974 resultados para linguistic calques
El treball parteix d'una afirmació: la pressió social (exercida de vegades per una persona influent, de vegades per milers) pot facilitar canvis en el règim lingüístic de la Unió Europea (o, més ben dit, en el de les institucions de la Unió) o, si més no, en elements de la seva política lingüística. Al llarg d'aquest treball hom justificarà aquesta afirmació amb una sèrie d'exemples, en què la pressió popular ha volgut deixar clar, davant d'Europa, la importància que donem a la llengua catalana.
The purpose of this comparative study is to profile second language learners by exploring the factors which have an impact on their learning. The subjects come from two different countries: one group comes from Milwaukee, US, and the other from Turku, Finland. The subjects have attended bilingual classes from elementary school to senior high school in their respective countries. In the United States, the subjects (N = 57) started in one elementary school from where they moved on to two high schools in the district. The Finnish subjects (N = 39) attended the same school from elementary to high school. The longitudinal study was conducted during 1994-2004 and combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods. A Pilot Study carried out in 1990-1991 preceded the two subsequent studies that form the core material of this research. The theoretical part of the study focuses first on language policies in the United States and Finland: special emphasis is given to the history, development and current state of bilingual education, and the factors that have affected policy-making in the provision of language instruction. Current language learning theories and models form the theoretical foundation of the research, and underpin the empirical studies. Cognitively-labeled theories are at the forefront, but sociocultural theory and the ecological approach are also accounted for. The research methods consist of questionnaires, compositions and interviews. A combination of statistical methods as well as content analysis were used in the analysis. The attitude of the bilingual learners toward L1 and L2 was generally positive: the subjects enjoyed learning through two languages and were motivated to learn both. The knowledge of L1 and parental support, along with early literacy in L1, facilitated the learning of L2. This was particularly evident in the American subject group. The American subjects’ L2 learning was affected by the attitudes of the learners to the L1 culture and its speakers. Furthermore, the negative attitudes taken by L1 speakers toward L2 speakers and the lack of opportunities to engage in activities in the L1 culture affected the American subjects’ learning of L2, English. The research showed that many American L2 learners were isolated from the L1 culture and were even afraid to use English in everyday communication situations. In light of the research results, a politically neutral linguistic environment, which the Finnish subjects inhabited, was seen to be more favorable for learning. The Finnish subjects were learning L2, English, in a neutral zone where their own attitudes and motivation dictated their learning. The role of L2 as a means of international communication in Finland, as opposed to a means of exercising linguistic power, provided a neutral atmosphere for learning English. In both the American and Finnish groups, the learning of other languages was facilitated when the learner had a good foundation in their L1, and the learning of L1 and L2 were in balance. Learning was also fostered when the learners drew positive experiences from their surroundings and were provided with opportunities to engage in activities where L2 was used.
Aquest TFG és la memòria de les pràctiques de revisió i correcció de textos escrits fetes al digital de cultura 'Núvol'. En la memòria faig una presentació i una anàlisi del digital, explico les tasques desenvolupades durant les pràctiques i en faig la valoració.
Aquest article té dos objectius bàsics. En primer lloc, mostrar la capacitat analítica d'un estudi de cas a l'hora d'estudiar l'expressió de la identitat i dels rols assumits pels participants en la comunicació, posant-la en relació amb els marcs participatius d'Erwing Goffman (1981), d'una banda, i amb la dixi de persona i les seves manifestacions gramaticals (Levinson 1983; Nogué 2008), de l'altra. I en segon lloc, mostrar com l'estructura gramatical pot proporcionar indicadors lingüístics que donen informació sobre la identitat i els rols assumits, posant l'èmfasi en una circumstància concreta: la manera com es reflecteix lingüísticament la col¿lisió entre dos o més rols. Paraules clau: dixi de persona, identitat, rol participatiu, marc participatiu. This article has two main purposes. In the first place, to show how a case study can provide interesting information about the expression of identity and of the different roles assumed by the communication participants. On the one hand, this information is related to the participation frameworks proposed by Erwing Goffman (1981); on the other hand, to person deixis and its grammatical manifestations (Levinson 1983; Nogué 2008). And in the second place, to show how grammatical structure can provide linguistic cues about identity and roles, putting the emphasis on a specific circumstance: the linguistic signs of the collision between two or more of these roles. Key words: person deixis, identity, participation role, participation framework.
The meaning of a novel word can be acquired by extracting it from linguistic context. Here we simulated word learning of new words associated to concrete and abstract concepts in a variant of the human simulation paradigm that provided linguistic context information in order to characterize the brain systems involved. Native speakers of Spanish read pairs of sentences in order to derive the meaning of a new word that appeared in the terminal position of the sentences. fMRI revealed that learning the meaning associated to concrete and abstract new words was qualitatively different and recruited similar brain regions as the processing of real concrete and abstract words. In particular, learning of new concrete words selectively boosted the activation of the ventral anterior fusiform gyrus, a region driven by imageability, which has previously been implicated in the processing of concrete words.
L’escolarització de la infància estrangera es fa en programes de canvi de llengua de la llar a l’escola. Per això, el progrés de les criatures estrangeres en el domini de la llengua del centre docent remet a fer possible una pràctica educativa semblant a aquella que permet assolir l’èxit escolar en els programes d’immersió lingüística. L’article discuteix aquesta qüestió a partir d’un estudi empíric i proposa alguns criteris per orientar la pràctica educativa amb aquest alumnat
Performance-based studies on the psychological nature of linguistic competence can conceal significant differences in the brain processes that underlie native versus nonnative knowledge of language. Here we report results from the brain activity of very proficient early bilinguals making a lexical decision task that illustrates this point. Two groups of SpanishCatalan early bilinguals (Spanish-dominant and Catalan-dominant) were asked to decide whether a given form was a Catalan word or not. The nonwords were based on real words, with one vowel changed. In the experimental stimuli, the vowel change involved a Catalan-specific contrast that previous research had shown to be difficult for Spanish natives to perceive. In the control stimuli, the vowel switch involved contrasts common to Spanish and Catalan. The results indicated that the groups of bilinguals did not differ in their behavioral and event-related brain potential measurements for the control stimuli; both groups made very few errors and showed a larger N400 component for control nonwords than for control words. However, significant differences were observed for the experimental stimuli across groups: Specifically, Spanish-dominant bilinguals showed great difficulty in rejecting experimental nonwords. Indeed, these participants not only showed very high error rates for these stimuli, but also did not show an error-related negativity effect in their erroneous nonword decisions. However, both groups of bilinguals showed a larger correctrelated negativity when making correct decisions about the experimental nonwords. The results suggest that although some aspects of a second language system may show a remarkable lack of plasticity (like the acquisition of some foreign contrasts), first-language representations seem to be more dynamic in their capacity of adapting and incorporating new information. &
The ERP repetition priming paradigm has been shown to be sensitive to the processing differences between regular and irregular verb forms in English and German. The purpose of the present study is to extend this research to a language with a different inflectional system, Spanish. The design (delayed visual repetition priming) was adopted from our previous study on English, and the specific linguistic phenomena we examined are priming relations between different kinds of stem (or root) forms. There were two experimental conditions: In the first condition, the prime and the target shared the same stem form, e.g., "ando-andar" [I walk-to walk], whereas in the second condition, the prime contained a marked (alternated) stem, e.g., "duermo-dormir" [I sleep-to sleep]. A reduced N400 was found for unmarked (nonalternated) stems in the primed condition, whereas marked stems showed no such effect. Moreover, control conditions demonstrated that the surface form properties (i.e., the different degree of phonetic and orthographic overlap between primes and targets) do not explain the observed priming difference. The ERP priming effect for verb forms with unmarked stems in Spanish is parallel to that found for regularly inflected verb forms in English and German. We argue that effective priming is possible because prime target pairs such as "ando-andar" access the same lexical entry for their stems. By contrast, verb forms with alternated stems (e.g., "duermo") constitute separate lexical entries, and are therefore less powerful primes for their corresponding base forms.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és analitzar els principals criteris que les guies d'estil recomanen per visibilitzar les dones ¿o per fer un ús no sexista del llenguatge¿ des de dos punts de vista: el sintacticosemàntic i el discursiu. Des del punt de vista sintacticosemàntic, s'estudien bàsicament els fenòmens relacionats amb la coordinació, la concordança i la repetició o elisió d'elements (per exemple, especificadors del nom), i la manera com les diferents opcions afecten el significat oracional. Des del punt de vista discursiu, s'analitzen els fenòmens relacionats amb la coreferència; és a dir, la relació entre les diferents maneres d'expressar un mateix referent per mitjà d'elements nominals al llarg del text, i l'efecte que provoquen en el text en conjunt. Amb aquest objectiu, l'estudi analitza des d'un punt de vista qualitatiu les dades proporcionades per un corpus de textos procedents de tres àmbits (polític, administratiu i educatiu) en què s'apliquen sovint aquesta mena de criteris. Paraules clau: català, llenguatge no sexista, visibilització lingüística de les dones, sintaxi, cohesió, coreferència, llenguatge androcèntric, estil. The goal of this article is to analyse the main criteria recommended by style guides aimed at making women more visible or, in other words, to make a non-sexist use of language. I will concentrate on two main aspects: the syntactic-semantic and the discursive. From a syntactic-semantic point of view, the main elements being studied are those related to coordination, agreement and repetition or omission of elements (for instance, noun specifiers), and also the way the different options chosen affect the meaning of the sentence. From a discursive and stylistic point of view, the elements analysed are those related to coreference, that is, the relationship between the different ways of expressing a same referent through different elements in the text, and the effect they produce in the text as a whole. Having this as the main goal, the study analyses from a qualitative point of view the data from a corpus in three different areas (politics, administration and education), which often apply this kind of criteria. Keywords: Catalan, non-sexist language, female linguistic visibility, syntax, cohesion, co-reference, androcentric language, style
Some bilingual societies exhibit a distribution of language skills that can- not be explained by economic theories that portray languages as pure commu- nication devices. Such distribution of skills are typically the result of public policies that promote bilingualism among members of both speech commu- nities (reciprocal bilingualism). In this paper I argue that these policies are likely to increase social welfare by diminishing economic and social segmenta- tion between the two communities. However, these gains tend to be unequally distributed over the two communities. As a result, in a large range of circum- stances these policies might not draw su¢ cient support. The model is built upon the communicative value of languages, but also emphasizes the role of linguistic preferences in the behavior of bilingual individuals.
Given the structural and acoustical similarities between speech and music, and possible overlapping cerebral structures in speech and music processing, a possible relationship between musical aptitude and linguistic abilities, especially in terms of second language pronunciation skills, was investigated. Moreover, the laterality effect of the mother tongue was examined with both adults and children by means of dichotic listening scores. Finally, two event-related potential studies sought to reveal whether children with advanced second language pronunciation skills and higher general musical aptitude differed from children with less-advanced pronunciation skills and less musical aptitude in accuracy when preattentively processing mistuned triads and music / speech sound durations. The results showed a significant relationship between musical aptitude, English language pronunciation skills, chord discrimination ability, and sound-change-evoked brain activation in response to musical stimuli (durational differences and triad contrasts). Regular music practice may also have a modulatory effect on the brain’s linguistic organization and cause altered hemispheric functioning in those who have regularly practised music for years. Based on the present results, it is proposed that language skills, both in production and discrimination, are interconnected with perceptual musical skills.
El artículo repasa algunos aspectos sobre la relación entre educación escolar e inmigración. Así, al inicio se analizande manera descriptiva las características de la inmigración ligada a la sociedad de la información y sus repercusiones educativas. Igualmente, se repasan algunos trabajos sobreel rendimiento académico de la infancia y la adolescencia extranjera, y se enfatiza el factor lingüístico como una de lasfuentes explicativas de dicho rendimiento. En este sentido, se muestran varias investigaciones dedicadas a conocerlos factores que inciden en el aprendizaje por el alumnado extranjero de la lengua de la escuela y, finalmente, se ofrecen varios criterios para encarar con éxito la relación entre escolarización e inmigración
The thesis or hypothesis of this paper is that the multiple connections of explicit andimplicit life styles foster the construction of hybrid, multiple or complex identities. Wemean by hybrid identities the confluence of multiple identifications in the personalbiography. If the globalization and cultural diversity are the fundamental forms ofglobal life, the mobility is its principal ingredient. We describe different cultural traitsin Chiapas. Internet, migration to United States, or the North American Free TradeAgreement (NAFTA), between North America, Canada, and Mexico, were hybridizedwith the heterogeneity of identity (ethnic, linguistic, and religious). It is discussed thesocial and political consequences of the hybrid contemporary societies
En este trabajo se describe la naturaleza y secuencia de adquisición de las preguntas interrogativas parcialesen niños de habla catalana y/o castellana dentro de un marco de análisis según el cual la adquisición de lasestructuras lingüísticas se construye gradualmente desde estructuras concretas hasta estructuras más abstractas.La muestra utilizada se compone de 10 niños y niñas procedentes de corpus longitudinales cuyas edades van delos 17 meses a los 3 años. El análisis se ha realizado atendiendo a la estructura sintáctica de la oración, loserrores, los pronombres y adverbios interrogativos, y la tipología verbal. Los resultados muestran que la secuenciade adquisición pasa por un momento inicial caracterizado por producciones estereotipadas o fórmulas,durante el cual sólo aparecen algunas partículas interrogativas en estructuras muy concretas. Posteriormente lainterrogación aparece con otros pronombres y adverbios y se diversifica a otros verbos, además, no se observanerrores en la construcción sintáctica. Estos resultados suponen un hecho diferencial respecto de estudios previos enlengua inglesa