976 resultados para nucleon-nucleon cross section


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ICLARM has recently developed a strategic Plan for International research on living aquatic resources management which identifies tropical coastal resource systems as one of its areas of research emphasis. Details are given of a new approach for analysing and comparing coastal resource systems - the coastal cross-section concept. Agroecosystems analysis and farming systems research were used as a basis for the development of this concept.


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Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de sistemas inteligentes aplicados ao monitoramento de estruturas aeronáuticas abordando dois modelos distintos: o primeiro é a análise e classificação de imagens de ultrassom de estruturas aeronáuticas com objetivo de apoiar decisões em reparo de estruturas aeronáuticas. Foi definido como escopo do trabalho uma seção transversal da asa da aeronave modelo Boeing 707. Após a remoção de material superficial em áreas comprometidas por corrosão, é realizada a medição da espessura ao longo da área da peça. Com base nestas medições, a Engenharia realiza a análise estrutural, observando os limites determinados pelo manual de manutenção e determina a necessidade ou não de reparo. O segundo modelo compreende o método de impedância eletromecânica. É proposto o desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitoramento de baixo custo aplicado em uma barra de alumínio aeronáutico com 10 posições de fixação de porcas e parafusos. O objetivo do sistema é avaliar, a partir das curvas de impedância extraídas do transdutor PZT fixado na barra, sua capacidade de classificar a existência ou não de um dano na estrutura e, em caso de existência do dano, indicar sua localização e seu grau de severidade. Foram utilizados os seguintes classificadores neste trabalho: máquina de vetor de suporte, redes neurais artificiais e K vizinhos mais próximos.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a dissolução do tecido pulpar pelo NaOCl contendo em sua composição agentes redutores da tensão superfical (Chlor-Xtra) quando comparados ao NaOCl convencional. Com esta finalidade 44 dentes unirradiculares humanos com tecido pulpar preservado em solução de formol a 10% foram agrupados em 22 pares de acordo com a semelhança de sua anatomia interna previamente avaliada por radiografias. Os canais foram instrumentados com sistema Protaper Universal e todo o processo de irrigação teve, além do tempo, seu volume e fluxo controlado por meio automatizado por meio do sistema Vatea Endodontic Iirrigation Device. Após cada canal que compunha um par ter sido instrumentado empregando-se uma das diferentes soluções testadas, as quais foram previamente avaliadas quanto a sua tensão superficial, ambos foram devidamente preparados e enviados para processamento e análise histológica. Cortes a 0,5, 1,2,3 e 4mm do ápice foram realizados, corados e fotografados. As imagens foram analisadas por meio do programa AxioVision a fim de estabelecer o percentual de tecido remanescente em relação à área total do canal nos segmentos estudados. As análises referentes a tensão superficial revelaram que o Chlor-Xtra demonstrou possuir significativamente menor tensão superficial quando comparado ao NaOCL convencional (p>0,05). A análise estatística por meio do test T student das áreas dos canais, demonstrou que o pareamento das amostras foi eficiente entre os grupo NaOCl e Chlor-Xtra (p>0,05). Em relação ao Percentual de Tecido Remanescente (PTR), os resultados revelaram por meio de análise feita pelo teste Kruskal-Wallis e o teste de correlação de Spearman que o nível de corte influencia significantemente o PTR (P<0,05).Por fim, o teste de Mann-Whitney indicou que o PTR não é influenciado pela solução irrigadora utilizada (P>0,05). A partir da análise dos resultados foi possível concluir que quanto mais apicalmente foi o nível de corte histológico dos canais estudados, maior foi o percentual de tecido pulpar remanescente independentemente da solução utilizada, portanto.não houve diferença significativa na qualidade do debridamento produzido pelas duas soluções testadas, desta forma indicando que a presença de agentes modificadores da tensão adicionados ao NaOCl não foi capaz de superar os resultados obtidos por soluções de NaOCl convencionais.


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This is a comparative survey of the Fish Populations of 10 West-Midlands Mere of Site of Special Scientific Interest Status. The meres of the Shropshire-Cheshire plain (West Midlands) comprise over 60 water bodies. Water quality in the meres ranges from naturally eutrophic to nutrient limited and some of them have received Site of Special Scientific Interest status (SSSIs). This survey was commissioned in order to obtain quantitative information on the fish fauna of selected SSSIs and evaluate the likely impact of fish on other species within the community. The current survey was concerned with 10 of the West Midlands’ meres, a cross section of sites was selected. Sites were widely distributed from Marton Pool in the south-western part of Shropshire to Tabley moat in Chesire. Meres varied in size, depth and nutrient status. All were to be sampled using the methods outlined. The report is divided into different sections for clarity and ease of reference. The materials and methods section provides an outline of the location and status of each mere and information on known fish species present. The results were considered individually and comparatively, relative abundance of fish, species present, their diet, sex, age, parasite burdens and growth. Inter-site comparisons were made using information derived from echo-soundings, growth rate, diet, and species abundance for each site. The final section will be in the form of a general discussion, comparative information from longer term studies, conclusions and recommendations.


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This is a technical report of a hydrogeological assessment by the Environment Agency, an assessment to inform the Stage 3 review of Consents under the Habitats Directive for Wybunbury Moss, a National Nature Reserve and Special Area of Conservation in Cheshire. In the Stage 2 Review of Consents, one groundwater licence could not be clearly assessed as having no significant impact and so was taken forward to Stage 3. Further work has been carried out to refine the understanding of groundwater flow and the extent of the actual groundwater catchment of Wybunbury Moss, including three drilled boreholes, the monitoring of groundwater levels in the boreholes by data-loggers for more than 18 months and the sampling and analysis of the groundwater from the boreholes. Results of this further work are shown in Appendixes. From this work, a geological cross-section and Conceptual Model has been produced, and a map showing the revised understanding of the groundwater catchment of Wybunbury Moss. It also includes in Appendix I, the Stage 2 Review of Consents previously made.


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An analytical mathematical model for friction between a fabric strip and the volar forearm has been developed and validated experimentally. The model generalizes the common assumption of a cylindrical arm to any convex prism, and makes predictions for pressure and tension based on Amontons' law. This includes a relationship between the coefficient of static friction (mu) and forces on either end of a fabric strip in contact with part of the surface of the arm and perpendicular to its axis. Coefficients of friction were determined from experiments between arm phantoms of circular and elliptical cross-section (made from Plaster of Paris covered in Neoprene) and a nonwoven fabric. As predicted by the model, all values of mu calculated from experimental results agreed within +/- 8 per cent, and showed very little systematic variation with the deadweight, geometry, or arc of contact used. With an appropriate choice of coordinates the relationship predicted by this model for forces on either end of a fabric strip reduces to the prediction from the common model for circular arms. This helps to explain the surprisingly accurate values of mu obtained by applying the cylindrical model to experimental data on real arms.


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The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States. It is a unique and valuable national treasure because of its ecological, recreational, economic and cultural benefits. The problems facing the Bay are well known and extensively documented, and are largely related to human uses of the watershed and resources within the Bay. Over the past several decades as the origins of the Chesapeake’s problems became clear, citizens groups and Federal, State, and local governments have entered into agreements and worked together to restore the Bay’s productivity and ecological health. In May 2010, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order number 13508 that tasked a team of Federal agencies to develop a way forward in the protection and restoration of the Chesapeake watershed. Success of both State and Federal efforts will depend on having relevant, sound information regarding the ecology and function of the system as the basis of management and decision making. In response to the executive order, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) has compiled an overview of its research in Chesapeake Bay watershed. NCCOS has a long history of Chesapeake Bay research, investigating the causes and consequences of changes throughout the watershed’s ecosystems. This document presents a cross section of research results that have advanced the understanding of the structure and function of the Chesapeake and enabled the accurate and timely prediction of events with the potential to impact both human communities and ecosystems. There are three main focus areas: changes in land use patterns in the watershed and the related impacts on contaminant and pathogen distribution and concentrations; nutrient inputs and algal bloom events; and habitat use and life history patterns of species in the watershed. Land use changes in the Chesapeake Bay watershed have dramatically changed how the system functions. A comparison of several subsystems within the Bay drainages has shown that water quality is directly related to land use and how the land use affects ecosystem health of the rivers and streams that enter the Chesapeake Bay. Across the Chesapeake as a whole, the rivers that drain developed areas, such as the Potomac and James rivers, tend to have much more highly contaminated sediments than does the mainstem of the Bay itself. In addition to what might be considered traditional contaminants, such as hydrocarbons, new contaminants are appearing in measurable amounts. At fourteen sites studied in the Bay, thirteen different pharmaceuticals were detected. The impact of pharmaceuticals on organisms and the people who eat them is still unknown. The effects of water borne infections on people and marine life are known, however, and the exposure to certain bacteria is a significant health risk. A model is now available that predicts the likelihood of occurrence of a strain of bacteria known as Vibrio vulnificus throughout Bay waters.


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This volume contains a total of 21 papers given in talks or poster sessions at the eighth annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) meeting at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, March 10-13, 1991. Consisting of about a third of the total presentations, this selection gives a representative cross section of the breadth and diversity of topics. With the beautiful and peaceful setting, the relaxed and informal style of the sessions, the diversity of topics, and the quality of presentations, these meetings provide a stimulating atmosphere for cross-disciplinary interaction.


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Composite slit tubes with a circular cross-section show an interesting variety in their large-deformation behaviour, that depends on the layup of the surface that is used: tubes made from many antisymmetric laminae are bistable, and have a compact coiled configuration, tubes made from similar, but symmetric, laminae do not have a compact coiled state, and indeed may not be bistable, while tubes made from an isotropic sheet are not bistable. A simple model is presented here that is able to distinguish between these behaviours; it assumes that the cross-section remains circular, but allows twist, which is shown to be the key to making the distinction between the behaviours described. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The frequency range of interest for ground vibration from underground urban railways is approximately 20 to 100 Hz. For typical soils, the wavelengths of ground vibration in this frequency range are of the order of the spacing of train axles, the tunnel diameter and the distance from the tunnel to nearby building foundations. For accurate modelling, the interactions between these entities therefore have to be taken into account. This paper describes an analytical three-dimensional model for the dynamics of a deep underground railway tunnel of circular cross-section. The tunnel is conceptualised as an infinitely long, thin cylindrical shell surrounded by soil of infinite radial extent. The soil is modelled by means of the wave equations for an elastic continuum. The coupled problem is solved in the frequency domain by Fourier decomposition into ring modes circumferentially and a Fourier transform into the wavenumber domain longitudinally. Numerical results for the tunnel and soil responses due to a normal point load applied to the tunnel invert are presented. The tunnel model is suitable for use in combination with track models to calculate the ground vibration due to excitation by running trains and to evaluate different track configurations. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The electromechanical coupling behaviour of a novel, highly coiled piezoelectric strip structure is developed in full, in order to expound its performance and efficiency. The strip is doubly coiled for compactness and, compared to a standard straight actuator of the same cross-section, it is shown that the actuator here offers better generative forces and energy conversion, and substantial actuated displacements, however, at the expense of a much lower stiffness. The device is therefore proposed for high-displacement, quasi-static applications. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To investigate the flow control potential of micro-vortex generators for supersonic mixed-compression inlets, a basic model experiment has been designed which combines a normal shock wave with a subsonic diffuser. The diffuser is formed by a simple expansion corner, with a divergence angle of 6 degrees. The diffuser entry Mach numbers were M=1.3 and M=1.5 and a number of shock locations relative to the corner position were tested. Flow control was applied in the form of counter-rotating micro-vanes with heights of approximately 20% of boundary layer thickness. Furthermore, corner fences where employed to reduce sidewall effects. It was found that micro-vortex generators were able to significantly reduce the extent of flow separation under all conditions, but could not eliminate it altogether. Corner fences also demonstrated potential for improving the flow in rectangular cross section channels and the combination of corner fences with micro-vortex generators was found to give the greatest benefits. At M=1.3 the combination of corner fences and micro-vanes placed close to the diffuser entry could prevent separation for a wide range of conditions. At the higher diffuser entry Mach number the benefits of flow control were less significant although a reduction of separation size and an improved pressure recovery was observed. It is thought that micro-vortex generators can have significant flow control potential if they are placed close to the expected separation onset and when the adverse pressure gradient is not too far above the incipient separation level. The significant beneficial effects of corner fences warrant a more comprehensive further investigation. It is thought that the control methods suggested here are capable of reducing the bleed requirement on an inlet, which could provide significant performance advantages.


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The morphological characteristics and overlap of fish community in Vamanapuram River have been studied in detail. In the 12 study sites, 19 fish species were encountered. Based on the body shape, four different types are apparent. The elongate bodied fishes (RBD<1.5) like Hemiramphus xanthopterus and Xenentodon cancila are grouped under one category. The deep bodied fishes (RBD>3.5) like Puntius filamentosus, P. ticto, P. vittatus, P. melanampyx, P. sarana, Etroplus maculatus and E. suratensis come under a separate category. Fishes with round to square cross section like Garra mullya and Glossogobius giuris form a separate group. All the other species are grouped as generalized bodied fishes. The morphological overlap studied for the Vamanapuram fish community showed that out of 190 combinations, 30 combinations have high overlaps (≥ 67). P. melanampyx has maximum number (6) of high overlaps. Puntius spp., which constituted 49.5% of the total population, have a mean morphological overlap of 52%. The morphological overlap of fish species in relation to the trophic structure is discussed in detail.


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In this paper, the authors investigate the electromagnetic properties of stacks of high temperature superconductor (HTS) coated conductors with a particular focus on calculating the total transport AC loss. The cross-section of superconducting cables and coils is often modeled as a two-dimensional stack of coated conductors, and these stacks can be used to estimate the AC loss of a practical device. This paper uses a symmetric two dimensional (2D) finite element model based on the H formulation, and a detailed investigation into the effects of a magnetic substrate on the transport AC loss of a stack is presented. The number of coated conductors in each stack is varied from 1 to 150, and three types of substrate are compared: non-magnetic weakly magnetic and strongly magnetic. The non-magnetic substrate model is comparable with results from existing models for the limiting cases of a single tape (Norris) and an infinite stack (Clem). The presence of a magnetic substrate increases the total AC loss of the stack, due to an increased localized magnetic flux density, and the stronger the magnetic material, the further the flux penetrates into the stack overall. The AC loss is calculated for certain tapes within the stack, and the differences and similarities between the losses throughout the stack are explained using the magnetic flux penetration and current density distributions in those tapes. The ferromagnetic loss of the substrate itself is found to be negligible in most cases, except for small magnitudes of current. Applying these findings to practical applications, where AC transport current is involved, superconducting coils should be wound where possible using coated conductors with a non-magnetic substrate to reduce the total AC loss in the coil. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper analyses the Biometric challenges in fisheries research from a cross section of activities in the core research areas, annual reports, technical reports, dissertations and field visits and provides insight into the development of possible remedies to the various challenges.