969 resultados para outflow
The first part of this study examines the relative roles of frontogenesis and tropopause undulation in determining the intensity and structural changes of Hurricane Sandy (2012) using a high-resolution cloud-resolving model. A 138-h simulation reproduces Sandy’s four distinct development stages: (i) rapid intensification, (ii) weakening, (iii) steady maximum surface wind but with large continued sea-level pressure (SLP) falls, and (iv) re-intensification. Results show typical correlations between intensity changes, sea-surface temperature and vertical wind shear during the first two stages. The large SLP falls during the last two stages are mostly caused by Sandy’s moving northward into lower-tropopause regions associated with an eastward-propagating midlatitude trough, where the associated lower-stratospheric warm air wraps into the storm and its surrounding areas. The steady maximum surface wind occurs because of the widespread SLP falls with weak pressure gradients lacking significant inward advection of absolute angular momentum (AAM). Meanwhile, there is a continuous frontogenesis in the outer region during the last three stages. Cyclonic inward advection of AAM along each frontal rainband accounts for the continued expansion of the tropical-storm-force wind and structural changes, while deep convection in the eyewall and merging of the final two survived frontal rainbands generate a spiraling jet in Sandy’s northwestern quadrant, leading to its re-intensification prior to landfall. The physical, kinematic and dynamic aspects of an upper-level outflow layer and its possible impact on the re-intensification of Sandy are examined in the second part of this study. Above the outflow layer isentropes are tilted downward with radius as a result of the development of deep convection and an approaching upper-level trough, causing weak subsidence. Its maximum outward radial velocity is located above the cloud top, so the outflow channel experiences cloud-induced long-wave cooling. Because Sandy has two distinct convective regions (an eyewall and a frontal rainband), it has multiple outflow layers, with the eyewall’s outflow layer located above that of the frontal rainband. During the re-intensification stage, the eyewall’s outflow layer interacts with a jet stream ahead of the upper-level trough axis. Because of the presence of inertial instability on the anticyclonic side of the jet stream and symmetric instability in the inner region of the outflow layer, Sandy’s secondary circulation intensifies. Its re-intensification ceases when these instabilities disappear. The relationship between the intensity of the secondary circulation and dynamic instabilities of the outflow layer suggests that the re-intensification occurs in response to these instabilities. Additionally, it is verified that the long-wave cooling in the outflow layer helps induce symmetric instability by reducing static stability.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have reached an epidemic proportion in the US and worldwide with serious consequences in terms of human suffering and economic impact. More than one third of American adults are suffering from CVDs. The total direct and indirect costs of CVDs are more than $500 billion per year. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop noninvasive diagnostics methods, to design minimally invasive assist devices, and to develop economical and easy-to-use monitoring systems for cardiovascular diseases. In order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to gain a better understanding of the subsystems that constitute the cardiovascular system. The aorta is one of these subsystems whose role in cardiovascular functioning has been underestimated. Traditionally, the aorta and its branches have been viewed as resistive conduits connected to an active pump (left ventricle of the heart). However, this perception fails to explain many observed physiological results. My goal in this thesis is to demonstrate the subtle but important role of the aorta as a system, with focus on the wave dynamics in the aorta.
The operation of a healthy heart is based on an optimized balance between its pumping characteristics and the hemodynamics of the aorta and vascular branches. The delicate balance between the aorta and heart can be impaired due to aging, smoking, or disease. The heart generates pulsatile flow that produces pressure and flow waves as it enters into the compliant aorta. These aortic waves propagate and reflect from reflection sites (bifurcations and tapering). They can act constructively and assist the blood circulation. However, they may act destructively, promoting diseases or initiating sudden cardiac death. These waves also carry information about the diseases of the heart, vascular disease, and coupling of heart and aorta. In order to elucidate the role of the aorta as a dynamic system, the interplay between the dominant wave dynamic parameters is investigated in this study. These parameters are heart rate, aortic compliance (wave speed), and locations of reflection sites. Both computational and experimental approaches have been used in this research. In some cases, the results are further explained using theoretical models.
The main findings of this study are as follows: (i) developing a physiologically realistic outflow boundary condition for blood flow modeling in a compliant vasculature; (ii) demonstrating that pulse pressure as a single index cannot predict the true level of pulsatile workload on the left ventricle; (iii) proving that there is an optimum heart rate in which the pulsatile workload of the heart is minimized and that the optimum heart rate shifts to a higher value as aortic rigidity increases; (iv) introducing a simple bio-inspired device for correction and optimization of aortic wave reflection that reduces the workload on the heart; (v) deriving a non-dimensional number that can predict the optimum wave dynamic state in a mammalian cardiovascular system; (vi) demonstrating that waves can create a pumping effect in the aorta; (vii) introducing a system parameter and a new medical index, Intrinsic Frequency, that can be used for noninvasive diagnosis of heart and vascular diseases; and (viii) proposing a new medical hypothesis for sudden cardiac death in young athletes.
One of the major challenges faced nowadays by oil companies is the exploration of pre-salt basins. Thick salt layers were formed in remote ages as a consequence of the evaporation of sea water containing high concentrations of NaCl and KCl. Deep reservoirs can be found below salt formations that prevent the outflow of oil, thus improving the success in oil prospection. The slurries used in the cement operations of salt layers must be adequate to the properties of those specific formations. At the same time, their resulting properties are highly affected by the contamination of salt in the fresh state. It is t herefore important to address the effects of the presence of salt in the cement slurries in order to assure that the well sheath is able to fulfill its main role to provide zonal isolation and mechanical stability. In this scenario, the objective of the present thesis work was to evaluate the effect of the presence of NaCl and KCl premixed with cement and 40% silica flour on the behavior of cement slurries. Their effect in the presence of CO2 was also investigated. The rheological behavior of slurries containing NaCl and KCl was evaluated along with their mechanical strength. Thermal and microstructural tests were also carried out. The results revealed that the presence of NaCl and KCl affected the pozzolanic activity of silica flour, reducing the strength of the hardened slurries containing salt. Friedel´s salt was formed as a result of the bonding between free Cl- and tricalcium aluminate. The presence of CO2 also contributed to the degradation of the slurries as a result of a process of carbonation/bicarbonataion
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) generated in reservoirs are released downstream of dams, and few studies have considered these downstream emissions. Fluxes downstream of 3 Amazon hydroelectric reservoirs (Tucuruí, Samuel, and Curuá-Una) are reported here. Degassing through turbines was calculated as the difference between intake and outflow concentrations. Additional releases along the Tocantins, Jamari, and Curuá rivers were measured at were liberated at the turbine outflow. The total downstream emissions are sufficiently large to require consideration in assessments of greenhouse gas emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs.
Spatial-temporal dynamics of zooplankton in the Caravelas river estuary (Bahia, Brazil). The survey was conducted in order to describe the zooplankton community of the estuary Caravelas (Bahia, Brazil), to quantify and relate the patterns of horizontal and vertical transport with the type of tide (neap and spring) and tidal phase (flood and ebb). Zooplankton samples were collected with the aid of a suction pump (300L), filtered in plankton nets (300μm) and fixed in saline formalin 4%. Samples were collected at a fixed point (A1), near the mouth of the estuary, with samples taken at neap tides and spring tides during the dry and rainy seasons. Samples were collected for 13 hours, at intervals of 1 hour in 3 depths: surface, middle and bottom. Simultaneous collection of biological, we measured the current velocity, temperature and salinity of the water through CTD. In the laboratory, samples were selected for analysis in estereomicroscope, with 25 groups identified, with Copepoda getting the highest number of species. The 168 samples obtained from temporal samples were subsampled and processed on equipment ZooScan, with the aid of software ZooProcess at the end were generated 458.997 vingnettes. 8 taxa were identified automatically, with 16 classified as a semi-automatic. The group Copepoda, despite the limited taxonomic refinement ZooScan, obtained 2 genera and 1 species identified automatically. Among the seasons dry and wet groups Brachyura (zoea), Chaetognatha, and the Calanoid copepods (others), Temora spp., Oithona spp. and Euterpina acutifrons were those who had higher frequency of occurrence, appearing in more than 70% of the samples. Copepoda group showed the largest percentage of relative abundance in both seasons. There was no seasonal variation of total zooplankton, with an average density of 7826±4219 org.m-3 in the dry season, and 7959±3675 org.m-3 in the rainy season, neither between the types and phases of the tides, but seasonal differences were significant recorded for the main zooplankton groups. Vertical stratification was seen for the major zooplankton groups (Brachyura, Chaetognatha, Calanoida (other), Oithona spp, Temora spp. e Euterpina acutifrons). The scale of this stratification varied with the type (square or tide) and tidal phase (flood or ebb). The instantaneous transport was more influenced by current velocity, with higher values observed in spring tides to the total zooplankton, however, there was a variation of this pattern depending on the zooplankton group. According to the data import and export of total zooplankton, the outflow of organisms of the estuary was higher than the input. The results suggest that the estuary of Caravelas may influence the dynamics of organic matter to the adjacent coast, with possible consequences in National Marine Park of Abrolhos
The Upper Jefferson River is one of the most dewatered rivers in Montana. The river exists in an intermontane basin filled with sediment transported from the Highland Mountains to the west, the Tobacco Root Mountains to the east, and the Jefferson River from the south. The Upper Jefferson River Valley is highly dependent on the Jefferson River as the main industry in the valley is agriculture. A majority of the valley is irrigated and used to grow crops, and a good portion is also used for cattle grazing. The residents of the Upper Jefferson River Valley use the aquifer as the main source of potable water. The Jefferson River is also widely used for recreation. This study took place in the Waterloo area of the Upper Jefferson River Valley, approximately 20 miles south of Whitehall, Montana. The Waterloo area provides significant groundwater base flow to the Jefferson River, which is particularly important during the late irrigation season when the river is severely dewatered, and elevated surface-water temperatures occur, creating irrigation water shortages and poor trout habitat. This area contains two springfed streams, Willow Springs and Parson’s Slough, which discharge to the Jefferson River providing cool water in the late season as well as providing the most important trout spawning habitat in the valley. The area is bordered on both the east and west by irrigation ditches, and about 60% of the study area is irrigated. Tile drains were installed in the study area in close proximity to Parsons Slough causing some concern by neighboring residents. This study evaluated relationships between surface water, groundwater, and irrigation practices so that water managers and others can make informed management decisions about the Upper Jefferson River. Data was collected via a network of groundwater wells and surface-water sites. Additionally, water-quality samples were taken and an aquifer test was conducted to determine aquifer properties. The field data were analyzed and a groundwater budget was created in order to evaluate the aquifer. Results of the groundwater budget show that seepage from the irrigation canals and irrigation recharge have the biggest influence on recharge of the aquifer. There is significant groundwater outflow from the aquifer in the spring-fed streams as well as discharge to the Jefferson River. In comparing previous study results to this study’s results, there is no evidence of the water table decreasing due to irrigation practice changes or tile drain installation. However, given the amount of recharge irrigation practices contribute to the aquifer, if significant changes were made, they may affect groundwater elevations. Also lining the irrigation ditches would have a significant impact on the aquifer, as the amount of seepage would be greatly reduced.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Ozone (O3) are considered to be one of the most important atmospheric pollutants in the troposphere with both having significant effects on human health. Both are included in the U.S. E.P.A list of criteria pollutants. CO is primarily emitted in the source region whereas O3 can be formed near the source, during transport of the pollution plumes containing O3 precursors or in a receptor region as the plumes subside. The long chemical lifetimes of both CO and O3 enable them to be transported over long distances. This transport is important on continental scales as well, commonly referred to as inter-continental transport and affects the concentrations of both CO and O3 in downwind receptor regions, thereby having significant implications for their air quality standards. Over the period 2001-2011, there have been decreases in the anthropogenic emissions of CO and NOx in North America and Europe whereas the emissions over Asia have increased. How these emission trends have affected concentrations at remote sites located downwind of these continents is an important question. The PICO-NARE observatory located on the Pico Mountain in Azores, Portugal is frequently impacted by North American pollution outflow (both anthropogenic and biomass burning) and is a unique site to investigate long range transport from North America. This study uses in-situ observations of CO and O3 for the period 2001-2011 at PICO-NARE coupled with output from the full chemistry (with normal and fixed anthropogenic emissions) and tagged CO simulations in GEOS-Chem, a global 3-D chemical transport model of atmospheric composition driven by meteorological input from the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) of the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, to determine and interpret the trends in CO and O3 concentrations over the past decade. These trends would be useful in ascertaining the impacts emission reductions in the United States have had over Pico and in general over the North Atlantic. A regression model with sinusoidal functions and a linear trend term was fit to the in-situ observations and the GEOS-Chem output for CO and O3 at Pico respectively. The regression model yielded decreasing trends for CO and O3 with the observations (-0.314 ppbv/year & -0.208 ppbv/year respectively) and the full chemistry simulation with normal emissions (-0.343 ppbv/year & -0.526 ppbv/year respectively). Based on analysis of the results from the full chemistry simulation with fixed anthropogenic emissions and the tagged CO simulation it was concluded that the decreasing trends in CO were a consequence of the anthropogenic emission changes in regions such as USA and Asia. The emission reductions in USA are countered by Asian increases but the former have a greater impact resulting in decreasing trends for CO at PICO-NARE. For O3 however, it is the increase in water vapor content (which increases O3 destruction) along the pathways of transport from North America to PICO-NARE as well as around the site that has resulted in decreasing trends over this period. This decrease is offset by increase in O3 concentrations due to anthropogenic influence which could be due to increasing Asian emissions of O3 precursors as these emissions have decreased over the US. However, the anthropogenic influence does not change the final direction of the trend. It can thus be concluded that CO and O3 concentrations at PICO-NARE have decreased over 2001-2011.
We present a detailed study of the neutral and ionized gas phases in the galactic wind for the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 5394 based on new integral field spectroscopy obtained with the INTEGRAL fibre system at the William Herschel Telescope. The neutral gas phase in the wind is detected via the interstellar Na I D doublet absorption. After a careful removal of the stellar contribution to these lines, a significant amount of neutral gas (∼10^7 M_⊙) is detected in a central region of ∼1.75 kpc size. This neutral gas is blueshifted by ∼165 km s^−1 with respect to the underlying galaxy. The mass outflow of neutral gas is comparable to the star formation rate of the host galaxy. Simultaneously, several emission lines (Hα, [N II], [S II]) are also analysed looking for the ionized warm phase counterpart of the wind. A careful kinematic decomposition of the line profiles reveals the presence of a secondary, broader, kinematic component. This component is found roughly in the same region where the Na I D absorption is detected. It presents higher [N II]/Hα and [S II]/Hα line ratios than the narrow component at the same locations, indicative of contamination by shock ionization. This secondary component also presents blueshifted velocities, although smaller than those measured for the neutral gas, averaging to ∼−30 km s^−1. The mass and mass outflow rate of the wind is dominated by the neutral gas, of which a small fraction might be able to escape the gravitational potential of the host galaxy. The observations in this system can be readily understood within a bipolar gas flow scenario.
The establishment of radiofrequency catheter ablation techniques as the mainstay in the treatment of tachycardia has renewed new interest in cardiac anatomy. The interventional arrhythmologist has drawn attention not only to the gross anatomic details of the heart but also to architectural and histological characteristics of various cardiac regions that are relevant to the development or recurrence of tachyarrhythmias and procedural related complications of catheter ablation. In this review, therefore, we discuss some anatomic landmarks commonly used in catheter ablations including the terminal crest, sinus node region, Koch’s triangle, cavotricuspid isthmus, Eustachian ridge and valve, pulmonary venous orifices, venoatrial junctions, and ventricular outflow tracts. We also discuss the anatomical features of important structures in the vicinity of the atria and pulmonary veins, such as the esophagus and phrenic nerves. This paper provides basic anatomic information to improve understanding of the mapping and ablative procedures for cardiac interventional electrophysiologists.