991 resultados para migratory


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With respect to its avian migrants, Australo-Papua is a largely self-contained region. Only some 30 species of shorebird and 10 species of land bird migrate from Asia to Australo-Papua to winter. Possible factors precluding migration of Asian birds include long over-water distances and lack of suitable habitats in Australia or New Guinea. Whether evolved within the region or descended from Asian relatives, Australasian species all confine their migratory movements east of Wallace's Line. The most likely factors restricting migration to the region are climate and habitat. The open forests and arid habitats of Australasia are absent from south-east Asia, so there is little, if any, selection promoting extra-regional migration. The arid or semi-arid but otherwise mild climates of much of Australia favour partial migration and widely varying movement patterns and pathways, although with an underlying north to south component. Movements also occur between mainland Australia and New Guinea and Tasmania. The restriction of migration within Australo-Papua and the high variability of migratory pathways have important implications for the ecology and evolution of the Australasian avifauna.


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The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether bait harvesting, with all its inherent effects, occurring in the intertidal zone of a subtropical estuary, had an impact on a migratory shorebird, the eastern curlew Numenius madagascariensis. In a large-scale manipulative study (units of experiment were 1 ha plots), callianassid shrimp Trypaea australiensis populations were harvested simulating the technique (manual pumping) and the levels of harvesting intensity per unit area (347 shrimp per hectare per harvesting event) exhibited by bait-collectors in SE Australia and South Africa. It was found that at present levels of harvesting intensity per unit area (approximately 1% of standing stock removed per harvesting event) there is no threat to the stocks of Trypaea exploited by the curlews in Moreton Bay, Australia. However, the results show that the curlews themselves apply a considerable predation pressure on Trypaea. Based on the birds' foraging rates and densities, it was estimated that they would consume up to 100% of the initial Trypaea stock over the course of a non-breeding season (October to March). However, the stable seasonal trend in the density of the size-cohort of Trypaea preyed upon by the curlews indicates that the existing rates of predation are easily counterbalanced, e.g. through continuous density-dependent recruitment of these crustaceans. We suggest that this mechanism will provide for a stable foraging environment for both the shorebirds and bait collectors.


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Eastern curlews Numenius madagascariensis spending the nonbreeding season in eastern Australia foraged on three intertidal decapods: soldier crab Mictyris longicarpus, sentinel crab Macrophthalmus crassipes and ghost-shrimp Trypaea australiensis. Due to their ecology, these crustaceans were spatially segregated (=distributed in 'patches') and the curlews intermittently consumed more than one prey type. It was predicted that if the curlews behaved as intake rate maximizers, the time spent foraging on a particular prey (patch) would reflect relative availabilities of the prey types and thus prey-specific intake rates would be equal. During the mid-nonbreeding period (November-December), Mictyris and Macrophthalmus were primarily consumed and prey-specific intake rates were statistically indistinguishable (8.8 versus 10.1 kJ x min(-1)). Prior to migration (February), Mictyris and Trypaea were hunted and the respective intake rates were significantly different (8.9 versus 2.3 kJ x min(-1)). Time allocation to Trypaea-hunting was independent of the availability of Mictyris. Thus, consumption of Trypaea depressed the overall intake rate. Six hypotheses for consuming Trypaea before migration were examined. Five hypotheses: the possible error by the predator, prey specialization, observer overestimation of time spent hunting Trypaea, supplementary prey and the choice of higher quality prey due to a digestive bottleneck, were deemed unsatisfactory. The explanation for consumption of a low intake-rate but high quality prey (Trypaea) deemed plausible was diet optimisation by the Curlews in response to the pre-migratory modulation (decrease in size/processing capacity) of their digestive system. With a seasonal decrease in the average intake rate, the estimated intake per low tide increased from 1233 to 1508 kJ between the mid-nonbreeding and pre-migratory periods by increasing the overall time spent on the sandflats and the proportion of time spent foraging.


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Primary olfactory neurons situated in the nasal septum project axons within fascicles along a highly stereotypical trajectory en route to the olfactory bulb. The ventral fascicles make a distinct dorsovental turn at the rear of the septum so as to reach the olfactory bulb. In the present study we have used a brain and nasal septum coculture system to examine the role of target tissue on the peripheral trajectory of olfactory sensory axons. In cultures of isolated embryonic nasal septa, olfactory axons form numerous parallel fascicles that project caudally in the submucosa, as they do in vivo. The ventral axon fascicles in the septum, however, often fail to turn, and do not project dorsally towards the roof of the nasal cavity. The presence of olfactory bulb, cortical, or tectal tissue apposed to the caudal end of the septum rescued this phenotype, causing the ventral fascicles to follow a normal in vivo-like trajectory. Ectopic placements of the explants revealed that brain tissue is not tropic for olfactory axons but appears to maintain the peripheral trajectory of growing axons in the nasal septum. Although primary olfactory axons are able to penetrate into olfactory bulb in vitro, they only superficially enter cortical tissue, whereas they do not grow into tectal explants. The ability of axons to differentially grow into different brain regions was shown to be unrelated to the migratory behavior of olfactory ensheathing cells, indicating that olfactory axons are directly responsive to guidance cues in the brain. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A captive yellow-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus) and 2 free-living tawny frogmouths (Podargus strigoides), both native Australian species, were presented with neurologic signs including depression and pelvic limb paresis and paralysis. Despite supportive treatment, all 3 birds died or were euthanatized. On histologic examination, sections of metastrongyloid nematode larvae were found in the central nervous system of all 3 birds, whereas intact larvae, identified as Angiostrongylus cantonensis, were recovered from the brain and spinal cord of 2 birds. Angiostrongylus cantonensis, the rat lungworm. has an obligatory migratory phase through the host's central nervous system, which can cause severe pathologic lesions. Natural infections in accidental hosts have been documented only in mammals, and to our knowledge, angiostrongyliasis in avian hosts has not been previously reported.


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Interaction of Eph receptor tyrosine kinases with their membrane bound ephrin ligands initiates bidirectional signaling events that regulate cell migratory and adhesive behavior. Whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed overlapping expression of the Epha1 receptor and its high-affinity ligands ephrin A1 (Efna1) and ephrin A3 (Efna3) in the primitive streak and the posterior paraxial mesoderm during early mouse development. These results show complex and dynamic expression for all three genes with expression domains that are successively complementary, overlapping, and divergent. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The adult mammalian brain maintains populations of neural stem cells within discrete proliferative zones. Understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating adult neural stem cell function is limited. Here, we show that MYST family histone acetyltransferase Querkopf (Qkf, Myst4, Morf)-deficient mice have cumulative defects in adult neurogenesis in vivo, resulting in declining numbers of olfactory bulb interneurons, a population of neurons produced in large numbers during adulthood. Qkf-deficient mice have fewer neural stem cells and fewer migrating neuroblasts in the rostral migratory stream. Qkf gene expression is strong in the neurogenic subventricular zone. A population enriched in multipotent cells can be isolated from this region on the basis of Qkf gene expression. Neural stem cells/progenitor cells isolated from Qkf mutant mice exhibited a reduced self-renewal capacity and a reduced ability to produce differentiated neurons. Together, our data show that Qkf is essential for normal adult neurogenesis.


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This paper draws on Appadurai's (1996) concept of ethnoscapes — the global flow of people or what has become increasingly popularized as the global flow of talent. Singapore has initiated a foreign talent policy to compete for a global pool of talent to make up for its shortfall of indigenous work-force. The rationale for recruiting foreign talent is informed by a nationalist competitive ideology to sustain Singapore in the new knowledge-based economy. This paper examines the competing and dissenting discourses surrounding the foreign talent policy. It argues that the mobility of migratory flow has transformative and disruptive effects at the level of culture and the identity landscape of Singapore, where its discursive cultural boundaries are drawn according to a nationalist framework. Drawing on theories and concepts of ‘diaspora’, ‘hybridity’, and ‘third space’, these are the political and cultural issues that this paper attempts to tease out. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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O texto analisa o projeto social da Igreja Metodista no bairro do Brás junto aos imigrantes Bolivianos. Revisa-se a literatura sobre as primeiras movimentações com imigrantes no Brasil para focar logo, o bairro do Brás, a Igreja Metodista e o projeto com imigrantes Bolivianos. A origem do bairro do Brás, sua importância e a sua relação histórica com movimentação migratória fazem parte das reflexões. O surgimento da igreja e suas características missionárias são apresentados antes de um aprofundamento no estudo do projeto social com os Bolivianos. Revisa-se a relação entre a igreja e os imigrantes americanos e europeus que chegaram ao Brasil no final do século XIX. A partir de 1980 inicia-se o fenômeno do crescimento da presença do imigrante boliviano nos bairros centrais da metrópole paulista, e como consequência desta presença, há cerca de dez anos a Igreja Metodista desenvolve o projeto visando dar assistência social e religiosa aos filhos e filhas de imigrantes Bolivianos. Para o estudo dessa questão realizou-se a pesquisa de campo e aplicação de entrevistas de questionário aos responsáveis pelo projeto, um casal que acompanha o projeto desde seu início, três pastores, sendo um deles de origem boliviana e quatro jovens Bolivianos que participam do projeto. Na pesquisa detectam-se fatos e informações relevantes para a análise critica em relação a preconceitos, limitações na comunicação, na integração cultural, falta de um planejamento estratégico entre outros aspectos burocráticos característicos da organização interna da Igreja Metodista. O desenvolvimento do contexto urbano do bairro do Brás, a procura de assistência social por parte do imigrante Boliviano e os limites estruturais da igreja aparecem como novos desafios à tradição e pratica missionária da Igreja Metodista.


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Estudo sobre os jornais étnicos em língua portuguesa destinados a brasileiros que migram para os Estados Unidos. O objetivo é mapear os jornais impressos de Massachusetts e identificar se o jornal Brazilian Times, o mais antigo a circular no estado, colabora com a aculturação e/ou enraizamento das pessoas que trocaram as terras brasileiras pelo nordeste dos Estados Unidos. A metodologia englobou pesquisa bibliográfica, de modo a fundamentar o estudo com os conceitos históricos e atuais de cidadania, comunidade e a problemática da migração; pesquisa documental; entrevistas semi-estruturadas e análise de conteúdo do jornal. A pesquisa documental reuniu dados sobre jornais étnicos e a situação migratória Brasil - Estados Unidos. A análise de conteúdo tomou como corpus 11 edições do jornal publicadas de 2001 a 2011, a qual procurou identificar e analisar os temas jornalísticos priorizados e o tipo de abordagem, além de comparar o espaço destinado ao jornalismo e à publicidade e traçar o perfil dos anunciantes. As entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram realizadas com editores do jornal e com leitores brasileiros que vivem da região onde, preferencialmente, circula a edição impressa. Conclui-se que o Brazilian Times tanto ajuda a preservar aspectos culturais do Brasil, quanto colabora com a integração dos migrantes ao modo de vida estadunidense. Se por um lado tem como principal objetivo o lucro, visto que reserva a maior parte do espaço para anunciantes, por outro apresenta característica típica de jornais étnicos, tal como ênfase nos assuntos de interesse dos migrantes (minoria), o que lhe confere um espaço como formador de opinião junto à comunidade brasileira nos Estados Unidos.


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Este trabalho analisou os fatores responsáveis pelo atraso no surgimento e no desenvolvimento dos jornais mineiros em suas principais fases: imprensa publicista, informativa e grande imprensa. As Minas, apesar de possuírem importância política e econômica, nos séculos XVIII e XIX, viram sua imprensa sempre assumir um papel secundário no país. Ela foi a sexta província a ter jornais, ficando atrás do Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Pernambuco, Pará e Maranhão. Para entender o que deixou as Gerais nessa situação, foi necessário conhecer profundamente suas particularidades. A pesquisa demonstrou que a repressão a Inconfidência Mineira, os fluxos migratórios e as mudanças econômicas e sociais, que a província viveu no século XIX, foram responsáveis pelo atraso dos jornais mineiros. O próprio modo de ser do mineiro, a chamada mineiridade , também contribuiu para que isso ocorresse.(AU)


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The multifunctional enzyme tissue transglutaminase (TG2) is reported to both mediate and inhibit tumour progression. To elucidate these different roles of TG2, we established a series of stable-transfected mouse colon carcinoma CT26 cells expressing a catalytically active (wild type) and a transamidating-inactive TG2 (Cys277Ser) mutant. Comparison of the TG2-transfected cells with the empty vector control indicated no differences in cell proliferation, apoptosis and susceptibility to doxorubicin, which correlated with no detectable changes in the activation of the transcription factor NF-?B. TG2-transfected cells showed increased expression of integrin ß3, and were more adherent and less migratory on fibronectin than control cells. Direct interaction of TG2 with ß3 integrins was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation, suggesting that TG2 acts as a coreceptor for fibronectin with ß3 integrins. All cells expressed the same level of TGFß receptors I and II, but only cells transfected with active TG2 had increased levels of TGFß1 and matrix-deposited fibronectin, which could be inhibited by TG2 site-directed inhibitors. Moreover, only cells transfected with active TG2 were capable of inhibiting tumour growth when compared to the empty vector controls. We conclude that in this colon carcinoma model increased levels of active TG2 are unfavourable to tumour growth due to their role in activation of TGFß1 and increased matrix deposition, which in turn favours increased cell adhesion and a lowered migratory and invasive behaviour.


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Für deutsche Migranten des 19. Jahrhunderts war Großbritannien eines der wichtigsten Zielländer innerhalb Europas. Zum ersten Mal wird eine der zahlreichen deutsch-ethnischen Kolonien einer mikrohistorischen Untersuchung unterzogen. Die Perspektive erlaubt quellengestützt genauere Aussagen zu Themenkomplexen wie Wanderungsverhalten, Berufsstruktur oder ethnischer Selbstorganisation. In Glasgow bildete sich ein dichtes Netz an ethnischen Vereinigungen, das sich nach Kriegsausbruch unter dem germanophoben Druck der britischen Öffentlichkeit sowie staatlichen Maßnahmen wie Internierung, Repatriierung oder Enteignung fast vollständig auflöste. Die Glasgower Fallstudie wird durch zahlreiche Querverweise auf andere Regionen und Länder in einen größeren migrationsgeschichtlichen Rahmen eingeordnet. German migrants of the 19th century. Century Britain was one of the main destination countries within Europe. One of the many German ethnic colonies of a micro historical investigation is subjected for the first time. The perspective allows more detailed statements on topics such as migratory behavior, occupational structure or ethnic self-organization source based. A dense network of ethnic associations that almost completely disbanded after war germanophoben pressure from the British public and Government measures such as detention, repatriation or expropriation was formed in Glasgow. The Glasgow case study are classified by numerous cross-references to other regions and countries within a larger migration history.


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1. Phagocytic polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNLs) or neutrophils have a marked avidity for the uptake of particulate material and are the first cell type to respond to inflammatory stimuli in vivo. 2. By harnessing these pathophysiological characteristics the inherent targeting capacity of the PMNL could be exploited to carry drug loaded particles to these sites. 3. In vitro chemotaxis of PMNLs was studied in response to N-formyl-L-methionyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine (FMLP) in the Blindwell chamber assay. 4. After phagocytosis of 1.1m polystyrene latex (PSL) beads at a range of incubation concentrations (5,10,20, and 30 beads/cell) the migration of the PMNL population was not significantly different from control, without beads. 5. The distribution of the beads within the filter showed that a disproportionately large number of PSL (50%) were associated with the cells on the surface of the filter that had not penetrated the filter. Eighty per cent of the PMNL population migrated and despite containing less PSL beads/cell, 50% of the dose was carried into the filter. Between 5 and 10% of these PSL were carried beyond 60m in the assay. 6. These results suggested heterogeneity of the PMNL population and to achieve efficient targeting with these cells preferential selection of the migratory sub-population would be needed. 7. The air-pouch model was then developed to study the focal accumulation of PMNLs in vivo. The PMNL isolated did not survive long enough in the circulation due to the trauma of the isolation procedure used; an alternative method will have to be employed.