964 resultados para ionic and nonionic micelles


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In this study, variational principle is used for dynamic modeling of an Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) flapping wing. The IPMC is an Electro-active Polymer (EAP) which is emerging as a useful smart material for `artificial muscle' applications. Dynamic characteristics of IPMC flapping wings having the same size as the actual wings of three different dragonfly species Aeshna Multicolor, Anax Parthenope Julius and Sympetrum Frequens are analyzed using numerical simulations. An unsteady aerodynamic model is used to obtain the aerodynamic forces. A comparative study of the performances of three IPMC flapping wings is conducted. Among the three species, it is found that thrust force produced by the IPMC flapping wing of the same size as Anax Parthenope Julius wing is maximum. Lift force produced by the IPMC wing of the same size as Sympetrum Frequens wing is maximum and the wing is suitable for low speed flight. The numerical results in this paper show that dragonfly inspired IPMC flapping wings are a viable contender for insect scale flapping wing micro air vehicles.


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Pyridinium hexafluorostannate, (C5H5NH)2SnF6, has been prepared by the reaction of stannous chloride or tin metal with pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride), PPHF, and identified by chemical analysis, IR and NMR (H-1, F-19, C-13). Making use of (C5H5NH)2SnF6 as a precursor, the following important hexafluorostannate salts have been synthesized in high yields at room temperature by ionic exchange: M2SnF6 (M = NH4, Na, K, Rb, Cs) and BaSnF6. These salts have been characterised by chemical analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Indexed powder X-ray diffraction data for Na2SnF6, Rb2SnF6 and Cs2SnF6 have been reported.


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Barium metazirconate (BaZrO3) fine powder has been produced by thermally decomposing a molecular precursor, barium bis(citrato)oxozirconate(IV) tetrahydrate at about 700-degrees-C. The precursor, Ba[ZrO(C6H6O7)2] . 4H2O (BZO) has been synthesized and characterized by employing a combination of spectroscopic and thermoanalytical techniques. The precursor undergoes thermal decomposition in three major stages: (i) dehydration to give an anhydrous barium zirconyl citrate, (ii) decomposition of the anhydrous citrate in a multistep process to form an ionic oxycarbonate intermediate, Ba2Zr2O5CO3, and (iii) decomposition of the oxycarbonate to produce BaZrO3 fine powder. The particle size of the resultant BaZrO3 is about 0.2 mum, and the surface area is found to be 4.0 m2 g-1.


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Soluble chromatin was prepared from rat testes after a brief micrococcal nuclease digestion. After adsorption onto hydroxylapatite at low ionic strength, the histone Hl subtypes were eluted with a shallow salt gradient of 0.3 M NaCl to 0.7 M NaCl. Histone Hlt was eluted at 0.4 MNaCl, while histones H1a and Hlc were eluted at 0.43 M NaCl and 0.45 M respectively. The extreme divergence of the amino acid sequence of the C-terminal half of histone Hlt, the major DNA binding domain of histone Hl, from that of the somatic consensus sequence may contribute to the weaker interaction of histone Hlt with the rat testis chromatin. Further, histone Hlt was not phosphorylated in vivo in contrast to histone Hla and Hlc, as is evident from the observation that histone Hlt lacks the SPKK motif recognized by the CDC-2kinase or the RR/KXS motif recognized by protein kinase A.