984 resultados para longitudinal analyses


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Administrative systems such as health care registration are of increasing importance in providing information for statistical, research, and policy purposes. There is thus a pressing need to understand better the detailed relationship between population characteristics as recorded in such systems and conventional censuses. This paper explores these issues using the unique Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS). It takes the 2001 Census enumeration as a benchmark and analyses the social, demographic and spatial patterns of mismatch with the health register at individual level. Descriptive comparison is followed by multivariate and multilevel analyses which show that approximately 25% of individuals are reported to be in different addresses and that age, rurality, education, and housing type are all important factors. This level of mismatch appears to be maintained over time, as earlier migrants who update their address details are replaced by others who have not yet done so. In some cases, apparent mismatches seem likely to reflect complex multi-address living arrangements rather than data error.


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Calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase kinase 2 (CaMKK2) has been implicated in the regulation of metabolic activity in cancer and immune cells, and affects whole-body metabolism by regulating ghrelin-signalling in the hypothalamus. This has led to efforts to develop specific CaMKK2 inhibitors, and STO-609 is the standardly used CaMKK2 inhibitor to date. We have developed a novel fluorescence-based assay by exploiting the intrinsic fluorescence properties of STO-609. Here, we report an in vitro binding constant of KD ∼17 nM between STO-609 and purified CaMKK2 or CaMKK2:Calmodulin complex. Whereas high concentrations of ATP were able to displace STO-609 from the kinase, GTP was unable to achieve this confirming the specificity of this association. Recent structural studies on the kinase domain of CaMKK2 had implicated a number of amino acids involved in the binding of STO-609. Our fluorescent assay enabled us to confirm that Phe(267) is critically important for this association since mutation of this residue to a glycine abolished the binding of STO-609. An ATP replacement assay, as well as the mutation of the 'gatekeeper' amino acid Phe(267)Gly, confirmed the specificity of the assay and once more confirmed the strong binding of STO-609 to the kinase. In further characterising the purified kinase and kinase-calmodulin complex we identified a number of phosphorylation sites some of which corroborated previously reported CaMKK2 phosphorylation and some of which, particularly in the activation segment, were novel phosphorylation events. In conclusion, the intrinsic fluorescent properties of STO-609 provide a great opportunity to utilise this drug to label the ATP-binding pocket and probe the impact of mutations and other regulatory modifications and interactions on the pocket. It is however clear that the number of phosphorylation sites on CaMKK2 will pose a challenge in studying the impact of phosphorylation on the pocket unless the field can develop approaches to control the spectrum of modifications that occur during recombinant protein expression in E. coli.


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A análise dos efeitos dos sismos mostra que a investigação em engenharia sísmica deve dar especial atenção à avaliação da vulnerabilidade das construções existentes, frequentemente desprovidas de adequada resistência sísmica tal como acontece em edifícios de betão armado (BA) de muitas cidades em países do sul da Europa, entre os quais Portugal. Sendo os pilares elementos estruturais fundamentais na resistência sísmica dos edifícios, deve ser dada especial atenção à sua resposta sob ações cíclicas. Acresce que o sismo é um tipo de ação cujos efeitos nos edifícios exige a consideração de duas componentes horizontais, o que tem exigências mais severas nos pilares comparativamente à ação unidirecional. Assim, esta tese centra-se na avaliação da resposta estrutural de pilares de betão armado sujeitos a ações cíclicas horizontais biaxiais, em três linhas principais. Em primeiro lugar desenvolveu-se uma campanha de ensaios para o estudo do comportamento cíclico uniaxial e biaxial de pilares de betão armado com esforço axial constante. Para tal foram construídas quatro séries de pilares retangulares de betão armado (24 no total) com diferentes características geométricas e quantidades de armadura longitudinal, tendo os pilares sido ensaiados para diferentes histórias de carga. Os resultados experimentais obtidos são analisados e discutidos dando particular atenção à evolução do dano, à degradação de rigidez e resistência com o aumento das exigências de deformação, à energia dissipada, ao amortecimento viscoso equivalente; por fim é proposto um índice de dano para pilares solicitados biaxialmente. De seguida foram aplicadas diferentes estratégias de modelação não-linear para a representação do comportamento biaxial dos pilares ensaiados, considerando não-linearidade distribuída ao longo dos elementos ou concentrada nas extremidades dos mesmos. Os resultados obtidos com as várias estratégias de modelação demonstraram representar adequadamente a resposta em termos das curvas envolventes força-deslocamento, mas foram encontradas algumas dificuldades na representação da degradação de resistência e na evolução da energia dissipada. Por fim, é proposto um modelo global para a representação do comportamento não-linear em flexão de elementos de betão armado sujeitos a ações biaxiais cíclicas. Este modelo tem por base um modelo uniaxial conhecido, combinado com uma função de interação desenvolvida com base no modelo de Bouc- Wen. Esta função de interação foi calibrada com recurso a técnicas de otimização e usando resultados de uma série de análises numéricas com um modelo refinado. É ainda demonstrada a capacidade do modelo simplificado em reproduzir os resultados experimentais de ensaios biaxiais de pilares.


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Background: We aimed to test whether the three classical hypotheses of the interaction between posttraumatic symptomatology and substance use (high risk of trauma exposure, susceptibility for posttraumatic symptomatology, and self-medication of symptoms), may be useful in the understanding of substance use among burn patients. Methods: We analysed substance use data (nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine, opiates, and tranquilizers) and psychopathology measures among burn patients admitted to a Burns Unit and enrolled in a longitudinal observational study. Lifetime substance use information (n = 246) was incorporated to analyses aiming to test the high risk hypothesis. Only patients assessed for psychopathology in a six months follow-up (n = 183) were included in prospective analyses testing the susceptibility and self-medication hypotheses. Results: Regarding the high risk hypothesis, results show a higher proportion of heroin and tranquilizer users compared to the general population. Furthermore, in line with the susceptibility hypothesis, higher levels of symptomatology were found in lifetime alcohol, tobacco and drug users during recovery. The self-medication hypothesis could be tested partially due to the hospital stay “cleaning” effect, but severity of symptoms was linked to caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and cannabis use after discharge. Conclusions: We found that the three classical hypotheses could be used to understand the link between traumatic experiences and substance use explaining different patterns of burn patient’s risk for trauma exposure and emergence of symptomatology.


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Background Recreational use of 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy, MDMA) is increasing worldwide. Its use by pregnant women causes concern due to potentially harmful effects on the developing fetus. MDMA, an indirect monoaminergic agonist and reuptake inhibitor, affects the serotonin and dopamine systems. Preclinical studies of fetal exposure demonstrate effects on learning, motor behavior, and memory. In the first human studies, we found prenatal MDMA exposure related to poorer motor development in the first year of life. In the present study we assessed the effects of prenatal exposure to MDMA on the trajectory of child development through 2 years of age. We hypothesized that exposure would be associated with poorer mental and motor outcomes. Materials and Methods The DAISY (Drugs and Infancy Study, 2003–2008) employed a prospective longitudinal cohort design to assess recreational drug use during pregnancy and child outcomes in the United Kingdom. Examiners masked to drug exposures followed infants from birth to 4, 12, 18, and 24 months of age. MDMA, cocaine, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other drugs were quantified through a standardized clinical interview. The Bayley Scales (III) of Mental (MDI) and Motor (PDI) Development and the Behavior Rating Scales (BRS) were primary outcome measures. Statistical analyses included a repeated measures mixed model approach controlling for multiple confounders. Results Participants were pregnant women volunteers, primarily white, of middle class socioeconomic status, average IQ, with some college education, in stable partner relationships. Of 96 women enrolled, children of 93 had at least one follow-up assessment and 81 (87%) had ≥ two assessments. Heavier MDMA exposure (M = 1.3 ± 1.4 tablets per week) predicted lower PDI (p < .002), and poorer BRS motor quality from 4 to 24 months of age, but did not affect MDI, orientation, or emotional regulation. Children with heavier exposure were twice as likely to demonstrate poorer motor quality as lighter and non-exposed children (O.R. = 2.2, 95%, CI = 1.02–4.70, p < .05). Discussion Infants whose mothers reported heavier MDMA use during pregnancy had motor delays from 4 months to two years of age that were not attributable to other drug or lifestyle factors. Women of child bearing age should be cautioned about the use of MDMA and MDMA-exposed infants should be screened for motor delays and possible intervention.


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Psychological symptoms are common among burn survivors. However, knowledge about epidemiology and predictors of psychopathology has shown great heterogeneity in this population. The Fenix-II Project was the first epidemiological study on the psychopathological consequences of burn injuries developed in Spain, providing a detailed analysis of the progression of psychological symptoms during the first six months after injury. Three hundred and thirty-three patients were monitored and 183 were included in this study. Posttraumatic, depression and anxiety symptoms showed a general decreasing tendency across time. At 6 months, 34 patients showed clinically significant Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms (20.5% of 166 patients reached at 6 months) as measured with the MINI Neuropsychiatric Interview. Within this group of patients, anxiety, depression and hyperarousal increased at 30 days, and avoidance 90 days after injury. The most accurate predictors of PTSD were found to be being burned in a Motor Vehicle Accident, risk of social exclusion, low body-image adjustment, anterior trunk location of the burn injury and life threat perception during the burn-shock period. Considering these factors, clinicians may identify patients at risk of PTSD development, allowing an adequate follow up and preventive interventions which may minimize the psychological consequences of burn injuries.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências da Educação (Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa), Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Le but de cette étude corrélationnelle est d'approfondir les connaissances quant aux caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et scolaires des élèves du secondaire atypiques à risque de décrochage scolaire issus de la typologie de Fortin, Marcotte, Potvin, Royer et Joly (2006). Plus concrètement, les objectifs de cette étude sont : (1) comparer selon le genre les caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et scolaires entre les élèves atypiques à risque de décrochage scolaire et les quatre types d'élèves : les élèves ayant des comportements antisociaux cachés, les élèves peu intéressés et peu motivés, les élèves présentant des problèmes de comportements extériorisés et les élèves dépressifs; (2) identifier selon le genre les caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et scolaires qui sont les plus associées aux élèves atypiques à risque de décrochage scolaire comparativement aux élèves non à risque de décrochage scolaire. Les analyses ont mené à plusieurs résultats notamment que les garçons atypiques et les filles atypiques se différencient selon certaines de leurs caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et scolaires. De plus, les résultats ont démontré que les élèves atypiques et les quatre sous-groupes d'élèves à risque de décrochage scolaire de la typologie de Fortin et al. (2006) se différencient selon plusieurs de leurs caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et scolaires. Également, les analyses ont illustré que les caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et scolaires des cinq sous-groupes d'élèves à risque de décrochage scolaire se différencient lorsque l'interaction entre le genre et la typologie est considérée. En raison de la faible proportion d'élèves atypiques comparativement à celle des élèves non à risque de décrochage scolaire, il a été impossible de démontrer comment ces deux groupes d'élèves se différencient en fonction de leurs caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et scolaires et en fonction de leur genre.


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O impacto do contexto de trabalho no desenvolvimento vocacional tem vindo a ser estudado, há vários anos, no domínio da Psicologia Vocacional. Autores como Mark Savickas, Super e Vondraceck, reconhecem-no como um fator importante para o desenvolvimento vocacional do indivíduo, sobretudo pelos desafios que o exercício de determinada atividade profissional pode vir a colocar. Neste contexto, a experiência de estágio pode ter um efeito significativo na adaptabilidade de carreira e em outros contrutos a esta associados, sobretudo por se tratar de um contruto que traduz a competência de cada um para lidar com os desafios, obstáculos e transições inerentes à aprendizagem em contexto real de trabalho. A presente investigação, através de um estudo longitudinal com 119 alunos do ensino profissional, tem como objectivo avaliar os níveis de adaptabilidade ao longo do ano lectivo, bem como o impacto deste construto na auto-eficácia e na empregabilidade percebida, no final do ano letivo. Tem ainda como objectivo avaliar o impacto da qualidade da experiência de estágio nas diferenças eventualmente observadas nos níveis de adaptabilidade dos estudantes. Os resultados obtidos vão ao encontro da literatura, destacando a estabilidade dos níveis de adaptabilidade ao longo do ano, reforçando ainda, o papel deste construto na qualidade de preditor do sentimento de competência na transição para o mundo do trabalho. As limitações do estudo e as futuras linhas de investigação serão também apresentadas.


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"La lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale est un enjeu qui hante constamment les débats politiques des pays occidentaux. L’ensemble des acteurs publics déplorent que, dans nos sociétés d’opulence, certains n’aient ni le minimum pour vivre ni la capacité d’exercer leurs droits sociaux. Dans son livre, Louis-Henri Groulx s’intéresse à une des stratégies pour lutter contre la pauvreté : le revenu minimum garanti. [...]"


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Geographical and temporal variations in the start dates of grass pollen seasons are described for selected sites of the European Pollen Information Service. Daily average grass pollen counts are derived from Network sites in Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark, United Kingdom, Austria, Italy and Spain, giving a broad longitudinal transect over Western Europe. The study is part of a larger project that also examines annual and regional variations in the severity, timing of the peak and duration of the grass pollen seasons. For several sites, data are available for over twenty years enabling long term trends to be discerned. The analyses show notable contrasts in the progression of the seasons annually with differing lag times occurring between southern and northern sites in various years depending on the weather conditions. The patterns identified provide some insight into geographical differences and temporal trends in the incidence of pollinosis. The paper discusses the main difficulties involved in this type of analysis and notes possibilities for using data from the European Pollen Information service to construct pan European predictive models for pollen seasons.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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This article outlines the research design of a large‐scale, longitudinal research study in England intended to describe and explore variations in teachers' work, lives and their effects on pupils' educational outcomes. The study, funded by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) and incorporated into the Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP) as an ‘Associate Project’, used an innovative mixed‐methods research design to create case studies of 300 teachers in Years 2, 6 and 9. The research was conducted over three consecutive academic years and collected a wide range of data through interviews, questionnaire surveys of teachers' and pupils' views and assessment data on pupils' attainments in English and mathematics. The text summarises the main findings from the research in relation to four interconnected themes of the study: Professional Life Phases; Professional Identity; Relative Effectiveness; and Resilience and Commitment. The influence of school context, in terms of level of social disadvantage of pupil intake, is also investigated. Key findings and their implications for policy and practice are highlighted.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015