989 resultados para log-series distribution
The real convergence hypothesis has spurred a myriad of empirical tests and approaches in the economic literature. This Work Project intends to test for real output and growth convergence in all N(N-1)/2 possible pairs of output and output growth gaps of 14 Eurozone countries. This paper follows a time-series approach, as it tests for the presence of unit roots and persistence changes in the above mentioned pairs of output gaps, as well as for the existence of growth convergence with autoregressive models. Overall, significantly greater evidence has been found to support growth convergence rather than output convergence in our sample.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze surgical and pathological parameters and outcome and prognostic factors of patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who were admitted to a single institution, as well as to correlate these findings to the current staging system. METHOD: Seven hundred and thirty seven patients were diagnosed with NSCLC and admitted to Hospital do Cancer A. C. Camargo from 1990 to 2000. All patients were included in a continuous prospective database, and their data was analyzed. Following staging, a multidisciplinary team decision on adequate management was established. Variables included in this analysis were age, gender, histology, Karnofsky index, weight loss, clinical stage, surgical stage, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and survival rates. RESULTS: 75.5% of patients were males. The distribution of histologic type was squamous cell carcinoma 51.8%, adenocarcinoma 43.1%, and undifferentiated large cell carcinoma 5.1%. Most patients (73%) presented significant weight loss and a Karnofsky index of 80%. Clinical staging was IA 3.8%, IB 9.2%, IIA 1.4%, IIB 8.1%, IIIA 20.9%, IIIB 22.4%, IV 30.9%. Complete tumor resection was performed in 24.6% of all patients. Surgical stage distribution was IA 25.3%, IB 1.4%, IIB 17.1%, IIIA 16.1%, IIIB 20.3%, IV 11.5%. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were considered therapeutic options in 43% and 72%, respectively. The overall 5-year survival rate of nonsmall cell lung cancer patients in our study was 28%. Median survival was 18.9 months. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with NSCLC who were admitted to our institution presented with histopathologic and clinical characteristics that were similar to previously published series in cancer hospitals. The best prognosis was associated with complete tumor resection with lymph node dissection, which is only achievable in earlier clinical stages.
In this work we are going to evaluate the different assumptions used in the Black- Scholes-Merton pricing model, namely log-normality of returns, continuous interest rates, inexistence of dividends and transaction costs, and the consequences of using them to hedge different options in real markets, where they often fail to verify. We are going to conduct a series of tests in simulated underlying price series, where alternatively each assumption will be violated and every option delta hedging profit and loss analysed. Ultimately we will monitor how the aggressiveness of an option payoff causes its hedging to be more vulnerable to profit and loss variations, caused by the referred assumptions.
One hundred and fourteen hectares of a "terra-fiirme" rain forest 70 km north of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, were surveyed for leaf-cutting ant colonies (Atta spp). One half of this area was in isolated forest fragments (surrounded by pastures or second growth) of two sizes: 1 and 10 ha. The other half was in non-isolated fragments (connected to a large parch of forest) of the same sizes. Only two species occured in this forest: Atta sexdens sexdens L. and A. cepfhalotes L. The first was the most abundant species with a mean density of 0.35 colonies per ha. The mean density of A. cephalotes colonies was 0.03 per ha. The density of colonies was not significantly different between the isolated fragments and the continuous forest. Furthermore, the species composition did not change with isolation. However, pre-isolation data and long term monitoring are necessary to conclude that the isolation of a forest fragment has no effect upon Atta colonies. The non-uniform spatial distribution of Atta colonics within the "terra-firme" forest must be taken into account when selecting conservation areas in the Amazon, in order to preserve this important group of ants together with their native habitat.
The geographical distribution of the African Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicusin Suriname is restricted to a narrow strip of land along the Atlantic coast. Within the coastal plain, O. mossambicusoccurs in brackish lagoons, oligohaline canals, and shell-sand pit lakes. Physico-chemical characteristics and phytoplankton composition of representative Tilapia water bodies are described. Blue-green algae and fine flocculent detritus are dominant food items in the diet of the Tilapia, while Rotifera and microcrustacea are also important in the diet of larvae and juveniles. Intraspecific diet overlap among ontogenetic stages of the Tilapia did not differ significantly from 1, which means that these diets showed complete overlap. Interspecific diet overlap between the Tilapia and the indigenous armoured catfish Hoplosternum littoralewere moderate or low. The results are discussed in relation to recent developments in the Surinamese fisheries and aquaculture sector.
The spatial and temporal distribution of a guild of eight diurnal tiger beetle species was studied on a 105 m long transect near the field station of the Reserva Florestal A. Ducke near Manaus (AM), Brazil. The transect followed a path that included both shaded and an open areas. Five of the species, restricted to primary forest, occurrred only in shaded areas of the transect, and three species occurred in open areas. Of all eight species only two of the open habitat species showed no clear seasonality in adult activity. In six species the activity of adults was limited to the rainy season. The most pronounced annual rhythm was found in Pentacomia ventralis, an open habitat species. Activity of adults was limited to October/November. First in-star larvae appeared shortly thereafter. Larval development mainly took place from January to May. The third instar larva entered a dormancy which lasted up to 10 months, and which enabled the synchronisation of emerging adults with annual seasons.
The occurence of Fredius reflexifrons (Ortmann, 1897), a pseudothelphusid crab widely distributed in the Amazon region and the Atlantic Guianas, is recorded from the state of Ceará, northeastern Brazil. Other records of this species and Fredius denticulatus (H. Milne-Edwards, 1853) from the Amazon region are also presented. A discussion is made on the eastern limits of the distribution of the family Pseudothelphusidae in Brazil.
The MAP-i Doctoral Programme in Informatics, of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto
We investigate palm species distribution, richness and abundance along the Mokoti, a seasonally-dry river of southeastern Amazon and compare it to the patterns observed at a large scale, comprising the entire Brazilian territory. A total of 694 palms belonging to 10 species were sampled at the Mokoti River basin. Although the species showed diverse distribution patterns, we found that local palm abundance, richness and tree basal area were significantly higher from the hills to the bottomlands of the study region, revealing a positive association of these measures with moisture. The analyses at the larger spatial scale also showed a strong influence of vapor pressure (a measure of moisture content of the air, in turn modulated by temperature) and seasonality in temperature: the richest regions were those where temperature and humidity were simultaneously high, and which also presented a lower degree of seasonality in temperature. These results indicate that the distribution of palms seems to be strongly associated with climatic variables, supporting the idea that, by 'putting all the eggs in one basket' (a consequence of survival depending on the preservation of a single irreplaceable bud), palms have become vulnerable to extreme environmental conditions. Hence, their distribution is concentrated in those tropical and sub-tropical regions with constant conditions of (mild to high) temperature and moisture all year round.
The deep brine pools of the Red Sea comprise extreme, inhospitable habitats yet house microbial communities that potentially may fuel adjacent fauna. We here describe a novel bivalve from a deep-sea (1525 m) brine pool in the Red Sea, where conditions of high salinity, lowered pH, partial anoxia and high temperatures are prevalent. Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) footage showed that the bivalves were present in a narrow (20 cm) band along the rim of the brine pool, suggesting that it is not only tolerant of such extreme conditions but is also limited to them. The bivalve is a member of the Corbulidae and named Apachecorbula muriatica gen. et sp. nov. The shell is atypical of the family in being modioliform and thin. The semi-infaunal habit is seen in ROV images and reflected in the anatomy by the lack of siphons. The ctenidia are large and typical of a suspension feeding bivalve, but the absence of guard cilia and the greatly reduced labial palps suggest that it is non-selective as a response to low food availability. It is proposed that the low body mass observed is a consequence of the extreme habitat and low food availability. It is postulated that the observed morphology of Apachecorbula is a result of paedomorphosis driven by the effects of the extreme environment on growth but is in part mitigated by the absence of high predation pressures.
In this work, I apply a simple protocol to species occurrence inventory of Odonata in a region of Maranhão state which has very few distributional records. Some relations between species occurrence and environmental characteristics are discussed, mainly in relation to the high occurrence of Erythemis. Eighteen new records are presented discussing the role of this approach to generate useful information for conservation purposes.
Dijet events produced in LHC proton--proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy s√=8 TeV are studied with the ATLAS detector using the full 2012 data set, with an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. Dijet masses up to about 4.5 TeV are probed. No resonance-like features are observed in the dijet mass spectrum. Limits on the cross section times acceptance are set at the 95% credibility level for various hypotheses of new phenomena in terms of mass or energy scale, as appropriate. This analysis excludes excited quarks with a mass below 4.09 TeV, color-octet scalars with a mass below 2.72 TeV, heavy W′ bosons with a mass below 2.45 TeV, chiral W∗ bosons with a mass below 1.75 TeV, and quantum black holes with six extra space-time dimensions with threshold mass below 5.82 TeV.
A transformação logarítmica das relações bivariadas no cálculo das normas e dos índices do sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação de nutrientes (DRIS) tem sido sugerida como uma forma de melhorar a acurácia do sistema, principalmente por diminuir a inconsistência na distribuição de freqüência entre as formas de expressão direta e inversa de uma mesma relação. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de relações log-transformadas entre diferentes populações de referência. Amostras foliares de cupuaçu foram coletadas de 153 pomares comerciais, cuja idade das plantas variou de 5 a 18 anos, cultivados em monocultivo ou sistemas agroflorestais, obtendo-se para cada relação nutricional entre os nutrientes N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, e Mn as normas DRIS bivariadas log-transformadas e não transformadas, obtidas para o conjunto da população e para condições específicas. Os resultados mostraram que as relações log-transformadas contribuem para uma maior consistência dos resultados entre as formas direta e inversa entre diferentes normas DRIS.