985 resultados para networking sites


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Invoking a resource-based view (RBV), this study investigates relationships between management control systems (MCSs) use, including information use from performance measurement systems (PMSs), and organisational capabilities in the context of academic units of Australian universities. Increased competition and attention to distinctive capabilities amongst universities, particularly at their strategic operating unit level of a Faculty1 or School2, provides the setting for application of this theoretic perspective. Based on a questionnaire survey of all Faculty Deans and Heads of Schools in all 39 universities in Australia, evidence is provided on relationships between diagnostic and interactive use of MCSs, attention given to imposed and discretionary types of PMS information, the strength of capabilities of the academic unit and, in turn, overall performance of the academic unit. Highlights of findings are that Heads/Deans conceived capabilities of their unit in functional dimensions, not in generic dimensions as found in prior literature; interactive MCS use and imposed performance measures, respectively, direct relate to several types of capabilities and indirectly to performance of the academic unit, but diagnostic MCS use does not. The findings have practical implications for styles of control systems use and performance information use by management in universities.


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Some migratory birds refuel at stopover sites that they by-pass on the return trip. In theory, this skipping behaviour is only expected in time-selected migrants when the overflown site is of a lower quality than the departure site. We provide empirical evidence that quality differences in stopover sites are the cause for skipping in Bewick's Swans Cygnus bewickii tracked by satellite telemetry. Two and five complete tracks were recorded in spring and autunm, respectively, showing that the White Sea was visited for c. 2 weeks in spring, but by-passed (or visited for a few days at the most) in autumn. Skipping of the White Sea in autumn was predicted by a dynamic programming model which was based on calculated gain rates during stopover in the Pechora Delta and the White Sea. This prediction was not sensitive to plausible variations in gain rates. Relative to the Pechora Delta the White Sea is a poor site because a large tidal amplitude precludes foraging on the beds of the submerged macrophyte Fennel Pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus during high tide. The dynamic programming model predicted a fast autunm migration. However, the phenology of autunm arrival dates of Bewick's Swans on the wintering grounds revealed that only in three out of ten years a significant number of birds was able to reach the wintering grounds without refuelling. In the other years, unfavourable wind conditions along the Russian/Baltic part of the route prevented such non-stop migration.


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 Combines theory, key issues for debate and an exploration of legacy and digital media industries to provide a holistic approach to communication and media.Activities, study questions and further reading/weblinks at the end of each chapter to help students put theory into context and further their understanding of key concepts.It covers the latest trends emerging from the deregulation of many media industries and then outlines future scenarios for a globally competitive digital media environment.Explores the contemporary intersections between social media, legacy media and communications with other studies in history, statistics, privacy and surveillance, public policy, media law and economics. The nature of media forms and industries is changing rapidly and constantly. As such, Changing Media Landscapes explores the concept of visual networking to describe the ways multiple media devices are used now for a variety of tasks. Visual networking extends the ability to engage in human communication particularly in today's context where most of our daily activities and routines are carried out with the help of various forms of communication technologies. It explores the changing media landscape through contemporary and developing latest trends, issues and developments including multicasting, cloud computing, privacy and social networking. It combines theory, key issues for debate and an exploration of legacy and digital media industries to provide a holistic approach to communication and media.


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BACKGROUND: Online social networks offer considerable potential for delivery of socially influential health behavior change interventions. OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy, engagement, and feasibility of an online social networking physical activity intervention with pedometers delivered via Facebook app. METHODS: A total of 110 adults with a mean age of 35.6 years (SD 12.4) were recruited online in teams of 3 to 8 friends. Teams were randomly allocated to receive access to a 50-day online social networking physical activity intervention which included self-monitoring, social elements, and pedometers ("Active Team" Facebook app; n=51 individuals, 12 teams) or a wait-listed control condition (n=59 individuals, 13 teams). Assessments were undertaken online at baseline, 8 weeks, and 20 weeks. The primary outcome measure was self-reported weekly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Secondary outcomes were weekly walking, vigorous physical activity time, moderate physical activity time, overall quality of life, and mental health quality of life. Analyses were undertaken using random-effects mixed modeling, accounting for potential clustering at the team level. Usage statistics were reported descriptively to determine engagement and feasibility. RESULTS: At the 8-week follow-up, the intervention participants had significantly increased their total weekly MVPA by 135 minutes relative to the control group (P=.03), due primarily to increases in walking time (155 min/week increase relative to controls, P<.001). However, statistical differences between groups for total weekly MVPA and walking time were lost at the 20-week follow-up. There were no significant changes in vigorous physical activity, nor overall quality of life or mental health quality of life at either time point. High levels of engagement with the intervention, and particularly the self-monitoring features, were observed. CONCLUSIONS: An online, social networking physical activity intervention with pedometers can produce sizable short-term physical activity changes. Future work is needed to determine how to maintain behavior change in the longer term, how to reach at-need populations, and how to disseminate such interventions on a mass scale. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR): ACTRN12614000488606; https://www.anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?id=366239 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6ZVtu6TMz).


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Previous attempts in addressing Access Point (AP) association at overlapping zone of IEEE 802.11 networks have shown some issues. They work passively and estimate load from different network metrics such as frame delay, packet loss, number of users etc. that may not always true. Further the user behaviour is selfish i.e. illegitimate user consume high network resources. This adversely affect existing or new users which in turn motivates them to change locations. To alleviate these issues, we propose the use of a Software Defined Networking (SDN) enabled client side (wireless end user) solution. In this paper, we start by proposing a dynamic AP selection algorithm/framework in wireless user device. The device receive network resource related statistics from SDN Controller and guide the client device to associate itself with the best selected AP. We justify that the use of SDN discourage users to act selfishly. Further, a mathematical modelling of the proposed scheme is derived using Fuzzy membership function and the simulation is carried out. Results obtained from simulation necessitates to implement SDN enabled client side methods.


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Big data is an emerging hot research topic due to its pervasive application in human society, such as government, climate, finance, and science. Currently, most research work on big data falls in data mining, machine learning, and data analysis. However, these amazing top-level killer applications would not be possible without the underneath support of networking due to their extremely large volume and computing complexity, especially when real-time or near-real-time applications are demanded.


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Big data analytics has shown great potential in optimizing operations, making decisions, spotting business trends, preventing threats, and capitalizing on new sources of revenues in various fields such as manufacturing, healthcare, finance, insurance, and retail. The management of various networks has become inefficient and difficult because of their high complexities and interdependencies. Big data, in forms of device logs, software logs, media content, and sensed data, provide rich information and facilitate a fundamentally different and novel approach to explore, design, and develop reliable and scalable networks. This Special Issue covers the most recent research results that address challenges of big data for networking. We received 45 submissions, and ultimately nine high quality papers, organized into two groups, have been selected for inclusion in this Special Issue.


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ABSTRACT World Heritage sites provide a glimpse into the stories and civilizations of the past. There are currently 1007 unique World Heritage properties with 779 being classified as cultural sites, 197 as natural sites, and 31 falling into the categories of both cultural and natural sites (UNESCO & World Heritage Centre, 1992-2015). However, of these 1007 World Heritage sites, at least 46 are categorized as in danger and this number continues to grow. These unique and irreplaceable sites are exceptional because of their universality. Consequently, since World Heritage sites belong to all the people of the world and provide inspiration and admiration to all who visit them, it is our responsibility to help preserve these sites. The key form of preservation involves the individual monitoring of each site over time. While traditional methods are still extremely valuable, more recent advances in the field of geographic and spatial technologies including geographic information systems (GIS), laser scanning, and remote sensing, are becoming more beneficial for the monitoring and overall safeguarding of World Heritage sites. Through the employment and analysis of more accurately detailed spatial data, World Heritage sites can be better managed. There is a strong urgency to protect these sites. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the importance of taking care of World Heritage sites and to depict a way in which spatial technologies can be used to monitor and in effect preserve World Heritage sites through the utilization of remote sensing imagery. The research conducted in this thesis centers on the Everglades National Park, a World Heritage site that is continually affected by changes in vegetation. Data used include Landsat satellite imagery that dates from 2001-2003, the Everglades' boundaries shapefile, and Google Earth imagery. In order to conduct the in-depth analysis of vegetation change within the selected World Heritage site, three main techniques were performed to study changes found within the imagery. These techniques consist of conducting supervised classification for each image, incorporating a vegetation index known as Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI), and utilizing the change detection tool available in the Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) software. With the research and analysis conducted throughout this thesis, it has been shown that within the three year time span (2001-2003), there has been an overall increase in both areas of barren soil (5.760%) and areas of vegetation (1.263%) with a decrease in the percentage of areas classified as sparsely vegetated (-6.987%). These results were gathered through the use of the maximum likelihood classification process available in the ENVI software. The results produced by the change detection tool which further analyzed vegetation change correlate with the results produced by the classification method. As well, by utilizing the NDVI method, one is able to locate changes by selecting a specific area and comparing the vegetation index generated for each date. It has been found that through the utilization of remote sensing technology, it is possible to monitor and observe changes featured within a World Heritage site. Remote sensing is an extraordinary tool that can and should be used by all site managers and organizations whose goal it is to preserve and protect World Heritage sites. Remote sensing can be used to not only observe changes over time, but it can also be used to pinpoint threats within a World Heritage site. World Heritage sites are irreplaceable sources of beauty, culture, and inspiration. It is our responsibility, as citizens of this world, to guard these treasures.


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O objeto de estudo da presente pesquisa são as comunidades mediadas pela Internet (CMIs). Uma CMI consiste de um conjunto de pessoas que compartilham interesses e que, durante algum tempo, utilizam recursos em comum na Internet (por exemplo, um web site – objeto preferencial deste trabalho) para trocarem informações umas com as outras relativamente aos interesses compartilhados. A pesquisa realizada é exploratória e qualitativa, tendo feito uso de estudos de caso, pesquisa-ação e entrevistas em profundidade para estruturar uma base conceitual para as CMIs e reunir elementos relevantes a serem considerados quando da construção de web sites para as mesmas. Realizou-se estudo de caso de 5 (cinco) web sites de CMIs, a fim de serem identificadas as principais tecnologias e métodos em uso atualmente para a estruturação de web sites para CMIs. Na pesquisa-ação, 7 (sete) grupos de pessoas foram identificados e, para cada um, construiu-se 1 (um) web site, de modo que se ofereceu um espaço na Internet para a interação dos seus integrantes. A observação da interação das pessoas através dos web sites permitiu concluir-se que, dos sete grupos iniciais, apenas 1 (um) poderia ser caracterizado como CMI, conforme critérios de Jones (1997): associação sustentável, variedade de comunicadores, espaço virtual para a comunicação em grupo, e interatividade. Para as entrevistas em profundidade, elaborou-se um questionário com base no referencial teórico, nos estudos de caso e na pesquisa-ação, sendo aplicado a 17 (dezessete) pessoas (da única CMI e de dois dos sete grupos). O objetivo das entrevistas foi levantarem-se percepções sobre os web sites utilizados pelos grupos, percepções essas que, sob análise de conteúdo, ajudaram na formação de um conjunto de 12 (doze) recomendações para a construção de web sites para CMIs. As recomendações são de natureza diversa, mas deixam clara a necessidade de haver um entendimento profundo do contexto de uma CMI previamente ao projeto do seu web site.


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A pesquisa realizada avalia a relação entre o projeto de um Web Site1 comercial e o Flow, e a influência desse estado cognitivo sobre a comunicação de marketing do Site. É desenvolvida a partir de três perspectivas: perspectiva tecnológica do meio, mercadológica da organização e psicológica do usuário. O enfoque da pesquisa está voltado para a perspectiva humana, onde sugere que o Flow, um estado cognitivo decorrente de um processo de interação, traz reflexos positivos às comunicações de marketing de Web Sites comerciais. As três hipóteses levantadas para responder a questão de pesquisa são: H1: As características do design gráfico e arquitetura do Web Site influenciam no nível da experimentação do Flow. H2: O usuário que experimenta o Flow interage com mais profundidade com o ambiente mediado, visitando mais páginas e permanecendo mais tempo no Web Site e, por conseqüência, ficando mais exposto as comunicações emanadas pelo Site. H3: A experimentação do Flow aumenta a probabilidade do usuário avaliar positivamente o Site, aumenta a sua predisposição em retornar ao Site ou recomendá-lo a terceiros. A pesquisa empregou um método quase experimental, utilizando como instrumento um site experimental e para os testes e análises um grupo de teste e um grupo de controle. Os resultados obtidos concluem que, primeiro, as características do design e da 1 Os termos em língua inglesa apresentados ao longo deste trabalho encontram-se no glossário. VIII arquitetura do Web Site estimulam a experimentação do Flow. Segundo, o indivíduo que experimenta o fenômeno detém-se por mais tempo no Site. E terceiro, o usuário que experimenta o Flow tende a uma atitude positiva em relação ao Site.


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Foi realizado um estudo de caso exploratório, visando mapear a demanda por informações em um site Web mantido por uma organização de P&D para o agronegócio. Os dados utilizados consistiram na seqüência de clicks (clickstream) realizados por visitantes entre as páginas do site, e nas palavras-chave (keywords) inseridas no seu mecanismo de busca. Procurou-se abordar a análise considerando as estatísticas gerais de acesso oriundas do domínio ".br", as primeiras ações dos visitantes ao acessar a página principal e as necessidades explícitas por informações, simbolizadas pelas palavras-chaves utilizadas para busca no site. A discussão dos resultados foi orientada à descoberta de conhecimentos que pudessem elevar o nível de personalização e customização do site estudado, ressaltando-se, entre os quais, o mapeamento das origens das visitas ao site, da distribuição das sessões ao longo de diferentes janelas de tempo, das preferências primárias de navegação dos visitantes através dos links do site e das necessidades explícitas por informação relacionada ao tema do site. Considerando o contexto atual, onde cada vez mais as organizações tenderão a buscar e interagir com clientes e parceiros através da Web, pode-se concluir que o estudo revelou aspectos úteis relacionados as atividades de transferência de tecnologia e marketing para a organização em estudo.


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A adoção da Internet como solução para o desenvolvimento de negócios tem estado entre as principais preocupações de empresas que desejam explorar novas tecnologias. Na rede, as oportunidades para a condução de negócios aumentam substancialmente, provocando a necessidade das empresas acompanharem as alterações em seu ambiente de negócios, atuando de forma a obter vantagem competitiva. Com a presença na Internet através de sites, elas buscam alternativas que implementem soluções para esta nova realidade. Para explorar estas novas oportunidades, é fundamental a identificação de aspectos que permitam o direcionamento de esforços e recursos, seja em caráter estrutural, organizacional ou técnico. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa procura contribuir sobre a compreensão da Internet e suas diversas formas de aplicação. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória realizada em duas empresas através do método de estudo de casos em campo, a qual procurou investigar a influência da Internet em negócios empresariais através da identificação e caracterização de elementos para análise de sites, permitindo analisar a maneira como as empresas podem utilizar-se desta tecnologia para a condução de seus negócios. A caracterização dos elementos deu-se a partir das técnicas de análise léxica e análise de conteúdo dos dados obtidos a partir de entrevistas nas empresas. As categorias geradas através da análise qualitativa permitiram a operacionalização da grade de análise, a qual oferece uma solução para tornar uniforme o procedimento geral de observação de empresas na Internet a partir de seus sites, apresentando elementos e dimensões que permitem operacionalizar alguns dos aspectos a serem observados para a adoção da Internet por empresas. Os resultados gerados permitem concluir que a Internet influencia as atividades das empresas, permitindo-as atuar de forma competitiva em seu ambiente.