995 resultados para nuclear spectroscopy


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O objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado é analisar o processo de criação e regulamentação da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), desde o governo Juscelino Kubitschek (1956-1961) até sua efetiva regulamentação em 1962. A iniciativa inscreveu-se no conjunto de medidas visando dar solução à crise que atravessava o Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (CNPq), e que levariam à instauração, na Câmara dos Deputados, em 1956, de Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito para investigar o problema da energia atômica no país. Como sinônimo de desenvolvimento e progresso, a energia nuclear também seria incluída no Programa de Metas de JK. São investigadas as disputas políticas e os interesses econômicos que marcaram o processo de implantação da CNEN e o desenvolvimento de suas atividades na etapa inicial de seu funcionamento.


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Partindo de uma análise histórica comparativa do tratamento da questão nuclear no Brasil, buscou-se compreender os condicionantes da estrutura normativa constitucional do tema atômico na atual Carta de 1988 para então lançar-se a uma análise crítica do atual quadro institucional, posto que é anterior à Constituição, mas que teria sido pela mesma recepcionado. Após esta análise crítica, tenta-se, no mesmo ambiente, reconstruir uma tessitura mínima para um ramo jurídico da energia nuclear, analisando, juntamente, a natureza das atividades do chamado ciclo nuclear. Enfim, cotejando todos estes dados, procura-se demonstrar que o atual marco legal é, ao menos, desatualizado e não atende a um projeto maior de desenvolvimento e controle das atividades nucleares no Brasil. Insta ainda salientar que, devido à própria natureza de uma tese de doutoramento, fez-se um recorte temático na questão nuclear, propositadamente não se aprofundando na temática referente à responsabilidade civil por dano nuclear, uma vez que já é tema tratado com bastante propriedade por variados escritos e autores.


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FSodium phosphate tellurite glasses in the system (NaPO3)(x)(TeO2)(1-x) were prepared and structurally characterized by thermal analysis, vibrational spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and a variety of complementary solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. Unlike the situation in other mixed-network-former glasses, the interaction between the two network formers tellurium oxide and phosphorus oxide produces no new structural units, and no sharing of the network modifier Na2O takes place. The glass structure can be regarded as a network of interlinked metaphosphate-type P(2) tetrahedral and TeO4/2 antiprismotic units. The combined interpretation of the O 1s XPS data and the P-31 solid-state NMR spectra presents clear quantitative evidence for a nonstatistical connectivity distribution. Rather the formation of homootomic P-O-P and Te-O-Te linkages is favored over mixed P-O-Te connectivities. As a consequence of this chemical segregation effect, the spatial sodium distribution is not random, as also indicated by a detailed analysis of P-31/No-23 rotational echo double-resonance (REDOR) experiments. ACHTUNGTRENUNG(TeO2)1 x were prepared and structurally characterized by thermal analysis,vibrat ional spectroscopy,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and a variety of complementary solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. Unlike the situation in other mixed-network-former glasses,the interaction between the two network formers tellurium oxide and phosphorus oxide produces no new structural units,and no sharing of the network modifier Na2O takes place. The glass structure can be regarded as a network of interlinked metaphosphate-type P(2) tetrahedral and TeO4/2 antiprismatic units. The combined interpretation of the O 1s XPS data and the 31P solid-state NMR spectra presents clear quantitative evidence for a nonstatistical connectivity distribution. Rather,the formation of homoatomic P O P and Te O Te linkages is favored over mixed P O Te connectivities. As a consequence of this chemical segregation effect,the spatial sodium distribution is not random,as also indicated by a detailed analysis of 31P/23Na rotational echo double-resonance (REDOR) experiments.


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EN]This is a document done to try to see the effect of a nuclear power plant accident. In particular, it studies what would be the radiation doses delivered to the people in the close areas around the power plant of Garoña, if it had suffered from a loss of coolant accident during its normal functioning.


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Yb3Al5O12 single crystal has been grown by Czochralski (CZ) method. The absorption spectrum was investigated at low temperature and the electronic energy levels for F-2(5/2) multiplet of Yb3+ in YbAG was proposed. The up-conversion emission of the crystal under 940 nm diode pumping and the X-ray excited luminescence (XEL) features of the crystal were also studied. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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kinds of Yb3+- and Na+-codoped CaF2 laser crystal with different Na:Yb ratios of 0, 1.5, and 10 are grown by the temperature gradient technique. Room-temperature absorption, photoluminescence spectra, and fluorescence lifetimes belonging to the transitions between ground state F-2(7/2) and excited state F-2(5/2) of Yb3+ ions in the three crystals are measured to study the effect of Na+. Experimental results show that codoping Na+ ions in different Na:Yb ratios can modulate the spectroscopy and photoluminescence properties of Yb3+ ions in a CaF2 lattice in a large scope. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America


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Lipoproteins are responsible for cholesterol traffic in humans. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) delivers cholesterol from liver to peripheral tissues. A misleading delivery can lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. LDL has a single protein, apoB-100, that binds to a specific receptor. It is known that the failure associated with a deficient protein-receptor binding leads to plaque formation. ApoB-100 is a large single lipid-associated polypeptide difficulting the study of its structure. IR spectroscopy is a technique suitable to follow the different conformational changes produced in apoB-100 because it is not affected by the size of the protein or the turbidity of the sample. We have analyzed LDL spectra of different individuals and shown that, even if there are not big structural changes, a different pattern in the intensity of the band located around 1617 cm 21 related with strands embedded in the lipid monolayer, can be associated with a different conformational rearrangement that could affect to a protein interacting region with the receptor.