984 resultados para institutional ownership


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This paper introduces "adaptive institutional transference" (AIT) and describes how it develops in some clients in response to psychotherapist transfer in psychology training clinics. Individuals with borderline personality disorder are especially likely to develop AIT because of difficulties related to abandonment depression. Directors, supervisors, and student psychotherapists in psychology training clinics should be aware of these dynamics because they have important treatment implications, which are described. Limitations and ideas for future exploratory and qualitative research are also discussed .


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Esta tese tem como objetivo verificar as similaridades e diferenças nas práticas de Gestão De Recursos Humanos (GRH) adotadas em empresas inseridas em diferentes tipos de Ambientes Institucionais e suas relações com a percepção dos Resultados Organizacionais. Para isso, adotou-se como premissas: (i) as forças institucionais advindas do Ambiente Institucional brasileiro fazem com que as práticas de GRH das empresas que operam neste contexto tendam a convergir apresentando similaridades e que, concomitantemente, (ii) as forças oriundas das pressões do Ambiente Institucional dos países de origem das empresas fazem com que as práticas de GRH tendam a divergir das práticas locais, apresentando diferenças. Buscou-se embasamento em três teorias: a teorias da Variedades de Capitalismo; a Teoria do Sistema Nacional de Negócios e a tipologia de Economia de Mercado Hierárquico operante na América Latina, Brasil. De natureza positivista, este estudo descritivo e de abordagem contextualista contou com uma população de aproximadamente 22.052 organizações e amostra de 326 empresas. Realizou-se uma survey e fez-se uso de técnicas descritivas e de modelagem de equações estruturais no tratamento e na análise dos dados coletados. Constatou-se que, em geral, há mais similaridades do que diferenças nas práticas de GRH das empresas que operam no Brasil, indo ao encontro da premissa (i). Validou-se que o Ambiente Institucional afeta a GRH no Brasil e esta influencia na percepção dos Resultados Organizacionais das empresas, tanto as com sedes corporativas localizadas no Brasil quanto as com sede em países com economia de mercado liberal. Entretanto, a GRH não demonstrou ser influente nas organizações com sede corporativa localizadas em países de economia coordenada. Comprovou-se que a GRH faz a mediação da relação entre o Ambiente Institucional e os Resultados Organizacionais. Como contribuições, aos práticos destaca-se a reflexão sobre a forma como a GRH concebe suas práticas, quais os limites do papel da área e seu favorecimento à competitividade das empresas. Para a Rede Cranet e acadêmicos, somam-se as evidências sobre o Brasil e seu Ambiente Institucional, ainda pouco explorado. Acredita-se, também, que as análises contribuem para a tomada de decisões dos líderes empresariais ao envolver a relação ambiente e empresa. A contribuição social desta tese situa-se na possibilidade de seu uso em discussões sobre Políticas Públicas referentes a emprego, trabalho, renda, economia e educação.


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[Introduction.] Over the last two years, not only inside but also outside the framework of the EU treaties, far reaching measures have been taken at the highest political level in order to address the financial and economic crisis in Europe and in particular the sovereign debt crisis in the Euro area. This has triggered debates forecasting the “renationalisation of European politics.” Herman Van Rompuy, the President of the European Council, countered the prediction that Europe is doomed because of such a renationalisation: “If national politics have a prominent place in our Union, why would this not strengthen it?” He took the view that not a renationalisation of European politics was at stake, but an Europeanization of national politics emphasising that post war Europe was never developed in contradiction with nation states.1 Indeed, the European project is based on a mobilisation of bundled, national forces which are of vital importance to a democratically structured and robust Union that is capable of acting in a globalised world. To that end, the Treaty of Lisbon created a legal basis. The new legal framework redefines the balance between the Union institutions and confirms the central role of the Community method in the EU legislative and judiciary process. This contribution critically discusses the development of the EU's institutional balance after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, with a particular emphasis on the use of the Community Method and the current interplay between national constitutional courts and the Court of Justice. This interplay has to date been characterised by suspicion and mistrust, rather than by a genuine dialogue between the pertinent judicial actors.


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With the introduction of the Treaty of Lisbon came the possibility for Member States to launch an initiative under the Ordinary Legislative Procedure. This came into being as the scope of co-decision was expanded to cover the more sensitive issues of the third pillar (such as judicial cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation). It was considered necessary that Member States have a shared right of initiative with the European Commission. One case in which the right of initiative was invoked was the Initiative for a European Protection Order (EPO). This dossier is one of the first and few cases in which the Member States’ Initiative after the Treaty of Lisbon was used. It resulted in a turf war between the Presidency and the Commission regarding the scope of the Member States’ Initiatives. This article looks into the Member States’ Initiative as it was introduced after the Treaty of Lisbon and the debate that took place on the EPO.


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he principle of subsidiarity refers in general to the choice of the most suitable and efficient level for taking policy action. The European Union associates subsidiarity with the way of taking decisions ‘as closely as possible to the citizen’, as it is referred to in the EU treaties. Thus, ensuring the respect of subsidiarity within the EU legislative framework ensures that any EU action is justified when proposing draft legislative acts. The Lisbon Treaty establishes new mechanisms reinforcing subsidiarity control, both ex ante and ex post the EU legislative process, and by doing so, enhances mainly the role of the national parliaments (and to a lesser extent the regional parliaments) and the Committee of the Regions. But in the end, this is a way of ensuring legitimacy of the EU action as it is quite often questioned, especially in times of crisis. Years of practice will tell whether the words will join reality.