982 resultados para lexical semantic


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Stimuli that cannot be perceived (i.e., that are subliminal) can still elicit neural responses in an observer, but can such stimuli influence behavior and higher-order cognition? Empirical evidence for such effects has periodically been accepted and rejected over the last six decades. Today, many psychologists seem to consider such effects well-established and recent studies have extended the power of subliminal processing to new limits. In this thesis, I examine whether this shift in zeitgeist is matched by a shift in evidential strength for the phenomenon. This thesis consists of three empirical studies involving more than 250 participants, a simulation study, and a quantitative review. The conclusion based on these efforts is that several methodological, statistical, and theoretical issues remain in studies of subliminal processing. These issues mean that claimed subliminal effects might be caused by occasional or weak percepts (given the experimenters’ own definitions of perception) and that it is still unclear what evidence there is for the cognitive processing of subliminal stimuli. New data are presented suggesting that even in conditions traditionally claimed as “subliminal”, occasional or weak percepts may in fact influence cognitive processing more strongly than do the physical stimuli, possibly leading to reversed priming effects. I also summarize and provide methodological, statistical, and theoretical recommendations that could benefit future research aspiring to provide solid evidence for subliminal cognitive processing.


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El trabajo releva la presencia de las universidades argentinas en la prensa de alcance nacional. Sistematizaremos la mención de ellas en la versión digital de los diarios para observar frecuencia de aparición y contenidos que se asocian. Partimos de la hipótesis de que los medios hegemónicos sólo registran los eventos de universidades del “interior del país” cuando se vinculan con hechos curiosos o violentos. Interesa indagar en qué casos particulares la referencia a dichas universidades se vincula con la producción y difusión académica del conocimiento científico, entre otras. Constituimos el corpus con fragmentos de textos periodísticos que permiten examinar estructuras gramaticales para develar las representaciones que la prensa naturaliza a través de esas formas. Seguimos consideraciones teórico-metodológicas de la Lingüística Crítica sobre el nivel sintáctico: cuando aparece una distorsión en la estructura superficial existe una manipulación ideológica del sentido. Incluimos parte de la teoría de las transformaciones: en el relato de un acontecimiento, cualquier alteración del esquema causa-consecuencia construye una ideología por la cual percibimos los hechos de otra manera. Asimismo, para establecer correlaciones semánticas en lo discursivo, analizaremos los términos en función de tipos de significado y valor eufórico/disfórico de la base léxica. Por otra parte, desde la Teoría de la Enunciación, distinguiremos palabras objetivas y subjetivas: los hechos enunciativos están constituidos por las huellas lingüísticas de la presencia del locutor en su enunciado, denominadas subjetivemas. Además de los pronombres, rasgos espaciales y temporales como marcas enunciativas, seleccionaremos unidades léxicas como sustantivos, adjetivos, verbos y adverbios. La existencia de los subjetivemas se fundamenta en que toda unidad léxica implica una interpretación del mundo, esto es, una ideología en el sentido que asumimos en nuestro trabajo desde el Análisis Crítico del Discurso. Como complemento de las perspectivas interpretativas mencionadas, realizaremos la cuantificación previa de referencias mediante el Análisis de Contenido como apoyo metodológico. A tal fin, el estudio prevé la utilización de una herramienta tecnológica diseñada ad hoc, para el conteo de frecuencia, relevamiento de contextos lingüísticos de aparición y asociaciones léxicas en la frase, como sistematización previa al trabajo cualitativo de valoración de estructuras léxico-semánticas y morfo-sintácticas. The research reflects the presence of Argentine universities in nationwide media. We will systematize their mention on online version of La Nación and Clarín newspapers to observe their frequency of appearance and the contents they are related to. With the hypothesis that hegemonic media only register events in universities from inside the country when they are related to curious or violent events, we will investigate in which particular cases the reference to such universities is related to the production and academic diffusion of scientific knowledge. We built up the corpus with fragments from articles which allow us to examine the deep grammatical structures to reveal the representation press naturalizes through these forms. We follow theoretical-methodological considerations of Critical Linguistics (CL) about the syntactical level: when a distortion in the superficial structure appears, there exists an ideological manipulation of meaning. Also, to establish semantic correlations on the discursive field, we will analyze terms as regards types of meaning and euphoric/disphoric value of lexical basis. From the Theory of Enunciation, we will distinguish between objective and subjective words (“subjectivemes”): lexical unit implies an interpretation of the world, that is, an ideology in the way we assume in our work from Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). As a complement to CL and CDA, we will carry out a previous quantification using a technological tool designed ad hoc.


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La presente ricerca tratta lo studio delle basi di conoscenza, volto a facilitare la raccolta, l'organizzazione e la distribuzione della conoscenza. La scelta dell’oggetto è dovuta all'importanza sempre maggiore acquisita da questo ambito di ricerca e all'innovazione che esso è in grado di apportare nel campo del Web semantico. Viene analizzata la base di conoscenza YAGO: se ne descrivono lo stato dell’arte, le applicazioni e i progetti per sviluppi futuri. Il lavoro è stato condotto esaminando le pubblicazioni relative al tema e rappresenta una risorsa in lingua italiana sull'argomento.


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Le genre des emprunts lexicaux référant à des entités non-sexuées en français est parfois considéré comme arbitraire, alors qu’il est parfois vu comme motivé par sa forme physique et/ou ses significations. Puisque les avis diffèrent à ce sujet, nous nous sommes intéressé à analyser de nombreux critères pouvant contribuer à l’attribution du genre d’un emprunt. Nous avons constitué quatre corpus, chacun composé de textes issus d’une communauté linguistique emprunteuse (Québec et Europe) et d’un niveau de formalité (formel ou informel). Nous avons observé que le genre des emprunts varie considérablement dans de nombreux cas. Nous constatons que les emprunts des langues à genre (italien, arabe) conservent généralement leur genre originel. Les critères sémantiques et de forme physique peuvent autant justifier le genre d’un emprunt l’un que l’autre. Le critère sémantique le plus opératoire intègre chaque emprunt dans un paradigme conceptuel regroupant plusieurs unités lexicales sous une même conceptualisation et, généralement, un genre commun au paradigme.


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En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar la colocación latina poena afficere, ‘imponer un castigo’, un tipo de colocación con especificidades tanto sintácticas como semánticas que la distinguen de las construcciones verbo-nominales más prototípicas: el sustantivo predicativo funciona no como Objeto Directo sino como tercer argumento del verbo soporte, un esquema sintáctico que, como intentaremos demostrar, resulta ideal para la expresión de predicados causativos. De los ejemplos documentados de poena afficere en un amplio corpus de textos, intentaremos destacar las principales características de este tipo de colocación. Para su descripción y formalización nos serviremos del marco teórico propuesto por la Teoría Sentido-Texto.


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Il a été avancé que des apprenants expérimentés développeraient des niveaux élevés de conscience métalinguistique (MLA), ce qui leur faciliterait l’apprentissage de langues subséquentes (p.ex., Singleton & Aronin, 2007). De plus, des chercheurs dans le domaine de l’acquisition des langues tierces insistent sur les influences positives qu’exercent les langues précédemment apprises sur l’apprentissage formel d’une langue étrangère (p.ex., Cenoz & Gorter, 2015), et proposent de délaisser le regard traditionnel qui mettait l’accent sur l’interférence à l’origine des erreurs des apprenants pour opter pour une vision plus large et positive de l’interaction entre les langues. Il a été démontré que la similarité typologique ainsi que la compétence dans la langue source influence tous les types de transfert (p.ex., Ringbom, 1987, 2007). Cependant, le défi méthodologique de déterminer, à la fois l’usage pertinent d’une langue cible en tant que résultat d’une influence translinguistique (p.ex., Falk & Bardel, 2010) et d’établir le rôle crucial de la MLA dans l’activation consciente de mots ou de constructions reliés à travers différentes langues, demeure. La présente étude avait pour but de relever ce double défi en faisant appel à des protocoles oraux (TAPs) pour examiner le transfert positif de l’anglais (L2) vers l’allemand (L3) chez des Québécois francophones après cinq semaines d’enseignement formel de la L3. Les participants ont été soumis à une tâche de traduction développée aux fins de la présente étude. Les 42 items ont été sélectionnés sur la base de jugements de similarité et d’imagibilité ainsi que de fréquence des mots provenant d’une étude de cognats allemands-anglais (Friel & Kennison, 2001). Les participants devaient réfléchir à voix haute pendant qu’ils traduisaient des mots inconnus de l’allemand (L3) vers le français (L1). Le transfert positif a été opérationnalisé par des traductions correctes qui étaient basées sur un cognat anglais. La MLA a été mesurée par le biais du THAM (Test d’habiletés métalinguistiques) (Pinto & El Euch, 2015) ainsi que par l’analyse des TAPs. Les niveaux de compétence en anglais ont été établis sur la base du Michigan Test (Corrigan et al., 1979), tandis que les niveaux d’exposition ainsi que l’intérêt envers la langue et la culture allemandes ont été mesurés à l’aide d’un questionnaire. Une analyse fine des TAPs a révélé de la variabilité inter- et intra-individuelle dans l’activation consciente du vocabulaire en L2, tout en permettant l’identification de niveaux distincts de prise de conscience. Deux modèles indépendants de régressions logistiques ont permis d’identifier les deux dimensions de MLA comme prédicteurs de transfert positif. Le premier modèle, dans lequel le THAM était la mesure exclusive de MLA, a déterminé cette dimension réflexive comme principal prédicteur, suivie de la compétence en anglais, tandis qu’aucune des autres variables indépendantes pouvait prédire le transfert positif de l’anglais. Dans le second modèle, incluant le THAM ainsi que les TAPs comme mesures complémentaires de MLA, la dimension appliquée de MLA, telle que mesurée par les TAPs, était de loin le prédicteur principal, suivie de la dimension réflexive, telle que mesurée par le THAM, tandis que la compétence en anglais ne figurait plus parmi les facteurs ayant une influence significative sur la variable réponse. Bien que la verbalisation puisse avoir influencé la performance dans une certaine mesure, nos observations mettent en évidence la contribution précieuse de données introspectives comme complément aux résultats basés sur des caractéristiques purement linguistiques du transfert. Nos analyses soulignent la complexité des processus métalinguistiques et des stratégies individuelles, ce qui reflète une perspective dynamique du multilinguisme (p.ex., Jessner, 2008).


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While news stories are an important traditional medium to broadcast and consume news, microblogging has recently emerged as a place where people can dis- cuss, disseminate, collect or report information about news. However, the massive information in the microblogosphere makes it hard for readers to keep up with these real-time updates. This is especially a problem when it comes to breaking news, where people are more eager to know “what is happening”. Therefore, this dis- sertation is intended as an exploratory effort to investigate computational methods to augment human effort when monitoring the development of breaking news on a given topic from a microblog stream by extractively summarizing the updates in a timely manner. More specifically, given an interest in a topic, either entered as a query or presented as an initial news report, a microblog temporal summarization system is proposed to filter microblog posts from a stream with three primary concerns: topical relevance, novelty, and salience. Considering the relatively high arrival rate of microblog streams, a cascade framework consisting of three stages is proposed to progressively reduce quantity of posts. For each step in the cascade, this dissertation studies methods that improve over current baselines. In the relevance filtering stage, query and document expansion techniques are applied to mitigate sparsity and vocabulary mismatch issues. The use of word embedding as a basis for filtering is also explored, using unsupervised and supervised modeling to characterize lexical and semantic similarity. In the novelty filtering stage, several statistical ways of characterizing novelty are investigated and ensemble learning techniques are used to integrate results from these diverse techniques. These results are compared with a baseline clustering approach using both standard and delay-discounted measures. In the salience filtering stage, because of the real-time prediction requirement a method of learning verb phrase usage from past relevant news reports is used in conjunction with some standard measures for characterizing writing quality. Following a Cranfield-like evaluation paradigm, this dissertation includes a se- ries of experiments to evaluate the proposed methods for each step, and for the end- to-end system. New microblog novelty and salience judgments are created, building on existing relevance judgments from the TREC Microblog track. The results point to future research directions at the intersection of social media, computational jour- nalism, information retrieval, automatic summarization, and machine learning.


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In an increasingly multilingual world, English language has kept a marked predominance as a global language. In many countries, English is the primary choice for foreign language learning. There is a long history of research in English language learning. The same applies for research in reading. A main interest since the 1970s has been the reading strategy defined as inferencing or guessing the meaning of unknown words from context. Inferencing has ben widely researched, however, the results and conclusions seem to be mixed. While some agree that inferencing is a useful strategy, others doubt its usefulness. Nevertheless, most of the research seem to agree that the cultural background affects comprehension and inferencing. While most of these studies have been done with texts and contexts created by the researches, little has been done using natural prose. The present study will attempt to further clarify the process of inferencing and the effects of the text’s cultural context and the linguistic background of the reader using a text that has not been created by the researcher. The participants of the study are 40 international students from Turku, Finland. Their linguistic background was obtained through a questionnaire and proved to be diverse. Think aloud protocols were performed to investigate their inferencing process and find connections between their inferences, comments, the text, and their linguistic background. The results show that: some inferences were made based on the participants’ world knowledge, experience, other languages, and English language knowledge; other inferences and comments were made based on the text, its use of language and vocabulary, and few cues provided by the author. The results from the present study and previous research seem to show that: 1) linguistic background is a source of information for inferencing but is not a major source; 2) the cultural context of the text affected the inferences made by the participants according to their closeness or distance from it.


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In this paper we use concepts from graph theory and cellular biology represented as ontologies, to carry out semantic mining tasks on signaling pathway networks. Specifically, the paper describes the semantic enrichment of signaling pathway networks. A cell signaling network describes the basic cellular activities and their interactions. The main contribution of this paper is in the signaling pathway research area, it proposes a new technique to analyze and understand how changes in these networks may affect the transmission and flow of information, which produce diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Our approach is based on three concepts from graph theory (modularity, clustering and centrality) frequently used on social networks analysis. Our approach consists into two phases: the first uses the graph theory concepts to determine the cellular groups in the network, which we will call them communities; the second uses ontologies for the semantic enrichment of the cellular communities. The measures used from the graph theory allow us to determine the set of cells that are close (for example, in a disease), and the main cells in each community. We analyze our approach in two cases: TGF-β and the Alzheimer Disease.


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The number of connected devices collecting and distributing real-world information through various systems, is expected to soar in the coming years. As the number of such connected devices grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to store and share all these new sources of information. Several context representation schemes try to standardize this information, but none of them have been widely adopted. In previous work we addressed this challenge, however our solution had some drawbacks: poor semantic extraction and scalability. In this paper we discuss ways to efficiently deal with representation schemes' diversity and propose a novel d-dimension organization model. Our evaluation shows that d-dimension model improves scalability and semantic extraction.


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In recent years the technological world has grown by incorporating billions of small sensing devices, collecting and sharing real-world information. As the number of such devices grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage all these new information sources. There is no uniform way to share, process and understand context information. In previous publications we discussed efficient ways to organize context information that is independent of structure and representation. However, our previous solution suffers from semantic sensitivity. In this paper we review semantic methods that can be used to minimize this issue, and propose an unsupervised semantic similarity solution that combines distributional profiles with public web services. Our solution was evaluated against Miller-Charles dataset, achieving a correlation of 0.6.


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In this thesis, we propose to infer pixel-level labelling in video by utilising only object category information, exploiting the intrinsic structure of video data. Our motivation is the observation that image-level labels are much more easily to be acquired than pixel-level labels, and it is natural to find a link between the image level recognition and pixel level classification in video data, which would transfer learned recognition models from one domain to the other one. To this end, this thesis proposes two domain adaptation approaches to adapt the deep convolutional neural network (CNN) image recognition model trained from labelled image data to the target domain exploiting both semantic evidence learned from CNN, and the intrinsic structures of unlabelled video data. Our proposed approaches explicitly model and compensate for the domain adaptation from the source domain to the target domain which in turn underpins a robust semantic object segmentation method for natural videos. We demonstrate the superior performance of our methods by presenting extensive evaluations on challenging datasets comparing with the state-of-the-art methods.


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The current study investigated the cognitive workload of sentence and clause wrap-up in younger and older readers. A large number of studies have demonstrated the presence of wrap-up effects, peaks in processing time at clause and sentence boundaries that some argue reflect attention to organizational and integrative semantic processes. However, the exact nature of these wrap-up effects is still not entirely clear, with some arguing that wrap-up is not related to processing difficulty, but rather is triggered by a low-level oculomotor response or the implicit monitoring of intonational contour. The notion that wrap-up effects are resource-demanding was directly tested by examining the degree to which sentence and clause wrap-up affects the parafoveal preview benefit. Older and younger adults read passages in which a target word N occurred in a sentence-internal, clause-final, or sentence-final position. A gaze-contingent boundary change paradigm was used in which, on some trials, a non-word preview of word N+1 was replaced by a target word once the eyes crossed an invisible boundary located between words N and N+1. All measures of reading time on word N were longer at clause and sentence boundaries than in the sentence-internal position. In the earliest measures of reading time, sentence and clause wrap-up showed evidence of reducing the magnitude of the preview benefit similarly for younger and older adults. However, this effect was moderated by age in gaze duration, such that older adults showed a complete reduction in the preview benefit in the sentence-final condition. Additionally, sentence and clause wrap-up were negatively associated with the preview benefit. Collectively, the findings from the current study suggest that wrap-up is cognitively demanding and may be less efficient with age, thus, resulting in a reduction of the parafoveal preview during normal reading.


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: área de especialização em Animação da Leitura.