999 resultados para iron-rich fungus
Pregnant rats were given control (46 mg iron/kg, 61 mg zinc/kg), low-Zn (6.9 mg Zn/kg) or low-Zn plus Fe (168 mg Fe/kg) diets from day 1 of pregnancy. The animals were allowed to give birth and parturition times recorded. Exactly 24 h after the end of parturition the pups were killed and analysed for water, fat, protein, Fe and Zn contents and the mothers' haemoglobin (Hb) and packed cell volume (PCV) were measured. There were no differences in weight gain or food intakes throughout pregnancy. Parturition times were similar (mean time 123 (SE 15) min) and there were no differences in the number of pups born. Protein, water and fat contents of the pups were similar but the low-Zn Fe-supplemented group had higher pup Fe than the low-Zn unsupplemented group, and the control group had higher pup Zn than both the low-Zn groups. The low-Zn groups had a greater incidence of haemorrhaged or deformed pups, or both, than the controls. Pregnant rats were given diets of adequate Zn level (40 mg/kg) but with varying Fe:Zn (0.8, 1.7, 2.9, 3.7). Zn retention from the diet was measured using 65Zn as an extrinsic label on days 3, 10 and 17 of pregnancy with a whole-body gamma-counter. A group of non-pregnant rats was also included as controls. The 65Zn content of mothers and pups was measured 24-48 h after birth and at 14, 21 and 24 d of age. In all groups Zn retention was highest from the first meal, fell in the second meal and then rose in the third meal of the pregnant but not the non-pregnant rats. There were no differences between the groups given diets of varying Fe:Zn level. Approximately 25% of the 65Zn was transferred from the mothers to the pups by the time they were 48 h old, and a further 17% during the first 14 d of lactation. The pup 65Zn content did not significantly increase after the first 20 d of lactation but the maternal 65Zn level continued to fall gradually.
1. Female Wistar rats were given an adequate-zinc (60 μg/g) or low-Zn (7 μg/g) diet for a minimum of 2 weeks and then mated. They were then either continued on the same diets (+Zn –Fe or –Zn –Fe) or given similar diets supplemented with four times the normal level of iron (+Zn + Fe or –Zn + Fe). The day before parturition they were killed and the fetuses removed and analysed. 2. There were no differences in numbers of fetuses or the number of resorption sites. In the absence of Fe supplementation, the mean fetal wet weight was significantly less (P < 0.05) in the low-Zn group but there was no effect of Zn in the two Fe-supplemented groups. The addition of Fe significantly decreased (P < 0.05) the mean fetal wet weight in the adequate-Zn groups but had no effect in the low-Zn groups. There were no differences in fetal dry weight, fat, protein or DNA content. Both Fe-supplemented groups produced fetuses of higher Fe concentration (P < 0.01), and mothers with higher bone Fe-concentration (P < 0.01) compared with the non-supplemented groups. The low-Zn groups produced fetuses of lower Zn concentration (P < 0,001) than the adequate-Zn groups but there was no effect on maternal bone Zn concentration. 3. It was concluded that Fe-supplements did not adversely affect fetal growth from mothers given a low-Zn diet, but the addition of Zn to the unsupplemented diet increased fetal wet weight. These findings were not accompanied by any other differences in fetal composition or dry weight, and do not therefore lend support to the suggestion of an Fe-Zn interaction.
Single-cell analysis is essential for understanding the processes of cell differentiation and metabolic specialisation in rare cell types. The amount of single proteins in single cells can be as low as one copy per cell and is for most proteins in the attomole range or below; usually considered as insufficient for proteomic analysis. The development of modern mass spectrometers possessing increased sensitivity and mass accuracy in combination with nano-LC-MS/MS now enables the analysis of single-cell contents. In Arabidopsis thaliana, we have successfully identified nine unique proteins in a single-cell sample and 56 proteins from a pool of 15 single-cell samples from glucosinolate-rich S-cells by nanoLC-MS/MS proteomic analysis, thus establishing the proof-of-concept for true single-cell proteomic analysis. Dehydrin (ERD14_ARATH), two myrosinases (BGL37_ARATH and BGL38_ARATH), annexin (ANXD1_ARATH), vegetative storage proteins (VSP1_ARATH and VSP2_ARATH) and four proteins belonging to the S-adenosyl-l-methionine cycle (METE_ARATH, SAHH1_ARATH, METK4_ARATH and METK1/3_ARATH) with associated adenosine kinase (ADK1_ARATH), were amongst the proteins identified in these single-S-cell samples. Comparison of the functional groups of proteins identified in S-cells with epidermal/cortical cells and whole tissue provided a unique insight into the metabolism of S-cells. We conclude that S-cells are metabolically active and contain the machinery for de novo biosynthesis of methionine, a precursor for the most abundant glucosinolate glucoraphanine in these cells. Moreover, since abundant TGG2 and TGG1 peptides were consistently found in single-S-cell samples, previously shown to have high amounts of glucosinolates, we suggest that both myrosinases and glucosinolates can be localised in the same cells, but in separate subcellular compartments. The complex membrane structure of S-cells was reflected by the presence of a number of proteins involved in membrane maintenance and cellular organisation.
Iron is both an essential nutrient for the growth of microorganisms, as well as a dangerous metal due to its capacity to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) via the Fenton reaction. For these reasons, bacteria must tightly control the uptake and storage of iron in a manner that restricts the build-up of ROS. Therefore, it is not surprising to find that the control of iron homeostasis and responses to oxidative stress are coordinated. The mechanisms concerned with these processes, and the interactions involved, are the subject of this review.
Ribonucleotide reductases supply cells with their deoxyribonucleotides. Three enzyme types are known, classes I, II and III. Class II enzymes are anaerobic whereas class I enzymes are aerobic, and so class I and II enzymes are often produced by the same organism under opposing oxygen regimes. Escherichia coli contains two types of class I enzyme (Ia and Ib) with the Fe-dependent Ia enzyme (NrdAB) performing the major role aerobically, leaving the purpose of the Ib enzyme (NrdEF) unclear. Several papers have recently focused on the class Ib enzymes showing that they are Mn (rather than Fe) dependent and suggesting that the E. coli NrdEF may function under redox-stress conditions. A paper published in this issue of Molecular Microbiology from James Imlay's group confirms that this unexplained NrdEF Ib enzyme is Mn-dependent, but shows that it does not substitute for NrdAB during redox stress. Instead, a role during iron restriction is demonstrated. Thus, the purpose of NrdEF (and possibly other class Ib enzymes) is to enhance growth under aerobic, low-iron conditions, and to functionally replace the Fe-dependent NrdAB when iron is unavailable. This finding reveals a new mechanism by which bacteria adjust to life under iron deprivation.
Bacterioferritin (BFR) from Escherichia coli is a member of the ferritin family of iron storage proteins and has the capacity to store very large amounts of iron as an Fe(3+) mineral inside its central cavity. The ability of organisms to tap into their cellular stores in times of iron deprivation requires that iron must be released from ferritin mineral stores. Currently, relatively little is known about the mechanisms by which this occurs, particularly in prokaryotic ferritins. Here we show that the bis-Met-coordinated heme groups of E. coli BFR, which are not found in other members of the ferritin family, play an important role in iron release from the BFR iron biomineral: kinetic iron release experiments revealed that the transfer of electrons into the internal cavity is the rate-limiting step of the release reaction and that the rate and extent of iron release were significantly increased in the presence of heme. Despite previous reports that a high affinity Fe(2+) chelator is required for iron release, we show that a large proportion of BFR core iron is released in the absence of such a chelator and further that chelators are not passive participants in iron release reactions. Finally, we show that the catalytic ferroxidase center, which is central to the mechanism of mineralization, is not involved in iron release; thus, core mineralization and release processes utilize distinct pathways.
Background: The Ferritins are part of the extensive ‘Ferritin-like superfamily’ which have diverse functions but are linked by the presence of a common four-helical bundle domain. The role performed by Ferritins as the cellular repository of excess iron is unique. In many ways Ferritins act as tiny organelles in their ability to secrete iron away from the delicate machinery of the cell, and then to release it again in a controlled fashion avoiding toxicity. The Ferritins are ancient proteins, being common in all three domains of life. This ubiquity reflects the key contribution that Ferritins provide in achieving iron homeostasis. Scope of the review: This review compares the features of the different Ferritins and considers how they, and other members of the Ferritin-like superfamily, have evolved. It also considers relevant features of the eleven other known families within the Ferritin-like superfamily, particularly the highly diverse rubrerythrins. Major conclusions: The Ferritins have travelled a considerable evolutionary journey, being derived from far more simplistic rubrerythrin-like molecules which play roles in defence against toxic oxygen species. The forces of evolution have moulded such molecules into three distinct types of iron storing (or detoxifying) protein: the classical and universal 24-meric ferritins; the haem-containing 24-meric bacterioferritins of prokaryotes; and the prokaryotic 12-meric Dps proteins. These three Ferritin types are similar, but also possess unique properties that distinguish them and enable then to achieve their specific physiological purposes. General significance: A wide range of biological functions have evolved from a relatively simple structural unit.
Bacteria commonly utilise a unique type of transporter, called Feo, to specifically acquire the ferrous (Fe2+) form of iron from their environment. Enterobacterial Feo systems are composed of three proteins: FeoA, a small, soluble SH3-domain protein probably located in the cytosol; FeoB, a large protein with a cytosolic N-terminal G-protein domain and a C-terminal integral inner-membrane domain containing two 'Gate' motifs which likely functions as the Fe2+ permease; and FeoC, a small protein apparently functioning as an [Fe-S]-dependent transcriptional repressor. We provide a review of the current literature combined with a bioinformatic assessment of bacterial Feo systems showing how they exhibit common features, as well as differences in organisation and composition which probably reflect variations in mechanisms employed and function.