988 resultados para jardim clonal
Colchicine to Reduce Atrial Fibrillation in the Postoperative Period of Myocardial Revascularization
Abstract Background: The high prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in the postoperative period of myocardial revascularization surgery increases morbidity and mortality. Objective: To assess the efficacy of colchicine to prevent AF in the postoperative period of myocardial revascularization surgery, the impact of AF on hospital length of stay and death, and to identify its risk factors. Methods: Between May 2012 and November 2013, 140 patients submitted to myocardial revascularization surgery were randomized, 69 to the control group and 71 to the colchicine group. Colchicine was used at the dose of 1 mg orally, twice daily, preoperatively, and of 0.5 mg, twice daily, until hospital discharge. A single dose of 1 mg was administered to those admitted 12 hours or less before surgery. Results: The primary endpoint was AF rate in the postoperative period of myocardial revascularization surgery. Colchicine group patients showed no reduction in AF incidence as compared to control group patients (7.04% versus 13.04%, respectively; p = 0.271). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups regarding death from any cause rate (5.6% versus 10.1%; p = 0,363) and hospital length of stay (14.5 ± 11.5 versus 13.3 ± 9.4 days; p = 0.490). However, colchicine group patients had a higher infection rate (26.8% versus 8.7%; p = 0.007). Conclusion: The use of colchicine to prevent AF after myocardial revascularization surgery was not effective in the present study. Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials number RBR-556dhr.
Examinando 201 pintos de um dia da raça Rhode Island Red, de rebanho selecionado pela postura e considerando diversos caracteres, principalmente os relacionados com a côr da penugem, conseguimos acertar em 197, numa proporção de 98,01%, não relatada da bibliografia que conhecemos. Julgamos como mais importantes, os seguintes caracteres : mancha clara na asa notada em 100% dos machos e 6,30% das fêmeas; o anel claro na perna ocorreu em 91,80% dos machos e 3,70% das fêmeas. Estas duas particularidades, sòmente, permitem separação de sexo superior a 96%. O sinal junto ao ângulo posterior do olho foi observado em 95,10% das fêmeas e 36,70% dos machos; ponta da asa escura não ocorreu em um macho sequer, mas em 53.20% das fêmeas; ponta da asa clara foi notada em todos os machos e em 46,80% das fêmeas. Os demais caracteres mencionados no quadro, constituem elementos auxiliares de menor valor mas devem ser examinados para se esclarecerem dúvidas. Os erros decorreram de se dar mais importância à pinta escura na cabeça que ao anel claro na perna e à mancha no bordo da asa. O presente trabalho contribui para o esclarecimento do assunto principalmente por considerar o anel claro da perna e o sinal escuro próximo ao ângulo posterior do olho, caracteres valiosos e ainda não apontados anteriormente. Ainda mais, a observação metódica e conjunta de um grande número de atributos relacionados com o dimorfismo sexual constitui um subsídio ao esclarecimento de tão interessante questão.
The breeds Light Sussex, Rhode Island Red and the hibrid Light Sussex x Rhode Island Red, from the Poultry Department of "Luiz de Queiroz" School of Agriculture, at Piracicaba, S. Paulo, were studied in this paper, Tre authors, analysing eggs, pullets and chick growing arrived to the following conclusion: a) eggs of the Light Sussex breed were haevier; b) the Light Sussex breed was early maturing; c) the cross studied did not show hibrid vigor.
A test was conducted at Poultry Department of "Luiz de Queiroz" School of Agriculture to prove the effect of green feed on egg production. One hundred Rhode Island Red hens at plain laying period were divided in ten pens. The lot A was constituted of pens 1 to 5 and the lot B of pens 6 to 10. During 16 days the pens 1 to 5 did not receive green feed and the pens 6 to 10 received it with abundance. After and for a period of 30 days the situation was inverted. The analysis were made considering, a) the production of all chickens and b) discarding the chickens with irregular laying. In both cases the results were statistically insignificant, proving that green feed did not improve egg production.
The A. A. compare corn silage (Zea mays L.) with sugar cane (Saccharum sinensis Roxb.) in the supplementary feeding of dairy cow. Both the feeds were studied in relation to the following points: composition and nutritive value; influence of milk production, milk fat, milk acidity and body weight; cost of production. Both corn silage and sugar cane were analysed by ordinary methods, and their digestibility was determined by means of digestibility coefficients; their composition and nutritive value are, practically, equivalent, but silage showed slight superiority. The feeding experiment was carried out with two groups of six Holstein Friesian cows each, of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" herd. Both groups were fed with the same basic concentrates mixture, calculeted according to MORRISON. During the various periods of the experiment, only the roughage supplement varied. The supplementary feeding consisted of 15 kg of chopped sugar cane or corn, silage, per day and per cow, given in two daily meals in the barn. At 4,30 p.m., the cows are set free in the field, where they pass the over night. The experiment was divided into six periods, in which there was a gradative change of the supplementary feeding between the two groups. The milk was weighed every day; the analysis of milk fat and acidity and the weighing of the animals, were made only on the first three days of every week. The analysis of data showed that: a) Milk production was increased significantly by silage feeding; b) The ri was not any influence on milk fat; c) The silage caused higher milk acidity; d) The sugar cane gave a greater increase of body weight. The cost of production of corn silage was 2,12 time higher, than sugar cane, hence, although the silage gave a higher milk production, its use is not economical, compared with sugar cane, in our conditions.
The A. A., in this paper, relate the observations on a bovine herd affected by papilloma or common warts; it was treated with the specific medicament "Figueirina", made in the "Laboratório de Biologia Veterinária", of Matias Barbosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. In twenty-six affected animals, twenty showed complete cure after the treatment, three of them improved, and the other three didn't show any satisfactory results. Among the cured animals, twelve were young and eight were adult. The uncured animals were all adult. In most cases, the warts disappeared rapidly with two applications. In those animals that had resisted four applications, the warts didn't disappear, even with greater dosis. "Figueirina" showed more efficience in the treatment of young animals.
In this note the A. A. relate the occurrence of a possible sub-lethal factor, on the Holstein-Friesian herd of Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba. The sire Horto was mated with his own mother, Brisa, and so, were obtained two calves, a male and a female, consecutively. Both the calves presented flexion and deviation of the fore legs. The sire's death has not alloved further observations. The study of these history cases excludes the mother's nutritional deficiency, as the cause of related phenomenon. In the consulted literature, VEIGA and MEAD et al. relate similar cases, although these are observed in other breeds of cattle The A. A. admit that cause of occurrence is a possible sublethal recessive factor, put in evidence by inbreeding.
The authors repport in this paper, the results of trials by means of which were determined the composition and nutritive value of three grasses, that are cultivated in Piracicaba, in State of São Paulo, Brazil: Capim jaragaá, Hyparrhenia rufa, (Nees.) Stapf. (hay); capim de Rhodes, Chloris gayana, Kunth. (hay), and milho Santa Rosa, Zea mays, L. (silage). The digestion trials were carried out with sheep, following the technique of MEAD and GUILBERT. The chemical analysis of the forages were made by methods usually employed. The results are in the tables I and II, of this paper.
The authors repport in this paper, the results of trials by means of which were determined the composition and nutritive value of Capim Jaraguá, Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees) Stop/, cultivated in Piracicaba, in State of São Paulo, Brazil. The experiments were made with hay, silage and also the grass at three different stages: before, during and after blooming. The digestion trials were carried out with sheep, following the technique of MEAD and GUILBERT. The chemical analysis of the forages were made by methods usually employd. The results are in the table XXIV e XXV of this paper.
This paper deals with the estimation of milk production by means of weekly, biweekly, bimonthly observations and also by method known as 6-5-8, where one observation is taken at the 6th week of lactation, another at 5th month and a third one at the 8th month. The data studied were obtained from 72 lactations of the Holstein Friesian breed of the "Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" (Piracicaba), S. Paulo, Brazil), being 6 calvings on each month of year and also 12 first calvings, 12 second calvings, and so on, up to the sixth. The authors criticize the use of "maximum error" to be found in papers dealing with this subject, and also the use of mean deviation. The former is completely supersed and unadvisable and latter, although equivalent, to a certain extent, to the usual standard deviation, has only 87,6% of its efficiency, according to KENDALL (9, pp. 130-131, 10, pp. 6-7). The data obtained were compared with the actual production, obtained by daily control and the deviations observed were studied. Their means and standard deviations are given on the table IV. Inspite of BOX's recent results (11) showing that with equal numbers in all classes a certain inequality of varinces is not important, the autors separated the methods, before carrying out the analysis of variance, thus avoiding to put together methods with too different standard deviations. We compared the three first methods, to begin with (Table VI). Then we carried out the analysis with the four first methods. (Table VII). Finally we compared the two last methods. (Table VIII). These analysis of variance compare the arithmetic means of the deviations by the methods studied, and this is equivalent to compare their biases. So we conclude tht season of calving and order of calving do not effect the biases, and the methods themselves do not differ from this view point, with the exception of method 6-5-8. Another method of attack, maybe preferrable, would be to compare the estimates of the biases with their expected mean under the null hypothesis (zero) by the t-test. We have: 1) Weekley control: t = x - 0/c(x) = 8,59 - 0/ = 1,56 2) Biweekly control: t = 11,20 - 0/6,21= 1,80 3) Monthly control: t = 7,17 - 0/9,48 = 0,76 4) Bimonthly control: t = - 4,66 - 0/17,56 = -0,26 5) Method 6-5-8 t = 144,89 - 0/22,41 = 6,46*** We denote above by three asterisks, significance the 0,1% level of probability. In this way we should conclude that the weekly, biweekly, monthly and bimonthly methods of control may be assumed to be unbiased. The 6-5-8 method is proved to be positively biased, and here the bias equals 5,9% of the mean milk production. The precision of the methods studied may be judged by their standard deviations, or by intervals covering, with a certain probability (95% for example), the deviation x corresponding to an estimate obtained by cne of the methods studied. Since the difference x - x, where x is the mean of the 72 deviations obtained for each method, has a t distribution with mean zero and estimate of standard deviation. s(x - x) = √1+ 1/72 . s = 1.007. s , and the limit of t for the 5% probability, level with 71 degrees of freedom is 1.99, then the interval to be considered is given by x ± 1.99 x 1.007 s = x ± 2.00. s The intervals thus calculated are given on the table IX.
Healthy immunoglobulin repertoire has not been extensively evaluated reflecting in part the challenge of generating sufficiently robust data sets by conventional clonal sequencing. Deep sequencing has revolutionized the capacity to evaluate the depth and breadth of the Ig repertoire along the B cell developmental pathway, and can be used to pin point defect(s) of primary or acquired B-cell associated diseases. In this study healthy IgM and IgG repertoires were studied by 454-pyrosequencing to establish the healthy controls for diseased repertoires. (...)
Quatro leguminosas forrageiras tropicais (Galactia striata (Jacq) Urb. , Glycine wightii Verde. cv. Tinaroo, Macvoptilium atropurpureus cv. Siratro e Stylosanthes guianensis (Avbl) Swartz cv. IRI 1022) foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva recebendo doses de alumínio de 0,5 , 10 e 20 ppm, com o objetivo de se verificarem os efeitos das doses crescentes do elemento sobre as díferentes espécies. Submetendo-se os dados de produção de matéria seca e de concentrações de macro e micronutrientes à análise estatística, observou-se o seguinte: a) O estilosantes e a galactia mostraram-se mais tolerantes. A galactia apresentou a máxima produção em presença de 5 ppm de Alumínio, não sendo afetada pelas concentrações mais elevadas. O estilosantes apresentou a máxima produção em presença de 20 ppm de Alumínio. b) A soja e o siratro mostram-se sensíveis, notando-se uma queda na produção de matéria seca em presença de 20 ppm de Alumínio na solução. A soja mostrou sintomas mais graves de toxidez, apresentando seu sistema radicular totalmente danificado na concentração mais alta de Alumínio na solução. c) A adição de Alumínio provocou uma diminuição nas concentrações de fósforo, cálcio e magnésio nas raízes ou partes aéreas das plantas e de manganês nas raízes e uma elevação na concentração de Alumínio nas raízes.
Quatro leguminosas forrageiras tropicais (Galactia striata (Jacq) Urb; Glycine wightii cv. Tinaroo, Macroptilium atropurpureum cv. Siratro e Stylosanthes guianensis cv. IRI 1022) foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva recebendo doses de manganês de 0, 5, 10 e 20 ppm, com o objetivo de se verificarem os efeitos das doses crescentes do elemento sobre as diferentes espécies. Submetendo-se os dados de produção de matéria seca e de concentrações de macro e micronutrientes à análise estatística, observou-se o seguinte: a) O estilosantes foi o que se mostrou mais tolerante, não apresentando variação significativa na produção de matéria seca com o aumento dos teores de manganês. Não se observaram sintomas severos nas folhas ou nas raízes. A galactia também mostrou-se tolerante, apresentando queda significativa de produção em presença de 100 ppm de manganês e sentomas mais severos de toxidez que os apresentados pelo estilosantes. b) O Siratro e a soja mostraram-se sensíveis ao excesso de manganês. A soja mostrou a mínima produção em presença de 25 ppm do elemento não havendo modificação significativa nas concentrações mais elevadas. O siratro apresentou a mínima produção de matéria seca total em presença de 50 ppm de manganês. Os sintomas de toxidez apresentados pela soja foram mais severos que os apresentados pelas plantas de siratro. c) A adição de manganês provocou uma diminuição nas concentrações de cálcio, potássio e magnésio nas partes aéreas ou raízes das plantas estudadas; elevação dos teores de zinco e cobre nas aéreas ou raízes e de manganês na planta toda.
The sexual dimorphism in size, morphology and color of the lizard Liolaemus occipitalis Boulenger, 1885 was studied. Thirty-two adult males and twenty-eight adult females were sampled from a population in the Jardim do Éden beach, near Tramandaí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Size related sexual dimorphism occurred in all compared body dimensions. The largest female was 59.6 mm in snout-vent length, and the largest male was 69.3 mm. Males and females also presented differences in ventral and dorsal color pattern, and in the presence of pre-cloacal pores. The results suggest that, in Liolaemus occipitalis, sexual dimorphism in size is determined by sexual selection, competition between males and by the high energetic cost for females a few months after hatching.
O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a variação diária da zonação da macrofauna bentônica nas praias de Tramandaí, Harmonia e Jardim do Éden, Rio Grande do Sul. As coletas foram feitas ao longo de cinco dias consecutivos, utilizando-se um tubo de PVC de 20 cm de diâmetro. Foram demarcadas três transversais distantes 50 m uma da outra, com 4 estações de coleta e três amostras cada. As estações se estenderam desde 8 m acima do limite superior da zona de varrido (definida a cada dia) até 1 m de profundidade. Também foram coletados diariamente dados dos perfis topográficos de cada praia. Os resultados mostraram que a macrofauna bentônica apresenta um padrão de zonação regular ao longo dos dias. O intermareal foi marcado pela presença do isópode Excirolana armata (Dana, 1853) e do poliqueta Euzonus furciferus (Ehlers, 1897). A zona de varrido apresentou grande abundância do caranguejo hipídeo Emerita brasiliensis (Schmitt, 1935), do bivalvo Donax hanleyanus (Philippi, 1842) e do poliqueto Scolelepis gaucha (Orensanz & Gianuca, 1974). As zonas de "surf" e arrebentação interna não apresentaram diferenças na composição de espécies, sendo dominantes os juvenis de D. hanleyanus, Mesodesma mactroides (Deshayes, 1854), o anfípode Phoxocephalopsis zimmeri (Schellenberg, 1931), o poliqueto Hemipodus olivieri (Orensanz & Gianuca, 1974), além do bivalve Donax gemmula (Morrison, 1971). Os resultados indicaram que, apesar do padrão de zonação da macrofauna ter sido regular ao longo do estudo, algumas mudanças na posição vertical das espécies foram observadas, principalmente em função da variação da zona de varrido.