1000 resultados para innovative drugs in Brazil
Fatal Human herpesvirus 1 (HHV-1) was diagnosed in 12 captive marmosets (Callithrix jacchus and Callithrix penicillata) from metropolitan region of São Paulo, São Paulo State. Clinical signs were variable among the cases, but most affected marmosets presented signs associated with viral epithelial replication: oral, lingual and facial skin ulcers and hypersalivation, and viral replication in the central nervous system: prostration, seizure and aggressive behavior. Consistent microscopic findings were diffuse mild to severe nonsuppurative necrotizing meningoencephalitis with gliosis, vasculitis and neuronal necrosis. Additionally, in the brain, oral cavity, skin, adrenal gland and myoenteric plexus intranuclear inclusion bodies were present. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the presence of the HHV-1 antigen in association with lesions in the brain, oral and lingual mucosa, facial skin, adrenal gland and myoenteric plexus. HHV-1-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the brain was carried out and the virus was detected in 7/8 infected marmosets. It is concluded that HHV-1 causes widespread fatal infection in marmosets.
The purpose of this study was to report the first recovery and characterization of Leptospira interrogans (serogroup Australis) from urine of swine in Brazil. The isolate was studied by serogrouping, MLVA, PGFE, and partial sequencing of rrs and secY. It was serogrouped as serogroup Australis, probably serovar Bratislava (titre 1,600), and sequenced as Leptospira interrogans. The MLVA and PGFE profiles also suggested the isolate as serovar Bratislava, since they were indistinguishable from reference strains Balico and Jez Bratislava. This is the first Leptospira interrogans serogroup Australis isolate, probably serovar Bratislava, obtained in Brazil.
Abstract: Dermatosparaxis is an autosomal recessive disorder of connective tissue; the disorder is clinically characterized by skin fragility and hyperextensibility. Dermatosparaxis in White Dorper sheep is caused by a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (c.421G>T) in the ADAM metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 2 (ADAMTS2) gene. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of this SNP in a White Dorper herd in São Paulo state, Brazil. In this study, we collected blood DNA samples from 303 White Dorper sheep and performed polymerase chain reaction to amplify the SNP region. The samples were sequenced to determine the presence of the SNP in the ADAMTS2 gene. The SNP prevalence in the studied population was 15.5%; this finding indicates that more effective control measures should be used to prevent the inheritance of SNP c.421G>T in the ADAMTS2 gene in Brazilian White Dorper herds.
The objective of this work was to determine the coefficients of sorption and desorption of picloram in Ultisol (PVA) and Oxisol (LVA), displaying different physical and chemical characteristics. Samples of soil were collected at the 0 20 cm depth in degraded pasture areas in Viçosa-MG. Firstly, the equilibrium time between the herbicide in solution and the herbicide which was sorbed in the soil was determined by the Batch Equilibrium method. The time required was 24 hours. Sorption and desorption studies were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions; the sorption evaluation consisted in adding 10.0 mL of herbicide solutions at different concentrations to tubes containing 2.00 g of soil, with vertical rotary agitation being maintained during the pre-determined equilibrium time. After centrifugation, supernatant extract cleaning and filtration, herbicide concentration was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection at 254 nm. Desorption was evaluated using the samples in the tubes after the sorption tests. The Freundlich model was used for interpretation of the sorption process. Ultisol showed higher adsorption coefficient (Kf a) compared with Oxisol, which may be attributed to the lower pH of the soil and its higher organic matter content. Desorption process occurred in both soils; the LVA allowed greater release of the previously sorbed molecules.
Begomoviruses are whitefly-transmitted, single-stranded DNA viruses that are often associated with weed plants. The aim of this study was to further characterize the diversity of begomoviruses infecting weeds (mostly Sida spp.) in Brazil. Total DNA was extracted from weed samples collected in Viçosa (Minas Gerais state) and in some municipalities of Alagoas state in 2009 and 2010. Viral genomes were amplified by RCA, cloned and sequenced. A total of 26 DNA-A clones were obtained. Sequence analysis indicated the presence of 10 begomoviruses. All viral isolates from Blainvillea rhomboidea belonged to the same species, Blainvillea yellow spot virus (BlYSV ), thereby suggesting that BlYSV may be the only begomovirus present in this weed species. Four isolates represent new species, for which the following names are proposed: Sida yellow blotch virus (SiYBV), Sida yellow net virus (SiYNV), Sida mottle Alagoas virus (SiMoAV) and Sida yellow mosaic Alagoas virus (SiYMAV). Recombination events were detected among the SiYBV isolates and in the SiYNV isolate. These results constitute further evidence of the high species diversity of begomoviruses in Sida spp. However, the role of this weed species as a source of begomoviruses infecting crop plants remains to be determined.
In agricultural production systems where the glyphosate-resistant soybean crop (Glycine max) is grown and the practice of crop rotation with alternative herbicides is not adopted, the exclusive and continuous use of glyphosate has led to the occurrence of resistant weed populations that may limit or compromise the benefits of this technology. Thus, the efficacy of weed management programs, including the use of residual herbicides (sulfentrazone, flumioxazin, imazethapyr, diclosulan, chlorimuron and s-metolachlor) applied in preemergence and followed by in-crop postemergence applications of glyphosate (PRE-POST) were compared to glyphosate postemergence only programs - POST. The study was conducted across nine locations during the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 growing seasons. PRE-POST programs were efficient in the control of Amaranthus viridis, Brachiaria plantaginea, Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis, Eleusine indica, Euphorbia heterophylla and Raphanus raphanistrum, with the level of control being similar when comparing the program with two applications of glyphosate POST. Some PRE-POST programs were not efficient in controlling Cenchrus echinatus, Ipomoea hederifolia and Ipomoea triloba. Sulfentrazone and diclosulam PRE-POST programs improved the control of Ipomoea triloba compared to sequential applications of glyphosate alone. No significant differences in soybean yield were observed between any of the herbicide treatments or study locations. The use of residual herbicides in preemergence followed by glyphosate in-crop postemergence provides consistent weed control and reducing early season weed competition. Furthermore, these programs utilize at least two herbicide modes of action for herbicide use diversity, which will be needed to stay ahead of resistance build-up, regardless of when weeds may appear.
When in competition with cotton, Amaranthus retroflexus can cause high yield losses. Due to the limited availability of selective herbicides registered for post emergence control of this weed, the same herbicides have been used repeated times over the last few years, which may have selected resistant biotypes. Biotypes of A. retroflexus collected from the main areas of cotton cultivation in Brazil were submitted to dose-response trials, by applying the herbicides trifloxysulfuron-sodium and pyrithiobac-sodium in doses equivalent to 0, ¼, ½, 1, 2 and 4 times the recommended rates. Resistance to ALS inhibitors was confirmed in biotypes of A. retroflexus. Biotype MS 2 from Mato Grosso do Sul, was cross-resistant to both trifloxysulfuron-sodium and pyrithiobac-sodium, while biotype MS 1 was resistant to trifloxysulfuron-sodium only. Likewise, singular and cross resistance was also confirmed in biotypes from Goiás (GO 3, GO 4 and GO 6), in relation to trifloxysulfuronsodium and pyrithiobac-sodium. One biotype from Mato Grosso (MT 13) was not resistant to any of the ALS inhibitors evaluated in this work.
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Halimeda is a genus of calcified coenocytic green algae with a well known ecological importance in some tropical areas. Bleached calcified segments of Halimeda may accumulate in large deposits of economic potential as is the case in the northeastern coast of Brazil. In a survey of the genus in Brazil based on recent collections and examination of abundant material deposited on Brazilian herbaria we identified seven species: Halimeda cuneata Hering, H. discoidea Decaisne, H. gracilis Harvey ex J. Agardh, H. incrassata (Ellis) Lamouroux, H. opuntia (Linnaeus) Lamouroux, H. simulans Howe and H. tuna (Ellis & Solander) Lamouroux. These species are described in detail, with emphasis on diagnostic characters. Our study has shown that the shape and size of the utricula in surface view, under scanning electron microscopy, can be utilized to discriminate some species. Fertile specimens of Halimeda cuneata and H. discoidea are reported for the first time in the region. Data on vertical and geographical distribution are presented for each species and the southern limit of the genus in the western Atlantic was extended.
This paper overviews the special issue of the Brazilian Journal of Botany dedicated to "Rock outcrop vegetation in Brazil". The main topics covered by this issue are phytogeography and vegetation ecology, plant life on shallow soils, plant reproduction and auto-ecology, morpho-physiology and plant adaptation, and finally conservation and global change. This collection of studies, in addition to other recent publications on Brazilian rocky outcrop vegetation, show that measurements of most of the relevant ecological and evolutionary parameters are under way and that scientific attention is now given to most Brazilian regions. However, there are still several gaps to be bridged: 1) inselbergs and high mountains in the Amazon and the Brazilian northeast, in particular, are still largely unknown to science; 2) long-term studies are almost totally unavailable, which hinders global change monitoring and assessment; 3) national and international networking are urgently needed to speed up scientific production about such habitats.
The high species richness and diversity found in tropical montane habitats are often related to: 1) an effect of climatic and geological history on biotic evolution; 2) the various environmental impacts on species adaptation mechanisms; and 3) the continuous dispersal of fauna and flora in time. However, little is known about how these factors shaped species richness in Brazilian mountains. Official documents on biodiversity in Brazil make no explicit reference to mountains, even though there is a mountain work programme of the Convention on Biological Diversity, which Brazil is a signatory of. This paper discusses the importance of mountain ecosystems in Brazil to show the urgent need to include mountain biodiversity in the national agenda of biodiversity research and conservation.
This study aimed to evaluate species level taxonomy and phylogenetic relationship among Thorea species in Brazil and other regions of the world using two molecular markers - RUBISCO large subunit plastid gene (rbcL) and nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA). Three samples of Thorea from Brazil (states of Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo) and one sample from Dominican Republic (DR) were sequenced. Analyses based on partial sequences of rbcL (1,282 bp) and complete sequences of SSU (1,752 bp) were essentially congruent and revealed that Thoreales formed a distinct monophyletic clade, which had two major branches with high support, representing the genera Thorea and Nemalionopsis. Thorea clade had four main branches with high support for all analyses, each one representing the species: 1) T. gaudichaudii C. Agardh from Asia (Japan and Philippines) - this clade occurred only in the rbcL analyses; 2) T. violacea Bory from Asia (Japan) and North America (U.S.A. and DR); 3) T. hispida (Thore) Desvaux from Europe (England) and Asia (Japan); 4) a distinct group with the three Brazilian samples (sequence identity: rbcL 97.2%, 1,246 bp; SSU 96.0-98.1%, 1,699-1,720 bp). The Brazilian samples clearly formed a monophyletic clade based on both molecular markers and was interpreted as a separate species, for which we resurrected the name T. bachmannii Pujals. Morphological and molecular evidences indicate that the Thoreales is well-resolved at ordinal and generic levels. In contrast, Thorea species recognized by molecular data require additional characters (e.g. reproductive and chromosome numbers) to allow consistent and reliable taxonomic circumscription aiming at a world revision based on molecular and morphological evidences.
Aulonemia aristulata (Döll) McClure is a lignified bamboo species endemic to Brazil. This species occurs in southeastern forests and can reach high density at forest edges, dominating the understory of canopy-disturbed forest patches. The goal of this study was to describe the flowering period, floral biology, fruiting and seedling recruitment of A. aristulata in natural conditions in two areas located in a segment of the Atlantic Forest. Data on the morphology of the synflorescences and florets, timing and sequence of the anthesis events and floral visitors were recorded. Natural pollinators (open pollination or control) as well as spontaneous self-pollination were also checked. Pollen viability was estimated using the acetocarmine technique. Aulonemia aristulata is monocarpic (semelparous) with gregarious flowering. All culms in both studied areas blossomed and fruited between August and November 2007, dying subsequently between December 2007 and April 2008. Two types of synflorescences and flowers were observed: terminal with bisexual and protandric florets, with the anthesis lasting for 3-4 days; and axillary, with morphologically bisexual, but functionally female, florets and anthesis lasting for 3-4 days. The latter were also observed in the rhizome of plants whose aerial portion had been removed. The presence of axillary synflorescences with pistillate flowers is described here for the first time in Aulonemia species. Moreover, this is the first report of gynomonoecy in woody bamboo. Fruiting from bisexual florets under natural conditions (35%) was superior to that obtained from bagged synflorescences (11.5%). Fruiting from functional female florets was around 20%. Pollen viability was on the average of 90%. The results suggest that Aulonemia aristulata is anemophilous. The massive bamboo seedling recruitment observed after dieback with the ability to colonize open areas could promote the regeneration of Aulonemia aristulata.
Alien plants are known to occur in Brazil since the 18th century when African grasses started to be recorded in pastures near Rio de Janeiro. In the beginning of the 19th century two royal decrees (July, 1809 and July, 1810) offered grants and tax exemption to everyone who would introduce plants of economic value. Nowadays, there are 117 plant species recognized as invasive or established and with invasive potential in Brazil and an unknown number of introduced plant species. Some of the most pervasive invasive species are Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. and Hedychium coronarium König in tropical ombrophilous forest, Hovenia dulcis Thunb. in subtropical ombrophilous forest and subtropical semi-deciduous forest, Pinus taeda L. and Pinus elliottii Engelm. in subtropical ombrophilous forest and steppe, Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. in stepic-savanna, Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth in tropical and subtropical semi-deciduous forest, Melinis minutiflora P. Beauv. in the Brazilian savannas, and Eragrostis plana Nees in the steppe. The purpose of this article is to fill a knowledge gap on alien species that are invasive in Brazil and where they are invading by summarizing data obtained by joint efforts of the Hórus Institute for Environmental Conservation and Development, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) invasive species thematic network (I3N), and the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA) in the last six years.