970 resultados para interval of inseminations
RESUMO: O teste de condutividade elétrica é um teste de vigor de sementes utilizado para avaliar a qualidade das sementes e complementar o teste de germinação. O tamanho da amostra necessária para a estimação da média de condutividade elétrica de sementes é diretamente proporcional à variabilidade dos dados e confiabilidade desejada na estimativa. Uma técnica adequada para dimensionamento amostral é a utilização de intervalos de confiança, obtidos por reamostragem. Essa técnica tem a vantagem de não depender da distribuição de probabilidade dos dados. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar o tamanho de amostra necessário para o teste de condutividade elétrica individual em sementes de girassol. Foram utilizadas sete lotes de sementes de girassol, sendo três lotes da cultivar Hélio 250 (A, B e C), dois lotes da cultivar BRS 323 (D e E) e dois lotes da cultivar BRS 324 (F e G). O teste de condutividade elétrica individual foi realizado com 400 sementes de cada lote e o tamanho de amostra foi determinado pelo número de sementes a partir do qual a amplitude do intervalo de confiança de 95% (AIC95%) foi menor ou igual a 10, 15 e 20% da estimativa da média. Tempos de embebição de vinte e quatro hora possibilitam utilizar os menores tamanhos de amostras. O tamanho de amostra de 257 sementes é recomendado para a amplitude do intervalo de confiança de 95% igual a 20% da estimativa da média. ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to estimate the sample size required for the individual electrical conductivity test in sunflower seeds. The sample size of 257 seeds is recommended for the amplitude of the 95% confidence interval of 20% of the mean estimate.
ANTECEDENTES: El trastorno disfórico premenstrual (TDPM) es una afección en la cual la mujer que lo padece puede volverse lo suficientemente incapacitante para desempeñarse en su vida normal. Se basa en una combinación de síntomas somáticos y psíquicos que se presentan durante la fase lútea de la menstruación, afectando entre un 3 a un 8 % de las mujeres jóvenes iniciando en la adolescencia. (3)(18) OBJETIVO GENERAL: Determinar la Prevalencia y Factores asociados al Trastorno Disfórico Premenstrual en estudiantes del Colegio Manuela Garaicoa de Calderón, Cuenca 2015. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó un estudio de tipo transversal. Área de estudio: Colegio Manuela Garaicoa de Calderón. Universo: 1703 estudiantes. Muestra: 440 estudiantes que se obtuvieron mediante el programa Epi Info 7, con un intervalo de confianza de 95%, con una frecuencia esperada más 3%, límite de confianza 5%, efectos del diseño 1%. La selección de la muestra se obtuvo del programa Epidat 3.1 mediante muestreo simple aleatorio. Para obtener los datos se aplicó una encuesta basada en los criterios del DSM V y sobre factores asociados. La tabulación de los datos se realizó en el programa SPSS versión 15.0. Para el análisis se utilizó frecuencias, porcentajes, razón de prevalencia, Índice de confianza al 95% y valor de p para determinar asociación estadística. Se elaboraron tablas de acuerdo a los objetivos, utilizando el programa Microsoft Excel 2010. RESULTADOS: Basado en los criterios del DSM V la prevalencia de Trastorno Disfórico Premenstrual encontrada fue de 8.41%. De los factores asociados estudiados se encontró que la herencia fue un factor de riesgo con una RP: 4.76 Valor de p: 0.02, la cual fue valorada subjetivamente. CONCLUSIONES: Las adolescentes con mayor riesgo de presentar TDPM en el colegio Manuela Garaicoa de Calderón son aquellas estudiantes que tienen relación en cuanto a herencia.
Steam injection is the most used method of additional recovery for the extraction of heavy oil. In this type procedure is common to happen gravitational segregation and this phenomenon can affect the production of oil and therefore, it shoulds be considered in the projects of continuous steam injection. For many years, the gravitational segregation was not adequately considered in the calculation procedures in Reservoir Engineering. The effect of the gravity causes the segregation of fluids inside the porous media according to their densities. The results of simulation arising from reservoirs could provide the ability to deal with the gravity, and it became apparent that the effects of the gravity could significantly affect the performance of the reservoir. It know that the gravitational segregation can happen in almost every case where there is injection of light fluid, specially the steam, and occurs with greater intensity for viscous oil reservoirs. This work discusses the influence of some parameters of the rock-reservoir in segregation as viscosity, permeability, thickness, cover gas, porosity. From a model that shows the phenomenon with greater intensity, optimized some operational parameters as the rate flow rate steam, distance between the wells injector-producer, and interval of completion which contributed to the reduction in gravity override, thus increasing the oil recovery. It was shown a greater technical-economic viability for the model of distance between the wells 100 m. The analysis was performed using the simulator of CMG (Computer Modeling Group-Stars 2007.11, in which was observed by iterating between studied variables in heavy oil reservoirs with similar characteristics to Brazilian Northeast
Introducción: La hiponatremia es un trastorno electrolítico frecuente entre pacientes adultos mayores hospitalizados, además es un factor pronóstico para su hospitalización. Varios estudios afirman que aumenta la morbimortalidad. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de la hiponatremia y los factores asociados a la hiponatremia en los adultos mayores hospitalizados en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso de Cuenca, en el año 2014. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio analítico transversal que permitió identificar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la hiponatremia. Para ello se revisaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes de las áreas de clínica, cirugía y emergencia. Partiendo de un universo de 2089 historias clínicas, calculando la muestra con una prevalencia no conocida, un intervalo de confianza del 95% y una precisión del 5 %, obteniendo un total de 325 pacientes. Resultados: Se trabajó con 325 adultos mayores, siendo el grupo de edad del Adulto Mayor Joven el más frecuente (43,7%) de los cuales el 52,6 % pertenece al sexo femenino, además la mayoría de pacientes se encontraban en Clínica (77%). La prevalencia de la hiponatremia fue del 31%. La insuficiencia cardiaca, es el factor que se asoció con una probabilidad de 2,4 de padecer hiponatremia. Los fármacos antiarritmicos, se relacionan estadísticamente pues aumentan la probabilidad en 4,8 veces de padecer hiponatremia, seguidos por los antidepresivos que aumentan 3,2 veces. Conclusiones: la hiponatremia en los adultos mayores hospitalizados fue 31%, además la insuficiencia cardiaca y la dosificación de fármacos antiarrítmicos y antidepresivos se asocian a un mayor riesgo de padecerla
Female hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) nesting along the southeastcoastline of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil (6º13'40"S, 35º03'05"W) were captured and weighed during the four months from January to April 2007, in the course of the annual egglaying season, which extended from 06 rd November 2006 to 30 rd May 2007. In all, 99 weight measurements were performed. On first contact the females exhibited an average post-oviposition weight of 79.1 kg (range 56.2-98.9 kg, SD = 10.9 kg, n = 44 females). Those individuals which were subsequently recaptured showed a mean weight loss of 1.7 kg (range 0.7-4.5 kg, SD = 1.0 kg, n = 39 sets of measurements on 20 females) in the interval between two consecutive post-ovipositions, separated by a maximum time interval of 17 days. In the cases where the female aborted the nesting process, the pre-oviposition weight was measured. The clutch weight, that is to say, the weight loss between consecutive pre-oviposition and post-oviposition measurements (separated by a maximum time interval of 3 days), was found to be 5.2 kg (range 4.3-6.0 kg, SD = 0.9 kg, n = 6 sets of measurements). This value is significantly higher (t-test, p<0.001) than the loss between two consecutive post-oviposition measurements with the same female. The mean recovery in body weight, that is to say, the average gain in weight between successive post-oviposition and pre-oviposition captures of the same individual (separated by a time interval of 12 to 17 days), was found to be 3.0 kg (range 1.9-4.3 kg, SD = 1.0 kg, n = 4 sets of measurements) Although the small sample size makes it unwise to generalise, the recovery in body weight was found to be always significantly lower (t-test, p<0.005) than the clutch weight. This fact is in agreement with the observed weight loss tendency throughout the breeding season for this species. Considering the clutch weight and the internidal recovery in body weight we found that the total weight loss of the adult hawksbill females after three to five nesting events varied from 10.4% (range 8.7-11.9%, SD = 1.6%, n = 3) to 14.1% (range 11.8-15.4%, SD = 1.3%, n = 6) in relation to their initial pre-oviposition weight. If there were no body weight recovery during the internesting interval we estimate that a female that nests three to five times in the course of the season would lose from 19% to 31% of its initial weight. We emphasise that our clutch weight estimate was performed by weighing the females and not by multiplying the number of eggs in the nest by their average unit weight. In this way, our measurements take into account the loss of liquid during the oviposition. Despite the unequivocal evidence of body weight recovery during the internidal interval, it is not clear if the cause of this process is rehydration or feeding
·AIM: To determine the repeatability and agreement of stereoacuity measurements made using some of the most widely used clinical tests: Frisby, TNO, Randot and Titmus. ·METHODS: Stereoacuity was measured in two different sessions separated by a time interval of at least 24h but no longer than 1wk in 74 subjects of mean age 20.6y using the four methods. The study participants were divided into two groups: subjects with normal binocular vision and subjects with abnormal binocular vision. ·RESULTS: Best repeatability was shown by the Frisby and Titmus [coefficient of repeatability (COR): 依13 and 依12s arc respectively] in the subjects with normal binocular vision though a clear ceiling effect was noted. In the subjects with abnormal binocular vision, best repeatability was shown by the Frisby (COR: 依69s arc) and Randot (COR: 依72s arc). In both groups, the TNO test showed poorest agreement with the other tests. ·CONCLUSION: Therepeatabilityof stereoacuitymeasures was low in subjects with poor binocular vision yet fairly good in subjects with normal binocular vision with the exception of the TNO test. The reduced agreement detected between the tests indicates they cannot be used interchangeably.
Trabalho Complementar apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Ciências da Nutrição
La prevalencia de sintomatología osteomuscular en los trabajadores va en aumento. La influencia de factores propios de la labor como la postura, los movimientos repetitivos, el tipo de remuneración y los factores sociodemográficos como la edad, el sexo y el índice de masa corporal pueden influir en la aparición temprana de sintomatología osteomuscular. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de sintomatología musculoesquelética en trabajadores de una empresa Outsourcing operativa en la ciudad de Bogotá Colombia en el año 2016. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal para la estimación de la prevalencia de sintomatología musculoesquelética para lo cual se utilizó una fuente de datos secundaria de 323 trabajadores de una empresa Outsourcing operativa. Se tuvieron en cuenta las variables sociodemográficas y laborales. El análisis descriptivo incluyó el cálculo de la media y los porcentajes. El análisis comparativo se realizó por medio del Test Chi² con una significancia estadística p <0.05 para un intervalo de confianza del 95%. Por último se realizó un análisis de regresión logístico. Resultados: Del total de la población estudiada, la cual fue de 323 personas, el 55.4% de los trabajadores corresponde al sexo femenino y el 44.6% corresponde al sexo masculino. El promedio de edad fue de 30.34 años. El tiempo en el cargo que presentó mayor prevalencia fue entre 13 a 60 meses con un porcentaje de 60,7%. Para el estudio se incluyó la variable de tipo de remuneración con un porcentaje de 58.2% de pago por salario mínimo legal mensual vigente (SMLMV), mientras que el 41.8% de la población recibió pago por destajo. La prevalencia de sintomatología por segmentos en la población fue de 17.3% para espalda baja, el 12,1% para mano y muñeca, el 10.2% para piernas, el 7.7% para espalda alta, el 7,4% para cuello, el 7,1% para hombro, el 6.2% para brazos y antebrazos y el 2,5% para dedos. Se aplicó un modelo de regresión logístico, analizando variables de confusión e interacción, estas últimas no aportaron al modelo. Con la variable tipo de remuneración, se encontró una asociación estadística significativa (P= 0.005) con la sintomatología. Para las demás variables sociodemográficas y extra-laborales no se obtuvieron resultados estadísticamente significativos Conclusión: Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos en el estudio se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la sintomatología de los segmentos cuello y manos con la variable sociodemográfica (sexo) y la variable laboral (tipo de remuneración: Destajo). Para las demás variables no se encontró asociación. Se sugiere realizar programas de vigilancia epidemiológica para hacerle seguimiento a esta población y que permitan la prevención de enfermedades de origen laboral.
O objetivo deste estudo longitudinal é testar numa amostra da comunidade, a contribuição da dor psicológica para o risco suicidário, avaliando o seu impacto na ideação suicida, importante sinalizador do risco. Os dados foram recolhidos em dois momentos com um intervalo de três meses. Participaram 218 adultos, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 65 anos, que responderam ao Brief Symptom Inventory, à Psychache Scale, ao Questionário de Ideação Suicida e a um Questionário Sociodemográfico e Clínico. De acordo com os resultados, a dor psicológica previu variações na ideação suicida ao longo de três meses, avaliada numa população de baixo risco, explicando uma parte da variação desta, mesmo quando se controlou estatisticamente o efeito do distress. Os resultados reforçam a ideia de que a ideação suicida não é um fenómeno exclusivamente associado à perturbação e mostram a relevância da dor psicológica enquanto importante fator de risco suicidário; ABSTRACT: “Psychache and suicidal risk: a longitudinal study in a community sample” The aim of this longitudinal study is to test a community sample, the contribution of psychological pain for suicidality risk, assessing its impact on suicidal ideation, an important risk factor. Data were collected at two different times with an interval of three months. A final sample of 218 participants, aged between 18 and 65 years, responded to the Brief Symptom Inventory, the Psychache Scale, the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire and a socio-demographic and clinical questionnaire. According to the results, the psychological pain predicted variations in suicide ideation over three months evaluated in a low-risk sample, explaining a part of this variation, even when distress were statistically controlled. The results reinforce the idea that suicide ideation is not exclusively a phenomenon associated with perturbation and show the relevance of psychological pain as an important risk factor for suicide.
Pesticides applications have been described by many researches as a very inefficient process. In some cases, there are reports that only 0.02% of the applied products are used for the effective control of the problem. The main factor that influences pesticides applications is the droplet size formed on spraying nozzles. Many parameters affects the dynamic of the droplets, like wind, temperature, relative humidity, and others. Small droplets are biologically more active, but they are affected by evaporation and drift. On the other hand, the great droplets do not promote a good distribution of the product on the target. In this sense, associated with the risk of non target areas contamination and with the high costs involved in applications, the knowledge of the droplet size is of fundamental importance in the application technology. When sophisticated technology for droplets analysis is unavailable, is common the use of artificial targets like water-sensitive paper to sample droplets. On field sampling, water-sensitive papers are placed on the trials where product will be applied. When droplets impinging on it, the yellow surface of this paper will be stained dark blue, making easy their recognition. Collected droplets on this papers have different kinds of sizes. In this sense, the determination of the droplet size distribution gives a mass distribution of the material and so, the efficience of the application of the product. The stains produced by droplets shows a spread factor proportional to their respectives initial sizes. One of methodologies to analyse the droplets is a counting and measure of the droplets made in microscope. The Porton N-G12 graticule, that shows equaly spaces class intervals on geometric progression of square 2, are coulpled to the lens of the microscope. The droplet size parameters frequently used are the Volumetric Median Diameter (VMD) and the Numeric Median Diameter. On VMD value, a representative droplets sample is divided in two equal parts of volume, in such away one part contains droplets of sizes smaller than VMD and the other part contains droplets of sizes greater that VMD. The same process is done to obtaining the NMD, which divide the sample in two equal parts in relation to the droplets size. The ratio between VMD and NMD allows the droplets uniformity evaluation. After that, the graphics of accumulated probability of the volume and size droplets are plotted on log scale paper (accumulated probability versus median diameter of each size class). The graphics provides the NMD on the x-axes point corresponding to the value of 50% founded on the y-axes. All this process is very slow and subjected to operator error. So, in order to decrease the difficulty envolved with droplets measuring it was developed a numeric model, implemented on easy and accessfull computational language, which allows approximate VMD and NMD values, with good precision. The inputs to this model are the frequences of the droplets sizes colected on the water-sensitive paper, observed on the Porton N-G12 graticule fitted on microscope. With these data, the accumulated distribution of the droplet medium volumes and sizes are evaluated. The graphics obtained by plotting this distributions allow to obtain the VMD and NMD using linear interpolation, seen that on the middle of the distributions the shape of the curves are linear. These values are essential to evaluate the uniformity of droplets and to estimate the volume deposited on the observed paper by the density (droplets/cm2). This methodology to estimate the droplets volume was developed by Project of the CNPMA/EMBRAPA. Observed data of herbicides aerial spraying samples, realized by Project on Pelotas/RS county, were used to compare values obtained manual graphic method and with those obtained by model has shown, with great precision, the values of VMD and NMD on each sampled collector, allowing to estimate a quantities of deposited product and, by consequence, the quantities losses by drifty. The graphics of variability of VMD and NMD showed that the quantity of droplets that reachs the collectors had a short dispersion, while the deposited volume shows a great interval of variation, probably because the strong action of air turbulence on the droplets distribution, enfasizing the necessity of a deeper study to verify this influences on drift.