôle comme agent de pneumonie [1,2]. De plus, nous avons démontré que P. acanthameobae est capable d'entrer et de survivre dans les pneumocytes et fibroblastes pulmonaires [3]. Nous avons ensuite développé un modèle animal remplissant les troisième et quatrième postulats de Koch [4]. Nous avons aussi démontré que les bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia sont résistantes aux quinolones, en raison de mutations dans la région QRDR de gyrA [5]. Afin de mieux déterminer le rôle pathogène de ces bactéries, nous avons mis au point des techniques d' immunofluorescence et déterminé la cross-réaction sérologique entre les différentes bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia [6]. Différentes PCR diagnostiques ont aussi été développées [2,7] et des gènes supplémentaires ont été séquencés, qui seront utiles à la taxonomie ainsi qu'au développement de nouvelles méthodes diagnostiques [8]. Ces méthodes ont été appliquées à des échantillons provenant de patient avec ou sans pneumonie et ont permis l'identification du possible rôle pathogène de Protochlamydia naegleriophila [7] et de Waddlia chondrophila [1]. L'interaction de Parachlamydia avec les macrophages [9] et la permissivité de différentes cellules aux bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia [10] ont également été étudiés dans le cadre de cette thèse. En conclusion, plusieurs nouveaux éléments viennent renforcer l'hypothèse que les bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia sont des agents de pneumonies. Cependant, d'autres études doivent être menées pour confirmer leur rôle dans cette maladie. Les méthodes diagnostiques développées ici seront très utiles pour déterminer le rôle pathogène de ces bactéries chez les humains et animaux [11,12]
Chromatographic separation of highly polar basic drugs with ideal ionspray mass spectrometry volatile mobile phases is a difficult challenge. A new quantification procedure was developed using hydrophilic interaction chromatography-mass spectrometry with turbo-ionspray ionization in the positive mode. After addition of deuterated internal standards and simple clean-up liquid extraction, the dried extracts were reconstituted in 500 microL pure acetonitrile and 5 microL was directly injected onto a Waters Atlantis HILIC 150- x 2.1-mm, 3-microm column. Chromatographic separations of cocaine, seven metabolites, and anhydroecgonine were obtained by linear gradient-elution with decreasing high concentrations of acetonitrile (80-56% in 18 min). This high proportion of organic solvent makes it easier to be coupled with MS. The eluent was buffered with 2 mM ammonium acetate at pH 4.5. Except for m-hydroxy-benzoylecgonine, the within-day and between-day precisions at 20, 100, and 500 ng/mL were below 7 and 19.1%, respectively. Accuracy was also below +/- 13.5% at all tested concentrations. The limit of quantification was 5 ng/mL (%Diff < 16.1, %RSD < 4.3) and the limit of detection below 0.5 ng/mL. This method was successfully applied to a fatal overdose. In Switzerland, cocaine abuse has dramatically increased in the last few years. A 45-year-old man, a known HIV-positive drug user, was found dead at home. According to relatives, cocaine was self-injected about 10 times during the evening before death. A low amount of cocaine (0.45 mg) was detected in the bloody fluid taken from a syringe discovered near the corpse. Besides injection marks, no significant lesions were detected during the forensic autopsy. Toxicological investigations showed high cocaine concentrations in all body fluids and tissues. The peripheral blood concentrations of cocaine, benzoylecgonine, and methylecgonine were 5.0, 10.4, and 4.1 mg/L, respectively. The brain concentrations of cocaine, benzoylecgonine, and methylecgonine were 21.2, 3.8, and 3.3 mg/kg, respectively. The highest concentrations of norcocaine (about 1 mg/L) were measured in bile and urine. Very high levels of cocaine were determined in hair (160 ng/mg), indicating chronic cocaine use. A low concentration of anhydroecgonine methylester was also found in urine (0.65 mg/L) suggesting recent cocaine inhalation. Therapeutic blood concentrations of fluoxetine (0.15 mg/L) and buprenorphine (0.1 microg/L) were also discovered. A relatively high concentration of Delta(9)-THC was measured both in peripheral blood (8.2 microg/L) and brain cortex (13.5 microg/kg), suggesting that the victim was under the influence of cannabis at the time of death. In addition, fluoxetine might have enhanced the toxic effects of cocaine because of its weak pro-arrhythmogenic properties. Likewise, combination of cannabinoids and cocaine might have increase detrimental cardiovascular effects. Altogether, these results indicate a lethal cocaine overdose with a minor contribution of fluoxetine and cannabinoids.
Interaction effects are usually modeled by means of moderated regression analysis. Structural equation models with non-linear constraints make it possible to estimate interaction effects while correcting formeasurement error. From the various specifications, Jöreskog and Yang's(1996, 1998), likely the most parsimonious, has been chosen and further simplified. Up to now, only direct effects have been specified, thus wasting much of the capability of the structural equation approach. This paper presents and discusses an extension of Jöreskog and Yang's specification that can handle direct, indirect and interaction effects simultaneously. The model is illustrated by a study of the effects of an interactive style of use of budgets on both company innovation and performance
Several methods have been suggested to estimate non-linear models with interaction terms in the presence of measurement error. Structural equation models eliminate measurement error bias, but require large samples. Ordinary least squares regression on summated scales, regression on factor scores and partial least squares are appropriate for small samples but do not correct measurement error bias. Two stage least squares regression does correct measurement error bias but the results strongly depend on the instrumental variable choice. This article discusses the old disattenuated regression method as an alternative for correcting measurement error in small samples. The method is extended to the case of interaction terms and is illustrated on a model that examines the interaction effect of innovation and style of use of budgets on business performance. Alternative reliability estimates that can be used to disattenuate the estimates are discussed. A comparison is made with the alternative methods. Methods that do not correct for measurement error bias perform very similarly and considerably worse than disattenuated regression
This study is the first report on genetic differences between isolates of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis from a single patient. We describe a simultaneous infection with genetically distinct isolates of P. brasiliensis in a patient with chronic paracoccidioidomycosis. The clinical isolates were obtained from lesions in different anatomical sites and were characterised by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. The RAPD technique can be helpful for distinguishing between clinical isolates. Different random primers were used to characterise these clinical isolates. The RAPD patterns allowed for differentiation between isolates and the construction of a phenetic tree, which showed more than 28% genetic variability in this fungal species, opening new possibilities for clinical studies of P. brasiliensis. Based on these results and preliminary clinical findings, we suggest that different genotypes of P. brasiliensis might infect the same patient, inducing the active form of the disease.
Waddlia chondrophila is an emerging pathogen causing miscarriages in humans and abortions in ruminants. The full genome of this Chlamydia-related bacterium has been recently completed, providing new insights into its biology and evolution. Moreover, new cell biology approaches and the use of novel inhibitors have allowed detailed investigations of its interaction with host cells.