995 resultados para mining right


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Protein kinases, a family of enzymes, have been viewed as an important signaling intermediary by living organisms for regulating critical biological processes such as memory, hormone response and cell growth. The
unbalanced kinases are known to cause cancer and other diseases. With the increasing efforts to collect, store and disseminate information about the entire kinase family, it not only leads to valuable data set to understand cell regulation but also poses a big challenge to extract valuable knowledge about metabolic pathway from the data. Data mining techniques that have been widely used to find frequent patterns in large datasets can be extended and adapted to kinase data as well. This paper proposes a framework for mining frequent itemsets from the collected kinase dataset. An experiment using AMPK regulation data demonstrates that our approaches are useful and efficient in analyzing kinase regulation data.


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The 1964 High Court decision in Woon v The Queen is commonly understood to permit the drawing of an inference of a ‘consciousness of guilt’ when a suspect selectively responds to police questions. It is the author’s contention that, in the light of the emphatic endorsement of the right to pre-trial silence by the High Court in 1993 in Petty v The Queen; Maiden v The Queen, Woon should now be regarded as bad law and should no longer be followed.


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Over the past two decades there has been a growing understanding of consumer requirements and advances in the design and development of accessible technology. However, research over the past decade confirms that significant barriers still exist for people with disabilities. These individuals constitute a diverse group of consumers who experience physical, cognitive, literacy, financial and attitudinal barriers to the use of technology or information. They regard themselves as experts on their access issues yet have been provided with few opportunities to participate in technology research that seeks to explore issues and provide consumer-focused solutions.

In this paper, the benefits of collaborative research and the use of participatory methods in a funded research project on accessible telecommunications information are described. The target consumer group for the project was people with significant communication difficulties, a group who are particularly disadvantaged due to speech, literacy and physical access issues with technology and information. The strategies used to facilitate participation are discussed and criteria from Zarb (1992) and Barnes (2003) are used to evaluate the participatory aspect of the project.


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Despite recent advances in the area of humanitarian responses and the publication and dissemination of various guidelines with regard to nutritional interventions, there is, however a paucity of studies which have examined the human right to food in complex emergencies. 186 countries including those affected by both human made and natural disasters and countries who are donors of humanitarian relief aid adopted the Rome Declaration on Food Security and World Summit plan of Action reaffirming “ the right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger”. The human right to adequate and nutritious food in refugee settings implies that every refugee has physical and economic access to sufficient food to provide the necessary nutrients for effective physical and physiological functions and achieve well being. There are many grounds for believing that the current humanitarian responses to disasters more often violate than respect the human right to adequate and nutritious food. Using elements of household food security as our working framework this paper focuses on the complex ethical and moral questions raised by the conventional humanitarian assistance framework and in particular the issue of human right to food and household food security in refugee settings.


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Current data mining techniques may not be helpful for mining some companies/organizations such as nuclear power plants and earthquake bureaus, which have only small databases. Apparently, these companies/organizations also expect to apply data mining techniques to extract useful patterns in their databases so as to make their decisions. However, data in these databases such as the accident database of a nuclear power plant and the earthquake database in an earthquake bureau, may not be large enough to form any patterns. To meet the applications, we present a new mining model in this paper, which is based on the collecting knowledge from such as Web, journals, and newspapers.


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Data collecting is necessary to some organizations such as nuclear power plants and earthquake bureaus, which have very small databases. Traditional data collecting is to obtain necessary data from internal and external data-sources and join all data together to create a homogeneous huge database. Because collected data may be untrusty, it can disguise really useful patterns in data. In this paper, breaking away traditional data collecting mode that deals with internal and external data equally, we argue that the first step for utilizing external data is to identify quality data in data-sources for given mining tasks. Pre- and post-analysis techniques are thus advocated for generating quality data.


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This paper introduces an incremental FP-Growth approach for Web content based data mining and its application in solving a real world problem The problem is solved in the following ways. Firstly, we obtain the semi-structured data from the Web pages of Chinese car market and structure them and save them in local database. Secondly, we use an incremental FP-Growth algorithm for mining association rules to discover Chinese consumers' car consumption preference. To find more general regularities, an attribute-oriented induction method is also utilized to find customer's consumption preference among a range of car categories. Experimental results have revealed some interesting consumption preferences that are useful for the decision makers to make the policy to encourage and guide car consumption. Although the current data we used may not be the best representative of the actual market in practice, it is still good enough for the decision making purpose in terms of reflecting the real situation of car consumption preference under the two assumptions in the context.


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Automating Software Engineering is the dream of software Engineers for decades. To make this dream to come to true, data mining can play an important role. Our recent research has shown that to increase the productivity and to reduce the cost of software development, it is essential to have an effective and efficient mechanism to store, manage and utilize existing software resources, and thus to automate software analysis, testing, evaluation and to make use of existing software for new problems. This paper firstly provides a brief overview of traditional data mining followed by a presentation on data mining in broader sense. Secondly, it presents the idea and the technology of software warehouse as an innovative approach in managing software resources using the idea of data warehouse where software assets are systematically accumulated, deposited, retrieved, packaged, managed and utilized driven by data mining and OLAP technologies. Thirdly, we presented the concepts and technology and their applications of data mining and data matrix including software warehouse to software engineering. The perspectives of the role of software warehouse and software mining in modern software development are addressed. We expect that the results will lead to a streamlined high efficient software development process and enhance the productivity in response to modern challenges of the design and development of software applications.


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The approaches proposed in the past for discovering sequential patterns mainly focused on single sequential data. In the real world, however, some sequential patterns hide their essences among multi-sequential event data. It has been noted that knowledge discovery with either user-specified constraints, or templates, or skeletons is receiving wide attention because it is more efficient and avoids the tedious selection of useful patterns from the mass-produced results. In this paper, a novel pattern in multi-sequential event data that are correlated and its mining approach are presented. We call this pattern sequential causal pattern. A group of skeletons of sequential causal patterns, which may be specified by the user or generated by the program, are verified or mined by embedding them into the mining engine. Experiments show that this method, when applied to discovering the occurring regularities of a crop pest in a region, is successful in mining sequential causal patterns with user-specified skeletons in multi-sequential event data.


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The development of the Internet has boosted prosperity of the World Wide Web, which is now a huge information source. Because of characteristics of the web, in most cases, traditional databasebased technologies are no longer suitable for web information retrieval and management. To effectively manage web information, it is necessary to reveal intrinsic relationships/structures among web information objects by eliminating noise factors. This paper proposes a mechanism that could be widely used in information processing, including web information processing and noise factor elimination for getting more intrinsic relationships. As an application case of this mechanism, one relevant web page finding algorithm is proposed to uncover intrinsic relationship among web pages from their hyperlink patterns, and find more semantic relevant web pages. The experimental evaluation shows the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm and demonstrates the potential of the proposed mechanism in web applications.


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Data mining refers to extracting or "mining" knowledge from large amounts of data. It is an increasingly popular field that uses statistical, visualization, machine learning, and other data manipulation and knowledge extraction techniques aimed at gaining an insight into the relationships and patterns hidden in the data. Availability of digital data within picture archiving and communication systems raises a possibility of health care and research enhancement associated with manipulation, processing and handling of data by computers.That is the basis for computer-assisted radiology development. Further development of computer-assisted radiology is associated with the use of new intelligent capabilities such as multimedia support and data mining in order to discover the relevant knowledge for diagnosis. It is very useful if results of data mining can be communicated to humans in an understandable way. In this paper, we present our work on data mining in medical image archiving systems. We investigate the use of a very efficient data mining technique, a decision tree, in order to learn the knowledge for computer-assisted image analysis. We apply our method to the classification of x-ray images for lung cancer diagnosis. The proposed technique is based on an inductive decision tree learning algorithm that has low complexity with high transparency and accuracy. The results show that the proposed algorithm is robust, accurate, fast, and it produces a comprehensible structure, summarizing the knowledge it induces.