996 resultados para late season diseases
An enormous burst of interest in the public health burden from chronic disease in Africa has emerged as a consequence of efforts to estimate global population health. Detailed estimates are now published for Africa as a whole and each country on the continent. These data have formed the basis for warnings about sharp increases in cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the coming decades. In this essay we briefly examine the trajectory of social development on the continent and its consequences for the epidemiology of CVD and potential control strategies. Since full vital registration has only been implemented in segments of South Africa and the island nations of Seychelles and Mauritius - formally part of WHO-AFRO - mortality data are extremely limited. Numerous sample surveys have been conducted but they often lack standardization or objective measures of health status. Trend data are even less informative. However, using the best quality data available, age-standardized trends in CVD are downward, and in the case of stroke, sharply so. While acknowledging that the extremely limited available data cannot be used as the basis for inference to the continent, we raise the concern that general estimates based on imputation to fill in the missing mortality tables may be even more misleading. No immediate remedies to this problem can be identified, however bilateral collaborative efforts to strength local educational institutions and governmental agencies rank as the highest priority for near term development.
River-dwelling fish, such as European graylings (Thymallus thymallus), are susceptible to changes in climate because they can often not avoid suboptimal temperatures, especially during early developmental stages. We analyzed data collected in a 62-year-long (1948-2009) population monitoring program. Male and female graylings were sampled about three times/week during the yearly spawning season in order to follow the development of the population. The occurrence of females bearing ripe eggs was used to approximate the timing of each spawning season. In the last years of the study, spawning season was more than 3 weeks earlier than in the first years. This shift was linked to increasing water temperatures as recorded over the last 39 years with a temperature logger at the spawning site. In early spring water temperatures rose more slowly than in later spring. Thus, embryos and larvae were exposed to increasingly colder water at a stage that is critical for sex determination and pathogen resistance in other salmonids. In summer, however, fry were exposed to increasingly warmer temperatures. The changes in water temperatures that we found embryos, larvae, and fry were exposed to could be contributing to the decline in abundance that has occurred over the last 30-40 years.
Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 suppresses various plant diseases caused by soil-borne fungi. The pseudomonad produces the antimicrobial metabolites 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Phl), pyoluteorin (Plt) and hydrogen cyanide, which are important for disease suppression, as well as the siderophores pyoverdine (Pvd), salicylic acid (Sal) and pyochelin (Pch). In the current work, a derivative of CHA0 with a mutation in the global regulator gene gacA (GacA−), which is unable to produce Phl, Plt and HCN, failed to protect the dicotyledonous plants cress and cucumber against damping-off caused by Pythium ultimum. In contrast, the GacA− mutant could still protect the Gramineae wheat and maize against damping-off mediated by the same strain of P. ultimum, and wheat against take-all caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis. However, the GacA− mutant overproduced Pch and Pvd. To gain more insight into disease protection afforded by the GacA− mutant, a GacA− Pvd− double mutant (strain CHA496) was constructed by gene replacement. Strain CHA496 overproduced Pch and Sal compared with CHA0 and protected wheat against P. ultimum and G. graminis, whereas cress and cucumber were not protected. Addition of FeCl3 repressed Pch and Sal production by strain CHA496 in vitro and impaired the protection of wheat in soil microcosms. In conclusion, a functional gacA gene was necessary for the protection of dicotyledons against root diseases, but not for that of Gramineae. Results indicated also that Pch and/or Sal were involved in the ability of the GacA− Pvd− mutant of CHA0 to suppress root diseases in Gramineae.
Approximately 1 million people in the United States and over 30 million worldwide are living with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). While mortality from untreated infection approaches 100%, survival improves markedly with use of contemporary antiretroviral therapies (ART). In the United States, 25 drugs are approved for treating HIV-1, and increasing numbers are available in resource-limited countries. Safe and effective ART is a cornerstone in the global struggle against the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Variable responses to ART are due at least in part to human genetic variants that affect drug metabolism, drug disposition, and off-site drug targets. Defining effects of human genetic variants on HIV treatment toxicity, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics has far-reaching implications. In 2010, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases sponsored a workshop entitled, Pharmacogenomics A Path Towards Personalized HIV Care. This article summarizes workshop objectives, presentations, discussions, and recommendations derived from this meeting.
Diversity patterns of ammonoids are analyzed and compared with the timing of anoxic deposits around the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary in the Vocontian, Anglo-Paris, and Monster basins of Western Europe. Differing from most previous studies, which concentrate on a narrow time span bracketing the C/T boundary, the present analysis covers the latest Albian to Early Turonian interval for which a high resolution, ammonoid-based biochronology, including 34 Unitary Associations zones, is now available. During the latest Albian-Middle Cenomanian interval, species richness of ammonoids reveals a dynamical equilibrium oscillating around an average of 20 species, whereas the Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian interval displays an equilibrium centered on an average value of 6 species. The abrupt transition between these two successive equilibria lasted no longer than two Unitary Associations. The onset of the decline of species richness thus largely predates the spread of oxygen-poor water masses onto the shelves, while minimal values of species richness coincide with the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary only. The decline of species richness during the entire Late Cenomanian seems to result from lower origination percentages rather than from higher extinction percentages. This result is also supported by the absence of statistically significant changes in the extinction probabilities of the poly-cohorts. Separate analyses of species richness for acanthoceratids and heteromorphs, the two essential components of the Cenomanian ammonoid community, reveal that heteromorphs declined sooner than acanthoceratids. Moreover, acanthoceratids showed a later decline at the genus level than at the species level. Such a decoupling is accompanied by a significant increase in morphological disparity of acanthoceratids, which is expressed by the appearance of new genera. Last, during the Late Cenomanian, paedomorphic processes, juvenile innovations and reductions of adult size dominated the evolutionary radiation of acanthoceratids. Hence, the decrease in ammonoid species richness and their major evolutionary changes significantly predates the spread of anoxic deposits. Other environmental constraints such as global flooding of platforms, warmer and more equable climate, as well as productivity changes better correlate with the timing of diversity changes and evolutionary patterns of ammonoids and therefore, provide more likely causative mechanisms than anoxia alone.
Cholesterol regulates plasma membrane (PM) association and functioning of syntaxin-4 and soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein 23 (SNAP23) in the secretory pathway. However, the molecular mechanism and cellular cholesterol pools that determine the localization and assembly of these target membrane SNAP receptors (t-SNAREs) are largely unknown. We recently demonstrated that high levels of annexin A6 (AnxA6) induce accumulation of cholesterol in late endosomes, thereby reducing cholesterol in the Golgi and PM. This leads to an impaired supply of cholesterol needed for cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) to drive Golgi vesiculation and caveolin transport to the cell surface. Using AnxA6-overexpressing cells as a model for cellular cholesterol imbalance, we identify impaired cholesterol egress from late endosomes and diminution of Golgi cholesterol as correlating with the sequestration of SNAP23/syntaxin-4 in Golgi membranes. Pharmacological accumulation of late endosomal cholesterol and cPLA2 inhibition induces a similar phenotype in control cells with low AnxA6 levels. Ectopic expression of Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1) or exogenous cholesterol restores the location of SNAP23 and syntaxin-4 within the PM. Importantly, AnxA6-mediated mislocalization of these t-SNAREs correlates with reduced secretion of cargo via the SNAP23/syntaxin-4¿dependent constitutive exocytic pathway. We thus conclude that inhibition of late endosomal export and Golgi cholesterol depletion modulate t-SNARE localization and functioning along the exocytic pathway.
Ras proteins are small guanosine triphosphatases involved in the regulation of important cellular functions such as proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Understanding the intracellular trafficking of Ras proteins is crucial to identify novel Ras signaling platforms. In this study, we report that epidermal growth factor triggers Kirsten Ras (KRas) translocation onto endosomal membranes (independently of calmodulin and protein kinase C phosphorylation) through a clathrin-dependent pathway. From early endosomes, KRas but not Harvey Ras or neuroblastoma Ras is sorted and transported to late endosomes (LEs) and lysosomes. Using yellow fluorescent protein¿Raf1 and the Raichu-KRas probe, we identified for the first time in vivo¿active KRas on Rab7 LEs, eliciting a signal output through Raf1. On these LEs, we also identified the p14¿MP1 scaffolding complex and activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2. Abrogation of lysosomal function leads to a sustained late endosomal mitogen-activated protein kinase signal output. Altogether, this study reveals novel aspects about KRas intracellular trafficking and signaling, shedding new light on the mechanisms controlling Ras regulation in the cell.
Many of the veins enclosed within the Paleozoic basement of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges show severa1 common characteristics: low temperature of formation (between 75 and 200C), the presence of complex polisaline fluids and a certain relationship to the pretriassic paleosurface. Mineralogical composition and age are variable, ranging from Pb-Zn veins with carbonate gangue of late Hercynian age through metal poor fluorite rich veins to barite rich veins of Triasssic age. Mineralizing fluids are not related to late Hercynianmagmatism and deposition took place in active fractures developed either in extensional as in compressive regimes.
Risky single-occasion drinking (RSOD) is more common in late adolescence and early adulthood (approximately between the ages of 16 and 30) than in any other period in life. This is also the age when young people in Switzerland and many other European countries are legally allowed to buy and drink alcohol, but they usually do not yet have adult responsibilities. This paper reviews evidence from the international literature and provides examples of studies conducted in Switzerland demonstrating that (a) RSOD is by far most prevalent on Saturday evenings followed by Friday evenings, usually because young people go out and do not have any work or study responsibilities the next day; (b) RSOD results from drinking in private before going out ("predrinking") and accelerating the pace of drinking (i.e. increasing the number of drinks consumed per hour); (c) RSOD is often not accidental but purposeful,. to seek excitement, to have fun and to feel the effects of alcohol; (d) RSOD occurs predominantly outside the home, mostly in bars, pubs, discos or at special events and festivals; (e) RSOD often results in intended and unintended injuries and other acute consequences, which are leading risk factors for mortality and morbidity in this age group. Effective prevention strategies should include attempts to reduce opportunities to engage in heavy drinking as well as strategies to reduce its harmful consequences.
The authors report an atypical late onset of a big axillary lymphatic malformation in a 41-year-old male. Considering the patient's history and clinical findings at first presentation, the swelling was highly suspicious for malignancy or cystic echinococcosis. A consequent CT showed non infiltrative growth with inhomogeneous density but remained non conclusive regarding diagnosis. Subsequently incision biopsy revealed lymphatic tissue and raised suspicion for lymphatic malformation. The tumour was excised completely and showed no recurrence in a 1-year follow up. Late onset lymphatic malformations can mimic malignant tumours or other rare conditions such as echinococcosis which has to be taken into consideration as differential diagnosis especially in known areas of hydatid diseases.
Accreted terranes, comprising a wide variety of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous igneous and sedimentary rocks are an important feature of Cuban geology. Their characterization is helpful for understanding Caribbean paleogeography. The Guaniguanico terrane (western Cuba) is formed by upper Jurassic platform sediments intruded by microgranular dolerite dykes. The geochemical characteristics of the dolerite whole rock samples and their minerals (augitic clinopyroxene, labradorite and andesine) are consistent with a tholeiitic affinity. Major and trace element concentrations as well as Nd, Sr and Pb isotopes show that these rocks also have a continental affinity. Sample chemistry indicates that these lavas are similar to a low Ti-P2O5 (LTi) variety of continental flood basalts (CFB) similar to the dolerites of Ferrar (Tasmania). They derived from mixing of a lithospheric mantle Source and an asthenopheric component similar to E-MORB with minor markers of crustal contamination and sediment assimilation. However, the small quantity of Cuban magmatic rocks, similarly to Tasmania, Antarctica and Siberia differs from other volumetrically important CFB occurrences Such as Parana and Deccan. These dolerites are dated as 165-150 Ma and were emplaced during the separation of the Yucatan block from South America. They could in fact be part of the Yucatan-South America margin through which the intrusive system was emplaced and which was later accreted to the Cretaceous arc of central Cuba and to the Palaeogene arc of eastern Cuba. These samples could therefore reflect the pre-rift stage between North and South America and the opening of the gulf of Mexico.
For many induced and spontaneous autoimmune diseases, a predominant role for T cells in the organ-specific destruction process has been shown. In one of the induced models of autoimmunity, experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), a very small heterogeneity of T-cell receptor (TcR) molecules is expressed by the pathogenic T cells in both rats and mice. Contrary to induced autoimmune diseases, little is known about the autoantigens recognized by these autoimmune T cells and the heterogeneity of their TcR in spontaneous autoimmune diseases. The aim of this work was to establish a system which allows characterization of relevant autoantigens in spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. A completely different approach was taken to characterize the gene products of the minor lymphocyte stimulatory (Mls) loci. These gene products are responsible for the clonal elimination or the clonal stimulation of T cells expressing particular TcR V beta genes and therefore could be implicated in induction of autoimmune diseases by oligoclonal T-cell populations. The finding that Mls antigens are encoded by retroviral sequences leads to the hypothesis that viruses could be the inducing agents of autoimmune diseases.