981 resultados para microscopic polyangiitis


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We have developed the formula and the numerical code for calculating the rearrangement contribution to the single particle (s.p.) properties in asymmetric nuclear matter induced by three-body forces within the framework of the Brueckner theory extended to include a microscopic three-body force (TBF). We have investigated systematically the TBF-induced rearrangement effect on the s.p. properties and their isospin-behavior in neutron-rich nuclear medium. It is shown that the TBF induces a repulsive rearrangement contribution to the s.p. potential in nuclear medium. The repulsion of the TBF rearrangement contribution increases rapidly as a function of density and nucleon momentum. It reduces largely the attraction of the BHF s.p. potential and enhances strongly the momentum dependence of the s.p. potential at large densities and high-momenta. The TBF rearrangement effect on symmetry potential is to enhances its repulsion (attraction) on neutrons (protons) in dense asymmetric nuclear matter.


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The a-decay half-lives of a set of superheavy nuclear isotope chain from Z = 105 to 120 have been analyzed systematically within the WKB method, and some nuclear structure features are found. The decay barriers have been determined in the quasi-molecular shape path within the Generalized Liquid Drop Model (GLDM) including the proximity effects between nucleons in a neck and the mass and charge asymmetry. The results are in reasonable agreement with the published experimental data for the alpha decay half-lives of isotopes of charge 112, 114, and 116, of the element 294118 and of some decay products. A comparison of present calculations with the results by the DDM3Y effective interaction and by the Viola-Seaborg Sobiczewski (VSS) formulae is also made. The experimental a decay half lives all stand in between the GLDM calculations and VSS formula results. This demonstrates the possibility of these models to provide reasonable estimates for the half-lives of nuclear decays by a emissions for the domain of SHN. The half-lives of these new nuclei are thus well tested from the reasonable consistence of the macroscopic, the microscopic, the empirical formulae and the experimental data. This also shows that the present data of SHN themselves are consistent. It could suggest that the present experimental claims on the existence of new elements Z = 110 similar to 118 are reliable. It is expected that greater deviations of a few SHN between the data and the model may be eliminated by further improvements on the precision of the measurements.


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We investigate the S-1(0) neutron and proton superfluidity in isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter. We have concentrated on the isospin dependence of the pairing gaps and the effect of a microscopic three-body force. It is found that as the isospin asymmetry goes higher, the neutron S-1(0) superfluid phase shrinks gradually to a smaller density domain, whereas the proton one extends rapidly to a much wider density domain. The three-body force turns out to weaken the neutron S-1(0) superfluidity slightly, but it suppresses strongly the proton S-1(0) superfluidity at high densities in nuclear matter with large isospin asymmetry.


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Within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock framework, the equation of state and the properties of newborn neutron stars are investigated by adopting a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction AV(18) supplemented with a microscopic three-body force or a phenomenological three-body force. The maximum mass of newborn neutron star and the proton fraction in the newborn beta-stable neutron-star matter are calculated. The neutrino-trapping and the three-body force effects are discussed, and the interplay between the effects of the trapped neutrino and the three-body force are especially explored. It is shown that neutrino trapping considerably affects the proton abundance and the equation of state of the newborn neutron star in both cases with and without the three-body forces. The effect of neutrino trapping remarkably enhances the proton abundance, and the contribution of the three-body force makes the equation of state of the newborn neutron star much stiffer at high densities and consequently increases the proton abundance strongly. The trapped neutrinos significantly reduce the influence of the three-body force on the proton abundance in newborn neutron stars.


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Within the framework of microscopic Brueckner-Hatree-Fock, the contribution of the three-body force (TBF) rearrangement to the. single nucleon potential is calculated. The TBF rearrangement effects on the momentum and the density dependence of the single nucleon potential are investigated. The influence of the TBF rearrangement on the effective mass of nucleon is also discussed. It is shown that the rearrangement contribution of TBF is repulsive and momentum-dependent. The TBF rearrangement effect and its momentum dependence increase rapidly as increasing density and momentum. At high densities and high momenta, the repulsive rearrangement contribution reduces strongly the attraction of the single nucleon potential and enhances considerably the momentum dependence of the single nucleon potential.


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We extend the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) approach to include the three-body force (TBF) rearrangement contribution in calculating the neutron and proton single particle (s.p.) properties in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter. We investigate the TBF rearrangement effect on the momentum-dependence of neutron and proton s.p. potentials, the isospin splitting and especially its density dependence of the neutron and proton effective masses, and the isospin symmetry potential in neutron-rich nuclear matter by adopting the realistic Argonne V-18 two-body nucleon-nucleon interaction supplemented with a microscopic TBF. We find that at low densities, the TBF rearrangement effect is fairly weak, whereas the TBF induces a significant rearrangement effect on the s.p. properties at high densities and large momenta. The TBF rearrangement contribution to s.p. potential is shown to be repulsive, and it reduces considerably the attraction of the BHF s.p. potential. The repulsion from the TBF rearrangement turns out to be strongly momentum dependent at high densities and high momenta. As a consequence, it enhances remarkably the momentum dependence of the proton and neutron s.p. potentials and reduces the neutron and proton effective masses. At low densities, the TBF rearrangement effect on symmetry potential is almost negligible, while at high densities, it enlarges sizably the symmetry potential. At high enough densities, it may even change the high-momentum behavior of symmetry potential. In both cases, with and without including the TBF rearrangement contribution, the predicted neutron effective mass is larger than the proton one in neutron-rich matter within the BHF framework; i.e., the predicted isospin splitting of the proton and neutron effective masses in neutron-rich matter is such that m(n)(*)>= m(p)(*), in agreement with the recent Dirac-BHF predictions. The TBF rearrangement contribution reduces remarkably the magnitude of the proton-neutron effective mass splitting at high densities. At high enough densities, inclusion of the TBF rearrangement contribution even suppresses almost completely the effective mass splitting.


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The lifetimes of alpha decays of the recently produced isotopes of the elements 112, 114, 116 and the element (294)118 and of some decay products have been calculated theoretically within the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation. The alpha decay barriers have been determined in the quasimolecular shape path within a generalized liquid drop model including the proximity effects between nuclei in a neck, the mass and charge asymmetry and the precise nuclear radius. These calculations provide reasonable estimated for the observed alpha decay lifetimes. The calculated results have been compared with the results of the density-dependent M3Y effective interaction and the experimental data. It is indicated that the theoretical foundation of the generalized liquid drop model is as good as that of the microscopic DDM3Y model, at least in the sense of predicting the T-1/2 values as long as one uses a correct alpha decay energy. The half lives of these new nuclei are well tested from the consistence of the macroscopic, the microscopic and the experimental data.


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The barrier distribution function method is introduced in the dinuclear system model in the calculation of the transmission probability, which is the first stage in the synthesis of superheavy nuclei. Dynamical deformation and averaging collision orientations are considered in the calculation of the fusion probability by solving master equation numerically. Survival probability with respect to xn evaporation channel (x = 1-5) in the de-excitation process of the thermal compound nucleus is calculated, in which the level density of the Fermi-gas model is used. Production cross sections of a series of superheavy nuclei formed in the reactions taken magic and deformed nuclei as target in Ca-48 induced reactions are studied systematically. The calculated results are in good agreement with available experimental data. Isotopic dependence of the production cross sections in the reactions Ca-48 + Pu is analyzed.


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By means of the improved quantum molecular dynamics model, the incident energy dependent dynamical fusion potential barriers for heavy nucleus reaction systems are investigated. It is found that with decrease of incident energy the lowest dynamic barrier is obtained which approaches to the adiabatic static barrier and with increase of the incident energy the dynamic barrier goes up to the diabatic static barrier. Based on the dynamical study a microscopic understanding of the extra-push in fusion reactions of heavy systems and a new explanation of tunneling process for the fusion at the incident energy below the static and above the lowest dynamic barrier are presented. In order to understand the energy dependence of the dynamical barrier we also pay a great attention to study the neck formation and shape deformation during the dynamic lowering of the barrier.


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The properties of the nuclei belonging to the newly observed nuclei starting from (288)115 have been studied with the generalized liquid drop model connected with WKB approximation. The calculated results have been compared with the results of the DDM3Y theory and the experimental data. The half lives of this new alpha decay chain have been well tested from the consistence of the macroscopic, microscopic and the experimental data.


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In the framework of the finite temperature Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach including the contribution of the microscopic three-body force, the single nuclear potential and the nucleon effective mass in hot nuclear matter at various temperatures and densities have been calculated by using the hole-line expansion for mass operator, and the effects of the three-body forces and the ground state correlations on the single nucleon potential have been investigated. It is shown that both the ground state correlations and the three-body force affect considerably the density and temperature dependence of the single nucleon potential. The rearrangement correction in the single nucleon potential is repulsive and it reduces remarkably the attraction of the single nucleon potential in the low-momentum region. The rearrangement contribution due to the ground state correlations becomes smaller as the temperature rises up and becomes larger as the density increases. The effect of the three-body force on the ground state correlations is to reduce the contribution of rearrangement. At high densities, the single nucleon potential containing both the rearrangement correction and the contribution of the three-body force becomes more repulsive as the temperature increases.


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Medium-spin states of Ge-70 have been studied via the Ni-60(C-12,2p gamma)Ge-70 reaction at 45 MeV. The ground-state band and the second 0(+) band have been extended to the 12(+) and 8(+) states, respectively. Two negative-parity bands, one of which has a coupled structure and the other has a decoupled structure, have been observed additionally. Although the latter decoupled structure was known up to the (21(-)) state from a previous experiment, the part of the level scheme up to the 15(-) state has been largely modified by the present experiment. Backbendings observed in the positive- and negative-parity yrast bands have been compared with those of the neighboring even Ge isotopes. The experimental level structure has been compared with the shell-model calculations in the model space (2p(3/2), 1f(5/2), 2(p1/2), 1g(9/2)) employing two kinds of effective interactions, one of which is an extended P + QQ interaction with monopole interactions and the other is developed from a renormalized G matrix. Microscopic structures of the observed bands have been discussed with the help of the shell-model calculations.


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Motivated by the recently proposed Kerr/CFT correspondence, we investigate the holographic dual of the extremal and non-extremal rotating linear dilaton black hole in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion Gravity. For the case of extremal black hole, by imposing the appropriate boundary condition at spatial infinity of the near horizon extremal geometry, the Virasoro algebra of conserved charges associated with the asymptotic symmetry group is obtained. It is shown that the microscopic entropy of the dual conformal field given by Cardy formula exactly agrees with Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of extremal black hole. Then, by rewriting the wave equation of massless scalar field with sufficient low energy as the SLL(2, R) x SLR(2, R) Casimir operator, we find the hidden conformal symmetry of the non-extremal linear dilaton black hole, which implies that the non-extremal rotating linear dilaton black hole is holographically dual to a two dimensional conformal field theory with the non-zero left and right temperatures. Furthermore, it is shown that the entropy of non-extremal black hole can be reproduced by using Cardy formula.


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We have investigated the equation of state (EOS) and single particle (s.p.) properties of asymmetric nuclear matter within the framework of the Brueckner-Bethe-Goldstone approach. We have discussed particularly the effect of microscopic three-body forces (TBF). It is shown that the TBF affects significantly the predicted properties of nuclear matter at high densities.


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We extend the recently proposed Kerr/CFT correspondence to examine the dual conformal field theory of four-dimensional Kaluza-Klein black hole in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory. For the extremal Kaluza-Klein black hole, the central charge and temperature of the dual conformal field are calculated following the approach of Guica, Hartman, Song and Strominger. Meanwhile, we show that the microscopic entropy given by the Cardy formula agrees with Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of extremal Kaluza-Klein black hole. For the non-extremal case, by studying the near-region wave equation of a neutral massless scalar field, we investigate the hidden conformal symmetry of Kaluza-Klein black hole, and find the left and right temperatures of the dual conformal field theory. Furthermore, we find that the entropy of non-extremal Kaluza-Klein black hole is reproduced by Cardy formula. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.