986 resultados para mitral valve regurgitation
AbstractBackground:Risk scores for cardiac surgery cannot continue to be neglected.Objective:To assess the performance of “Age, Creatinine and Ejection Fraction Score” (ACEF Score) to predict mortality in patients submitted to elective coronary artery bypass graft and/or heart valve surgery, and to compare it to other scores.Methods:A prospective cohort study was carried out with the database of a Brazilian tertiary care center. A total of 2,565 patients submitted to elective surgeries between May 2007 and July 2009 were assessed. For a more detailed analysis, the ACEF Score performance was compared to the InsCor’s and EuroSCORE’s performance through correlation, calibration and discrimination tests.Results:Patients were stratified into mild, moderate and severe for all models. Calibration was inadequate for ACEF Score (p = 0.046) and adequate for InsCor (p = 0.460) and EuroSCORE (p = 0.750). As for discrimination, the area under the ROC curve was questionable for the ACEF Score (0.625) and adequate for InsCor (0.744) and EuroSCORE (0.763).Conclusion:Although simple to use and practical, the ACEF Score, unlike InsCor and EuroSCORE, was not accurate for predicting mortality in patients submitted to elective coronary artery bypass graft and/or heart valve surgery in a Brazilian tertiary care center. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2015; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)
Abstract A literature overview of angiographic studies has shown that the prevalence of significant coronary disease in patients with aortic stenosis (AS) varies from 20 to 60%. Early necropsy studies suggested that patients with AS had a lower than expected incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD), originating the concept of a protective effect of AS on the coronary arteries. The myth of AS protection against CAD would be better explained as endothelium-myocardial interaction (crosstalk) protection triggered by left ventricular overload. Therefore, the cGMP/NO pathway induced by the AS overload pressure would explain the low incidence of CAD, which is compatible with the amazing natural long-term evolution of this cardiac valve disease.
1.-Since the parietal endocarditis represents a chapter generally neglected, owing to the relative lack of cases, and somewhat confused because there various terms have been applied to a very same morbid condition, it justifies the work which previously we tried to accomplish, of nosographic classification. Taking into account the functional disturbances and the anatomical changes, all cases of parietal endocarditis referred to in the litterature were distributed by the following groups: A-Group-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis. 1st . type-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis per continuum. 2nd. type-Metastatic valvulo-parietal endocarditis. 3rd. type-Valvulo-parietal endocarditis of the mitral stenosis. B-Group-Genuine parietal endocarditis. a) with primary lesions in the myocardium. b) with primary lesions in the endocardium. 4th type-Fibrous chronic parietal endocarditis (B A Ü M L E R), « endocarditis parietalis simplex». 5th type-Septic acute parietal endocarditis (LESCHKE), «endocarditis parietalis septica». 6th type-Subacute parietal endocarditis (MAGARINOS TORRES), «endocarditis muralis lenta». 2.-Studying a group of 14 cases of fibrous endomyocarditis with formation of thrombi, and carrying together pathological and bacteriological examinations it has been found that some of such cases represent an infectious parietal endocarditis, sometimes post-puerperal, of subacute or slow course, the endocardic vegetations being contamined by pathogenic microörganisms of which the most frequent is the Diplococcus pneumoniae, in most cases of attenuated virulence. Along with the infectious parietal endocarditis, there occur arterial and venous thromboses (abdominal aorta, common illiac and femural arteries and external jugular veins). The case 5,120 is a typical one of this condition which we name subacute parietal endocarditis (endocarditis parietalis s. muralis lenta). 3.-The endocarditis muralis lenta encloses an affection reputed to be of rare occurrence, the «myocardite subaigüe primitive», of which JOSSERAND and GALLAVARDIN published in 1901 the first cases, and ROQUE and LEVY, another, in 1914. The «myocardite subaigüe primitive» was, wrongly, in our opinion, included by WALZER in the syndrome of myocardia of LAUBRY and WALZER, considering that, in the refered cases of JOSSERAND and GALLAVARDIN and in that of ROQUE and LEVY, there are described rather considerable inflammatory changes in the myocardium and endocardium. The designation «myocardia» was however especially created by LAUBRY and WALZER for the cases of heart failure in which the most careful aetiologic inquiries and the most minucious clinical examination were unable to explain, and in which, yet, the post-mortem examination did not reveal any anatomical change at all, it being forcible to admit, then, a primary functional change of the cardiac muscle fibre. This special cardiac condition is thoroughly exemplified in the observation that WALZER reproduces on pages 1 to 7 of his book. 4.-The clinical picture of the subacute parietal endocarditis is that of heart failure with oedemas, effusion in the serous cavities and passive chronic congestion of the lungs, liver, kideys and spleen associated, to that of an infectious disease of subacute course. The fever is rather transient oscillating around 99.5 F., being intersected with apyretic periods of irregular duration; it is not dependent on any evident extracardiac septic infection. In other cases the fever is slight, particularly in the final stage of the disease, when the heart failure is well established. The rule is to observe then, hypothermy. The cardiac-vascular signs consist of enlargement of the cardiac dullness, smoothing of the cardiac sounds, absence of organic murmurs and accentuated and persistent tachycardia up to a certain point independent of fever. The galloprhythm is present, in most cases. The signs of the pulmonary infarct are rather expressed by the aspect of the sputum, which is foamy and blood-streaked than by the classic signs. Cerebral embolism was a terminal accident on various cases. Yet, in some of them, along with the signs of septicemia and of cardiac insufficiency, occurred vascular, arterial (abdominal aorta, common illiac and femurals arteries) and venous (extern jugular veins) thromboses. 5. The autopsy revealed an inflammatory process located on the parietal endocardium, accompanied by abundant formation of ancient and recent thrombi, being the apex of the left ventricle, the junction of the anterior wall of the same ventricle, with the interventricular septum, and the right auricular appendage, the usual seats of the inflammatory changes. The region of the left branch of HIS bundle is spared. The other changes found consist of fibrosis of the myocardium (healed infarcts and circumscribed interstitial myocarditis), of recent visceral infarcts chiefly in lungs, spleen and brain, of recent or old infarcts in the kidneys (embolic nephrocirrhosis) and in the spleen, and of vascular thromboses (abdominal aorta, common illiacs and femurals arteries and external jugular veins), aside from hydrothorax, hydroperitoneum, cutaneous oedema, chronic passive congestion of the liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys and slight ictericia. 6. In the subacute parietal endocarditis the primary lesions sometimes locate themselves at the myocardium, depending on the ischemic necrosis associated to the arteriosclerosis of the coronariae arteries, or on an specific myocarditis. Other times, the absence of these conditions is suggestive of a primary attack to the parietal endocardium which is then the primary seat of the lesions. It matters little whatever may be the initial pathogenic mechanism; once injured the parietal endocardium and there being settled the infectious injury, the endocarditis develops with peculiar clinical and anatomical characters of remarkable uniformity, constituting an anatomo-clinical syndrome. 7.-The histologic sections show that recent lesions
1 A close inquiry into 6700 post mortem examinations reveals amongst them 589 cases of endocarditis which, as causa mortis, thus concur with an 8.82% score. 2 As to their etiology, the endocarditis cases are classified in: Rheumatic E 417cases or 6.22% of the necropsies; Syphilitic E .106 cases or 1.58% of the necropsies; Malignant E .66 cases or 0.98% of the necropsies . 3 With the exception of the cases of syphilitic endocarditis, or aortic endocarditis connected with syphilitic changes, as well as of malignant (bacterial) endocarditis, 417 cases of rheumatic endocarditis are left which constitute 6.22% of the total amount of the post mortem examinations and 70.79% of the endocarditis cases. 4 As to their anatomical location, the cases of rheumatic endocarditis are distributed as follows: Valvular E ..396 cases or 94.96% of the endocarditis cases; Mural E ..21 cases or 5.04% of the endocarditis cases; 5 As to valvular changes, the following location was observed: Mitral E .156 cases or 39.39%; Aortic E 120 cases or 30.30%; Tricuspid E 10 cases or 2.51%; Pulmonary E 2 cases or 0.50%; Mitral-aortic E .88 cases or 22.22%; Mitral-tricuspid E .10 cases or 2.51%; Mitral-tricuspid-aortic E 9 cases or 2.27%; Mitral-tricuspid-pulmonary E .1 cases or 0.25%. 6 As to sex, 59.21% are males and 40.70% females. As regards mitral endocarditis, the incidence for both sexes is practically one and the same (49.55% of males and 50.47% of females), whilst as regards aortic endocarditis 74.16% of males and 26.84% of females are affected by. 7 As to colour: White ..50.24% of the cases; Black 28.50% of the cases; Brown 21.25% of the cases. 8 As to nationality: Brazilians 81.86% of the cases; Aliens ..18.13% of the cases. 9 As to age: 0 to 10 years 7 cases, 51 to 60 years 57 cases; 11 to 20 years ..33 cases, 61 to 70 years 51 cases; 21 to 30 years ..64 cases, 71 to 80 years ..21 cases; 31 to 40 years ..79 cases, 81 to 90 years 1 cases; 41 to 50 years 58 cases, 91 to 100 years ..2 cases.
BACKGROUND: To date, there is no quality assurance program that correlates patient outcome to perfusion service provided during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). A score was devised, incorporating objective parameters that would reflect the likelihood to influence patient outcome. The purpose was to create a new method for evaluating the quality of care the perfusionist provides during CPB procedures and to deduce whether it predicts patient morbidity and mortality. METHODS: We analysed 295 consecutive elective patients. We chose 10 parameters: fluid balance, blood transfused, Hct, ACT, PaO2, PaCO2, pH, BE, potassium and CPB time. Distribution analysis was performed using the Shapiro-Wilcoxon test. This made up the PerfSCORE and we tried to find a correlation to mortality rate, patient stay in the ICU and length of mechanical ventilation. Univariate analysis (UA) using linear regression was established for each parameter. Statistical significance was established when p < 0.05. Multivariate analysis (MA) was performed with the same parameters. RESULTS: The mean age was 63.8 +/- 12.6 years with 70% males. There were 180 CABG, 88 valves, and 27 combined CABG/valve procedures. The PerfSCORE of 6.6 +/- 2.4 (0-20), mortality of 2.7% (8/295), CPB time 100 +/- 41 min (19-313), ICU stay 52 +/- 62 hrs (7-564) and mechanical ventilation of 10.5 +/- 14.8 hrs (0-564) was calculated. CPB time, fluid balance, PaO2, PerfSCORE and blood transfused were significantly correlated to mortality (UA, p < 0.05). Also, CPB time, blood transfused and PaO2 were parameters predicting mortality (MA, p < 0.01). Only pH was significantly correlated for predicting ICU stay (UA). Ultrafiltration (UF) and CPB time were significantly correlated (UA, p < 0.01) while UF (p < 0.05) was the only parameter predicting mechanical ventilation duration (MA). CONCLUSIONS: CPB time, blood transfused and PaO2 are independent risk factors of mortality. Fluid balance, blood transfusion, PaO2, PerfSCORE and CPB time are independent parameters for predicting morbidity. PerfSCORE is a quality of perfusion measure that objectively quantifies perfusion performance.
Intraoperative cardiac imaging plays a key role during transcatheter aortic valve replacement. In recent years, new techniques and new tools for improved image quality and virtual navigation have been proposed, in order to simplify and standardize stent valve positioning and implantation. But routine performance of the new techniques may require major economic investments or specific knowledge and skills and, for this reason, they may not be accessible to the majority of cardiac centres involved in transcatheter valve replacement projects. Additionally, they still require injections of contrast medium to obtain computed images. Therefore, we have developed and describe here a very simple and intuitive method of positioning balloon-expandable stent valves, which represents the evolution of the 'dumbbell' technique for echocardiography-guided transcatheter valve replacement without angiography. This method, based on the partial inflation of the balloon catheter during positioning, traps the crimped valve in the aortic valve orifice and, consequently, very near to the ideal landing zone. It does not require specific echocardiographic knowledge; it does not require angiographies that increase the risk of postoperative kidney failure in elderly patients, and it can be also performed in centres not equipped with a hybrid operating room.
Aim: We have studied human adult cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) based on high aldehyde dehydrogenase activity (ALDH-hi), a property shared by many stem cells across tissues and organs. However, the role of ALDH in stem cell function is poorly known. In humans, there are 19 ALDH isoforms with different biological activities. The isoforms responsible for the ALDH-hi phenotype of stem cells are not well known but they may include ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 isoforms, which function in all-trans retinoic acid (RA) cell signaling. ALDH activity has been shown to regulate hematopoietic stem cell function via RA. We aimed to analyze ALDH isoform expression and the role of RA in human CPC function. Methods: Human adult CPCs were isolated from atrial appendage samples from patients who underwent heart surgery for coronary artery or valve disease. Atrial samples were either cultured as primary explants or enzymatically digested and sorted for ALDH activity by FACS. ALDH isoforms were determined by qRT-PCR. Cells were cultured in the presence or absence of the specific ALDH inhibitor DEAB, with or without RA. Induction of cardiac-specific genes in cells cultured in differentiation medium was measured by qRT-PCR. Results: While ALDH-hi CPCs grew in culture and could be expanded, ALDH-low cells grew poorly. CPC isolated as primary explant outgrowths expressed high levels of ALDH1A3 but not of other isoforms. CPCs isolated from cardiospheres expressed relatively high levels of all the 11 isoforms tested. In contrast, expanded CPCs and cardiosphere-derived cells expressed low levels of all ALDH isoforms. DEAB inhibited CPC growth in a dose-dependent manner, whereas RA rescued CPC growth in the presence of DEAB. In differentiation medium, ALDH-hi CPCs expressed approximately 300-fold higher levels of cardiac troponin T compared with their ALDH-low counterparts. Conclusions: High ALDH activity identifies human adult cardiac cells with high growth and cardiomyogenic potential. ALDH1A3 and, possibly, ALDH1A1 isoforms account for high ALDH activity and RA-mediated regulation of CPC growth.
Purpose: Revolutionary endovascular treatments are on the verge of being available for management of ascending aortic diseases. Morphometric measurements of the ascending aorta have already been done with ECG-gated MDCT to help such therapeutic development. However the reliability of these measurements remains unknown. The objective of this work was to compare the intraobserver and interobserver variability of CAD (computer aided diagnosis) versus manual measurements in the ascending aorta. Methods and materials: Twenty-six consecutive patients referred for ECG-gated CT thoracic angiography (64-row CT scanner) were evaluated. Measurements of the maximum and minimum ascending aorta diameters at mid-distance between the brachiocephalic artery and the aortic valve were obtained automatically with a commercially available CAD and manually by two observers separately. Both observers repeated the measurements during a different session at least one month after the first measurements. Intraclass coefficients as well the Bland and Altman method were used for comparison between measurements. Two-paired t-test was used to determine the significance of intraobserver and interobserver differences (alpha = 0.05). Results: There is a significant difference between CAD and manual measurements in the maximum diameter (p = 0.004) for the first observer, whereas the difference was significant for minimum diameter between the second observer and the CAD (p <0.001). Interobserver variability showed a weak agreement when measurements were done manually. Intraobserver variability was lower with the CAD compared to the manual measurements (limits of variability: from -0.7 to 0.9 mm for the former and from -1.2 to 1.3 mm for the latter). Conclusion: In order to improve reproductibility of measurements whenever needed, pre- and post-therapeutic management of the ascending aorta may benefit from follow-up done by a unique observer with the help of CAD.
Acute cardiovascular dysfunction occurs perioperatively in more than 20% of cardiosurgical patients, yet current acute heart failure (HF) classification is not applicable to this period. Indicators of major perioperative risk include unstable coronary syndromes, decompensated HF, significant arrhythmias and valvular disease. Clinical risk factors include history of heart disease, compensated HF, cerebrovascular disease, presence of diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency and high-risk surgery. EuroSCORE reliably predicts perioperative cardiovascular alteration in patients aged less than 80 years. Preoperative B-type natriuretic peptide level is an additional risk stratification factor. Aggressively preserving heart function during cardiosurgery is a major goal. Volatile anaesthetics and levosimendan seem to be promising cardioprotective agents, but large trials are still needed to assess the best cardioprotective agent(s) and optimal protocol(s). The aim of monitoring is early detection and assessment of mechanisms of perioperative cardiovascular dysfunction. Ideally, volume status should be assessed by 'dynamic' measurement of haemodynamic parameters. Assess heart function first by echocardiography, then using a pulmonary artery catheter (especially in right heart dysfunction). If volaemia and heart function are in the normal range, cardiovascular dysfunction is very likely related to vascular dysfunction. In treating myocardial dysfunction, consider the following options, either alone or in combination: low-to-moderate doses of dobutamine and epinephrine, milrinone or levosimendan. In vasoplegia-induced hypotension, use norepinephrine to maintain adequate perfusion pressure. Exclude hypovolaemia in patients under vasopressors, through repeated volume assessments. Optimal perioperative use of inotropes/vasopressors in cardiosurgery remains controversial, and further large multinational studies are needed. Cardiosurgical perioperative classification of cardiac impairment should be based on time of occurrence (precardiotomy, failure to wean, postcardiotomy) and haemodynamic severity of the patient's condition (crash and burn, deteriorating fast, stable but inotrope dependent). In heart dysfunction with suspected coronary hypoperfusion, an intra-aortic balloon pump is highly recommended. A ventricular assist device should be considered before end organ dysfunction becomes evident. Extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation is an elegant solution as a bridge to recovery and/or decision making. This paper offers practical recommendations for management of perioperative HF in cardiosurgery based on European experts' opinion. It also emphasizes the need for large surveys and studies to assess the optimal way to manage perioperative HF in cardiac surgery.
When we think of cardiac affection in the context of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), we usually refer to pericarditis first. As frequent as this affection is, it is actually not the only cardio-vascular problem that occurs with this systemic inflammatory disease. Are the cardiac events--ranging from multiple heart valve involvements to increased cardiovascular risks--clinically significant? And are they involving a specific follow-up, treatment or support? We are therefore trying to evaluate these questions in order to give some recommendations to any practitioners following up a lupus patient, or a patient suffering from any other inflammatory systemic disease.
Background: Distinguishing postmortem gas accumulations in the body due to natural decomposition and other phenomena such as gas embolism can prove a difficult task using purely Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT). The Radiological Alteration Index (RAI) was created with the intention to be able to identify bodies undergoing the putrefaction process based on the quantity of gas detected within the body. The flaw in this approach is the inability to absolutely determine putrefaction as the origin of gas volumes in cases of moderate alteration. The aim of the current study is to identify percentage compositions of O2, N2, CO2 and the presence of gases such as H2 and H2S within these sampling sites in order to resolve this complication. Materials and methods: All cases investigated in our University Center of Legal Medicine are undergoing a Post-Mortem Computed Tomography (PMCT)-scan before external examination or autopsy as a routine investigation. In the obtained images, areas of gas were characterized as 0, I, II or III based on the amount of gas present according to the RAI (1). The criteria for these characterizations were dependent of the site of gas, for example thoracic and abdominal cavities were graded as I (1 - 3cm gas), II (3 - 5cm gas) and III (>5cm gas). Cases showing gaseous sites with grade II or III were selected for this study. The sampling was performed under CT-guidance to target the regions to be punctured. Luer-lock PTFE syringes equipped with a three-way valve and needles were used to sample the gas directly (2). Gaseous samples were then analysed using gas chromatography coupled to a thermal conductivity detector (GC-TCD). The components present in the samples were expressed as a percentage of the overall gas present. Results: Up to now, we have investigated more than 40 cases using our standardized procedure for sampling and analysis of gas. O2, N2 and CO2 were present in most samples. The following distributions were found to correlate to gas origins of gas embolism/scuba diving accidents, trauma and putrefaction: ? Putrefaction → O2 = 1 - 5%; CO2 > 15%; N2 = 10 - 70%; H2 / H2S / CH4 variable presence ? Gas embolism/Scuba diving accidents → O2 and N2= varying percentages; CO2 > 20% ? Trauma → O2 = small percentage; CO2 < 15%; N2 > 65% H2 and H2S indicated levels of putrefaction along with methane which can also gauge environmental conditions or conditions of body storage/burial. Many cases showing large RAI values (advanced alteration) did reveal a radiological diagnosis which was in concordance with the interpretation of the gas composition. However, in certain cases (gas embolism, scuba divers) radiological interpretation was not possible and only chemical gas analysis was found to lead to the correct diagnosis, meaning that it provided complementary information to the radiological diagnosis. Conclusion: Investigation of postmortem gases is a useful tool to determine origin of gas generation which can aid the diagnosis of the cause of death. Levels of gas can provide information on stage of putrefaction and help to perform essential medico-legal diagnosis such as vital gas embolism.
Acini in in the salivary glands of female tick specimens of Amblyomma ajennense unfed at both postnymphal and adult phases, were studied. The salivary glands are consisted by three acini, one agranular and two granular. The agranular acini are directly attached to the anterior portion of the main salivary duct, consisting of cells without valve. A relatively large, clear, central cell occupies most of the alveolar midsection. The central cell is in contact with the acini lumen. Granular acini consist of approximately seven to fourteen cells (type II acini) or seven to sixteen (type III acini). The type II acini have three types of granular cells ("a", "b" and "c") and valve; the type III acini have another three types of granular cells ("d", "e" and "f") also presenting a valve.