986 resultados para null mice


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Rett syndrome, commonly associated with mutations of the methyl CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene, is characterised by an apparently normal early postnatal development followed by deterioration of acquired cognitive and motor coordination skills in early childhood. To evaluate whether environmental factors may influence the disease outcome of Rett syndrome, we tested the effect of environmental enrichment from 4 weeks of age on the behavioural competence of mutant mice harboring a Mecp2 tm1Tam-null allele. Our findings show that enrichment improves motor coordination in heterozygous Mecp2 +/− females but not Mecp2 −/y males. Standard-housed Mecp2 +/− mice had an initial motor coordination deficit on the accelerating rotarod, which improved with training then deteriorated in subsequent weeks. Enrichment resulted in a significant reduction in this coordination deficit in Mecp2 +/− mice, returning the performance to wild-type levels. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein levels were 75 and 85% of wild-type controls in standard-housed and environmentally enriched Mecp2 +/− cerebellum, respectively. Mecp2 −/y mice showed identical deficits of cerebellar BDNF (67% of wild-type controls) irrespective of their housing environment. Our findings demonstrate a positive impact of environmental enrichment in a Rett syndrome model; this impact may be dependent on the existence of one functional copy of Mecp2.


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This paper proposes a simple residual-based panel CUSUM test of the null hypothesis of cointegration. The test has a limiting normal distribution that is free of nuisance parameters, it is robust to heteroskedasticity and it allows for mixtures of cointegrated and spurious alternatives. Our Monte Carlo results suggest that the test has small-size distortions and reasonable power. In our empirical application to international R&D spillovers, we present evidence suggesting that total factor productivity is heterogeneously cointegrated with foreign and domestic R&D capital stocks. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005.


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The chronic systemic administration of d-Galactose in C57BL/6J mice showed a relatively high oxidative stress, amyloid-β expression and neuronal cell death. Enhanced expression of pyknotic nuclei, caspase-3 and reduced expression of neuronal integrity markers further confirmed the aforesaid insults. However, concomitant treatment with the recombinant protein (SurR9-C84A) and the anti-transferrin receptor antibody conjugated SurR9-C84A (SurR9+TFN) nanocarriers showed a significant improvement in the disease status and neuronal health. The beauty of this study is that the biodegradable Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanocarriers enhanced the biological half-life and the efficacy of the treatments. The nanocarriers were effective in lowering the amyloid-β expression, enhancing the neuronal integrity markers and maintaining the basal levels of endogenous survivin that is essential for evading the caspase activation and apoptosis. The current study herein reports for the first time that the brain targeted SurR9-C84A nanocarriers alleviated the d-Galactose induced neuronal insults and has potential for future brain targeted nanomedicine application.


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Activation of the brain angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) triggers pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory mechanisms which are involved in the neurobiology of bipolar disorder (BD). Candesartan (CDS) is an AT1 receptor antagonist with potential neuroprotective properties. Herein we investigated CDS effects against oxidative, neurotrophic inflammatory and cognitive effects of amphetamine (AMPH)-induced mania. In the reversal protocol adult mice were given AMPH 2mg/kg i.p. or saline and between days 8 and 14 received CDS 0.1, 0.3 or 1mg/kg orally, lithium (Li) 47.5mg/kg i.p., or saline. In the prevention treatment, mice were pretreated with CDS, Li or saline prior to AMPH. Locomotor activity and working memory performance were assessed. Glutathione (GSH), thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) and TNF-α levels were evaluated in the hippocampus (HC) and cerebellar vermis (CV). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta (GSK-3beta) levels were measured in the HC. CDS and Li prevented and reversed the AMPH-induced increases in locomotor activity. Only CDS prevented and reversed AMPH-induced working memory deficits. CDS prevented AMPH-induced alterations in GSH (HC and CV), TBARS (HC and CV), TNF-α (HC and CV) and BDNF (HC) levels. Li prevented alterations in BDNF and phospho-Ser9-GSK3beta. CDS reversed AMPH-induced alterations in GSH (HC and CV), TBARS (HC), TNF-α (CV) and BDNF levels. Li reversed AMPH-induced alterations in TNF-α (HC and CV) and BDNF (HC) levels. CDS is effective in reversing and preventing AMPH-induced behavioral and biochemical alterations, providing a rationale for the design of clinical trials investigating CDS׳s possible therapeutic effects.


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Export of most malaria proteins into the erythrocyte cytosol requires the Plasmodium Translocon of Exported proteins (PTEX) and a cleavable Plasmodium Export Element (PEXEL). In contrast, the contribution of PTEX in the liver stages and export of liver stage proteins is unknown. Here, using the FLP/FRT conditional mutatagenesis system, we generate transgenic P. berghei parasites deficient in EXP2, the putative pore-forming component of PTEX. Our data reveal that EXP2 is important for parasite growth in the liver and critical for parasite transition to the blood, with parasites impaired in their ability to generate a patent blood-stage infection. Surprisingly, whilst parasites expressing a functional PTEX machinery can efficiently export a PEXEL-bearing GFP reporter into the erythrocyte cytosol during a blood stage infection, this same reporter aggregates in large accumulations within the confines of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane during hepatocyte growth. Notably HSP101, the putative molecular motor of PTEX, could not be detected during the early liver stages of infection, which may explain why direct protein translocation of this soluble PEXEL-bearing reporter or indeed native PEXEL proteins into the hepatocyte cytosol has not been observed. This suggests that PTEX function may not be conserved between the blood and liver stages of malaria infection. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Recent evidence obtained from a rodent model of birth asphyxia shows that supplementation of the maternal diet with creatine during pregnancy protects the neonate from multi-organ damage. However, the effect of increasing creatine intake on creatine homeostasis and biosynthesis in females, particularly during pregnancy, is unknown. This study assessed the impact of creatine supplementation on creatine homeostasis, body composition, capacity for de novo creatine synthesis and renal excretory function in non-pregnant and pregnant spiny mice. Mid-gestation pregnant and virgin spiny mice were fed normal chow or chow supplemented with 5 % w/w creatine for 18 days. Weight gain, urinary creatine and electrolyte excretion were assessed during supplementation. At post mortem, body composition was assessed by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, or tissues were collected to assess creatine content and mRNA expression of the creatine synthesising enzymes arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) and the creatine transporter (CrT1). Protein expression of AGAT and GAMT was also assessed by Western blot. Key findings of this study include no changes in body weight or composition with creatine supplementation; increased urinary creatine excretion in supplemented spiny mice, with increased sodium (P < 0.001) and chloride (P < 0.05) excretion in pregnant dams after 3 days of supplementation; lowered renal AGAT mRNA (P < 0.001) and protein (P < 0.001) expressions, and lowered CrT1 mRNA expression in the kidney (P < 0.01) and brain (P < 0.001). Creatine supplementation had minimal impact on creatine homeostasis in either non-pregnant or pregnant spiny mice. Increasing maternal dietary creatine consumption could be a useful treatment for birth asphyxia.


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TORT, A. B. L. ; SCHEFFER-TEIXEIRA, R ; Souza, B.C. ; DRAGUHN, A. ; BRANKACK, J. . Theta-associated high-frequency oscillations (110-160 Hz) in the hippocampus and neocortex. Progress in Neurobiology , v. 100, p. 1-14, 2013.


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Three populations of neurons expressing the vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (Vglut2) were recently described in the A10 area of the mouse midbrain, of which two populations were shown to express the gene encoding, the rate-limiting enzyme for catecholamine synthesis, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH).One of these populations (‘‘TH– Vglut2 Class1’’) also expressed the dopamine transporter (DAT) gene while one did not ("TH–Vglut2 Class2"), and the remaining population did not express TH at all ("TH-Vglut2-only"). TH is known to be expressed by a promoter which shows two phases of activation, a transient one early during embryonal development, and a later one which gives rise to stable endogenous expression of the TH gene. The transient phase is, however, not specific to catecholaminergic neurons, a feature taken to advantage here as it enabled Vglut2 gene targeting within all three A10 populations expressing this gene, thus creating a new conditional knockout. These knockout mice showed impairment in spatial memory function. Electrophysiological analyses revealed a profound alteration of oscillatory activity in the CA3 region of the hippocampus. In addition to identifying a novel role for Vglut2 in hippocampus function, this study points to the need for improved genetic tools for targeting of the diversity of subpopulations of the A10 area


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Radial glial cells (RGCs) in the ventricular neuroepithelium of the dorsal telencephalon are the progenitor cells for neocortical projection neurons and astrocytes. Here we showthatthe adherens junction proteins afadin and CDH2 are criticalforthe control of cell proliferation in the dorsal telencephalon and for the formation of its normal laminar structure. Inactivation of afadin or CDH2 in the dorsal telenceph-alon leads to a phenotype resembling subcortical band heterotopia, also known as “double cortex,” a brain malformation in which heterotopic gray matter is interposed between zones of white matter. Adherens junctions between RGCs are disrupted in the mutants, progenitor cells are widely dispersed throughout the developing neocortex, and their proliferation is dramatically increased. Major subtypes of neocortical projection neurons are generated, but their integration into cell layers is disrupted. Our findings suggest that defects in adherens junctions components in mice massively affects progenitor cell proliferation and leads to a double cortex-like phenotype.


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Seeds from legumes including the Glycine max are known to be a rich source of protease inhibitors. The soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (SKTI) has been well characterised and has been found to exhibit many biological activities. However its effects on inflammatory diseases have not been studied to date. In this study, SKTI was purified from a commercial soy fraction, enriched with this inhibitor, using anion exchange chromatography Resource Q column. The purified protein was able to inhibit human neutrophil elastase (HNE) and bovine trypsin. . Purified SKTI inhibited HNE with an IC50 value of 8 µg (0.3 nM). At this concentration SKTI showed neither cytotoxic nor haemolytic effects on human blood cell populations. SKTI showed no deleterious effects on organs, blood cells or the hepatic enzymes alanine amine transferase (ALT) and aspartate amino transferase (AST) in mice model of acute systemic toxicity. Human neutrophils incubated with SKTI released less HNE than control neutrophils when stimulated with PAF or fMLP (83.1% and 70% respectively). These results showed that SKTI affected both pathways of elastase release by PAF and fMLP stimuli, suggesting that SKTI is an antagonist of PAF/fMLP receptors. In an in vivo mouse model of acute lung injury, induced by LPS from E. coli, SKTI significantly suppressed the inflammatory effects caused by elastase in a dose dependent manner. Histological sections stained by hematoxylin/eosin confirmed this reduction in inflammation process. These results showed that SKTI could be used as a potential pharmacological agent for the therapy of many inflammatory diseases


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Fungal polysaccharides have received a great deal of attention due to itsbecause of their potential use in a wide rangegreat variety fromof industries. Some studies have demonstrated that polysaccharides extracted offrom basidiomycetes they have presented significant properties as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-tumoral properties. In spite of thisDespite these potential properties, these mushrooms have not been insufficiently investigated, and the great number of antibiotics number produced forby these organisms suggests that they canmay be a new source of bioactives composites source. In tThe present work, reports onlated the chemical composition, potential antioxidant, antiinflammatory and citotoxycity of extracted polymers extracted offrom the fruits bodies of the fungiius Geastrum saccatum and Polyporus dermoporus, native mushrooms of the Atlantic forest inof the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The Cchemical analyses had revealed ademonstrated text of total sugar rates of 65% and 49%, and proteins of 7.0% for in extracts of G. saccatum and P. dermoporus extracts, respectively. The analyses ofNMR spectroscopy of RMN had demonstrated that these extracts are composites forof a complex involving β- glucans and- proteins complex. The inhibition of the formation of superoxide radicals formation was of 88.4% in G. saccatum and 83.3% in P. dermoporus, and 75 and 100% for inhibition of hydroxyls radicals inhibition. TopicalThe topic application of extracts the 10, 30 and 50 mg/kg extract in BALBc mice with cutaneous inflammation induced byfor croton oil demonstrated to inhibitedion of ear edema of ear and cells polimorfonuclears cells atin the inflamed siteplace, being this reply more effective in lower concentrations being more effective. The evaluation of the glucans of G. saccatum and P. dermoporus glucans under induced pleurisy for carrageenan-induced pleurisya of showed the antiinflammatory action of these composites., being analyzed tThe frame number in the pleural exudates and thedosage of nitric oxide dosage was also analyzed. The cytotoxic action of these polymers was analyzed throughthrough the mitochondrial function (MTT). The incubation of the glucans with mononuclear cells of the peripheral blood demonstrated that the extracted glucans extracted fromof G. saccatum havepossess a moderate cytotoxic action. These results suggest that these mushrooms possess polymers formed byfor a complex glucana-protein complex, with antiinflammatory and antioxidant actions


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A 140,0 kDa lectin was purified and characterized from the mushroom Clavaria cristata. The purification procedures from the crude extract of the mushroom comprised gel filtration chromatography on Sephacryl s200 and ion exchange on Resource Q column. The purified lectin agglutinated all types of human erythrocytes with preference for trypsinized type O erythrocytes. The haemagglutinating activity is dependent of Ca 2+ ions and was strongly inhibited by the glycoprotein bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM) up to the concentration of 0, 125 mg/mL. The C. cristata lectin (CcL) was stable in the pH range of 2,5-11,5 and termostable up to 80 °C. CcL molecular mass determined by gel filtration on a Superose 6 10 300 column was approximately 140,3 kDa. SDS polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis revealed a single band with a molecular mass of approximately 14,5 kDa, when the lectin was heated at 100 ⁰C in the presence or absence of β-mercaptoethanol. CcL induced activation of murine peritoneal macrophages in vitro resulting in the release of nitric oxide (NO), reaching the maximum production at 24 h. In experimental paw oedema model in mice, CcL showed proinflammatory activity being able to induce oedema formation. Cell viability of HepG2, MDA 435 e 3T3 cell lines was examined after 72 h of incubation with CcL in different concentrations (0,5-50 μg/mL). CcL inhibited HepG2 cells growth with an IC50 value of 50 μg/mL. In the present work, the observed immunomodulatory and antiproliferative effects indicate CcL as a possible immunomodulator compound, interfering in the macrophages immune response, taking possible anti-parasitic, anti-tumoral effects or diagnostic and/or therapeutic


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studies using UV as a source of DNA damage. However, even though unrepaired UV-induced DNA damages are related to mutagenesis, cell death and tumorigenesis, they do not explain phenotypes such as neurodegeneration and internal tumors observed in patients with syndromes like Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) and Cockayne Syndrome (CS) that are associated with NER deficiency. Recent evidences point to a role of NER in the repair of 8-oxodG, a typical substrate of Base Excision Repair (BER). Since deficiencies in BER result in genomic instability, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, it was investigated in this research the impact of XPC deficiency on BER functions in human cells. It was analyzed both the expression and the cellular localization of APE1, OGG1 e PARP-1, the mainly BER enzymes, in different NER-deficient human fibroblasts. The endogenous levels of these enzymes are reduced in XPC deficient cells. Surprisingly, XP-C fibroblasts were more resistant to oxidative agents than the other NER deficient fibroblasts, despite presenting the highest of 8-oxodG. Furthermore, subtle changes in the nuclear and mitochondrial localization of APE1 were detected in XP-C fibroblasts. To confirm the impact of XPC deficiency in the regulation of APE1 and OGG1 expression and activity, we constructed a XPC-complemented cell line. Although the XPC complementation was only partial, we found that XPC-complemented cells presented increased levels of OGG1 than XPC-deficient cells. The extracts from XPC-complemented cells also presented an elevated OGG1 enzimatic activity. However, it was not observed changes in APE1 expression and activity in the XPCcomplemented cells. In addition, we found that full-length APE1 (37 kDa) and OGG1- α are in the mitochondria of XPC-deficient fibroblasts and XPC-complemented fibroblasts before and after induction of oxidative stress. On the other hand, the expression of APE1 and PARP-1 are not altered in brain and liver of XPC knockout mice. However, XPC deficiency changed the APE1 localization in hypoccampus and hypothalamus. We also observed a physical interaction between XPC and APE1 proteins in human cells. In conclusion, the data suggest that XPC protein has a role in the regulation of OGG1 expression and activity in human cells and is involved mainly in the regulation of APE1 localization in mice. Aditionally, the response of NER deficient cells under oxidative stress may not be only associated to the NER deficiency per se, but it may include the new functions of NER enzymes in regulation of expression and cell localization of BER proteins


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Obesity is increasing, reaching epidemic levels in many regions of the world. Studies have shown that consumption of peanuts influences on weight control and this influence may be due to the action of trypsin inhibitors sacietogênica that condition increased plasma colescistocinina (CCK). Moreover, the peanut has other health benefits, and these assignments are guaranteed to increase their production and consumption of several of its products, including the paçoca peanut. The aim of this study was to identify the presence of a trypsin inhibitor in paçoca peanut and evaluate its effect on food intake, weight gain and histomorphological changes in swiss mice (n = 8) and Wistar rats (n = 6). Experimental diets were prepared based on the AIN-93G and supplemented with tack or peanut trypsin inhibitor partially purified paçoca peanut (AHTI). After each treatment, the animals were anesthetized and euthanized, their bloods were collected by cardiac puncture for the determination of CCK and other biochemical parameters (glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and albumin) and their pancreas removed for histologic and morphometric analysis. The supplementation with paçoca peanut and the AHTI showed a decrease of body weight gain and food intake in both mice and rats, due to the satiety, since the animals showed no evidence of impairment of nutritional status conditioned by consumption the AHTI. There were also observed biochemical or morphological important when compared with controls. However, AHTI led to increased secretion of CCK, a peptide sacietogênico. Thus, these results indicate that AHTI present in paçoca peanut, is able to enhance the secretion of plasma CCK and thereby reduce the weight gain associated with lower food intake of experimenta animals