979 resultados para optimal rate


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This paper primarily intends to develop a GIS (geographical information system)-based data mining approach for optimally selecting the locations and determining installed capacities for setting up distributed biomass power generation systems in the context of decentralized energy planning for rural regions. The optimal locations within a cluster of villages are obtained by matching the installed capacity needed with the demand for power, minimizing the cost of transportation of biomass from dispersed sources to power generation system, and cost of distribution of electricity from the power generation system to demand centers or villages. The methodology was validated by using it for developing an optimal plan for implementing distributed biomass-based power systems for meeting the rural electricity needs of Tumkur district in India consisting of 2700 villages. The approach uses a k-medoid clustering algorithm to divide the total region into clusters of villages and locate biomass power generation systems at the medoids. The optimal value of k is determined iteratively by running the algorithm for the entire search space for different values of k along with demand-supply matching constraints. The optimal value of the k is chosen such that it minimizes the total cost of system installation, costs of transportation of biomass, and transmission and distribution. A smaller region, consisting of 293 villages was selected to study the sensitivity of the results to varying demand and supply parameters. The results of clustering are represented on a GIS map for the region.


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In animal populations, the constraints of energy and time can cause intraspecific variation in foraging behaviour. The proximate developmental mediators of such variation are often the mechanisms underlying perception and associative learning. Here, experience-dependent changes in foraging behaviour and their consequences were investigated in an urban population of free-ranging dogs, Canis familiaris by continually challenging them with the task of food extraction from specially crafted packets. Typically, males and pregnant/lactating (PL) females extracted food using the sophisticated `gap widening' technique, whereas non-pregnant/non-lactating (NPNL) females, the relatively underdeveloped `rip opening' technique. In contrast to most males and PL females (and a few NPNL females) that repeatedly used the gap widening technique and improved their performance in food extraction with experience, most NPNL females (and a few males and PL females) non-preferentially used the two extraction techniques and did not improve over successive trials. Furthermore, the ability of dogs to sophisticatedly extract food was positively related to their ability to improve their performance with experience. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that factors such as sex and physiological state can cause differences among individuals in the likelihood of learning new information and hence, in the rate of resource acquisition and monopolization.


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This brief discusses the convergence analysis of proportional navigation (PN) guidance law in the presence of delayed line-of-sight (LOS) rate information. The delay in the LOS rate is introduced by the missile guidance system that uses a low cost sensor to obtain LOS rate information by image processing techniques. A Lyapunov-like function is used to analyze the convergence of the delay differential equation (DDE) governing the evolution of the LOS rate. The time-to-go until which decreasing behaviour of the Lyapunov-like function can be guaranteed is obtained. Conditions on the delay for finite time convergence of the LOS rate are presented for the linearized engagement equation. It is observed that in the presence of line-of-sight rate delay, increasing the effective navigation constant of the PN guidance law deteriorates its performance. Numerical simulations are presented to validate the results.


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Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) systems divide the available bandwidth into orthogonal subchannels and exploit multiuser diversity and frequency selectivity to achieve high spectral efficiencies. However, they require a significant amount of channel state feedback for scheduling and rate adaptation and are sensitive to feedback delays. We develop a comprehensive analysis for OFDMA system throughput in the presence of feedback delays as a function of the feedback scheme, frequency-domain scheduler, and rate adaptation rule. Also derived are expressions for the outage probability, which captures the inability of a subchannel to successfully carry data due to the feedback scheme or feedback delays. Our model encompasses the popular best-n and threshold-based feedback schemes and the greedy, proportional fair, and round-robin schedulers that cover a wide range of throughput versus fairness tradeoff. It helps quantify the different robustness of the schedulers to feedback overhead and delays. Even at low vehicular speeds, it shows that small feedback delays markedly degrade the throughput and increase the outage probability. Further, given the feedback delay, the throughput degradation depends primarily on the feedback overhead and not on the feedback scheme itself. We also show how to optimize the rate adaptation thresholds as a function of feedback delay.


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We address the problem of sampling and reconstruction of two-dimensional (2-D) finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signals. We propose a three-channel sampling method for efficiently solving the problem. We consider the sampling of a stream of 2-D Dirac impulses and a sum of 2-D unit-step functions. We propose a 2-D causal exponential function as the sampling kernel. By causality in 2-D, we mean that the function has its support restricted to the first quadrant. The advantage of using a multichannel sampling method with causal exponential sampling kernel is that standard annihilating filter or root-finding algorithms are not required. Further, the proposed method has inexpensive hardware implementation and is numerically stable as the number of Dirac impulses increases.


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Amplify-and-forward (AF) relay based cooperation has been investigated in the literature given its simplicity and practicality. Two models for AF, namely, fixed gain and fixed power relaying, have been extensively studied. In fixed gain relaying, the relay gain is fixed but its transmit power varies as a function of the source-relay (SR) channel gain. In fixed power relaying, the relay's instantaneous transmit power is fixed, but its gain varies. We propose a general AF cooperation model in which an average transmit power constrained relay jointly adapts its gain and transmit power as a function of the channel gains. We derive the optimal AF gain policy that minimizes the fading- averaged symbol error probability (SEP) of MPSK and present insightful and tractable lower and upper bounds for it. We then analyze the SEP of the optimal policy. Our results show that the optimal scheme is up to 39.7% and 47.5% more energy-efficient than fixed power relaying and fixed gain relaying, respectively. Further, the weaker the direct source-destination link, the greater are the energy-efficiency gains.


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The Large Hadron Collider has recently discovered a Higgs-like particle having a mass around 125 GeVand also indicated that there is an enhancement in the Higgs to diphoton decay rate as compared to that in the standard model. We have studied implications of these discoveries in the bilinear R-parity violating supersymmetric model, whose main motivation is to explain the nonzero masses for neutrinos. The R-parity violating parameters in this model are epsilon and b(epsilon), and these parameters determine the scale of neutrino masses. If the enhancement in the Higgs to diphoton decay rate is true, then we have found epsilon greater than or similar to 0.01 GeV and b epsilon similar to 1 GeV2 in order to be compatible with the neutrino oscillation data. Also, in the above mentioned analysis, we can determine the soft masses of sleptons (m(L)) and CP-odd Higgs boson mass (mA). We have estimated that m(L) greater than or similar to 300 GeV and m(A) greater than or similar to 700 GeV. We have also commented on the allowed values of epsilon and b(epsilon), in case there is no enhancement in the Higgs to diphoton decay rate. Finally, we present a model to explain the smallness of epsilon and b(epsilon).


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The optimal tradeoff between average service cost rate and average delay, is addressed for a M/M/1 queueing model with queue-length dependent service rates, chosen from a finite set. We provide an asymptotic characterization of the minimum average delay, when the average service cost rate is a small positive quantity V more than the minimum average service cost rate required for stability. We show that depending on the value of the arrival rate, the assumed service cost rate function, and the possible values of the service rates, the minimum average delay either a) increases only to a finite value, b) increases without bound as log(1/V), or c) increases without bound as 1/V, when V down arrow 0. We apply the analysis to a flow-level resource allocation model for a wireless downlink. We also investigate the asymptotic tradeoff for a sequence of policies which are obtained from an approximate fluid model for the M/M/1 queue.


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The timer-based selection scheme is a popular, simple, and distributed scheme that is used to select the best node from a set of available nodes. In it, each node sets a timer as a function of a local preference number called a metric, and transmits a packet when its timer expires. The scheme ensures that the timer of the best node, which has the highest metric, expires first. However, it fails to select the best node if another node transmits a packet within Delta s of the transmission by the best node. We derive the optimal timer mapping that maximizes the average success probability for the practical scenario in which the number of nodes in the system is unknown but only its probability distribution is known. We show that it has a special discrete structure, and present a recursive characterization to determine it. We benchmark its performance with ad hoc approaches proposed in the literature, and show that it delivers significant gains. New insights about the optimality of some ad hoc approaches are also developed.


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We consider the MIMO X channel (XC), a system consisting of two transmit-receive pairs, where each transmitter communicates with both the receivers. Both the transmitters and receivers are equipped with multiple antennas. First, we derive an upper bound on the sum-rate capacity of the MIMO XC under individual power constraint at each transmitter. The sum-rate capacity of the two-user multiple access channel (MAC) that results when receiver cooperation is assumed forms an upper bound on the sum-rate capacity of the MIMO XC. We tighten this bound by considering noise correlation between the receivers and deriving the worst noise covariance matrix. It is shown that the worst noise covariance matrix is a saddle-point of a zero-sum, two-player convex-concave game, which is solved through a primal-dual interior point method that solves the maximization and the minimization parts of the problem simultaneously. Next, we propose an achievable scheme which employs dirty paper coding at the transmitters and successive decoding at the receivers. We show that the derived upper bound is close to the achievable region of the proposed scheme at low to medium SNRs.


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The plastic deformation behavior and dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in homogenized AZ31 Mg alloy was investigated in uniaxial compression in the temperature range between 150 and 400 degrees C with strain rates ranging from 10(-3) to 10(2) s(-1). Twinning was found to contribute significantly during the early stages of deformation. The onset of twinning was examined in detail by recourse to the examination of the appearance of first local maxima before peak strain in the stress-strain responses and the second derivative of stress with strain. High strain hardening rate was observed immediately after the onset of twinning and was found to increase with the Zener-Hollomon parameter. DRX was observed at temperatures above 250 degrees C whereas deformation at lower temperatures (< 250 degrees C) leads to extensive twinning at all the strain rates. At intermediate temperatures of 250-300 degrees C, plastic strains tend to localize near grain/twin boundaries, confining DRX only to these regions. Increase in the temperature promotes non-basal slip, which, in turn, leads to uniform deformation; DRX too becomes uniform. Deformation behavior in three different regimes of temperature is discussed. The dependence of critical stress for the onset of DRX and peak flow stress on temperature and strain rate are also described. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The mass flow rate, (m) over dot, associated with the lateral outflow of dry, cohesionless granular material through circular orifices of diameter D made in vertical walls of silos was measured experimentally in order to determine also the influence of the wall thickness of the silo, w. Geometrical arguments, based on the outflow happening, are given in order to have a general correlation for (m) over dot embracing both quantities, D and w. The angle of repose appears to be an important characterization factor in these kinds of flows.


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Single receive antenna selection (AS) is a popular method for obtaining diversity benefits without the additional costs of multiple radio receiver chains. Since only one antenna receives at any time, the transmitter sends a pilot multiple times to enable the receiver to estimate the channel gains of its N antennas to the transmitter and select an antenna. In time-varying channels, the channel estimates of different antennas are outdated to different extents. We analyze the symbol error probability (SEP) in time-varying channels of the N-pilot and (N+1)-pilot AS training schemes. In the former, the transmitter sends one pilot for each receive antenna. In the latter, the transmitter sends one additional pilot that helps sample the channel fading process of the selected antenna twice. We present several new results about the SEP, optimal energy allocation across pilots and data, and optimal selection rule in time-varying channels for the two schemes. We show that due to the unique nature of AS, the (N+1)-pilot scheme, despite its longer training duration, is much more energy-efficient than the conventional N-pilot scheme. An extension to a practical scenario where all data symbols of a packet are received by the same antenna is also investigated.


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Nearly pollution-free solutions of the Helmholtz equation for k-values corresponding to visible light are demonstrated and verified through experimentally measured forward scattered intensity from an optical fiber. Numerically accurate solutions are, in particular, obtained through a novel reformulation of the H-1 optimal Petrov-Galerkin weak form of the Helmholtz equation. Specifically, within a globally smooth polynomial reproducing framework, the compact and smooth test functions are so designed that their normal derivatives are zero everywhere on the local boundaries of their compact supports. This circumvents the need for a priori knowledge of the true solution on the support boundary and relieves the weak form of any jump boundary terms. For numerical demonstration of the above formulation, we used a multimode optical fiber in an index matching liquid as the object. The scattered intensity and its normal derivative are computed from the scattered field obtained by solving the Helmholtz equation, using the new formulation and the conventional finite element method. By comparing the results with the experimentally measured scattered intensity, the stability of the solution through the new formulation is demonstrated and its closeness to the experimental measurements verified.


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For any n(t) transmit, n(r) receive antenna (n(t) x n(r)) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system in a quasi-static Rayleigh fading environment, it was shown by Elia et al. that linear space-time block code schemes (LSTBC schemes) that have the nonvanishing determinant (NVD) property are diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT)-optimal for arbitrary values of n(r) if they have a code rate of n(t) complex dimensions per channel use. However, for asymmetric MIMO systems (where n(r) < n(t)), with the exception of a few LSTBC schemes, it is unknown whether general LSTBC schemes with NVD and a code rate of n(r) complex dimensions per channel use are DMT optimal. In this paper, an enhanced sufficient criterion for any STBC scheme to be DMT optimal is obtained, and using this criterion, it is established that any LSTBC scheme with NVD and a code rate of min {n(t), n(r)} complex dimensions per channel use is DMT optimal. This result settles the DMT optimality of several well-known, low-ML-decoding-complexity LSTBC schemes for certain asymmetric MIMO systems.