995 resultados para neotropical wasp
Polydnaviruses are essential for the survival of many Ichneumonoid endoparasitoids, providing active immune suppression of the host in which parasitoid larvae develop. The Cotesia rubecula bracovirus is unique among polydnaviruses in that only four major genes are detected in parasitized host ( Pieris rapae) tissues, and gene expression is transient. Here we describe a novel C. rubecula bracovirus gene (CrV3) encoding a lectin monomer composed of 159 amino acids, which has conserved residues consistent with invertebrate and mammalian C-type lectins. Bacterially expressed CrV3 agglutinated sheep red blood cells in a divalent ion-dependent but Ca2+-independent manner. Agglutination was inhibited by EDTA but not by biological concentrations of any saccharides tested. Two monomers of similar to14 and similar to17 kDa in size were identified on SDS-PAGE in parasitized P. rapae larvae. The 17-kDa monomer was found to be an N-glyscosylated form of the 14-kDa monomer. CrV3 is produced in infected hemocytes and fat body cells and subsequently secreted into hemolymph. We propose that CrV3 is a novel lectin, the first characterized from an invertebrate virus. CrV3 shows over 60% homology with hypothetical proteins isolated from polydnaviruses in two other Cotesia wasps, indicating that these proteins may also be C-type lectins and that a novel polydnavirus lectin family exists in Cotesia-associated bracoviruses. CrV3 is probably interacting with components in host hemolymph, resulting in suppression of the Pieris immune response. The high similarity of CrV3 with invertebrate lectins, as opposed to those from viruses, may indicate that some bracovirus functions were acquired from their hosts.
Insects are important vectors of diseases with remarkable immune defense capabilities. Hymenopteran endoparasitoids are adapted to overcome the host defense system and, therefore, are useful sources of immune-suppressing proteins. Not much is known about venom proteins in endoparasitoids, especially those that have a functional relationship with polydnaviruses (PDVs). Here, we describe the isolation and characterization of a small venom protein (Vn4.6) from an endoparositoid, Cotesia rubecula, which interferes with the activation of the host hemolymph prophenoloxidose. The coding region for Vn4.6 is located upstream in the opposite direction of a gene coding for a C rubecula PDV-protein (Crp32). Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 53:92-100, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The gregarious braconid wasp Cotesia congregata parasitizes host larvae of Manduca sexta, and several other sphingid species. Parasitism induces host immunosuppression due to the disruptive action of the wasp's polydnavirus (PDV) on host blood cells. During the initial stages of parasitism, these cells undergo apoptosis followed by cell clumping, which clears the hemolymph of a large number of cells. In this study, the persistence and expression of Cotesia congregata PDV (CcPDV) were examined using Southern and Nor-them blots, respectively. Digoxygenin-labelled total polydnaviral DNA was used to probe genomic DNA isolated from fat body and brains of hosts with emerged wasps taken 6 days following egress of the parasitoids, and significant cross-hybridization between the host fat body genomic DNA with viral DNA was seen. Thus, the virus persists in the host for the duration of parasitism. even during the post-emergence period, and may even be integrated in the host caterpillar DNA. Viral gene expression was examined using Northern blots and probes to the Cotesia rubecula CrV1 homolog, and the CrV1-like mRNAs were expressed as early as 4 h post-parasitization for at least 72 h and faint hybrization is even seen at the time the wasps eclose. In contrast, in Pieris rapae larvae the CrV1 transcript is expressed only for a brief time, during which time hemocyte function is disrupted. The effect is transitory, and hemocytes regain their normal functions after the parasites emerge as first instars. The genome of CcPDV contains one copy of the CrV1-like homolog as shown on Southern blots of viral genomic DNA. In conjunction with our earlier studies of the PDV-encoded early protein 1, the current work suggests multiple viral transcripts are produced following parasitization of the host. and likely target host hemocytes to induce their apoptosis, thereby preventing encapsulation of the parasitoid's eggs. Whether viral DNAs are integrated in the host's genomic DNA remains to be proven, but our results provide preliminary evidence that viral DNAs are detected in the host's fat body cells examined at the time of wasp ernergence and several days later. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Kuhlmanniodendron Fiaschi & Groppo, a new genus of the tribe Lindackerieae (Achariaceae sensu lato) is created to accommodate Carpotroche apterocarpa Kuhlm, a species previously described based on incomplete floriferous and fruiting material from the rainforests of Espirito Santo state, eastern Brazil. The genus is defined by a unique set of character states, including leaves with Clusia-like venation and scaly trichomes, flowers with glabrous stamen filaments and three free styles, and indehiscent fruits with a smooth surface (sometimes with vertical ribs when dried). A description and illustration are provided, with comments on geographical distribution, phenology and generic relationships, and an emended key to neotropical genera of Lindackerieae. (c) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.
Polybia scutellaris constructs huge nests characterized by numerous spinal projections on the surface. We investigated the thermal characteristics of P scutellaris nests in order to determine whether their nest temperature is homeothermically maintained and whether the spines play a role in the thermoregulation of the nests. In order to examine these hypotheses, we measured the nest temperature in a active nest and in an abandoned nest. The temperature in the active nest was almost stable at 27 degrees C, whereas that of the abandoned nest varied with changes in the ambient temperature, suggesting that nest temperature was maintained by the thermogenesis of colony individuals. In order to predict the thermal properties of the spines, a numerical simulation was employed. To construct a 3D-model of a P scutellaris nest, the nest architecture was simplified into an outer envelope and the surface spines, for both of which the initial temperature was set at 27 degrees C. The physical properties of the simulated nest were regarded to be those of wood since the nest of this species is constructed from plant materials. When the model was exposed to cool air (12 degrees C), the temperature was lower in the models with more spines. On the other hand, when the nest was heated (42 degrees C), the temperature increase was smaller in models with more spines. It is suggested that the spines act as a heat radiator, not as an insulator, against the changes in ambient temperature.
Paratrizygia Tonnoir was originally described for P. conformis, from Australia, and since then only four species have been added to the genus, from Chile and Southern Argentina. We add four new species to the genus Paratrizygia-P. balbii sp. nov., P. alvesi sp. nov., P. camargoi sp. nov., and P. albidens sp.nov.-from the southern part of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Comments are made about the possible relationships of the Brazilian and other Neotropical species of the genus. An identification key to the Neotropical species of the genus is provided.
A second species of the genus Eratomyia Amorim & Rindal-E. risaralda, sp. n.-is described from Risaralda, Colombia, based on one male and three females. The female of Eratomyia is described for the first time. A number of striking modifications in the female terminalia shared with Chiletricha Chandler support the hypothesis that they are sister genera within the Rangomaramidae. The position of Chiletricha and Eratomyia within the Chiletrichinae is discussed.
We report here genome sequences and comparative analyses of three closely related parasitoid wasps: Nasonia vitripennis, N. giraulti, and N. longicornis. Parasitoids are important regulators of arthropod populations, including major agricultural pests and disease vectors, and Nasonia is an emerging genetic model, particularly for evolutionary and developmental genetics. Key findings include the identification of a functional DNA methylation tool kit; hymenopteran-specific genes including diverse venoms; lateral gene transfers among Pox viruses, Wolbachia, and Nasonia; and the rapid evolution of genes involved in nuclear-mitochondrial interactions that are implicated in speciation. Newly developed genome resources advance Nasonia for genetic research, accelerate mapping and cloning of quantitative trait loci, and will ultimately provide tools and knowledge for further increasing the utility of parasitoids as pest insect-control agents.
A new species of Almeidea (Rutaceae) belonging to the neotropical tribe Galipeeae (subtribe Galipeinae) is described and illustrated. This new species, Almeidea albiflora, is known so far only from a few collections made in small disturbed forest remnants in the vicinity of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, in the state of Espirito Santo, and by a single collection from northern Rio de Janeiro state, both in the domain of the Atlantic Forest, Eastern Brazil. Diagnostic features, like white petals, sericeous ovary and distal secondary axes as long as the proximal ones are identified. Pollen morphology is also described, and brief discussions of the relationships of the new taxon to other species of Almeidea, as well as comments on its conservation status, are provided.
Four new species of Paraclius Loew from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest are described and illustrated: P. amphiatheratus, sp. nov., P. parenti, sp. nov., P. sagittatus, sp. nov., and P. dicrophallus, sp. nov. The condition of their enlarged sperm pump, also seen in the Neotropical genus Cheiromyia Dyte, is briefly discussed. Comments on the phylogenetic position of Cheiromyia are presented in light of new data from female terminalia of that genus.
The thermal characteristics of a colony of Apoica flavissima, an epiponine wasp, were examined. The nest, with a diameter of slightly less than 30 cm, was built on a twig of an orange tree. The temperature of the roof surface fluctuated greatly, ranging between 19.1 and 41.5 degrees C. However, the temperature in the central cell was kept constant at around 27 degrees C throughout a day. Although heavy rain pelted the nest roof in the morning, the central cell maintained temperatures higher than 25 degrees C. On the contrary, after all immature and adult wasps were removed the temperature in the nest fluctuated considerably. The presence of immature individuals and adult wasps densely covering the under surface of the comb seemed to function as an effective insulator. The smaller temperature fluctuation in the central cell than on the roof surface, when the nest was in the empty state, suggests that the thick spongy tissue of the roof made from curled plant leaf hairs serves as an insulator to prevent the conduction of solar heat into the cells and the outward flow of heat generated in cells, especially at night.
Decevania Huben currently comprises 13 species, the females of which are known for only four. Herein an additional Neotropical Decevania is newly described: Decevania feitosai Kawada, sp. n. from Colombia. The description and identification key were made using the DELTA program. A pictorial key to females of Decevania is provided. Anatomical terminology follows the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology project with an atlas for terminologies used for recognition of Decevania species. The distribution maps can be accessed in Google Maps or through of Dryad (repository of data).
Geographic call variation and further notes on habitat of Ameerega flavopicta (Anura, Dendrobatidae)
We describe habitat and inter-populational call variation of the dendrobatid frog Ameerega flavopicta. Data were collected in the Brazilian states ofminas Gerais and Goias. Principal component analysis separated the Goias population from others because of its higher call rates and shorter calls. The Paranaiba Rivermay represent themajor geographic barrier. We recognize the cephalic amplexus as themain type for the species. Although habitat disturbances increased since 1990, we did not notice differences in the density of callingmales at Serra do Cipo. Ameerega flavopicta appears to be quite resistant to alterations in its natural habitats caused by human activities.
The genus Simothraulopsis contains three described species, one of which occurs in Brazil. The new species Simothraulopsis diamantinensis sp. n. and Simothraulopsis janae sp. n. are figured and described from male imagines. The main discriminating character of these two new species from their congeners is the fused forceps socket. The material was collected in Bahia State in northeastern Brazil.
In 1996, Lugo-Ortiz McCafferty described the species Traverella longifrons from Costa Rica based on nymphs previously known under the informal epithet Traverella sp. B Allen (1973) from Honduras and Mexico. Here the imago of T. longifrons Lugo-Ortiz McCafferty (1996) is described based on reared material from Panama and additional material from Honduras.