1000 resultados para morphotype characterization


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16th International Conference on Positron Annihilation (ICPA) Univ Bristol, H H Wills Phys Lab, Bristol, ENGLAND AUG 19-24, 2012 Edited by:Alam, A; Coleman, P; Dugdale, S; Roussenova, M


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Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) is usually considered as a dielectric material and the PDMS microchannel wall can be treated as an electrically insulated boundary in an applied electric field. However, in certain layouts of microfluidic networks, electrical leakage through the PDMS microfluidic channel walls may not be negligible, which must be carefully considered in the microfluidic circuit design. In this paper, we report on the experimental characterization of the electrical leakage current through PDMS microfluidic channel walls of different configurations. Our numerical and experimental studies indicate that for tens of microns thick PDMS channel walls, electrical leakage through the PDMS wall could significantly alter the electrical field in the main channel. We further show that we can use the electrical leakage through the PDMS microfluidic channel wall to control the electrolyte flow inside the microfluidic channel and manipulate the particle motion inside the microfluidic channel. More specifically, we can trap individual particles at different locations inside the microfluidic channel by balancing the electroosmotic flow and the electrophoretic migration of the particle.


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Shear banding characterization of Zr64.13Cu15.75Ni10.12Al10 and Zr65Cu15Ni10Al10 bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with significant difference in inherent plasticity and quite similar chemical composition was studied by depth sensitive macroindentaion tests with conical indenter. Well-developed shear band pattern can be found for both BMGs after indentation. Distinct difference in the shear band spacing, scale of plastic deformation region and the shear band branching in the two BMGs account for the different plasticity.


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A process of laser cladding Ni-CF-C-CaF2 mixed powders to form a multifunctional composite coatingd on gamma-TiAl substrate was carried out. The microstructure of the coating was examined using XRD, SEM and EDS. The coating has a unique microstructure consisting of primary dendrite or short-stick TiC and block Al4C3 carbides reinforcement as well as fine isolated spherical CaF2 solid lubrication particles uniformly dispersed in the NiCrAlTi (gamma) matrix. The average microhardness of the composite coatings is approximately HV 650 and it is 2-factor greater than that of the TiAl substrate. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A variety of molecular approaches have been used to investigate the structural and enzymatic properties of rat brain type ll Ca^(2+) and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (type ll CaM kinase). This thesis describes the isolation and biochemical characterization of a brain-region specific isozyme of the kinase and also the regulation the kinase activity by autophosphorylation.

The cerebellar isozyme of the type ll CaM kinase was purified and its biochemical properties were compared to the forebrain isozyme. The cerebellar isozyme is a large (500-kDa) multimeric enzyme composed of multiple copies of 50-kDa α subunits and 60/58-kDa β/β’ subunits. The holoenzyme contains approximately 2 α subunits and 8 β subunits. This contrasts to the forebrain isozyme, which is also composed of and β/β'subunits, but they are assembled into a holoenzyme of approximately 9 α subunits and 3 β/β ' subunits. The biochemical and enzymatic properties of the two isozymes are similar. The two isozymes differ in their association with subcellular structures. Approximately 85% of the cerebellar isozyme, but only 50% of the forebrain isozyme, remains associated with the particulate fraction after homogenization under standard conditions. Postsynaptic densities purified from forebrain contain the forebrain isozyme, and the kinase subunits make up about 16% of their total protein. Postsynaptic densities purified from cerebellum contain the cerebellar isozyme, but the kinase subunits make up only 1-2% of their total protein.

The enzymatic activity of both isozymes of the type II CaM kinase is regulated by autophosphorylation in a complex manner. The kinase is initially completely dependent on Ca^(2+)/calmodulin for phosphorylation of exogenous substrates as well as for autophosphorylation. Kinase activity becomes partially Ca^(2+) independent after autophosphorylation in the presence of Ca^(2+)/calmodulin. Phosphorylation of only a few subunits in the dodecameric holoenzyme is sufficient to cause this change, suggesting an allosteric interaction between subunits. At the same time, autophosphorylation itself becomes independent of Ca^(2+) These observations suggest that the kinase may be able to exist in at least two stable states, which differ in their requirements for Ca^(2+)/calmodulin.

The autophosphorylation sites that are involved in the regulation of kinase activity have been identified within the primary structure of the α and β subunits. We used the method of reverse phase-HPLC tryptic phosphopeptide mapping to isolate individual phosphorylation sites. The phosphopeptides were then sequenced by gas phase microsequencing. Phosphorylation of a single homologous threonine residue in the α and β subunits is correlated with the production of the Ca^(2+) -independent activity state of the kinase. In addition we have identified several sites that are phosphorylated only during autophosphorylation in the absence of Ca^(2+)/ calmodulin.


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The author has constructed a synthetic gene for ∝-lytic protease. Since the DNA sequence of the protein is not known, the gene was designed by using the reverse translation of ∝-lytic protease's amino acid sequence. Unique restriction sites are carefully sought in the degenerate DNA sequence to aid in future mutagenesis studies. The unique restriction sites are designed approximately 50 base pairs apart and their appropriate codons used in the DNA sequence. The codons used to construct the DNA sequence of ∝-lytic protease are preferred codons in E-coli or used in the production of β-lactamase. Codon usage is also distributed evenly to ensure that one particular codon is not heavily used. The gene is essentially constructed from the outside in. The gene is built in a stepwise fashion using plasmids as the vehicles for the ∝-lytic oligomers. The use of plasmids allows the replication and isolation of large quantities of the intermediates during gene synthesis. The ∝-lytic DNA is a double-stranded oligomer that has sufficient overhang and sticky ends to anneal correctly in the vector. After six steps of incorporating ∝-lytic DNA, the gene is completed and sequenced to ensure that the correct DNA sequence is present and that no mutations occurred in the structural gene.

β-lactamase is the other serine hydrolase studied in this thesis. The author used the class A RTEM-1 β- lactamase encoded on the plasmid pBR322 to investigate the roll of the conserved threonine residue at position 71. Cassette mutagenesis was previously used to generate all possible amino acid substitutions at position 71. The work presented here describes the purification and kinetic characterization of a T71H mutant previously constructed by S. Schultz. The mutated gene was transferred into plasmid pJN for expression and induced with IPTG. The enzyme is purified by column chromatography and FPLC to homogeneity. Kinetic studies reveal that the mutant has lower k_(cat) values on benzylpenicillin, cephalothin and 6-aminopenicillanic acid but no changes in k_m except for cephalothin which is approximately 4 times higher. The mutant did not change siginificantly in its pH profile compared to the wild-type enzyme. Also, the mutant is more sensitive to thermal denaturation as compared to the wild-type enzyme. However, experimental evidence indicates that the probable generation of a positive charge at position 71 thermally stabilized the mutant.


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Previous studies have shown that the glycoproteins containing the fucose moiety are involved in neuronal communication phenomena such as long-term potentiation and memory formation. These results imply that fucose containing glycoproteins might play an important role in learning and memory. To understand the role of fucose in neuronal communication, and the mechanisms by which fucose may be involved in information storage, the identification of fucosylproteins is essential. This report describes the identification and characterization of fucosylproteins in the brain, which will provide new insights into the role of the fucose involved molecular interactions.


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Methodology for the preparation of allenes from propargylic hydrazine precursors under mild conditions is described. Oxidation of the propargylic hydrazines, which can be readily prepared from propargylic alcohols, with either of two azo oxidants, diethyl azodicarboxylate (DEAD) or 4-methyl 1,2-triazoline-3,5-dione (MTAD), effects conversion to the allenes, presumably via sigmatropic rearrangement of a monoalkyl diazene intermediate. This rearrangement is demonstrated to proceed with essentially complete stereospecificity. The application of this methodology to the preparation of other allenes, including two that are notable for their reactivity and thermal instability, is also described.

The structural and mechanistic study of a monoalkyl diazene intermediate in the oxidative transformation of propargylic hydrazines to allenes is described. The use of long-range heteronuclear NMR coupling constants for assigning monoalkyl diazene stereochemistry (E vs Z) is also discussed. Evidence is presented that all known monoalkyl diazenes are the E isomers, and the erroneous assignment of stereochemistry in the previous report of the preparation of (Z)-phenyldiazene is discussed.

The synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of 1,6-didehydro[10]annulene are described. This molecule has been recognized as an interesting synthetic target for over 40 years and represents the intersection of two sets of extensively studied molecules: nonbenzenoid aromatic compounds and molecules containing sterically compressed π-systems.The formation of 1,5-dehydronaphthalene from 1 ,6-didehydro[10]annulene is believed to be the prototype for cycloaromatizations that produce 1,4-dehydroaromatic species with the radical centers disposed anti about the newly formed single bond. The aromaticity of this annulene and the facility of its cycloaromatization are also analyzed.


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The material presented in this thesis concerns the growth and characterization of III-V semiconductor heterostructures. Studies of the interactions between bound states in coupled quantum wells and between well and barrier bound states in AlAs/GaAs heterostructures are presented. We also demonstrate the broad array of novel tunnel structures realizable in the InAs/GaSb/AlSb material system. Because of the unique broken-gap band alignment of InAs/GaSb these structures involve transport between the conduction- and valence-bands of adjacent layers. These devices possess a wide range of electrical properties and are fundamentally different from conventional AlAs/GaAs tunnel devices. We report on the fabrication of a novel tunnel transistor with the largest reported room temperature current gains. We also present time-resolved studies of the growth fronts of InAs/GainSb strained layer superlattices and investigations of surface anion exchange reactions.

Chapter 2 covers tunneling studies of conventional AlAs/GaAs RTD's. The results of two studies are presented: (i) A test of coherent vs. sequential tunneling in triple barrier heterostructures, (ii) An optical measurement of the effect of barrier X-point states on Γ-point well states. In the first it was found if two quantum wells are separated by a sufficiently thin barrier, then the eigenstates of the system extend coherently across both wells and the central barriers. For thicker barriers between the wells, the electrons become localized in the individual wells and transport is best described by the electrons hopping between the wells. In the second, it was found that Γ-point well states and X-point barrier states interact strongly. The barrier X-point states modify the energies of the well states and increase the escape rate for carriers in the quantum well.

The results of several experimental studies of a novel class of tunnel devices realized in the InAs/GaSb/AlSb material system are presented in Chapter 3. These interband tunnel structures involve transport between conduction- and valence-band states in adjacent material layers. These devices are compared and contrasted with the conventional AlAs/GaAs structures discussed in Chapter 2 and experimental results are presented for both resonant and nonresonant devices. These results are compared with theoretical simulations and necessary extensions to the theoretical models are discussed.

In chapter 4 experimental results from a novel tunnel transistor are reported. The measured current gains in this transistor exceed 100 at room temperature. This is the highest reported gain at room temperature for any tunnel transistor. The device is analyzed and the current conduction and gain mechanisms are discussed.

Chapters 5 and 6 are studies of the growth of structures involving layers with different anions. Chapter 5 covers the growth of InAs/GainSb superlattices for far infrared detectors and time resolved, in-situ studies of their growth fronts. It was found that the bandgap of superlattices with identical layer thicknesses and compositions varied by as much as 40 meV depending on how their internal interfaces are formed. The absorption lengths in superlattices with identical bandgaps but whose interfaces were formed in different ways varied by as much as a factor of two. First the superlattice is discussed including an explanation of the device and the complications involved in its growth. The experimental technique of reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) is reviewed, and the results of RHEED studies of the growth of these complicated structures are presented. The development of a time resolved, in-situ characterization of the internal interfaces of these superlattices is described. Chapter 6 describes the result of a detailed study of some of the phenomena described in chapter 5. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies of anion exchange reactions on the growth fronts of these superlattices are reported. Concurrent RHEED studies of the same physical systems studied with XPS are presented. Using the RHEED and XPS results, a real-time, indirect measurement of surface exchange reactions was developed.


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A number of cell-cell interactions in the nervous system are mediated by immunoglobulin gene superfamily members. For example, neuroglian, a homophilic neural cell adhesion molecule in Drosophila, has an extracellular portion comprising six C- 2 type immunoglobulin-like domains followed by five fibronectin type III (FnIII) repeats. Neuroglian shares this domain organization and significant sequence identity with Ll, a murine neural adhesion molecule that could be a functional homologue. Here I report the crystal structure of a proteolytic fragment containing the first two FnIII repeats of neuroglian (NgFn 1,2) at 2.0Å. The interpretation of photomicrographs of rotary shadowed Ng, the entire extracellular portion of neuroglian, and NgFnl-5, the five neuroglian Fn III domains, is also discussed.

The structure of NgFn 1,2 consists of two roughly cylindrical β-barrel structural motifs arranged in a head-to-tail fashion with the domains meeting at an angle of ~120, as defined by the cylinder axes. The folding topology of each domain is identical to that previously observed for single FnIII domains from tenascin and fibronectin. The domains of NgFn1,2 are related by an approximate two fold screw axis that is nearly parallel to the longest dimension of the fragment. Assuming this relative orientation is a general property of tandem FnIII repeats, the multiple tandem FnIII domains in neuroglian and other proteins are modeled as thin straight rods with two domain zig-zag repeats. When combined with the dimensions of pairs of tandem immunoglobulin-like domains from CD4 and CD2, this model suggests that neuroglian is a long narrow molecule (20 - 30 Å in diameter) that extends up to 370Å from the cell surface.

In photomicrographs, rotary shadowed Ng and NgFn1-5 appear to be highly flexible rod-like molecules. NgFn 1-5 is observed to bend in at least two positions and has a mean total length consistent with models generated from the NgFn1,2 structure. Ng molecules have up to four bends and a mean total length of 392 Å, consistent with a head-to-tail packing of neuroglian's C2-type domains.


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This thesis describes research pursued in two areas, both involving the design and synthesis of sequence specific DNA-cleaving proteins. The first involves the use of sequence-specific DNA-cleaving metalloproteins to probe the structure of a protein-DNA complex, and the second seeks to develop cleaving moieties capable of DNA cleavage through the generation of a non-diffusible oxidant under physiological conditions.

Chapter One provides a brief review of the literature concerning sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. Chapter Two summarizes the results of affinity cleaving experiments using leucine zipper-basic region (bZip) DNA-binding proteins. Specifically, the NH_2-terminal locations of a dimer containing the DNA binding domain of the yeast transcriptional activator GCN4 were mapped on the binding sites 5'-CTGACTAAT-3' and 5'ATGACTCTT- 3' using affinity cleaving. Analysis of the DNA cleavage patterns from Fe•EDTA-GCN4(222-281) and (226-281) dimers reveals that the NH_2-termini are in the major groove nine to ten base pairs apart and symmetrically displaced four to five base pairs from the central C of the recognition site. These data are consistent with structural models put forward for this class of DNA binding proteins. The results of these experiments are evaluated in light of the recently published crystal structure for the GCN4-DNA complex. Preliminary investigations of affinity cleaving proteins based on the DNA-binding domains of the bZip proteins Jun and Fos are also described.

Chapter Three describes experiments demonstrating the simultaneous binding of GCN4(226-281) and 1-Methylimidazole-2-carboxamide-netropsin (2-ImN), a designed synthetic peptide which binds in the minor groove of DNA at 5'-TGACT-3' sites as an antiparallel, side-by-side dimer. Through the use of Fe•EDTA-GCN4(226-281) as a sequence-specific footprinting agent, it is shown that the dimeric protein GCN4(226-281) and the dimeric peptide 2- ImN can simultaneously occupy their common binding site in the major and minor grooves of DNA, respectively. The association constants for 2-ImN in the presence and in the absence of Fe•EDTA-GCN4(226-281) are found to be similar, suggesting that the binding of the two dimers is not cooperative.

Chapter Four describes the synthesis and characterization of PBA-β-OH-His- Hin(139-190), a hybrid protein containing the DNA-binding domain of Hin recombinase and the putative iron-binding and oxygen-activating domain of the antitumor antibiotic bleomycin. This 54-residue protein, comprising residues 139-190 of Hin recombinase with the dipeptide pyrimidoblamic acid-β-hydroxy-L-histidine (PBA-β-OH-His) at the NH2 terminus, was synthesized by solid phase methods. PBA-β-OH-His-Hin(139- 190) binds specifically to DNA at four distinct Hin binding sites with affinities comparable to those of the unmodified Hin(139-190). In the presence of dithiothreitol (DTT), Fe•PB-β-OH-His-Hin(139-190) cleaves DNA with specificity remarkably similar to that of Fe•EDTA-Hin(139-190), although with lower efficiency. Analysis of the cleavage pattern suggests that DNA cleavage is mediated through a diffusible species, in contrast with cleavage by bleomycin, which occurs through a non-diffusible oxidant.


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Redox-active ruthenium complexes have been covalently attached to the surface of a series of natural, semisynthetic and recombinant cytochromes c. The protein derivatives were characterized by a variety of spectroscopic techniques. Distant Fe^(2+) - Ru^(3+) electronic couplings were extracted from intramolecular electron-transfer rates in Ru(bpy)_2(im)HisX (where X= 33, 39, 62, and 72) derivatives of cyt c. The couplings increase according to 62 (0.0060) < 72 (0.057) < 33 (0.097) < 39 (0.11 cm^(-1)); however, this order is incongruent with histidine to heme edge-edge distances [62 (14.8) > 39 (12.3) > 33 (11.1) > =72 (8.4 Å)]. These results suggest the chemical nature of the intervening medium needs to be considered for a more precise evaluation of couplings. The rates (and couplings) correlate with the lengths of a-tunneling pathways comprised of covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds and through-space jumps from the histidines to the heme group. Space jumps greatly decrease couplings: one from Pro71 to Met80 extends the σ-tunneling length of the His72 pathway by roughly 10 covalent bond units. Experimental couplings also correlate well with those calculated using extended Hiickel theory to evaluate the contribution of the intervening protein medium.

Two horse heart cyt c variants incorporating the unnatural amino acids (S)-2- amino-3-(2,2'-bipyrid-6-yl)-propanoic acid (6Bpa) and (S)-2-amino-3-(2,2'-bipyrid-4-yl)propanoic acid ( 4Bpa) at position 72 have been prepared using semisynthetic protocols. Negligible perturbation of the protein structure results from this introduction of unnatural amino acids. Redox-active Ru(2,2'-bipyridine)_2^(2+) binds to 4Bpa72 cyt c but not to the 6Bpa protein. Enhanced ET rates were observed in the Ru(bpy)_2^(2+)-modified 4Bpa72 cyt c relative to the analogous His72 derivative. The rapid (< 60 nanosecond) photogeneration of ferrous Ru-modified 4Bpa72 cyt c in the conformationally altered alkaline state demonstrates that laser-induced ET can be employed to study submicrosecond protein-folding events.


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A novel Ca^(2+)-binding protein with Mr of 23 K (designated p23) has been identified in avian erythrocytes and thrombocytes. p23 localizes to the marginal bands (MBs), centrosomes and discrete sites around the nuclear membrane in mature avian erythrocytes. p23 appears to bind Ca^(2+) directly and its interaction with subcellular organelles seems to be modulated by intracellular [Ca^(2+)]. However, its unique protein sequence lacks any known Ca^(2+)-binding motif. Developmental analysis reveals that p23 association to its target structures occurs only at very late stages of bone marrow definitive erythropoeisis. In primitive erythroid cells, p23 distributes diffusely in the cytoplasm and lacks any distinct localization. It is postulated that p23 association to subcellular structures may be induced in part by decreased intracellular [Ca^(2+)]. In vitro and in vivo experiments indicate that p23 does not appear to act as a classical microtubule-associated protein (MAP) but p23 homologues appear to be expressed in MB-containing cells of a variety of species from different vertebrate classes. It has been hypothesized that p23 may play a regulatory role in MB stabilization in a Ca^(2+)-dependent manner.

Binucleated (bnbn) turkey erythrocytes were found to express a truncated p23 variant (designated p21) with identical subcellular localization as p23 except immunostaining reveals the presence of multi-centrosomes in bnbn cells. The p21 sequence has a 62 amino acid deletion at the C-terminus and must therefore have an additional ~40 amino acids at the N-terminus. In addition, p21 seems to have lost the ability to bind Ca^(2+) and its supramolecular interactions are not modulated by intracellular [Ca^(2+)]. These apparent differences between p23 and p21 raised the possibility that the p23/p21 allelism could be the Bn/bn genotype. However, genetic analysis suggested that p23/p21 allelism had no absolute correlation with the Bn/bn genotype.


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Acceptor-doped ceria has been recognized as a promising intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell electrode/electrolyte material. For practical implementation of ceria as a fuel cell electrolyte and for designing model experiments for electrochemical activity, it is necessary to fabricate thin films of ceria. Here, metal-organic chemical vapor deposition was carried out in a homemade reactor to grow ceria films for further electrical, electrochemical, and optical characterization. Doped/undoped ceria films are grown on single crystalline oxide wafers with/without Pt line pattern or Pt solid layer. Deposition conditions were varied to see the effect on the resultant film property. Recently, proton conduction in nanograined polycrystalline pellets of ceria drew much interest. Thickness-mode (through-plane, z-direction) electrical measurements were made to confirm the existence of proton conductivity and investigate the nature of the conduction pathway: exposed grain surfaces and parallel grain boundaries. Columnar structure presumably favors proton conduction, and we have found measurable proton conductivity enhancement. Electrochemical property of gas-columnar ceria interface on the hydrogen electrooxidation is studied by AC impedance spectroscopy. Isothermal gas composition dependence of the electrode resistance was studied to elucidate Sm doping level effect and microstructure effect. Significantly, preferred orientation is shown to affect the gas dependence and performance of the fuel cell anode. A hypothesis is proposed to explain the origin of this behavior. Lastly, an optical transmittance based methodology was developed to obtain reference refractive index and microstructural parameters (thickness, roughness, porosity) of ceria films via subsequent fitting procedure.


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The study examined the characterization of rural livelihood of the fishermen in the Nigeria portion of Lake Chad Basin are as part of European Commission (EC) founded project entitled "Sustainable development of continental fisheries; a regional study of policy options and policy formation mechanisms for the Lake Chad Basin" Wealth ranking exercise which was not based on real income but on production capacity of the fishermen was carried out in twenty (20) villages survey on the western part of the region using Rapid Rural Appraisal Technique with semi- structured interviews. The different activities carried out by the villagers for living were identified according to their socio-economic status. This was followed by an assessment of the socio-economic characterization within each wealth group. Series of comparative analysis of the ethnic composition, accessibility of fishing gear ownership by the population were done. The results show that the 3 wealth groups in the region include the rich (Group 1) the middle class (Group 2) and the poor (Group 3). It was identified that fishing is just one component of the socio-economic production system along side farming, livestock rearing and trading which are closely integrated. The diversified livelihood system being practiced in the Chad Basin region are not only less vulnerable but also more sustainable