971 resultados para mouth of Shark River
In Charon or the Inspectors we find the ferryman of the underworld on earth, talking to the god Hermes about wealth, happiness, and the vain human striving for material goods. The piece has been considered to be an example of Menippean satire inside the corpus of Lucian"s works. Homeric poetry is always in the background. Lucian uses Homeric verses, or rather, verses structured in the Homeric manner, to formulate his critical view of the mortal world; in addition, he puts these verses into the mouth of a character who must temporarily give up his job as a ferryman in order to practise the art of rhapsody. This paper analyses a textual problem: the two variants in Cont. 7 referring to Homer in the manuscript tradition. In a context in which Lucian wants to make fun not just of foolish humans but also of the Greek poet par excellence, the reading of the ueteres seems more appropriate because it illustrates better Lucian"s parodic intention in recalling Homer and in trying to adapt form and content to the Greek tradition.
River bifurcations are key nodes within braided river systems controlling the flow and sediment partitioning and therefore the dynamics of the river braiding process. Recent research has shown that certain geometrical configurations induce instabilities that lead to downstream mid-channel bar formation and the formation of bifurcations. However, we currently have a poor understanding of the flow division process within bifurcations and the flow dynamics in the downstream bifurcates, both of which are needed to understand bifurcation stability. This paper presents results of a numerical sensitivity experiment undertaken using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with the purpose of understanding the flow dynamics of a series of idealized bifurcations. A geometric sensitivity analysis is undertaken for a range of channel slopes (0.005 to 0.03), bifurcation angles (22 degrees to 42 degrees) and a restricted set of inflow conditions based upon simulating flow through meander bends with different curvature on the flow field dynamics through the bifurcation. The results demonstrate that the overall slope of the bifurcation affects the velocity of flow through the bifurcation and when slope asymmetry is introduced, the flow structures in the bifurcation are modified. In terms of bifurcation evolution the most important observation appears to be that once slope asymmetry is greater than 0.2 the flow within the steep bifurcate shows potential instability and the potential for alternate channel bar formation. Bifurcation angle also defines the flow structures within the bifurcation with an increase in bifurcation angle increasing the flow velocity down both bifurcates. However, redistributive effects of secondary circulation caused by upstream curvature can very easily counter the effects of local bifurcation characteristics. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The objective of this study was to develop guidelines for use of the Iowa Vanes technique for sediment control in bridge waterways. Iowa Vanes are small flow-training structures (foils) designed to modify the near-bed flow pattern and redistribute flow and sediment transport within the channel cross section. The structures are installed at an angleof attack of 15 - 25' with the flow, and their initial height is 0.2 - 0.5 times water depth at design stage. The vanes function by generating secondary circulation in the flow. The circulation alters magnitude and direction of the bed shear stress and causes a reduction in velocity and sediment transport in the vane controlled area. As a result, the river bed aggrades in the vane controlled area and degrades outside. This report summarizes the basic theory, describes results of laboratory and field tests, and presents the resulting design procedure. Design graphs have been developed based on the theory. The graphs are entered with basic flow variables and desired bed topography. The output is vane layout and design. The procedure is illustrated with two numerical examples prepared with data that are typical for many rivers in Iowa and the midwest. The report also discusses vane material. In most applications, the vane height will be between 30% and 50% of bankfull flow depth and the vane length will be two to three times vane height. The vanes will be placed in arrays along the bank of the river. Each array will contain two or more vanes. The vanes in an array will be spaced laterally a distance of two to three times vane height. The streamwise spacing between the arrays will be 15 to 30 times vane height, and the vane-to-bank distance will be three to four times vane height. The study also show that the first (most upstream) array in the vane system must be located a distance of at least three array spacings upstream from the bridge, and there must be at least three arrays in the system for it to be effective at and downstream from the third array.
Atmophytic Cyanophyta and Algae from limestone substrata. The walls of caves and tombs support an abundant colonization of light-dependent organisms. A total of 4 liverworts, 3 mosses, 7 lichens and 28 cyanophyta and algae are reported from 3 collecting sites. The development and specific composition of these organisms is related to microclimatic parameters. Opportunistic species present in soils are found on the mouth of hypogeal niches. Light attenuation allows the development of calcifying cyanophyta following a succesional pattern, each level having a different dominant species. Communities dominated by Scytonema julianum are replaced by Herpyzonema pulverulentum and, towards the less iluminated area, by Geitleria calcarea and Loriella sp. Key words: Caves, Light attenuation, Non vascular plants, Colonization, Calcifying cyanophyta, Scytonema julianum, Herpyzonema pulverulentum, Geitleria calcarea, Chlorophyta, Diatoms, Microclimatic gradient.
The alliance Agropyro-Rumicion in the eastern half of the IberianPyrenees. This alliance, related to eurosiberian landscapes, is represented in the studied area by three associations, all them inhabiting wet and ruderalized soils: Mentho-Juncetum (very frequent and chiefly formed by Juncus inflexus and Mentha longifolia), Festuco-Caricetum (more sporadic and grassland-shaped) and Rorippo-Agrostietum (only recorded from the upper part of the river Ter, dominated by the rare Rorippa sylvestris and more or less related to the alliance Bidention in some way).
Question: How do clonal traits of a locally dominant grass (Elymus repens (L.) Gould.) respond to soil heterogeneity and shape spatial patterns of its tillers? How do tiller spatial patterns constrain seedling recruitment within the community?Locations: Artificial banks of the River Rhone, France.Material and Methods: We examined 45 vegetation patches dominated by Elymus repens. During a first phase we tested relationships between soil variables and three clonal traits (spacer length, number of clumping tillers and branching rate), and between the same clonal traits and spatial patterns (i.e. density and degree of spatial aggregation) of tillers at a very fine scale. During a second phase, we performed a sowing experiment to investigate effects of density and spatial patterns of E. repens on recruitment of eight species selected from the regional species pool.Results: Clonal traits had clear effects - especially spacer length - on densification and aggregation of E. repens tillers and, at the same time, a clear response of these same clonal traits as soil granulometry changed. The density and degree of aggregation of E. repens tillers was positively correlated to total seedling cover and diversity at the finest spatial scales.Conclusions: Spatial patterning of a dominant perennial grass responds to soil heterogeneity through modifications of its clonal morphology as a trade-off between phalanx and guerrilla forms. In turn, spatial patterns have strong effects on abundance and diversity of seedlings. Spatial patterns of tillers most probably led to formation of endogenous gaps in which the recruitment of new plant individuals was enhanced. Interestingly, we also observed more idiosyncratic effects of tiller spatial patterns on seedling cover and diversity when focusing on different growth forms of the sown species.
El trasvase del Ter ha sido fundamental para el abastecimiento de parte del área metropolitana de Barcelona. Sin embargo, un aspecto determinante para su ejecución ha pasado desapercibido: la existencia de unos ríos menores como la Muga y el Fluviá, vecinos del Ter, que facilitaron la toma de esa controvertida decisión. El artículo analiza su influencia y aporta una novedad en la temática que es la del enfoque territorial del trasvase, no tanto desde la óptica del entorno metropolitano o del conjunto de Cataluña, sino desde la perspectiva interna de los propios ríos gerundenses
[spa]La Misión Indígena fue inaugurada en el año 1901, en la zona del río Pilcomayo del Territorio Nacional de Formosa, precisamente al costado de la concesión paraguaya otorgada a Elisa (Elizabeth Alicia) Lynch. Desde entonces, fue trasladada, primero a Tacaaglé en 1902, donde adquirió el nombre de Misión San Francisco Solano, y posteriormente, en 1915, al riacho El Porteño. Los misioneros franciscanos asumieron la tarea de formar a “colonos indígenas” tobas y pilagás para la producción de azúcar. Se analiza la evolución de la Misión franciscana y el impacto de la llegada del Ferrocarril de Formosa a Embarcación (F.C.F.E.). La documentación utilizada se encuentra en la Biblioteca y Archivo Históricos de la Provincia Franciscana de San Miguel, del Museo Conventual de San Carlos Borromeo ubicado en San Lorenzo, Provincia de Santa Fe
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una serie de indicacores de la gestión del agua en área regada por los canales del Urgell (Lleida), en el ámbito de la cuenca del río Corb de 36350 ha. De la recopilación de 33 evaluaciones de riego al nivel de parcela se observa que en los suelos asentados sobre gravas se da una muy baja eficiencia de aplicación (EA), del 32% de media, mientras que en los suelos sobre lutitas es del 80% de media; pudiéndose dar como cifra promedio de la zona un 43%.
El present treball pretén donar llum a una sèrie de topònims majors de la Ribagorça occidental, tot al llarg de la vall mitjana i inferior del riu Éssera. Aquests topònims es remunten a temps molt antics: preromans, romans i germànics bàsicament. Aquesta anàlisi permet apreciar l'estratigrafi a lingüística de la zona. La no-aparició de topònims d'origen àrab en el nostre treball no vol dir que no hi hagués penetració àrab a la zona, sinó que la seva arribada va ser posterior a la creació dels principals nuclis de població. Sí que hi ha topònims àrabs a la toponímia menor, que resta fora del present treball.